Monday, February 2, 2009

99.9% Accuracy of the Bible and Hardened Church Members

Not much to add to the quotes of Mac on Super Bowl Sunday night. Our Bibles are 99.9% accurate (and thus 0.1% inaccurate) no matter what version we use...and the "vast majority" of the FBC Jax church are hardened Christians who probably aren't saved....and Mac plays the part of "Cap'n Mac" to declare us all "haaaarrrrrrrrd".

Listen for yourself.


  1. Off topic but I noticed that your friend Maurilio Amorim is leading 3 sessions at the Pastors Conference. Maurilio twittered this morning:

    "Getting ready to workout with Sam and then a busy day preparing for 3 sessions I'm leading during the Pastors Conference in Jax next week. "

  2. WD, honestly, I think you've got sin problems, are really a hypocrite and frankly, bizarre.

    But I gotta admit! Looping the pastor saying "Haaaard" was pretty darn funny!

  3. I guess some of the members are hardened. Hardened due to the way they have been treated at work, by their friends, and even in their church. The bible says for us to be hardened like soldiers. Also, the last time I checked if you are a Christian YOU ARE SAVED

  4. 99.9% accuracy in the bible.......So what part of the .01% is inaccurate? The Cross? The Ressurrection? The very birth of Jesus. You pick. To those of you who don't think it important whether your bible translation is accurate, maybe you are comfortable with this denouncement. I am not. If bible translations are not important what is? The truth of the inspired word of God IS the center of our faith. What happened to holding up A bible and saying "I believe in the inerrancy of the bible". That would include any bible. I have seen preachers do this over and over. I always wanted to say..."Which bible". They are NOT all the same. But that's right, you don't care about the bible.. right. We can't discuss that. Even if the preacher brings up the subject. I know this blog is about the abuses of Brunson. Well, he opened the subject of bible accuracy himself. And what is this about passing "his" judgement on whether the "hardened church members" are saved. In the first place HE..BRUNSON.... doesn't know who is saved. He hasn't been here long enough to make a judgement. He only hangs out with the "yes men". Plus he isn't qualified to make that judgement at all. He hasn't talked to most of us. And just for the record. I don't think he is saved. I am qualified as I have listened to him continuously since his arrival. As aged and ill as Dr. Lindsday was if he were here today to witness what has happened to this church and the attitude of this man, he would kick him out so fast it would be something to see. And the "yes men" know it. Good going guys you should be really proud of yourselves!!!

  5. Who is the authority? That is the question. There are thousands of pastors in all denominations. Suppose they all decided that their 500 words should be taken out of the bible. What then? You wouldn't have a bible. You would have a bible full of holes. What God said is much more important than any MAN says or thinks regardless of his education and number of degrees he has. God said not to change it, I'll stick with God and not some man who didn't write it in the first place.

  6. The bible was given by divine inspiration and it was changed in the first instance by the DEVIL in the garden of Eden when he said "did God really say". There was your first question of Gods Holy Word. Man has followed suit into these many translations. The Devil really enjoys men taking apart the bible. I would stay away from the Devils work.

  7. I don't attend your church. And you wouldn't want me to. As I would have things to say. I know a lot about your church. None of it good since Dr. Lindsay died. I have friends that were treated very badly by your church. But they survived, and by the way, they knew you all would eventually have problems. All I can say is perhaps you have gotten the preacher you deserve. God has a sense of humor after all. Certainly He has a sense of justice. As to the people served the trepass notice, if you church members stand for that you are cowards. It seems that you all just blindly follow along, no matter what happens. Although I would say to the trepass recipients, your better off out of there. Certainly this continues in the same vain of unkindness and unchristian attitude and behavior that my friends experienced. Maybe your not a church anymore. Maybe your a social club. I have heard that some good people are still there, one wonders why. Maybe many "goings on" are kept from the members. You know like the by-laws.

  8. Dude

    The church has 25,000 members. You're running better than 1,000 on Sunday, right. You mean to tell me that all those people are saved? Come on, man...

    And it's not that the 1% is innacurate exactly. It would be more precise to say that there is a small percentage of the text that there are differences of opinion about. Even if we subtracted all the disputed verses out of the texts we have today, there would not be one doctrine that would be affected in any way. The original manuscripts were perfect. The copies we have of those manuscripts have never been suggested to be perfect. Therefore, no Bible translation can be said to be perfect.

    Let me guess, you're a KJV onlyist, right?

  9. Hi Dude Joe - no, as stated here MANY times I am not a KJV only person, far from it.

    Did I say that all of our members are saved? I didn't, Joe. I just am letting Mac's words speak for themselves. He says "the vast majority" of the people of FBC Jax are probably lost, and are HAAAAARRRRRD, and who won't bend a knee, who won't make a committment. He said it. Don't take it up with me. Take it up with Mac, because he said a very loving, caring manner, don't you think? Doesn't the love for his lost church members just ooze from Mac?

    I don't disagree with your argument of the 1%. Again, I'm not passing judgment on Mac or even drawing conclusions about what he said, Dude. Just letting his own words speak for themselves. He said the Bible I hold in my hand is 99.9% accurate. He did NOT say that it was 99.9% in agreement with other versions, he just said it was 99.9% accurate to be what we know as the Word of God. Therefore, something that is 99.9% accurate, is by definition 0.1% inaccurate. I found that interesting, since I have always believed 100% of my bible to be the accurate Word of God. But I'm sure that Mac will be pointing out to us the 0.1% that is inaccurate so that we can change those words that are inaccurate.

    Just letting guys like you hear it for yourself.

  10. To say that the bible is 99.9% accurate is AGAIN AN INACCURATE STATEMENT.

    Westcott and Hort hated the TR. When they found the Sinaiticus they went about making changes as THEY SAW FIT. Don't trust me check it out for yourselves. We could spend days looking at the changes. When Mac says that there are no changes in the doctrine he doesn't tell you how many times that a particular doctrine or parts of it are removed from the bible. They may leave some of the doctrine in the bible in order to say that a particular doctrine is still in there. Nevertheless, there have been many changes in the new NON-KJV bibles.

    Why do we have a BIBLE CALLED THE PARALELL BIBLE? You have one because there are so many changes!
    In this bible you can scroll down through the pages of the bible and see all of the differences. I almost forgot, the changes are just NUANCES; aren't they?

  11. Joe, who is Peter Ruckman?

  12. Joe: I'm still waiting. Who is Peter Ruckman? Do you follow him? Whats the deal?

  13. In 2002 the SBC would not endorse the TNIV. You can read the reason why on the official SBC website. They also state that the SBC believes that lay people are able to interpret scripture as well as any pastor and that they accept the priesthood of the believer. Ain't that great...they agree with God. They should be commended for making such statements and placing them on their website.

  14. After following these comments for awhile, I looked up Mr. Ruckman. Check this out
    I would not base my theology on him!


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