Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Christian, You Have Been Released from Servitude to God - Part 2

"You and I are released from servitude TO God. In other words I rest from my efforts to produce for God...because I have been released from my servitude to God....'I thought when I became a Christian I became a servant OF God.' No, became a SON of God" Wade Burleson
In part 2 of our look at Wade Burleson's January 2, 2011 sermon, we see above Wade tell us that we have been saved and been made sons and daughters of God, and we are not slaves or servants to God. Our debt has been paid and we can rest.

In Part 3, we will look at the concept of a "bond slave", and in Part 4 Wade explains his view on the tithing doctrine as an example of how Christians have been released from having to perform FOR God. What Wade says in Part 4 is so simple yet profound, and something that you just won't hear in most pulpits regarding the truth on Christian stewardship.

Stay tuned....
Part 1: "Christian, Jesus is Your Jubilee, and You Can Rest" - July 21, 2011


  1. Wade is bringing forth some much-needed teaching. So called fundamentalists want us to be bound partucularly to what they believe. it is no womder that an unsaved person ridicules teachings that point to servitude instead of the freedom Christ gives us.

  2. The idea that as Christians we are not required to serve God is heresy. Bottom line.

  3. I guess Wade doesn't have the book of James in his Bible. I bet he gets tired of trying to come up with a bunch of new sermons that go against everything that everyone believes. Why not just stick with the simple truths of the Bible and be done with trying to be controversial.

  4. I guess Wade doesn't have the book of James in his Bible.

    Emmanuel - Enid > Series in "James"

  5. It would be safe to say that most things are simple and profound in sermons when they agree with us.

    Of course, Titus 1:1 and James 1:1 would need to be revamped to remove the role of a servant of God from His sons. Of course, then you have to ask what about all the women, are they also sons of God? Or maybe "son" is gender neutral.

    The you have to deal with what is the duty of the Sons of God when we look at Luke 17:10.

    It will be interesting to see how he waters down "bond servant". Of course who wants to be subjective or subservient to anyone, including God? I guess it isn't servant hood when we are bonded.

  6. Anon 3:55, good word.

    Wades explanation of the term servant in James 1:1 is:

    'A "servant" (This is one of the great words of Scripture)
    It means to be bound. It is a noun taken from the verb "to bind". We don't drag Jesus around --- we are bound as a slave to Him. A "willing slave"'

    But in the quote Tom uses why can't we who are the sons of God be willing servants of God. If we could, it would contradict what Wade himself already stated.

  7. How many did they baptize at his church last year?

    With preaching like this, I bet not many.

    This stuff puts me to sleep.

  8. Anon 4:58 - Probably a lot. We have a world of people who are looking for less commitment to holiness and the word. Is it possible that can be found in Enid?

  9. That sermon is Blasphemy.

    I am a servant of the Most High God.

    Paul said I am a Bondslave to Jesus Christ.

    Jesus said not my will but Thy will be done.

    I hate this Santa Claus preaching!

  10. Are we servants or are we sons and daughters? I have a daughter who does the works of a servant from time to time but she is still my daughter. Don’t have any servants but if I did they could do some of the chores my daughter does but they would never be my child.

  11. WishIhadknown....have you ever been to Sunday School?

    I am saved to serve!

    I am not my own!

    Faith without works is DEAD!

    This stuff about being released from servitude to God is Blasphemy.

    Jesus sent the disciples out to work.

    He said go to the hedges and highways.

    Wade has been watching too much TBN.

    What a joke...

  12. Robert - good to see you back, it's been a couple of years.

    You've been in a church too long where you listen to a "man of God" tell you what the word of God says, and where the Man of God tells you what to believe, tells you what you have to do, and how much to give.

    Wade's sermon is not heresy. What is heresy is the modern day mega church pastor telling you what you have to do to please God, that God will be pleased if you give 10%, mad if you don't give 10%.

    Wade is teaching the truth of the "priesthood of the believer".

    You've been taught the "priesthood of the pastor". He tells you what the bible says and how to interpret it. He tells you what curses you have for your disobedience, and how to remove the curses. You've bought it, and thus anything that contradicts it you absolutely must label it heresy.

    Are you going to stay at FBC Jax or go to Smyrl's church?

  13. These comments are to be expected.

    A man preaches about the freedom of believers in Christ, and he is called a heretic, he is made fun of.

    That we serve him not because we are indebted to him, but because we are his sons and daughters - how terrible.

