Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ed Young the Performer: At His New Hispanic Church, He Mocks Complaining Christians by Crying Like a Baby

Check out the excerpt below of Ed Young preaching at his new satellite church in Midtown Miami. In this clip, Ed is making fun of immature Christians - you know, those pesky complainers - by mocking them, crying like a baby. It is hard to believe that anyone takes this man serious when he acts like such a boob. His arguments are not even logical.

It is sad to watch Ed's interpreter having to mimic Ed's antics. It is embarrassing to watch.

According to Ed Young's intro to the sermon from which this clip is taken, Fellowship Church is "partnering" with the oldest hispanic Baptist church in Miami - First Spanish Baptist Church of Miami, pastored by Art Salcedo - as one of Ed's new satellite churches.

The good news is, as you'll see in the video, there weren't many people in attendance. If this was my first view of Ed Young - I would be running for the exits. Maybe they did.

I must say this is a good marketing move by Young: Ed is trying to make in-roads to a new market, Hispanics in South Florida that might not have seen Brett Shipp's articles on Ed's lavish lifestyle, or have read the Watchdog blog.

So, to make sure we get the word out to Hispanics on preachers like Ed Young and others, I am starting a new Hispanic Watchdog blog, "FBC Jax Watchdog" translated into Spanish:

"Perro Guardian FBC Jax"


  1. I guess I just don't get it. What is the point of these types of sermons?

  2. Of course he had to start a satellite church in Miami. Just another excuse for Ed to "justify" buying an expensive condo in South Beach if ya ask me!

  3. I first heard this message about 10 years ago, and I am sure I have heard it no less than 5 more times, from Ed, since then. The first time I heard it, the crying was somewhat amusing. I get it, people get saved, and then never move out of being a new Christian. They just get born again, and then cease to pursue Christ.

    So I thought the message was interesting, and somewhat funny, until I kept hearing it, again and again. What I began to hear was the disdain in Ed's voice for those people who 'need' bible study, who need additional instruction, who need a walk with God enhanced and engaged by another, more mature person.

    I realized that Ed's brand of attraction marketing, quick hook, quick prayer, and monthly baptism, left so many people in the immature camp, and the church, and Ed, was unwilling to take precious resources away from the smoke and mirrors on the weekend. Ed was unwilling to let other outstanding mature Christ followers into an inner-circle (unless the Church hired them so Ed could control with employment and income). And Ed was unwilling to provide the kind of teaching, in small groups, that expands the new follower, and allows them to ask questions, and be guided in appropriate doctrine.

    Nope, Ed just wants to baptize them, and then throw them in the deep end. Sometimes that works, but most often it ends up in those people leaving the church, Ed says for selfish reasons, but we know, it's really Ed's selfishness. He is unwilling to be that kind of teacher, so he refuses to let any other person, staff or layperson, shine or build any kind of platform or following. He is really so very paranoid.

    And so now, he's paranoid in Spanish. La Cuenta por favor.

  4. Maybe the can get that guy who does all the spanish voice overs for leading male actors of major block busters to do voice overs for his sermons. Now they do not need that pastor anymore. They can pop the dvd in the player.

  5. Great comment, FormerFellow.

    I just watched the vid. I felt...like I was watching someone who has no peace with the Holy Spirit.

    I want to be careful and say that I don't know that to be the case. I'm not any sort of spiritual giant that has it all figured out. I'm just stating the feeling I had when I watched the vid. It creeped me out.

  6. Ed Young has his Spanish satellite church......perfect time to launch the Spanish Watchdog satellite blog ;)

  7. No wonder his congregation is crying Feed me! He's starving them.

  8. How are they supposed to show their maturity? By not criticizing Dear Leader? He's demonstrated his disgust with the babies. What kind of Christian does he admire? Besides the non-critical kind of course.

    For some reason this reminded me of movies that show drill sargeants breaking down their new recruits and turning them into soldiers who will follow their commanding officer. HEY! I think that's it! He wants them to lose all individuality, to care most about impressing HIM, to obey his commands w/o question (if you question, you'll be called a baby and what grown man wants that?)

    It's so clear to me now. He doesn't want your thoughts, your opinion, your intelligence. He has no respect for who you are. He wants your allegience!

  9. Funny that Ed's always talking about cry babies when he's the biggest whiner of them all.

    The bigger losers are those who CHOOSE to sit and subject themselves to it.

  10. The only thing I want to hear out of Ed's mouth is a final good-bye from his preaching and Por favor.... Lo Siento".

  11. So if he is making fun of others..

    and you are making fun of him..

    Aren't you both the same?

