Thursday, March 27, 2014

Perry Noble's Dangerous and Dishonest Book is Another Example of Today's Pastoral Deceptions

Dr. James Duncan has once again hit it out of the park in his latest article dealing with a megachurch pastor and his book release.

Perry Noble, pastor of NewSpring Church is releasing a book on April 1st titled "Overwhelmed". In the book Noble is telling people how to overcome anxiety and depression and worry.

But astonishingly nowhere in the book does Noble deal with the fact that he ultimately had to turn to prescription medication for treatment of his depression and suicidal thoughts.

In other words, the biblical prescriptions that Noble spends 35 chapters writing about in "Overwhelmed" is not what saved his life from suicidal tendencies - it was not the bible, it was not his 35 chapters of biblical prescriptions he was writing - it was the professional advice of a medical doctor and prescription medicine that did the trick.

But no where in the book does Noble make this admission about it being the antidepressant drugs that saved his life.

I'm not kidding.

Here are some quotes from Duncan's article:
"Perry Noble’s book on dealing with depression contains not a single reference or acknowledgement to his decision to take antidepressant drugs...Wary that I might have missed something, I asked NewSpring’s public relations director about it, and she confirmed that the Overwhelmed book does not mention Noble’s antidepressant use.

This is an astonishing omission, especially knowing that Noble suffered severe depressive episodes while he was writing the book that necessitated consultations with his doctor who prescribed the pharmaceutical help that he needed."
More from Duncan:
"When you write a biographical advice book, the reader ought to be able to assume that the advice actually worked for the author. In Noble’s case, it didn’t, yet he, his church, his publisher and his famous friends continue to promote it as a life-changing book. "
This does indeed make Noble's book dishonest and dangerous. Offering advice that he knows did not work for him, and he hides from his readers the real solution - professional medical analysis and prescription medicine under the care of a physician.

I agree with Duncan - the publisher of this book should pull the book before the April 1st release date until it is revised to include the role that medical treatment and prescription medicine played in his treatment. Or as Duncan says, a disclaimer that reads something like:
"This book may be hazardous to your health, as it was to its author. If this advice doesn’t work for you, as is likely, you should consult a medical professional who is qualified to help you."
I will add just a bit to Duncan's analysis: the book is being falsely advertised. Here is the blurb from the website selling the book:
"Perry Noble has stood at the edge of the abyss himself, and in Overwhelmed, he shares the keys to unlocking the chains of anxiety and despair once and for all. Building on the premise that when we shift our focus from our circumstances to Christ, everything changes, Perry walks readers through a life-altering plan for overcoming stress, worry, depression, and anxiety so we can be free to enjoy the abundant, joy-filled lives we were created for.

God knows we’re frustrated. He knows we’re tired. He knows we’re struggling. But He also knows how things are going to turn out. He is greater than anything you are going through . . . so don’t give up on God. After all, He’s never given up on you."
Perry Noble is selling a self-help book based on the premise that he has been on the "edge of the abyss" - a clear reference to his suicidal tendencies - and he has discovered the keys of unlocking "the chains of anxiety and despair".

And the solution, according to the blurb above, is "shifting our focus from circumstances to Christ", which will overcome "depression". Not just worry or guilt, but "depression - like Perry's depression that almost led him to suicide. Clinical depression.

So Noble and NewSpring are really engaging in false advertising for the book on the website. What unlocked the chains for Perry and saved his life - by his own admission - was not a change in focus from "circumstances to Christ", or acknowleding "God is great", or that he didn't "give up on God". Perry tried these things, even wrote about them - but ultimately it was the medicine under the orders of a doctor that saved his life.

Yet Perry keeps THAT solution hidden from the readers of his book.

Kevin Trudeau was sentenced last week to 10 years of prison for defying a court order to stop his false advertising of his book "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About." What was at issue in Trudeau's trial was not the claims of the book - the "diet" Trudeau pushed in the book may have worked -  but the marketing of the book in his infomercials and the false claims made in the marketing.

That is similar to what we have here with Noble, but of course on a much smaller scale in terms of marketing effort and dollars involved. But still, Noble's book is being marketed as a "once and for all" cure of depression that supposedly did work for the author, when in fact it did not work, and the ultimate cure that DID work is kept hidden from the readers.

