Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Watch This Video - Humorously Makes the Point Why You Can't Trust Steven's Friends to Set His Salary

As we await installment 2 of Stuart Watson's expose discussing Furtick's friends who help set his salary, I want to post this video from almost two years ago.

This video shows how much Steven and his buddies love and adore each other. How on earth can these guys who absolutely slobber over each other be the ones who hold each other accountable financially or otherwise?

In the video notice how Craig Groeschel plugs Steven's book. They tell their respective congregations just how lucky they are to have their Man of God as their pastor.

And if you can make it all the way to the end, you'll see Steven tell the story of how thrilled he was when his friend Craig Groeschel flew on a plane to surprise Steven and be the one to introduce him before he spoke. 

Watch this video. It is funny.

But very creepy.


  1. Did anyone else hear that loud pinging sound?

    Most families have a creepy uncle, but I think the "nephew" is the most creepy of these two.

  2. They have a very disturbing "bromance". The saccharine sweetness of their compliments to each other seemed way overdone. After watching it, I felt like I needed a shower "shudder".

  3. Headless Unicorn GuyNovember 5, 2013 at 8:12 PM

    "Five Kings ruled o'er the Amorite,
    Heavy as Day and Old as Night;
    Swathed with unguent and gold and jewel,
    Waxed they merry and fat and cruel.
    These five Kings said one to another:
    'King unto King o'er the world is Brother...'"
    -- G.K.Chesterton, "Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon" (from memory)

  4. I'm pretty sure this is a gay relationship!!!

  5. After watching this video I'm pretty sure this is a gay relationship!!!

  6. Seriously!?? What I just watched was a young Pastor Steven receiving support from his mentor so to speak. Why would you care in the first place? Do you gave a vested interest in Elevation Church? If you are near a campus come on in and leave your ego at the door and see what happens for you!!

  7. All planned. Creepy


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