Thursday, June 3, 2010

Latest Caner Clip: "I Was Held Back a Year" as I Learned English as an Adult

Above is the latest installment of the "Dr. Ergun Caner" YouTube channel. The video image is of our friend, the Ergun Caner impersonator, who is lip-synching words spoken by Ergun Caner at the 2009 "Xtreme Winter Festival" in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. He does a great impersonation of Caner, but the protruding gut is a little on the small side.

While the video impersonation is humorous, the actual words of Ergun Caner are not. He calls illegal immigrants "illegal criminals", but as he has done so many times while out on the preaching circuit he mischaracterizes his own upbringing and experience to give him the platform from which to harshly criticize minorities.

"Let me be very clear. They are not undocumented aliens. They are illegal criminals. I came into this country legally. I stood in the line. And so I say to all the immigrants who come in - I get a lot of immigrant who are, who are uh, students in the seminary, I go "God bless you." I just want to tell you three things: pay ya taxes, learn English, and shut up and quit whining - because - everytime you come here - everytime you come to this country and you say [mocking a foreign accent] "Um, we like America we want to come to this country, let us speak our language" - you are ruining it for the rest of us!

I had to stay out of school for one year, to learn English. I got held back a year, because my English was so poor. I could learn it, and I'm an adult, anybody can learn it."

So Ergun was held back a year, and learned English as an adult, and therefore these lousy no-good immigrants who aren't speaking the language should do what Ergun the Immigrant did as an adult: learn English, and don't "complain" - and immigrants whatever you do, do NOT criticize mega church pastors or you'll be on the first boat back to wherever you came from. Amen? Amen!

But what year was Ergun held back in school? Was it nursery school, or maybe pre-K? All documents we've seen indicate he "stood in line" to get into this country when he was 3 or 4.

I think there is a cowardice element to Caner's words: if Caner truly feels this strongly about illegal immigration, just say it. Why the need to create a cover for himself as having justification for his strong views because he supposedly walked the path of an immigrant not speaking the language who himself overcame these challenges? Man up and say it, don't hide behind a false personna of having walked that same path. In fact, anyone who has truly walked the path of an immigrant to this country who doesn't know the English language would not be so judgmental toward other immigrants as Caner seems to be. I know that for a fact.

This need of Caner's to embellish his own experiences in front of strangers to give him more credibility reminds me of the character "Penelope" played by Kristen Wiig on Saturday Night Live who is obsessed with continually trying to one-up whoever she meets. Enjoy.


  1. Seems like nobody really cares anymore.

  2. So WD,
    What is up with Brunson? Have not heard anything about him lately.

    I enjoy your post on other matters, but your known for Busting Brunson

  3. Thank you for confirming for me why SNL hasn't been worth watching since 1978. Caner's hilarious though!

    I wonder if this is the same guy.

  4. Hmmm, so Sphay wants to know "what's up with not busting Brunson?"

    Are you hoping for some good dirt Sphay? Hoping that he really screwed something up? Or maybe that he was caught in sin?

    WD, I think blogs have some great potential in keeping leaders accountable...much like the news media. But it's people like Sphay who come on here like it is the National Enquirer, and hoping for some juicy stories or smoking guns that really makes me sad. Maybe you are not a Believer in Christ, Sphay. If not, I apologize for the stain many Believers have left on the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus.


  5. I think that we are tired--and willing to wait for LU. It just seems like we hear more and more of the same "embellishments" and I want to see if LU really thinks they matter.

    I have to keep reminding myself that the tapes are from the past (although 2009 is not much past) and that we don't have tapes from 2010 that show Dr. Caner changing his history--we don't do we? Surely not.

  6. He's so fat and gross and I am tired of hearing about him. Fat frank.

  7. Bennett,

    We do have Mr. Caner claiming in a January 2010 interview on the "Pastor's Perspective" radio show to have lived in Istanbul, Cairo, and Lebanon.

    So this would be a recent exaggeration unless we find out there is actually truth to these claims and instead that the various docs re: child custody and divorce are not correct.

    But at the moment, I'm choosing to view this part of his testimony as suspect. I'm certainly willing to apologize here if Mr. Caner supplies facts to the contrary.

    You can download here by doing this.
    -Go to
    -Then Scroll down to Pastor's Perspective 1/22/10
    -Right-click and "Save As" the source MP3 file by clicking on the blue text. Otherwise you can play the stream.

  8. Being an illegal immigrant is not a crime.

  9. Well Mr Sphay, no one is busting Brunson, but because you asked I have heard from a field missionary outside of the USA that FBCJ had to cut some more monies from their Missionary budget due to their budget problems.