Noble's book is a just another example of the common deception many pastors are pulling on gullible Christians today. Many of the evangelical megachurch pastors try to Christianize and over-simplify solutions to problems, in order to deceive people into thinking their faith and their God is doing something for them when it is not, all in an attempt to gain more devoted followers. This is the deception of the "first fruits" tithing teaching - lies and half-truths from the bible to present a prescription for financial struggles that are false and do not work (and actually have the potential for great harm).

This deception is even what got us in the mess of Ergun Caner - Jerry Vines and Jack Graham allowing Caner to spin his yarns in their mega churches just weeks after 9/11 to deceive scared, gullible Christians (like I was) into believing Caner was an example of how Jesus DID save an "almost terrorist" from getting on the airplanes himself. It wasn't true. It is sick stuff, this "deception for Jesus" mentality.

But hey, maybe God's sovereign hand IS in Noble's book release date: April 1st - April Fool's Day.


  1. Why does this "pastor" always appear to me he is playing the class clown?

    Someone close to him needs to remind him of his most important job!

    I also had to share in my proving my identity I had to type in the word insulted and this book is Insult to those that will need help using medicine.

  2. More BS from an overpaid,overrated,and overbearing clown trying to separate the stupid from their money. No doubt he will probably make a killing with this self serving crap.

  3. As a person who has battled and continues to battle depression, I absolutely do not believe in discounting the effect and help Scripture has provided. Yes, prescription drugs have helped, but they seem to work as they are supposed to only when I combine them with time with God and biblical principles. I understand that Mr. Noble should acknowledge the use of antidepressants, but I also think it should be acknowledged that Scripture isn't powerless in this battle. It is a necessity.

  4. I've been researching, listening to videos and reading about these wolves in sheep's clothing and false prophets and false teachers for a very long time.

    After years of watching this 30-40 year run of Charismatic and Fundamentalist foolishness, I am 200% convinced that the Mafia has finally infiltrated the church. The churches and their lust for fortune, fame and political power opened the door to the enemy.

    Let's face it, millions of dollars flow through these Charismatic and Baptist churches. Many of the pastors have multi-million dollar homes, drive expensive cars and live a grandiose lifestyle of a filthy rich Hollywood celebrity. They rub shoulders with politicians, put selfies on Twitter and dress like an episode from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".

    Their wives are no different. They look and dress like the latest centerfold for Playboy. Barbie and Ken go to church. Sometimes, when I see their pictures on Twitter, I'm trying to decide if they're going to church or the Playboy Mansion.

    And, if we don't agree with their extravagant behavior and lies?

    Let us not forgot the lawsuit against Dr. James Duncan when he offered critique about Perry Noble's ministry. The way that Dr. Duncan was harassed is the exact same way that the mafia operates. Why would a church such as New Spring operate like a mafia-based organization? Well, let's see.......

    When you have a non-profit 501(3) organization, you could possibly launder millions through a church with little to no oversight. The mafia knows this. The success of TBN was very visible to anyone willing to notice. Think about the drug trafficking that could be concealed in these huge, dark mega churches.

    We need to get our heads out of the sand and wake up to the forces of darkness that has invaded the church. These people are dangerous. Think about it. Ergun Caner had the ability to maneuver his way into the U. S. Military and give soldiers false information about his life story. Does that not alarm anyone?

    On top of this, there are many non-profits and charities that use or spend the majority of their donations for Administrative purposes. The majority of the money never really goes to those in need.

    Why are preachers and college presidents so secretive today? Why do they have security guards that meet people at the door? Why are churches run like closely guarded gambling casinos in Las Vegas? These so-called "pastahs" are carrying on a very dark business; and, like the mafia, they need 'round the clock protection.

    Corruption, mafia and frauds have invaded the government, the corporations, Wall Street and certainly the banking system, why not the church? It would be the absolute easiest and least suspected place to carry on illegal activity. Have you not wondered why most mega churches are so dark, with black ceilings and spotlights? Jesus is about LIGHT, not DARKNESS. These churches have the spirit of darkness and the decor even mirrors this darkness.