    When I hear a preacher tell me that I owe God 10% of my money, and God collects, that my friends is heresy. I don't owe God 10%, and God doesn't collect.

    Preach it Wade!

  14. Not everything goes back to some mega-church pastor telling you to tithe. Wade's sermon is done just to create a platform just like he did when he was on the mission board. Our works will show our faith according to James and that's good enough for me.

  15. Tom,

    The tithe is not in this comment of Wades so I am not sure why you bring it up. What you are giving credit to Wade for is his statement we are not servants of God. In his James sermon his outline says:

    'A "servant" (This is one of the great words of Scripture)
    It means to be bound. It is a noun taken from the verb "to bind". We don't drag Jesus around --- we are bound as a slave to Him. A "willing slave"'

    I think slave and servant can be synonymous or if not, slave is a much harsher idea. I don'tmind the use of the term "willing slave" but in your quote there is no indication of such a thought given.

    In your quote attributed to Wade it is a either or statement but in his James noted it is a both and. Wade can't have it both ways and you should not support such contradictory teaching.

  16. The comments are a reflection of the current teaching at churches and possibly some hostility to Wade in general.

    I for one am glad of Wade's teaching and his teaching is not contrived or created to cause friction. I have gone back to his earlier teachings and he is very consistent. Also this teaching is not pulled out of Wade's imagination, but from The Word. Wade is very careful in following The Scriptures.

  17. Thank you for having me back, Tom. I hope you've been doing well.

    I respectively disagree with you on several things.

    You've been in a church too long where you listen to a "man of God" tell you what the word of God says, and where the Man of God tells you what to believe, tells you what you have to do, and how much to give.

    I do go to a church where I listen to a "man of God". He's a "man of God" because he's a MAN who's devoted his life to teaching and preaching the Word of GOD, reaching out to the lost and discipling other Christians in their walk with Christ; much like Jonah, John the Baptist, Paul, and other "men of God" did in the Bible. I've enjoyed the blessing of being able to sit under the teaching and preaching of Mac Brunson. He does indeed teach me what the Word of God says, why I should believe what the Word of God says, and what I can do and how I can give back to the Lord because of what He's done for me. And I need that Tom, I need that weekly teaching and preaching to prick my heart and help me grow closer to the Lord. So I would argue that I haven't been going to this church too long. I would say I should keep going and be in church as much as I can :)

    Wade's sermon is not heresy. What is heresy is the modern day mega church pastor telling you what you have to do to please God, that God will be pleased if you give 10%, mad if you don't give 10%.

    A man preaches about the freedom of believers in Christ, and he is called a heretic, he is made fun of.

    That we serve him not because we are indebted to him, but because we are his sons and daughters - how terrible.

    When I hear a preacher tell me that I owe God 10% of my money, and God collects, that my friends is heresy. I don't owe God 10%, and God doesn't collect.

    It's interesting that you immediately jump on the attack of the mega church pastor and the whole money issue in both of your comments. Nobody mentioned money, the tithe, giving, etc. But since you always revert to the topic of money and the tithe, I will go there, too, and I'll make my response short. You do owe God 10%. He gave us 100%, so the least we can give Him is 10%.

    I don't disagree with Wade that as Christians we have freedom in Christ. I would totally agree with that. However, just because we have freedom in Christ doesn't mean we don't owe Him anything. We owe Him our life. We owe Him our servitude. And we serve Him through our talents and gifts that He has given to each of us as believers, and that even includes giving more than 10% of our income to the work of the Lord.

    When you preach that we owe nothing to God in return for our salvation, and that we are not obligated to serve Him in any way, you are preaching heresy. Bottom line. I'm not making fun of him, just pointing out that his theology is wrong.

    I will continue to serve at FBCJax through the music ministry, but I'm thinking about joining one of Dr. Smyrl's Gospel Community Groups.

  18. That's my comment at 9:46pm. Forgot to sign in before posting it.

  19. Wade is under "attack"! ;)

    All the "haters" are after him!

    Wade has his flamers and haters. :)

    It's going to take more than disgrunted blogger commenters in trenchcoats in their basements to take Wade down!

    Wouldn't this mean that he is in God's will and preaching truth? I thought that one way a pastor knows he is preaching truth is when it ruffles people's feathers, at least that what Brunson tells his peeps.

    So keep preaching it Wade, when the "haters" come calling you know you have God on your side!

    [eye roll]

  20. I mention the tithe, as in the 4th clip I'll show Wade uses that as an example to make his point about freedom in Christ, under the leading of the holy spirit.

