Tuesday, January 26, 2016

20 Ways Pastors Bully Their Congregations, or "Why This Blog Started"

Below are 20 ways pastors become domineering bullies in their churches.

This comes from Chris Rosebrough, here. Kudos to Chris, he has really nailed it. Those who have left the modern-day evangelical megachurch with their rock-star pastors who earn big bucks with families on staff, who have a cult-following, can certainly relate to almost every single one of these characteristics of a bully pastor.

I would subtitle this list "why this blog ever got started in the first place, and why it kept going and going and going", with my own emphases added below.

1.  A man can “domineer” or “lord it over” his flock by intimidating them into doing what he wants done by holding over their heads the prospect of loss of stature and position in the church.

2.  A pastor domineers whenever he threatens them with stern warnings of the discipline and judgment of God, even though there is no biblical basis for doing so.

3.  A pastor domineers whenever he threatens them with public exposure of their sin should they not conform to his will and knuckle under to his plans.

4.  A pastor domineers whenever he uses the sheer force of his personality to overwhelm others and coerce their submission. A pastor domineers whenever he uses slick verbiage or eloquence to humiliate people into feeling ignorant or less competent than they really are.

5.  A pastor domineers whenever he presents himself as super-spiritual (his views came about only as the result of extensive prayer and fasting and seeking God. How could anyone then possibly disagree with him?).

6.  A pastor domineers whenever he exploits the natural tendency people have to elevate their spiritual leaders above the average Christian. That is to say, many Christians mistakenly think that a pastor is closer to God and more in tune with the divine will. The pastor often takes advantage of this false belief to expand his power and influence.

7.  A pastor domineers whenever he gains a following and support against all dissenters by guaranteeing those who stand with him that they will gain from it, either by being brought into his inner circle or by some form of promotion.

8.  A pastor domineers by widening the alleged gap between “clergy” and “laity.” In other words, he reinforces in them the false belief that he has a degree of access to God which they don’t.

9.  Related to the former is the way some pastors will make it appear that they hold sway or power over the extent to which average lay people can experience God’s grace. He presents himself in subtle (not overt) ways as the mediator between the grace of God and the average believer. In this way he can secure their loyalty for his agenda.

10.  He domineers by building into people a greater loyalty to himself than to God. Or he makes it appear that not to support him is to work at cross purposes with God. He domineers by teaching that he has a gift that enables him to understand Scripture in a way they cannot. They are led to believe they cannot trust their own interpretive conclusions and must yield at all times to his.

11.  He domineers by short circuiting due process, by shutting down dialogue and discussion prematurely, by not giving all concerned an opportunity to voice their opinion.

12.  He domineers by establishing an inviolable barrier between himself and the sheep.

13.  He either surrounds himself with staff who insulate him from contact with the people or withdraws from the daily affairs of the church in such a way that he is unavailable and unreachable.

14.  Related to the above is the practice of some in creating a governmental structure in which the senior pastor is accountable to no one, or if he is accountable it is only to a small group of very close friends and fellow elders who stand to profit personally from his tenure as pastor.

15.  He domineers by viewing the people as simply a means to the achieving of his own personal ends. Ministry is reduced to exploitation. The people exist to “serve his vision” rather than he and all the people together existing to serve the vision of the entire church.

16.  He domineers by making people feel unsafe and insecure should they desire to voice an objection to his proposals and policies. He domineers by convincing them, ever so subtly, that their spiritual welfare is dependent on his will. To cross him is to cross God!

17.  He domineers by misinterpreting and misapplying to himself the OT command: “Don’t touch God’s anointed.”

18.  He domineers by building a culture of legalism rather than one of grace. People are thus motivated to embrace his authority and bow to his will based on extra biblical rules that supposedly are the criteria for true spirituality.

19.  He domineers by arguing or acting as if his movements and decisions are ultimately determinative of the spiritual welfare of others (cf. 2 Cor. 1:23-25).

20.  He domineers when he leads people to believe that their faith hinges (i.e., rises or falls) upon his life and decisions. He domineers when he uses people as a means to his own satisfaction rather than enabling them to experience satisfaction in Christ alone.



  2. Thanks for sharing my Berean Examiner blog post. (B.E.is under the Pirate Christian Media umbrella.) :-)

  3. Amy, just discovered your site. Have made it a favorite....and BTW, excellent post!

  4. My question Tom, do you think this is new among church leaders? Is this unseen in past centuries?

    Or have there always been pastors with big egos who have acted this way thru-out milenia?

    My take? there is nothing new under the sun.

  5. I have been concerned with the growing "gap" between those on the platform and those in the congregation as well. The pressure to silently agree doesn't always come from the pastor, but can come from supporters as well. There is such a fear of discussion and a fear that raising questions will cause one to fall out of "favor." Several of the issues raised here come down to failing to honor the priesthood of every believer and can occur because people make idols out of pastors, even in situations where the pastor himself has not intentionally done anything wrong. I recently posted several suggestions on how to prevent "cults of personality" from forming in the modern church: http://thetrustworthyword.blogspot.com/2016/03/cult-of-personality-lesson-for-modern.html

  6. Just a Passing comment. I am new to jax. Turned on TV this Sunday Morn And saw the First Baptist Church Broadcast. I mean no offense to any here, But I was angry after 5 mins.

    I admit I am not a Southerner. That said his message had political and war undertones. It takes an outsider maybe?

    The ending message was just Trust God , he's got it all. (Just allow everything cause God's Got it?)

    This is not the Style of Church I grew up with. The Bible was twisted in just this one sermon?

    I found this blog after googling First Baptist jax Corruption.

    Just needed to see if this is what the south is all about? Distortion of the word of God in Mega churches with an political agenda laying deep underneath?


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