Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Favorite Ed Young Sermon Antic: "Up From the Grave Ed Arose...."

Above is my favorite Ed Young pulpit antic. I won't tell you what it is, as I don't want to spoil the surprise.

We'll just say that this version of the old classic hymn might be sung during this video:

Low in the casket he lay—
Ed Young, my Pastor
Waiting my tithe to pay—
Ed Young, my Pastor.

Up from the grave Ed arose!
With his Gucci 'Gator shoes on his toes.
He arose a victor from the dark casket,
And he lives for ever and he flies his jet.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Ed arose!


  1. Way to go wd. I needed a good laugh. Would his gucci shoes have been removed so they coulod be olaced 0on his monument.

  2. I don't know what's funnier, this cornball preacher or the thousands of people sitting there just soaking it all in.

    I honestly think they get a power trip out of being so utterly ridiculous while watching as no one gets up and walks out.

    Maybe next time he can come out of a toilet on stage...

  3. Ed may have arisen, but Robert Lowry must be spinning.

    It would have been more memorable if the lid had gotten stuck.

    It finally dawned on me tonight who Ed reminds me of.

  4. It has nothing to do with his views on tithing and is just another of his little "attention getters" that seem to work quite well at his church. The blog post is kind of a cheap shot on this one. (And I really don't care what kind of shoes he wears.)

    Remember a Baptist church is autonomous and if you don't like what they do, then don't go there. Its what they like and its what they do and they're a huge church.

  5. Remember a Baptist church is autonomous and if you don't like what they do, then don't go there. Its what they like and its what they do and they're a huge church.

    September 16, 2011 7:47 AM

    Excuse me? If he claims to represent the kingdom of believers as a paid minister it IS my business. And yours. Too bad you are too ignorant of scripture to know this.

    We simply must warn people and try to get them to see how ridiculous this stuff is when you hold it up to the light of scripture. Try reading it sometime instead of having a pastor interpret it for you.

    Oh, and show me "autonomous church" in the NT.

  6. That people will put up with these silly antics by their pastors blows my mind.

  7. I didn't realize Fellowship Church was Baptist???? In fact, I don't think it is.

  8. Excuse me? If he claims to represent the kingdom of believers as a paid minister it IS my business. And yours. Too bad you are too ignorant of scripture to know this.

    Totaly agree, It makes a difference in a godly nation like ours, we do not need freeeeek shows destroying the fabric.

  9. Jesus teaching in parables was a pretty radical thing in his day. I am fairly certain no one fell asleep during this service, how about yours? If it was up to most of you on here, you would have every pastor stand behind a pulpit and in a dry presentation share the Good News. Hope things are working good for you as you watch your congregation shrivel up, all the while pronouncing "we are few are the faithful."

  10. David - to the contrary, I like the antic. It is my favorite. He is a wonderful showman that I enjoy watching. Of course people will come, he is an entertainer. He should take is show to Vegas. Seriously, a new campus in Vegas would be a great idea.

  11. "If it was up to most of you on here, you would have every pastor stand behind a pulpit"

    Actually the office of senior pastor was never a part of the new testament church. You would know that if you weren't ignorant of history.

  12. Fellowship could market a new toy this Christmas, an "Ed in the box", where you little one cranks a handle on the miniature casket, it plays "Up from the grave...", and then all of a sudden up pops Ed from the casket.

  13. David:

    You said:"Jesus teaching in parables was a pretty radical thing in his day. I am fairly certain no one fell asleep during this service, how about yours? If it was up to most of you on here, you would have every pastor stand behind a pulpit and in a dry presentation share the Good News. Hope things are working good for you as you watch your congregation shrivel up, all the while pronouncing "we are few are the faithful."

    Wow! All I am going to say is that you are so far off base, your comment is laughable.

  14. Well, it's a step in the right direction, but it's still too boring for me. Did you hear how quiet the crowd was when the casket was sitting on the stage? Not good.

    They should bring out an opening act (perhaps a comedian) to warm up the crowd before Ed walks out.

    They should add professional jugglers on unicycles throwing batons (on fire) in front of and behind Ed while he preachers. That way if the sermon gets a little dry, at least you could be entertained. I'll bet that might even get the kids to stop playing Angry Birds while the sermon is going on.

    Also lots of people head for the exits during the invitation. You should promise them something entertaining if they remain in the sanctuary during the entire service.

    Get one of those guys to spin several plates on sticks like they used to do on the Ed Sullivan show.

  15. I don't have a problem with the casket. I would be more interested in the content of his message. Is it biblical? Is it expository? Those are the questions we should be asking

  16. I didn't realize Fellowship Church was Baptist???? In fact, I don't think it is.

    According to this it is.