    And I don't owe God 10%.

    But you apparently do, and I suggest you pay it, else he'll take it from you Robert, according to the teaching you've accepted.

    We don't owe him our life, or our servitude. We don't owe God anything. You can choose to see yourself as owing God something if you like, but you've been taught that by men who want you to think you owe God, so that you will serve the church. If they can think you owe God, then you owe the church, and that the more you serve, the more God is pleased with you. It ain't so.

    My wife and I have paid for everything my sons and daughter have in this world so far, and they don't owe me a dime. They are my sons and my daughter. They are mine, and I love them and give freely, and they don't owe me one red penny.

    But I do enjoy when they love me or do anything for me. And I even love them when they don't. It is so simple Robert. But religion keeps people from seeing it.

    Dr. Smyrl? Oh, you mean Jim Smyrl. You can call him Jim. Drop the "Dr.". He is just Jim.


  21. I thought he had a doctorate degree?

  22. Better than that, he has a Ph.D.

    But he is Jim Smryl.

  23. I know he's Jim Smyrl. But there's nothing wrong with me referring to him as Dr. Smyrl.

  24. And Mac Brunson and Jim Smyrl and Wade Burleson are not "men of God" on some other spiritual level. The pope is not either a "man of God". They are vocational preachers, but they are Christians just like you and me.

  25. Robert - I'm sincere when I ask this: why are you reading this? Your pastor absolutely does not want you reading this blog. He has said so. He has told you repeatedly not to read this junk, and pay not attention to the "nnnuts" on the Internet trying to stir up trouble. This past Sunday your pastor told you that for you to not be able to stay away from reading sites like this shows a lack of character, or something to that effect. Even Smyrl in his days at FBCJ said that those who read the gossip on the Internet are just as bad as those who write it.

    Why are you being disobedient to your man of God?

  26. This past Sunday your pastor told you that for you to not be able to stay away from reading sites like this shows a lack of character, or something to that effect.

    Ha, Ha!

    The biggest joke is Mac Brunson reads Lumpkin's blog that is so pious and holy reading and even leaves a comment there.

    Absolutely priceless.

  27. I don't believe pastors and preachers are on another "spiritual level". But I do believe they are "men of God". I guess we'll have to disagree on this issue.

    I read your blog because you're entertaining in one aspect, and sincere in another.
    But I didn't know you considered your blog to be gossip and junk on the internet, but ok. If you say so. Then again, if you say I'm not supposed to be reading it and question my motive for doing so, then why do you write it? ;)

  28. I don't, but your man of God does think this is "junk". He doesn't want you to read it. He says that you are to pay no attention to those "nuts" who stir up trouble. He even goes so far as to say you have a lack of character, and that you are hurting yourself. In short, you're disobedient to read and comment here.

    But that is bull. You have freedom in Christ to come here and read it and comment and you know it.

    So in some small way your posting here despite the best efforts of your man of God to convince you it is sin, helps make my point on this post.

  29. Matthew 7:21 – 23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'”

    I am saved and I serve; not sure what one has to do with the other.

    Faith without works is dead and works without faith is just as dead.

    I owe a debt? Not sure where that is in the Bible. My Bible says it’s “the gift of God.” I have received a lot of gifts in my days but I have never received one with a promissory note. And how do you repay this “debt.” I know I have nothing with which to pay this debt.

    I have another question, if you did not “owe” this “debt,” would you then not serve?

    For our favorite anon, the real question I have for you is why are you so belligerent? Why are you so angry all of the time? I am trying to express sincere concern for you, I am not mocking you.

  30. Tom, for one second, let's ignore your obsessive compulsion with Mac Brunson, and ignore the fact that I am even posting on your blog. When you see a comment by me, ignore my name. Just read the text of the comment and respond. Don't try to figure out why I comment on your blog, or if it's sin or not to do so.

    Let's just stick to the issue you have raised-servitude to God. Please explain to us how we as Christians, are released from servitude to God. I have argued that we aren't. You obviously disagree. Why?

  31. "My wife and I have paid for everything my sons and daughter have in this world so far, and they don't owe me a dime. They are my sons and my daughter. They are mine, and I love them and give freely, and they don't owe me one red penny"

    Good illustration.

    I would like to ask Robert how he can owe something to Christ when Christ is supposed to be living in him. He seems to be serving a God that is seperate from him. That is not how it works. (works...get it)

    We are now, because of repentance and faith, sons (even women are, see Galatians) and we get the FULL inheritance NOW of the Holy Spirit.

