Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Once Saved Always Saved and Predestination

More from the inerrant, infallible Word of God.
This time we will discuss the many clear scriptures that teach us about the doctrine of "once saved always saved", which means once you are saved, no matter what you do, you still go to heaven. (That really stinks as a doctrine doesn't it? Saved people can do whatever they want.) We will then compare that doctrine to the other view which is you can lose your salvation. (This also stinks doesn't it, since you can't ever be sure that you haven't done anything to cause you to lose the "eternal" salvation you thought you had received by grace.) I can tell you that the Catholic church, for example, teaches the latter, which if you think about it, keeps a lot of it's people feeling guilty and doing all they can to make sure they are in good standing with the requirements.  It would seem to me to be much easier to manipulate people who are constantly worrying about losing their eternal life.  But on the other hand, can a person "do whatever they want" and still go to heaven if they were saved earlier in their life?  So let's see what the Scripture says and determine once and for all what God's word teaches.

After that, we will delve into discussing the clear verses on the doctrine of predestination, (the "elect") which is a hot topic in Southern Baptist circles. (See Calvinism vs Arminianism)

Just kidding.  Even I don't have to tell Charlatans and Fundies that they could be wrong on their dogmatic views of these two scriptural "truths" that are contained within the pages of the god-breathed and profitable for teaching, Holy Bible.  They have each other to do that.


  1. I personally believe that the bible teaches both doctrines and a good lawyer could successfully defend both doctrines in a court of law. This controversy is front and center along with works in the division between the two camps. Is it salvation by faith alone and once saved always saved. There are scriptures that support these beliefs and scripture that don't. Take your choice.

  2. And on the other side of the coin, hard core Calvinists teach that if you are not among the elect, you can work, go to church every time the door is open, pray like mad, and still wind up in Hell.
    Ain't Calvinism a wonderful theology?

  3. As information, the book Eternal Security by Charles Stanley about ten years or so ago is a very good example of someone who knows what he is talking about.

  4. Good comments. As always, I don't wish to engage in a theological debate about these issues, and haven't attempted to do so. My point, once again, is to give another illustration of why it is counter productive and harmful for charlatans and fundies to insist that another man, woman or child believe it all or none or they can't be Christians.

  5. We all know what Stanley's position is and he can probably make a good case for it but Stanley ignores scripture or probably misinterprets scripture that disagrees with his position. Stanley seems to think he has God figured out. Just listen to him sometime.

  6. It's not just Stanley. I simply admit I don't have it figured out, and neither do any of these other guys, and I get labeled as a liberal, not a Christian, attacking the Lord Jesus, not a real man, and there is concern about me burning in hell forever and forever without being consumed. Go figure.

  7. If it took a whole book to prove Stanley's point then it's not quite as cut and dried as he might want us to think.

  8. This might sound off topic but very relevant. Here is an exemplary post by a gay journalist using scriptures to press a point that resounds as to the purpose of this blog and contrasts this what the elites in religion do. Of course the main thrust is criticism of acts of ones own government than of others over whom we have no control or influence. This is a much more important point lost in most of political and theological discussions.

    Also as an aside the intent of WD's series of posts are best summarized as: "I don't try to persuade people, at least not consciously. Maybe I do. If so, its a mistake. The right way to do things is not to try to persuade people you're right but to challenge them to think it through for themselves." source

  9. I had considered Charles Stanley to have an excellent grasp of scripture right up until his dissertation on Malachi ~ blessed if 10% and cursed if less ~ and now I see him as just another shyster fleecing the sheep.

    Those who teach tithing are either theologically ignorant or liars, and there are no other options here.

  10. Also a former Amway salesman.

  11. Unfortunately, we all have made mistakes. You will have to admit at 83 Stanley is still an excellent speaker.

  12. Very well paid speaker I might add.

  13. Anonymous said...

    "Unfortunately, we all have made mistakes. You will have to admit at 83 Stanley is still an excellent speaker."

    Forgetting to walk the dog before you leave for work in the morning is a mistake. Putting Christians back under the law for financial gain is heresy.


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