    We live close to Brewton-Parker College. Even in the last few years, drug have infiltrated this area with a vengeance. We constantly have surveillance aircraft flying over this area late at night. Meth labs have blown up across the street from senior citizens on a quiet residential street. These rural towns are very, very corrupt. Banks have even been closed down by the FDIC due to fraud and theft. What do we think will happen in a larger city? Why do you think local pastors and trustees were perfectly okay in voting in a pathological liar for president, a man who has openly lied to the military?

    Gullibility and a gross lack of discernment will eventually destroy the majority of the churches if we don't WAKE UP.

    These men are not pastors, they are mafia. Book sales, offerings, building programs, telethons. The mafia does not care how it makes its money.

  5. To be honest some anti-depressants have horrible side effects and depends on the person's reactions. For me, a small amount of Prozac helped to some degree, my mood, but when my thinking.was corrected it helped. I credit Oswald Chamber's devotion in helping when he mentioned in July 29th devotion on the importance of unlearning somethings."clouds and darkness will be ours sometimes."

  6. I think you guys are being to hard on him about this. I'm sure the things he writes in the book were helpful to him and can be helpful to others. I do believe a book of this nature should also recommend seeking medical attention if it becomes too much for you.

  7. Anonymous
    RE: "... separate the stupid from their money."

    I've been fascinated by this religious phenomenon for over forty years.

    Never will forget as a kid listening to Wolfman Jack at night. XEG radio out of Del Rio, TX.

    One religious whak job sold a piece of flimsy plastic the size of a napkin he called a Holy Spot.

    Instructions: Place Holy Spot on floor. Remove shoes. Stand in your Holy Spot. Pray. And, like Moses at the burning bush, good things will happen for you.

    Appears the market in this area has expanded. The religious population has more money. The Snake Oil salesman has improved his skills.

    "Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good"

  8. I am 200% convinced that the Mafia has finally infiltrated the church.
    __________________________________Believe me, if the mafia were involved, we wouldn't have whiny little pastors up there on stage stomping around and going WAAA WAAA WAAAA. Or have discipline committees bullying members, or have lay administators banning women from attending to hear their daughter sing in a church service. Or issue trespass warnings for long time members and sunday school teachers. They con the elderly and young couples and Jesus loving people out of their income and savings. These guys are kittens. Little kitty cats. Clowns. Complainers. Whiners. Not mafia. And some of them read this blog. And they know who they are. And they know we know who they are. And they don't like it. WAAA WAAA WAAA. I never heard a mafia guy do that.

  9. Wait. Doesn't he tithe? I thought these things didn't happen to people who tithed.

  10. Thor:

    I understand where you're coming from, but my rationale comes from the fact that millions upon millions of dollars are going through these ministries. Not everyone who attends church is rich. Not everyone who watches TBN is rich.

    It has been estimated that Benny Hinn can bring in as much as $100 million per year. That is a LOT of money. Do we really think that most of this is coming from the social security checks of sweet little senior citizen ladies?

    I know....even with everything we've seen in the last 30 years, that no one wants to raise this question, but seriously, how can we ignore the massive elephant that is standing in the room? Again, a LOT can be hidden within a non-profit 501(3).

    Does anyone remember this government investigation close to 7 years ago?

    There's a reason for an investigation like this, and most of the church continues to ignore their gross extravagance and gaudy lifestyles.......all in the name of Jesus, of course.

    Most of these guys have security guards or you can't get within 20 feet of them. Something is wrong with that. Jesus was approachable. He didn't walk around with a security detail.

    Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, Mark Driscoll - it seems that; for the most part, they almost appeared out of nowhere and into celebrity spotlight. Books, TV, huge sanctuaries (if that's what you call them).......

    On top of the money, they're crude. Check out this video by Perry Noble. In church, this is rude, crude and socially unacceptable. These charlatans have no respect for their audience.

    No self-respecting minister would ever speak in this manner in front of women. And, people continue to laugh and cheer him on. Even if some of this is good advice or humorous, he manages to wrap it in a crass, disrespectful and vulgar package.

    Something has been wrong with this picture for a very long time.

    Remember Jim Bakker? He served 5 years in prison for his misdeeds.

    We can't ignore the obvious, even when it's painful and shameful to admit what exists in the context of Christian church.

    There are some sinister forces behind this religious circus.

    And, the question no one wants to ask. Is Perry Noble really depressed or is this another gimmick he is using to fleece the flock? Is it depression or demonic spirits?

    Let's us not forget that his band played "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC in an Easter Sunday service.