    People in these churches do not know the real Jesus. It is astonishing how lacking in real understanding, commenters here from FBC Jax have in "knowing" Christ.

    Anything good that I ever do flows from the ONE who lives in me. It is not me. I cannot boast but only boast of Christ.

    Come home FBCJaxers. His yoke is easy and His burden light.

  32. "A man preaches about the freedom of believers in Christ, and he is called a heretic, he is made fun of. "

    Because they are bound to humans and their own works.

    They need to go read matthew 6. They are too proud of their works and what they do. If they focused on the indwelling Holy Spirit they would be amazed at what happens but they would never in million years brag about doing works.

    Pray that they know the real Jesus and stop following what they think are 'men of God'. There are no "men of God' but only depraved sinners saved by the same grace.

    In fact, many of their actions/words only bear rotten fruit of not having the indwelling Holy Spirit. They would never preach works. But they must because it is really works tht benefit them.

    I had never really thought of baptism as a numbers game. How very sad that one commenter here sees it that way.

  33. Wade Burleson > The Labor and Toil Involved in Entering His Rest [8/29/2008]
    To enter Christ' rest involves a specific change within the heart. "For he that is entered into Christ’s rest , he also has ceased from his own works. Let us labor therefore to enter into His rest . . ." (Hebrews 4:11). Do you see the irony in that last verse? Let us "labor and toil" to enter His rest. The hardest thing you will ever do as a believer in Christ (your labor), the most difficult chore you will ever take on as a follower of Christ (your toil), the toughest task every one of us will face as one who trusts in Jesus Christ (your work) is to learn how to enter His rest. You must work at it.

  34. Let's just stick to the issue you have raised-servitude to God. Please explain to us how we as Christians, are released from servitude to God. I have argued that we aren't. You obviously disagree. Why?

    July 27, 2011 11:12 PM

    Released from the Law.

    Now the law is the law of love. Two greatest commandments mentioned quite a few times in the New Covenant.

    You cannot help but LOVE HIM when He lives in you.

  35. Robert - you've learned well from your pastor. Diagnosing people's mental illnesses. Sad.

    I am engaging you on the topic. The topic is that you are free in Christ, and you are not bound to God and you don't owe God anything.

    I was making the freedom in Christ point to you by showing you that despite what your pastor tells you, you DO have freedom in Christ to come here and blog. You can read it, think about it, ponder it, respond, read, respond again. Or you can choose not to. You have chosen to. Good for you.

    Your pastor would tell you, no, you are sinning by doing this. But you know that is not true.

    You have freedom in Christ, friend.

    And you don't do your church or your pastor any favors by coming here and giving me the same diagnosis he did in the Times Union. Not good, my friend.

  36. * bound is wrong word..."indebted to" is better.

  37. I am always amused that mere humans boast of doing things..serving God.

    it is like your garden slug boasting of what he does for you.

  38. So I do not know Jesus Christ because I have a different viewpoint on servitude? Wow anon.

    Jesus Christ is in me. And I owe Him everything because He gave everything to erase my sin and make it possible for me to live a new life harmoniously with the Father. And with this new life, I'm expected to make it count and return the love of Jesus that was shown to me to others, through servitude and sacrifice. And it's possible for anyone who has been redeemed to do this, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

  39. I was not diagnosing anything Tom. 5 years and you still talk about the man, even after you willingly left his church. You can't get past Mac Brunson and that's obvious. No diagnosis necessary.

    I believe that I have freedom in Christ. But I don't think that releases me from servitude, as Wade has put it.

  40. Here's a question?

    If we don't owe God anything, then what is He supposed to get?

  41. Were the whole realm of nature mine,
    That were a present far too small;
    Love so amazing, so divine,
    Demands my soul, my life, my all!

  42. Jesus paid it all.......

    ALL TO HIM I OWE.........

    Sin had left a crimson stain......

    He washed it white as snow....... :)

  43. "" And with this new life, I'm expected to make it count and return the love of Jesus that was shown to me to others, through servitude and sacrifice."

    You still do not get it, friend. It is not something you 'do'. It is something you 'are'. Because you are a new creature, born again. it is no sacrifice. It is pure joy.

    I am not sure it is something you can really understand while surrounded by the works mentality where you are. It makes one boast of oneself.