    It was reported (as you probably already are aware)that the church did raise $100,000.00 plus to take Brunson and and group of teens to the beautiful country of Argentina to do street ministry.

    Don't know about Brunson and any of the areas that he's been financially busted with his travel budget, but do know we have field missionaries being busted in their support monies.

    Brunson is like Caner - no one is going to bust either one because of how they are protected by the SBC. No fear by either one.

  10. This is an interview in 2009. Regards the "tasing" incident. Turretin has been systematically going through Caner's record and pointing out inconsistencies.

    Thoughts of Francis Turretin > Pastor Lloyd Interviews Ergun Caner.

  11. "Being an illegal immigrant is not a crime."

    Really? The USCIS would surely beg to differ with you about that.

  12. Illegal immigration. It's a crime punishable by deportation.

  13. Nope. Being in the country illegally is a civil violation.

  14. Not sure why we're discussing this, but it is.

  15. "I think that we are tired--and willing to wait for LU. It just seems like we hear more and more of the same "embellishments" and I want to see if LU really thinks they matter.

    We already know what they think. Facts are facts.Caner cannot have been born in two different places. And that is just ONE lie. They have known and ignored it. Now they are busy with damage control and PR spin.

  16. FBC Choir Member said...
    Being an illegal immigrant is not a crime.

    June 3, 2010 4:54 PM

    Brunson followers are not real bright,are they?

  17. "Being an illegal immigrant is not a crime."

    Tell that to my friend who came here legally, works, pays taxes and is still waiting to become a full fledged citizen 10 years after applying.

    My question is why have immigration laws at all if you think it is not a crime.

  18. It's interesting that he has no accent whatsoever in his serious sermons and speeches. I have friends who came to America in their teens and there still is a hint of Middle-Eastern. I took a course in Phonetics in college where we studied various American accents. He has the perfect "General American" accent, straight out of Ohio. That comes from spending a lifetime there. Of course his fake Southern accent is sprinkled in some of his messages too. He is a good actor. I am still amazed how recent these lies are! I have reserved my judgment waiting on Liberty's conclusions however, the evidence is pretty compelling, I don't know what else they can say but he is a serial liar.

  19. Oh... for some reason I had "Former FBC Insider" in mind, and I thought that statement sounded awfully uncharacteristic of that person. This was "FBC Choir Member." Sorry, "insider." I feel better now!

  20. Anon 6:08 wrote...

    "no one is busting Brunson, but because you asked I have heard from a field missionary outside of the USA that FBCJ had to cut some more monies from their Missionary budget due to their budget problems.

    It was reported (as you probably already are aware)that the church did raise $100,000.00 plus to take Brunson and and group of teens to the beautiful country of Argentina to do street ministry."

    First of all, you heard from a "field missionary?" How would they know that FBCJax cut mission's budget? FBCJax's mission budget is based on a percentage of giving, so they give according to what the attenders give. I don't believe your story!

    $100,000 raised (by donors and contributors) is incredible! That should be honored, not ridiculed. To be honest that $100,000 might be a greater use of 100K, because it is sent to a middle person in the IMB for administrative costs first. And many of those students will forever love missions because of that trip.

    I think you are WAY off base Anon 6:08, and honestly I don't believe your story.


  21. I apologize for the stain many Believers have left on the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus.


    The biggest stains are left by the corrupt leaders, not the lay people. The second biggest stain is left by those enablers that refuse to hold abusers of the sheep like Brunson, Gilyard, Caner, Young Jr., et al accountable.

  22. "Not sure why we're discussing this, but it is."

    Entering the country illegally is a crime, but the status of being here illegally is a civil violation. For example, someone who overstays his visa is only a civil violator.

  23. Entering the country illegally is a crime, but the status of being here illegally is a civil violation. For example, someone who overstays his visa is only a civil violator.

    June 4, 2010 5:18 PM

    Note: Illegal immigrants rarely have green cards. Overstaying a Visa is a whole other matter than entering illegally. There is an actual record of those with Green Cards.

    Those who enter this country illegally are criminals who violate our Laws. Just because we do not enforce the laws on the books does not mean they are not there.

  24. Grace and Truth to You [Wade Burleson] > The New York Times, Ergun Caner, and Lessons from the Roman Catholic Church's Pope Benedict.

    Today I received a phone call from Laurie Goodstein, Religion Editor for The New York Times. Laurie was calling me as background for an investigative piece she is doing on Ergun Caner and Liberty Baptist University.

  25. New BBC Open Forum, I still feel the love brother. Thanks. You know me well.


    Still lying. How many can you find on Caner's home page?


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