  12. That is so cultish. By Ed's logic, he would demand every man bring his wife and daughters to Ed to have sex (like David Koresh) and if they complain about it, they are whiners and need to be pushed aside. Or he could tell them they need to keep giving to Ed's ministry so he can live like a king here on earth, and if they question it, they need to leave. What is left is a bunch of cult followers who will go to Jonestown whenever Ed tells them to. Luckily he is not interested in that, and only wants their money and obedience to him.

  13. Discussing theological issues isn't his forte. (It is very apparent from his rant against Calvinism.) He doesn't want others to go deeper because he can't go deeper. Unfortunately, he has convinced lots of people that it is almost heretical to want to go have a deep understanding of scripture (outside of his few OT tithing scriptures).

    1. Bingo!!! The sad part is that Ed is not the only one in the SBC that cannot go deeper, there are many many who either cannot or are too lazy to properly proclaim the glory and grace of Jesus Christ

      Pastor Bill M

      Romans 5:1

  14. Wow, that was crazy.

    My favorite moment at FC was when Ed had a series called "Bod by God" and he had a kitchen on stage and he cooked healthy food and then gave out samples to the congregation like you would see on the Food Network cooking shows.

    A kid got one of the samples of a veggie sandwich and proceeded to throw up on the platform.

    Made me think that perhaps that God was speaking through that kid.

  15. You know watch I was in Toastmasters for awhile and there is so much a big difference between someone who is trying to set the tone and actually teach in contextualization from the Bible, discipling others, and one who is just being a masters of ceremonies. Just too many ministers want to give a speech and not teach. Teachers realize the conscience of the audience varies and adjust to the sensitivity or dullness of what the Spirit is leading them to be aware of. Face it Young likes to insult as many others tend to do and try to inflate their church as the place to be at. Who took the community out of unity? Are seminaries just afraid being supportive of what others may deem as liberal sides economics within the church? I believe many churches in America are so trapped in a version of capitalistic prosperity tithing nonsense that they have left sound doctrine and sensitivity for the poor altogether believing that somehow well "your poor because you don't tithe." NONSENSE Mal 3:10 is strictly to applied to the TEMPLE and Israel only. In Acts 2-5 people gave to who ever had a need and were sensitive to it. God bless you watchdog and keep it out of the ditch!

  16. I feel that the post and a lot of these comments take this message out of context and way too far to the extreme. (David Koresh? Really?)

    The aim is to challenge those in the church who, by nature of being around a while, think they are mature. But their immaturity comes out when their complaints are about the superficial. (e.g. I want to sit here, I want to only hear this style of music, etc.)

    Too often, churches cater to these people's demands out of fear rather than courageously obeying God's direction for the church regardless of those you might offend. Too many churches live in this unhealthy state, play it safe, and stay within the boundaries of the demands of comfortable but immature Christians.

  17. Just like politics - the SBC are taking the gospel to an all time low! Don't tell me the Hispanics are liking Ed Young coming into their territory - he's there for one reason and that is to have a legitimate reason to be in his million dollar oceanfront condo!

    The SBC needs to clean house with these idiot greedy grandiose preachers.

  18. I have been praying for God to continue to expose this false "Preacher".

  19. Anonymous 10:19,

    The aim is really to exalt Ed Young and bully anyone who would dare to question him.

    I continue to ask this question: Do you ever hear anything about the ministry of Fellowship Church or its members, or do you only hear about Ed Young?

    My answer is: I only hear about Ed Young, and I live in the neighborhood. I never hear or experience anything about the ministry of the church or the people who attend there.

    Typically, the ministry of Fellowship is summed up by the influence that Ed has through the TV ministry and his extensive speaking engagements.

  20. NotanEYfan,

    The Church was not talked about when Jesus was preaching either.

    God uses A man. No committee is a "Pastor" of a Church.

    We elect A president
    Companies have A ceo.
    Sports teams have A coach.

    This is not a democracy, it is God's plan to use God's man to fulfill His work on this earth.

    Always has...always will be.

    You are just mad that it is not YOU on the stage.

    Grow up

  21. It is really disappointing how off track this man has gotten.

  22. NotanEYfan said
    We elect A president
    Companies have A ceo.
    Sports teams have A coach

    If we're comparing the body of Christ to a secular organization, we're really in trouble. That's how we end up with marketing tactics and motivational speeches we see in the church today rather than the liberating good news of the gospel.

  23. "You are just mad that it is not YOU on the stage."

    Stated like a true narcissist.

    "Grow up"

    Come up with a new tag line TROLL. That one is getting older than EY looks.

  24. Anony Spake:

    This is not a democracy, it is God's plan to use God's man to fulfill His work on this earth.

    Always has...always will be.

    You are just mad that it is not YOU on the stage.

    Grow up

    Well, thanks for weighing on the topic Ed. Glad to see you check to see what is being posted about your goof ball antics.

    Peace Out Ed, THE hipster reverend, the role model of all things cool and trendy.