  44. Friends, If you are truly saved He has it all. He dwells within you.

  45. "I was not diagnosing anything Tom. 5 years and you still talk about the man, even after you willingly left his church. You can't get past Mac Brunson and that's obvious."

    Oh Tom is so right to point out the works doctrine that Mac teaches. A works doctrine that benefits him and makes followers after matter how much you disagree. it is true. Mac is the CEO of a corporation that makes merchandise of the Gospel.

    Come home to Christ.

  46. Friend, If you were ever taught the truth of regeneration or sanctification, you would get it.

    Salvation is a supernatural work of God. He does change our nature through sanctification. But it would... look like loserville to you....and Mac.

  47. Robert - you don't get it, and I feel for you, brother, more than you know. I have blogged for 4 years on FBC Jax and Mac Brunson and multitudes of other topics. Mac and Gaines and some of the other mega church pastors featured on this blog, are hurting the gospel, and I'll continue to blog about them. Your comments of being obsessed are just more of the same that I've heard. Your comments here about me reveal a lot about you and your church, and your pastor. You have learned well.

  48. Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things He has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24

  49. In regards to tithing and giving, for me personally, the positive approach would work best. I respond well to something like, "And now we'll give you an opportunity to help us with the expenses of this fellowship"-something like that. It's straightforward, SHORT, not overbearing, nothing to do with pleasing God, avoiding his payback if you don't give, etc.

    Thinking of it in terms of parent and child, the negative approach would be like if I said to my son, "Hey, I took care of you for 18 years, and you owe me big-time, Buddy!" Makes me cry to think of such a scenario. I took care of my son because I LOVED him. He doesn't owe me for it. I did it because I loved him, wanted the best life possible for him, wanted him to be a good, decent person when he's all grown up. And if he messes up, I'm not taking him out of the will. He's my SON.

    As we all know, you can justify practically anything using the Bible. But aside from that, I think the point of Wade's sermon was for people to take the load off their backs and simply realize that they are a SON. If you're a son, then you're a son. It's nothing to do with what you are doing or not doing. Just as my son will always be my son, whether he turns out wonderful or awful.

    And on a practical note-people like to be in charge of their own money. They don't like for another person to tell them what they should be doing with it. That's just a fact.
    And I see nothing wrong with that. And if you stay positive as a pastor, I'd bet your church will give more. They'll feel good, and how we feel influences how generous we are. It's been shown in psychology-when a person has just been the recipient of a good deed, they are very likely to shortly do a good deed to someone else. Reciprocity-it's what people are all about.

  50. We are adopted as children of God, having accepted His gift of grace and love. Because of His love for us, we love Him.

    As in any love relationship, a Christian seeks to further the interests (desires, will) of the One who is loved. So we are bound by love to serve. It is a bond of love, not an indenture, and we are children not slaves.

    The language from Roman times in the writing of Paul and others of the time includes this idea. It was a pattern among Romans of a certain stature, to purchase the freedom of one in servitude (redemption) and adopt him as a son. Sometimes the same pattern occurred with respect to a slave acquired by conquest.

    Ben Hur includes the adoption of the ptotagonist as a son of a powerful Roman because Ben Hur had rescued him in the aftermath of a sea battle.

  51. Robert, lyrics aren't scripture. Maybe this might help explain it, you do things by the Lord working through you as a result of beng born again. Fruit grows on trees as a result of life in the tree. The tree does not 'have' to bear fruit, it is a natural occurrence. We do things for God out of our love not due to an obligation.

  52. 'We do things for God out of our love not due to an obligation.'

    How do you explain Luke 17:10?

  53. 'We do things for God out of our love not due to an obligation.'

    How do you explain Luke 17:10?

    July 29, 2011 12:33 AM

    It means you like to proof text instead of looking at the pericope of what the New Covenant teaches. It also means that Jesus said not everyone would understand his parables and He spoke them for that reason:

    10 But when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about the parable. 11 And He said to them, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, 12 so that

    ‘ Seeing they may see and not perceive,
    And hearing they may hear and not understand;
    Lest they should turn,
    And their sins be forgiven them.’”

    Mark 4

    Keep studying. Because the more you "try" to please God, the more you find He does not dwell within you. And when He does dwell within you, you won't want to boast aoout your works or servitude anymore.

  54. I believe Jesus says it best, in Luke 2:49, and John 2:16 from the King James Version. God's Evangelist Linda.

  55. Jesus said it best, in Luke 2:49 and John 2:16 from the King James Version.


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