Saturday, November 5, 2011

Schullers Say: "Let Us Eat Your Cake - Delivered by Our Limo Drivers"

"....They would appreciate meals over the next three to four weeks. They are to be sent to the church in order to be transported to Arvella [Schuller]. The limo drivers could pick up the dinners or meet in the Tower Lobby around 4:30 p.m." Email sent to Crystal Cathedral members this week requesting food donations for Robert and Arvella Schuller
It was reported today by the Orange County Register that leaders of the bankrupt Crystal Cathedral church distributed an email request to members that they deliver food to the church to help feed the ailing Robert and Arvella Schuller.

And here's the kicker: the food will be picked up by the "limo drivers" at the church, and then delivered directly to the Schuller home.

These people are millionaires, their children are quite wealthy also, and yet they are asking the church members to bring food to the church to feed the pastor. And they have the brazenness to declare that "limos" will transport the food.

We've gone all the way from "let them eat cake", to now "let us eat YOUR cake, delivered by the limos you're paying for".

Let's be real. This is probably a stunt to garner support for the pastor, to mobilize the peeps so they can feel good about themselves in performing acts of kindness for their spiritual guru. In all likelihood the Schullers won't be eating the food. No public figure in their right mind would consume food delivered by strangers to the church, then transported in "limos" to their home!

But it must feel good to know that you can just ask for food deliveries, and they will show up at your front door delivered by your limo driver!

As Mel Brooks once said, "It's good to be da king."


  1. Now that you have become a self-proclaimed evaluator of all preachers its good to see that you have branched out to California. I hope Europe is next.

  2. Thanks for the hat tip Anon, but I've already branched out to California and written about the Crystal Cathedral before.

  3. I read in the LA Times article that creditors of the church are also upset and wanting to head to court because the Schullers "borrowed" millions from an endowment fund to pay their salaries.
    Not all preachers are crooks, but these guys sure seem to enjoy fleecing the flock!

  4. WD
    Kid you not. I just sent out a tweet on this prior to viewing your post. As usual, the Dawg is on his toes!

  5. Dee - sometimes ideas for my articles come from readers that email me about something they saw on the news, or a sermon they heard their pastor preach, or even pastors who used to know the Caners pre 9/11. :)

  6. Anonymous said...
    "Not all preachers are crooks"

    Hmmm, do you really think so?

  7. anon 4:44...I think you know the answer, but if not, I'd be happy to introduce you to some Godly men who are not driven by money or power or limelight. Unfortunately, you'd have to travel outside the US to meet many of them....and curiously, none of them would be in "mega-churches"

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Now that you have become a self-proclaimed evaluator of all preachers its good to see that you have branched out to California. I hope Europe is next.


    Translation: Stop bursting my bubble about my preacher heros. I can't handle the truth or simple facts that go against my perception of them being soooo wonderful, soooo godly. Sniff, sniff.

    Dog, you and Dee do a great service exposing these guys, nevermind the nay sayers. Keep exposing and questioning the conduct of some of these blasphemers in the pulpits. To cause HIS name to stink, is to blaspheme as much as anything else.

    These last 3 characters in your posts are way over the top in their behaviour. I see no humility in any of Schuller, Robert 'Paycheck' Morris, or that sick little man with the video pen. Ughh.


  9. Anonymous said...
    Now that you have become a self-proclaimed evaluator of all preachers its good to see that you have branched out to California. I hope Europe is next.

    How about Egypt, where under Sharia law or (Muslim law) a man was recently given a three year sentence for speaking out against the cleric.

  10. What else is new? Another day in a megachurch.

  11. I always got a lot of encouragement from the "Hour of Power." Low on Scripture but high on love.

    I do not like the woman that is preaching now for Dr. Schuller.

    In fact, I don't like women preachers.

    Maybe that is why this whole thing is falling apart.

  12. Anonymous November 6, 2011 7:56 AM said “In fact, I don't like women preachers. Maybe that is why this whole thing is falling apart.”
    Because you’re a misogynist bigot? ? You might be claiming more credit than you deserve.

  13. Megachurch celebrity pastor, Mark Driscoll, announces his appearance on "The Hour of Power" at Schuller's Crystal Cathedral:

    Sometime afterwards, news stories report that the Crystal Cathedral declared bankruptcy, and the actual video of Driscoll's appearance appears to be scrubbed from the internet. Mere coincidence? Conspiracy?

  14. Sheila can't preach because she's a woman. She just can't preach period.

  15. I watched Mac Brunson and listened to his message closely about the need to build relationships this morning - Mr. Brunson, you are nothing but a hypocrite saying what you did as you applied non of what you spoke about when it came to the Rich family.

    In my eyes I have no respect for you - you are full of self!

  16. ""Translation: Stop bursting my bubble about my preacher heros. I can't handle the truth or simple facts that go against my perception of them being soooo wonderful, soooo godly. Sniff, sniff""

    You have nailed it! It is called idolatry.

  17. There is some rarified air up there in the mega church pastor stratosphere that keeps them from reality when times are tough. Maybe his limo driver could take him to get food stamps.

  18. Now that you have become a self-proclaimed evaluator of all preachers its good to see that you have branched out to California. I hope Europe is next.

    November 5, 2011 8:33 AM

    Yeah, like those incorrigable Bereans. or like John with Diotrephes. Yeah, it is a big sin to evaluate preachers. It is not a sin to drink their kool aid. (Sheesh)

  19. Looks like the Southern Baptist missed their opportunity

    "Catholics are buying bankrupt Crystal Cathedral megachurch "


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