  17. "I don't have a problem with the casket. I would be more interested in the content of his message. Is it biblical? Is it expository? Those are the questions we should be asking"

    Yeah, because Christ used gimmicks all the time when he preached to help entertain people.

    Let me think of one.
    Wait a minute.

  18. In my opinion, this actually could be quite effective using a mannequin inside the casket, while delivering a very compassionate, yet sobering sermon.
    The OT prophet Ezekial used parables, prophesies, props, signs, and symbols during Babylonian captivity days: often acting out his message in order to drive the point home! 
    Some believers learn through visual stimulation, others are auditory learners, and some are hopelessly tactile / kinesthetic learners: (learning through moving, doing, touching...etc.) - like myself (lol!)
    Nonetheless, WD, great post: (got to thinking though, had I been there that day, my kinesthetic mind would have kicked in, and my calisthenic abilities would have busted me 
    through the nearest door once that casket opened! lol. 
    Grace & Peace - Elder gab

  19. I could not find any mention of "Baptist" or the SBC on the Fellowship Church website at I also called and spoke to a friendly woman named Abbie. I asked if Fellowship was a Baptist church and she said the church is Non Denominational but did "start out" as Baptist. I asked if they belong to the SBC and she said "that's a good question" and offered to look into it for me.

  20. 1) Who wouldn't have guessed that Ed was in the box? Really, was it not a "dead" giveaway? (pardon the pun.)

    2) He also appears to wait for a moment to see if people would cheer and applaud when he opened the box. They didn't. Oops - awkward!!

  21. If you aren't a member of his church then it really isn't your business. Just because you post on blogs doesn't make every pastor accountable to you and your ever whim and fancy. Grow up and get real.

  22. Anon...get off your sanctimonious high horse and lighten up! This is just a fun post...THE MAN CAME OUT TO PREACH A SERMON AND POPPED OUT OF A CASKET LIKE A JACK-IN-THE-BOX. That is darned funny. Entertaining. This should get the creative juices flowing in other pastors of gimmicks they can use when starting a sermon.

    Maybe Robert Jeffress could come out in a Gumby costume. Or Mac could be rolled out in a 19th century cannon and crawl out the end. Steve Gaines could be rolled out inside of a large treasure chest and he pops out of the chest filled with gold coins, or dress up like Wayne Newton. The options are endless. This is cutting edge!!

  23. Let you in on a little secret, Ed is a real Vampire who wants to suck your blood.

  24. Perhaps SG should dress up as a burglar when he delivers his tithing sermons. Now that would get my attention!

  25. "Oh, and show me "autonomous church" in the NT." about read much of Paul's writings. The implication is there.

  26. WD, if you're going to write parody lyrics to hymns at least make it so the number of syllables fit the tune.

  27. Wayne Newton? Blasphemy! This is Memphis!

    Steve Gaines would be Elvis! The treasure chest of gold coins would be appropriate though.

  28. Great! Help me out choir member...I am not musically inclined at all. Help me fit the lyrics to the tune and I'll make the changes! Team effort between WD and FBC Choir!

  29. I just can't take all this criticism. Try being the Watchdog for a day, and having to have people unjustly criticize your parody lyrics. I feel like Job sometimes....these bitter people who only know how to tear down Gods watchdog....

  30. I could not find any mention of "Baptist" or the SBC on the Fellowship Church website at I also called and spoke to a friendly woman named Abbie. I asked if Fellowship was a Baptist church and she said the church is Non Denominational but did "start out" as Baptist. I asked if they belong to the SBC and she said "that's a good question" and offered to look into it for me.

    I didn't either, but they're still listed on the SBC website. It does strike me as odd that someone who works there doesn't know if the church is Southern Baptist. Wow.

    That great bastion of truth, Wikipedia says they are but don't publicize it. (Not sure I would either anymore.)

  31. My humble suggestions:

    Low in the crate he lay,
    Ed Young, my Pastor
    Waiting my tithe to pay,
    Ed Young, my bro.

    Up from the grave Ed arose!
    With his Gucci loafers on his toes.
    He arose a victor from the dark casket,
    And he lives forever flying in his jet.
    He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Ed arose!

  32. You're starting to sound like poor, pitiful Mac now. LOL!

    Anyone remember the PBS series they did a few years ago called Frontier House? They took a modern family and forced them to live like a frontier family in the 1880s. The little boy, Conor, stole the show with his line at the end, "That was the worst day of my life! I fell outta a wagon. I lost my worm without even having a bite. I was attacked by a vicious dog with my leg about being bitten off! You call that fun?"

    Infamous line is at the end.

    You sound like Conor.