    Sounds pretty demonic to me.....

  11. He has spoken publicly about his use of prescription drugs.

  12. Anonymous said...

    "He has spoken publicly about his use of prescription drugs."


    If Noble is having problems with depression, why would he want his band to play "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC? That makes no sense, whatsoever. If I was depressed, that would be the last song I would want to hear.

    I would prefer something like.....

    "What a Friend We Have in Jesus.......all our sins and griefs to bear......"

    maybe something to soothe the spirit like.......

    "Because He Lives.......I can face tomorrow"

    Maybe a little "Peace in the Valley......well, I'm tired and I'm weary....."

    What's next at New Spring?

    Will we hear a rendition of "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton?

    Let's be honest, if he was going to play something secular and shocking at New Spring, at least play something with an element of truth to it.

    "The Whiskey Ain't Working Anymore".......(because for most people, it doesn't work after a while) He could have given an altar call after this song.

    Please don't dismiss my obvious sarcasm.

  13. Thor

    I doubt I'm the first or last who will notice this. Like the less than thoughtful people who bought the plastic Holy Spot from the wack job on XEG radio Del Rio, TX, todays vulnerable follow in their wake.

    When the market for junk religion goes away the Perry Nobles of the world, of necessity, will fold their tent.

    The chance of that happening is slim to none. For some reason the needy seem to enjoy being seduced. I've never understood it.

    The only new twist from the Elmer Gantry days is the level of violent language that has entered the conversation.

    From Paige Patterson's " we are going for the jugular" c.a. 1979 to the not so thinly veiled threats of "break their nose," from Mark Driskol, the Gospel has been degenerated into cheep street talk.

    But, and I'm back where I started these comments, if there wasn't a market for this drivel, it wouldn't sell.

  14. Dr. Jupiter - I agree with you. As long as there is a gullible, non-thinking audience that will believe anything no matter what, these guys can flourish. P.T. Barnum was right. He could have been a very successful mega pastor and author.

  15. Perry Noble's not mentioning antidepressant medications would be consistent with the Southern Baptist standard of nouthetic counseling where only Biblical teachings can heal a person of mental ailments.

  16. OT sorry, WD, not sure if you're refraining from postiqng about FBC Jax but I must ask if anyone would comment on this mornings service and what I fear is more emotional manipulation. If anyone who is privy to the info: why is there still a leaky roof on Lindsay auditorium/preschool when we've taken offerings in the past yrs to repair it? What happened to the money collected to fix that?

  17. Dr. J,
    Are you sure it wasn't XERF?

    That was about the only station you could get in Tennessee late at night.

  18. XERF was a 250 thousand watt radio station located across the river from DelRio Texas. Yes there were plenty of preachers plus Wolfman Jack. Used to lister to it in the 1970s before it went silent.

  19. Dr. Jupiter aka Dr. JMarch 31, 2014 at 3:12 AM


    I think there was a list of them. XEG was the call letters of the Wolfman's station we received 4 x 4 in the hamlet of Big Spring, TX.

    Great late night stuff when the sun went down, and I was "dragging Main St." in my Y block '55 Ford. (Dual exhaust. Modified mufflers and Lake side pipes. You know the routine.)

    I do believe, if memory serves me, and I wish it didn't, "across the river" meant Ciudad Acuña, Mexico.

    Locally, XEG's location was simply known as Cuna. I had no clue then who Calvin was or what he might have thought about the situation. But, I was clear on my parents' attitude toward the subject!

    Of course, that was back in the day before the discovery of our fragile self-esteem. My Dad had a way of speaking with the clarity of a clap of thunder. Those were the days.

    Boss man. How's that for thread creep?

  20. You should do an April Fools joke with an Ergun Caner update: Ergun Caner Has Come Clean

    Ergun Caner has publicly repented of all of his false accusations and tells the truth that he actually came to the USA when he was 2 years old and all of the other lies he has told as you can see here

  21. March 31, 2014 at 6:50 PM:

    That would require that Caner produce a multi-volume series. "The Confessions of Ergun Caner" would be at least 13 365 page volumes. It would take a 365 page volume to put one time and place and lie on each page, and there are 13 or so years so far. And that does not account for multiple lies on a single date!

    But I do not think it would be a best seller!


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