Sunday, November 2, 2008

Church Votes to Dissolve "Look & Live, Inc."

Call me suspicious, but during the October business meeting on 10/28/08, A.C. Soud brought to the church a motion on behalf of the trustees of the church, to dissolve the "Look & Live, Inc." video production company of FBC Jacksonville. A.C. Soud explained that all assets and rights of FBC Jax broadcasts that resided in Look & Live, Inc. will be transferred to FBC Jacksonville when Look & Live is dissolved.

A.C. Soud explained that this was just a matter of organization, and that the purpose for which Look & Live, Inc. was formed 20+ years ago (isolation of FBC Jax from liability concerning its broadcasts) is no longer an issue, and thus a separation between FBC Jax and its broadcasting organization is no longer necessary.

Given the current state of our church, the change of bylaws last December granting Mac and the trustees more power over our church, I'm just a LITTLE BIT suspicioius of this move at this time.

Especially when I hear the word "ASSETS". Is this more power for Mac and the trustees? Who knows.

Just reporting. Fair and Balanced. I'll let you decide.


  1. Isn't A.C. Soud the one married to Ginger Soud who promoted and participated in the Stand For Israel event at FBCJ? And so we know also, he is Trustee President. How very convenient. That's o.k.; he's deep pocketed.

  2. When the trustees "move", I am supicious, as nothing good has come out of events yet. Exactly what was the reason given other than "it's no longer necessary. WHY is it no longer necessary? What changed?

  3. A.C. Soud said it was because our current insurance coverage is sufficient to cover any of the liabilities for which the legal separation was formed 20+ years ago.

    Makes sense I suppose, but I still think the timing is very suspicious.

    Oh well, we'll never know.

    Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy at First Jax, but to trust Mac and obey.

  4. Along the same lines of our church dissolving something, have you noticed how the new FBC logo no longer has a cross as part of the image. Except for the one cross hanging up in the Baptismal, the building could be used to host any kind of a function.

    Tsk Tsk ...

    Feel free to bring this one up as a main topic!

  5. Does the person heading up the Watchdog not have anything better to do with their time than to pick apart Mac and his family?What ever happened to "Vengenece is mine saith the Lord"?You are SO quick to jump and judge.Would you like someone logging your life,tagging and commenting on each event, then publicly scrutinizing EVERYTHING you do?Maybe you could take all that energy you spend on bringing someone down and maybe spend it praising the LORD or doing something productive and helpful?I am praying for you.I think maybe your good intentions have gone astray.

  6. (1) Previous bylaws stand if violated in order to establish present ones.

    (2) Work made for hire regulations indicate that FBCJax owns the rights to all of its ministers' sermons, Bible studies, books, etc.--Look & Live Inc. or no Look & Live Inc.

  7. There are MANY of us who are very thankful to Watchdog for his discernment, abilities and tenacity. It is very difficult to realize what MB has done to our church. And it's comforting to know we're not alone in seeing these abuses. So, thank you watchdog, and keep using that energy to be productive and helpful to many of us.

  8. blogger 8:52:Firstly, Watchdog is not the preacher. He is not being paid a huge salary+perks to be the preacher. Watchdog is not being paid any salary. Have you heard of "transparency", that is what preachers are SUPPOSED to be. They are to be above board in all of their dealings with the church and congregational matters. This preacher refuses to answer ANY questions brought to him by the "average" person. We don't really "KNOW" anything about our own church. Whatever, you are told may or may not be the whole picture. That's why people keep asking questions, as they have a right to, it's the Lords church, their church, and their money. Remember Mac just preached about "worrying deacons". Those are the ones probably asking questions. I don't know. Transparency and accountability does not exist at FBC. Mac answers to no one. He wears his arrogance like a badge. I do not like to imagine what he would "sail through" if we did not have Watchdog keeping track of his moves and motives. Because if it looks like a skunk, and smells like a skunk, it probably is a skunk. Things just don't always smell right. Watchdog reports, you decide.Keep on the trail Watchdog. Thanks. For example: Who paid for Huckabee to be here? How much? And why? Don't we still need all of the money we can get to repair the church? And did we really spend it on Huckabee, or didn't we. Is anyone going to answer that question? Does anyone care?

  9. Please listen to A.C. Soud's explanation again about the dissolution of Look & Live and how now FBCJ has sufficient insurance against what---lawsuits brought against televised sermons. WOW. Evidently the previous owner (Look & Live, Inc.) did not. Please listen again, let us know how you interpret that.

  10. Anon. 8:52

    Your words,
    "Would you like someone logging your life,tagging and commenting on each event, then publicly scrutinizing EVERYTHING you do"?

    No, especially if what I was doing was disrespecting the pulpit and perpetuating and ungodly vision of what a christian leader should represent.

    What would you do if someone short-changed you on your bank account. You would be (in your words) "so quick to jump and judge" to make things right again. How would you handle the situation? Your good intentions could indeed go astray, as you would be so outraged. Not agreeing that Mr. WD has gone astray, though.

  11. Fair and Balanced....yeah right.

    This blog is so self-absorbent and one-sided, biast isn't a strong enough word to describe this blog.

  12. anon 10:47

    but yet you still keep coming back and reading it....

  13. 10:47 You are so right. Just like somebody else we all know!!!

  14. " ...biast isn't a strong enough word to describe this blog.

    "Biast" isn't a word at all.

  15. Dr.Dog something else I noticed about Brunson as I listened to him preach that you have pointed out many times;Is his condensending preaching.I really noticed this passed sunday as I listen to him.Is that it is never us,we or ours,but you,you all,yours and somebody else.Brunson never says anything that indicates that he is just as fallible as the rest of us.This indicates an attitude of superiority and lack of humility.Brunson feels entitled to the high salary,the expensive house,the nepotism,the power,the notoriety because he(Brunson)is far and away better than all the peons at FBC Jax and anywhere else for that matter.

  16. It is Written 3:59. You are absolutely correct. Some of these guys believe they can walk on water, but they are sinking fast. Just how far does their egos get them? After awhile they lose all credibility because those of us with spiritual discernment see them for what they grows very tired of a Mac Brunson quickly.

  17. Could it be that in dissolving the Look & Live, INC. and relying on insurance carried by the church as a whole, there is a message? That being: Since P. Patterston more or less won the issue against Ms. Klouda, because the judge was reluctant to become embroiled in a "church and state" issue. Thus, denying Ms. Klouda justice. An example of the powerful against the weak. If our church gets sued now for anything similar or for another "church and state" issue, then similar results as the Patterson episode may occur. Thus, our church may win an action, because another judge would possibly claim not to hear a case due to separation of "church and state". A precedent has been established, if you will. Guess churches could be home free. Plus, as the current bylaws state, if you are a member of FBC YOU CANNOT SUE the church. And if you do, you will be up against a "church and state" escape hatch for the church. Did you know by joining or if you are already a member and you continue to attend, you are accepting all of the conditions set forth in the bylaws, whether you know them or have seen them or not!!! Sort of like signing a blank check isn't it. My opinion, of course.

  18. Anon. 7:14

    That is the point I wanted everyone to realize. You recognized the real truth.

    What's next?

  19. Anons 10:47 and 2:57:

    You are so clueless, your in-maturity and absolute innocence of the true pre-planned, pre-approved and marketed plan for FBCJ is beyond your realization.

    Please seek guidance and purpose in your exposition and ignorant suppositions.

  20. annon. 9:l5 PM" You ask what's next? I wish I knew. But I recommend we pray, pray, pray!!!

  21. 9:29 Would you tell us more about the marketing plan since you know all about it? Thanks.


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