    How's that jet thing workin' fer yuh, oh exalted one? You are your devotees are one sad lot, so very sad to see this kind of demeanor from a pulpit designated for things sacred and holy.

    I am starting to feel like the kid who threw up on your stage platform. Ugghh.

  25. Speaking of Trinity and Tom Messer: Imagine how great that church and its influence on our city could be had they dealt with a pastor's sin the way fbc hammond did. Cut and paste the address below into your browser. With all the disgruntled members at FBC JAX and other churches in town, Trinity had a chance to really become THE church in Jacksonville. But sadly, they did like Joe Paterno and Penn State and tried to cover it all up to maintain the status quo. The culture and climate at Trinity hasn't changed as they have not dealt openly with this sin. Penn State and FBC Hammond can now move on to greater things. Trinity never will. "Be sure in this (Tom Messer and Dr. Willinger and all of your enablers on staff and in the congregation)YOUR sin (covering up child molestation) WILL FIND YOU out. Sad.


  26. "The Church was not talked about when Jesus was preaching either."

    Right, because the church wasn't built until Peter. Remember? "Upon this rock I will build my church."
    Also remember that it was at Antioch where Christ followers were first called Christians. They were the church collective, not any of the apostles and not even mentioned by name.
    Also remember, we are ALL members of one body. Seems to me that at FC, the HEAD is really big, way too big for the rest of the body. It just looks freakish with all the idiotic stunts and high living coming from the HEAD.

  27. "NotanEYfan,

    The Church was not talked about when Jesus was preaching either.

    God uses A man. No committee is a "Pastor" of a Church.

    We elect A president
    Companies have A ceo.
    Sports teams have A coach.

    This is not a democracy, it is God's plan to use God's man to fulfill His work on this earth.

    Always has...always will be.

    You are just mad that it is not YOU on the stage.

    Grow up"


    Thanks for being a shining example of what I am talking about. Are you really equating Ed Young with Jesus?

    As for whether the church matters more than a man (not Jesus), I suggest you review the book of Acts.

    As for my motivation; I'm neither mad nor jealous, despite your attempt at changing the focus. I am simply grieved that this kind of act substitutes for preaching the gospel.

  28. A new gimmick:

    Back to Church Sunday

    September 16 2012

    Another way to make $$$$$

  29. The truths in this sermon are biblically spot on.

    2 Peter 3:18 says "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."


    It does not say that your Pastor should help you grow.

    It tells you to "grow".

    Ed is immature, selfish, and prideful but preaches a great sermon here on growth.

    It challenged and encouraged me to grow.

    Maybe the ones on this blog that are offended are the ones that are still hooked to their mommas and need to get start feeding themselves instead of relying on John McCarther to feed them.

    You make me sick.

  30. Just finished studying some Old Testament passages. Wow! Guess what I found...Men invading other countries in the name of GOD and plundering the assets and taking the pretty women. Just studied the modern church this week...Guess what I found...men taking the assets of the congregants in the name of GOD and having sex with the attractive women (and children.) Looks like our leadership sincerely live out what the Bible teaches and illustrates.

  31. In church this morning Mac Brunson made mention that he and his wife went to the movies to see Bourne Legacy. I went to the website to see what it was rated and saw that it was rated PG-13 for violence, sexual content(the script contains brief vulgar innuendos),Language(frequent scatological slang,terms of diety,curses and mild profanities are used),alcohol and drug use. Months ago Mac said he rented a convertable and was driving while listening to soft rock. Funny how times have changed at First Baptist. Visitation has been done away with, we now have christian rock concerts in the main auditorium. I guess this is what it takes to reach the young generation today.

  32. Hey WishIhadknown,

    Jesus wept.

    Ed was making a valid point and Dog took all of this completely out of context.

    Much ado about nothing.

  33. That's not a flattering picture. Either stress, or a really, really bad facelift.

    I guess it makes a kind of sense, if "pastorfashion.com" is a "lighthearted" blog about the "latest trends."

  34. This Blog is dying!

    God has answered our prayers...noone visits it anymore and we are not talking about it at our Church at all.

    To God be the Glory!

  35. Anonymous, its irony that Ed talks about crybaby Christians, because he's a crybaby pastor. He doesn't like playing in the same sandbox with other churches and wants all the toys for himself. He pouts when he doesn't get his way. He does the "duck and cover" when he's exposed for the money grubber that he is.

  36. Troll,
    Jesus wept over the death of his friend. Big difference.

    Ed is just as big a cry baby as the crybabies in his sermon. The point is “the man of God” should practice what he preaches.

  37. "noone visits it anymore and we are not talking about it at our Church at all."

    And yet you are still obsessed.
    Get back on your medication TROLL.


Anonymous comments are allowed, but troll-type comments, responses to trolls, and grossly off-topic comments will be subject to denial by the Watchdog.