Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ed Young Teaches Us Rule #1 When Hawking a Guest Speaker's Book at Your Mega Church: Make Sure You Get the Title Right!

Watch the video below, as Ed Young hawks Colonel Oliver North's new book, "Heroes Proved." That is PROVED, as in Heroes who prove they are heroes....

Unfortunately Ed took the stage thinking the name of North's book was "Heroes PROVIDED"....even though he was looking right at the book.



  1. GLYea,let's sell a few books for Ollie. I'll check with James Robison to see how much our "take" on the deal should be. I'll bet North did not write a word of it.

  2. Unfortunately, the correct book title is not PROVIDED.

  3. Oops. Guess Young needs a remedial course in reading. This also shows he didn't read the book himself.

    As in aside, this does show somewhat of a "hero worship" of a man in the church, does it not?

  4. 56 years a Baptist, mostly SBCDecember 4, 2012 at 10:27 AM

    A bookstore here recently had a two-fer -- North and Glen Beck at the same time for signings. As I read it, those two make an 0-2 couple, losers both.

  5. I went to one of the services to see Oliver North speak. Hands down, one of the all time best 30 minutes I ever heard from that stage. We no longer go to Fellowship, and really can't stand Ed and all his material boy antics, but this message was spot on. Say what you want about Oliver North, he loves Jesus, is not ashamed, and has the battle scars to prove it. All in all, a great service. Except for Ed.

  6. FF: I agree, great message from North. He is a hero.

  7. Sorry, I can't listen to him speak. The catch is, they have to sell something. Can't they get someone to speak without the need to plug a book or a book signing? What is Ed's cut on the profits?

    It's all about selling merchandise. That's it. I am sure Oliver North has a compelling testimony, but this was just another media stunt by Ed Young. Sell, sell, sell!

  8. These postmodern are insincere in their marketing-praise television show... Oliver North is a neoconservative bulldunger.

  9. TO 56 years a Baptist, mostly SBC:

    Excuse ME??? Glenn Beck is NOT a loser.

  10. How many more days will this blog stay up before we find out that the trolls Sunday School class can't get a prayer through much like the false prophets of Baal?

  11. Put him down all you want but he led me to Jesus.

    Thank God for you Ed, you are the closest thing to Jesus we have on this planet.

  12. All I can see in this clip, over everything else, is "plastic surgery." Wonder if I'm correct...

  13. Isn't it time to tell people about Jesus?

    Don't you feel guilty about taking God's money and running down God's men with it?

    This is pathetic

  14. Don't wanna hijack this thread, but this just hit the news regarding the mass-abuse that went on at the megachurch of Jack "Shaft Polisher" Schaap:


  15. "Thank God for you Ed, you are the closest thing to Jesus we have on this planet."

    More pastor worship from the TROLL.

    By the way TROLL, we can tell when you post false claims under different anonymous posts.

    A lying man-worshipper. That's the type of person who enables these charlatans.


    17 days TROLL.
    That's how long you have before you are exposed as a false prophet and someone who prays for things that are outside of God's will.

    Time is running out.

  17. "Isn't it time to tell people about Jesus?"

    You've been posting comments on this blog for years TROLL. Not once have you ever told people about Jesus.

    Too busy worshiping your pastor?

  18. Here's a quote from the book:
    Breaking the Bondage of Legalism and Embracing the Spirit of Grace Giving

    "One of the things that the Pharisees wanted most was money. In fact Jesus made that distinction in
    his statement, “Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money”. I am going to toss a statement out
    here, mainly because of the accusations that I receive about being greedy. Many call me greedy and say my “anti-tithe” stance is just an excuse to get out of giving, but take a note, that it was the ones who strictly followed tithing who were called lovers of money."

  19. It is coming true before our very eyes.

    God is drying up this blog and it will soon be in our rear view mirror.

    Praise God!

    This is my Christmas gift this year.

    Our Sunday School class has been praying for this for several years now and prayer changes things.

  20. In 2 weeks it is our prayer that the Lord will move on your heart and close this bitter chapter in your life and the life of our Church.

    Thank you for not posting much the last couple of months.

    Thank you for being sensitive to our Pastor and his family over the holidays.

    Thank you for moving on and getting a hobby and doing something more productive than slamming and harassing Pastors.

    We are praying for you.

  21. It's a shame some people worship their pastors rather than Jesus. Keep up the good work watchdog. The truth will set all people free and hiding things whether in the public domain oe behind church walls is not the best thing for anyone.Merry Christmas to you and yours and all Bible believers. Stand for something or fall for anything especially in these last days.

  22. I am always fascinated by the self-righteous who declare, “I am praying for you.” Is this supposed to be some kind of a back handed blessing? Or is it, as I think it is some kind of a threat? Do these people believe they can motivate God in such a self-serving manner? Of course, we all know these people are not praying at all. Even if they are, they should not waste their time praying about a blog that they have already recognized as being unimportant or “dying.” Instead, use your prayer time to pray for the salvation of a lost person. I realize modern day preachers have decided that soul winning is not important but in my opinion soul winning is the only thing that matters.

  23. Jesus said "My sheep KNOW my voice."

    Sheep are pursued by wolves.

    When the Lord leads me to come to this Blog, I don't hear His voice on this blog...I hear howling.

    I KNOW you are wolf because you are not just attacking Sheep..

    You go after our Shephards.

    I got news for you son.

    My Redeemer Lives!!!

  24. WishIhadknown,

    It is very self-righteous of YOU to judge whether a person is praying or not.

    How long has it been since you won a soul?

    With your attitude, I bet it's been a long time because when they pray the sinner's prayer, you will be judge and jury whether or not they were sincere.

    Get right with God Boy.

    He's tired of this mess.

  25. Anon 12:09 great observation. Most preachers of one denomination don't witness since those chosen to be saved have already been chosen. It's also an excuse for them not to witness sonce some of them are lost. End times are upon us.

  26. Thank God this is the last Christmas that our SS class has to pray for this blog.

    Christmas is about miracles!

    Thank you Jesus! It's gone!

  27. Glad your leaving, get a job and stop eating cheetos, it is stopping the oxygen to your brain..

  28. Good bye cruel blog...I'm thankful that the sermon you heard on forgiveness/bitterness at Church 3 weeks agofinally sank in. Pastor told me it was directed to you.

    I hate the way you hate.

  29. Happy New Year Tom and I hope you and your family have a great one.

  30. Happy New year Tom to you and your family. I hope 2013 will be great for you and that you will hear less from the haters.

  31. WOw! It is 11:13 and this blog is still here. Tom, her's hoping you have some good stuff for 2013.

  32. Happy New Year to all. May God bless! (Including the troll)

  33. Judgmental: discernment or good sense also the ability to form sound opinions and make sensible decisions or reliable guesses

    Guilty as charged.


Anonymous comments are allowed, but troll-type comments, responses to trolls, and grossly off-topic comments will be subject to denial by the Watchdog.