  33. A very good tool to open the preaching and to garner attention. Nothing wrong here, nothing unbiblical or unethical. And, it really is no one's business but theirs. I know many do not like Ed, but jumping on this is a little extreme.

  34. I'm not against an object lesson in a sermon but that was tacky!

  35. I was there that weekend. It was funnier in person than it was on the YouTube video, as the sound did not encompass the room very well.

    The more interesting thing about that clip is that of the 8 men pall bearers (all staff-memebers) only one of them is still employed at Fellowship Church. I think the most interesting thing about Ed is that he champions himself as one of the premier "church" leadership experts and yet the revolving door at FC is so apparent. Either he doesn't pick'em well, or he can't afford 'em when he gets 'em. Either way,not the leader I want to follow. He even fired the man he "co-founded" FC with, after 20+ years.

    The man is creative, but his loyalty is pathetic.

  36. Can't believe what I read these days.

    FBCJ is hosting 'Generosity Encounter' end of Sept with sessions to be led by Dan Hall, an executive coach & strategic planner. Hall works with pastors & church staffs nationwide on the subject of generosity with time, talent & FINANCES.

    Sorry, but I feel the peoples monies is wasted given the salaries of our staff, aren't they paid to know this stuff? This is as crazy as Ed's stunt!

  37. "WD, if you're going to write parody lyrics to hymns at least make it so the number of syllables fit the tune."

    Help the old dawg out and give him some of your invaluable experience!

  38. I was left with a couple of questions.

    One, how much did the casket cost, and what kind of budget would have allowed for such a purchase(or rent?)?

    What sort of grade would he have received if he'd ever presented this message in a preaching class in seminary?

    Was this for the childrens' message time of their service?

  39. Entertainment....that's what we need...more entertainment....mixed in with some Biblical truths, or long as we entertain. Do people believe in a Holy God anymore? When you enter a church before the service begins, do you like to hear the piano or organ play....where you can collect your thoughts and talk with God? I cannot imagine the older people in the congregation being able to sit through a church service like this one. We are accountable to each other as Christians....Mega Star Preachers and other well known STARS....selling their books/cd's, etc., churches actively pursuing the secular world....Ministers that we respect going on TBN with Paul Crouch...evangelists that we grew up loving...being paid salaries that are unbelievable....if Franklin Graham can be excused from the kind of money he is making while asking for money for his charities....and we say nothing....Silence when you know something is hurting the Lord's gospel is akin to agreement.

  40. That is awesome!!!

    My Pastor once preached on Samson and had one of those fake mullets was great!!

    We need more preaching like this, this is what we see in the Bible.

    Thank you for giving us great examples of what God is doing around this Nation, could you do some more stuff on Perry Noble, he is my favorite.

    Just went to Newspring Leadership Conference with over 3000 in attendance, it only cost $100, it was really deep. Great theologians like Mark Driscoll and Steven Furtick really touched my soul.

    Perry did not cuss one time!

  41. Ed definitely made his point with the casket illustration. Of course, he is not the first not the last that will use this powerful reminder. Ed's message was simple: don't wait until somebody is in the box.

    For those of you that think its laughable or disrespectful then "all I have to say to you" is the religious leaders of Jesus day felt similarly. I don't agree with everything that anyone does, including myself. Seriously, some of you need to take a Geritol and let it work through your system. Get off your high horse and get busy for the Kingdom. If you think you can do it better than Ed then by all means, proceed.

  42. He could have sprung for the Mahogony President on his salary. The casket is supposed to fit the man, afterall. No sense in going with the 20 gauge el cheapo.

  43. The imagery was kind of creepy, but the message (or at least what he said in the 2 minute video) had merit.

  44. As far as the questions over whether this church is SBC or not, I did read a few years ago that many churches that practice spiritual abuse oftentimes start out as members of a mainstream denomination. That is used to project credibility and to build membership. Once a degree of success is attained, they slowly break away from the denomination and become independent/non-denominational. I am not accusing Fellowship of doing this as I haven't cared to research if it practices this way, but I'm sure there are people here who would say that they indeed do this.

    When I was in college a few years ago, I looked up a church off of the Church of God in Christ's website in that town to attend. (If you aren't aware of the COGIC, it's pretty much a black version of the Assembly of God. Or should I say that the Assembly of God is the white version of the COGIC because AoG came out of that?) Anyway, I went to this church. I had a weird feeling about it and ended up discovering the term spiritual abuse when researching my concerns. I ended up leaving that church. When I went back to COGIC's website a time later, that church was no longer listed as a member of that denomination.

  45. David:

    You said:"For those of you that think its laughable or disrespectful then "all I have to say to you" is the religious leaders of Jesus day felt similarly. I don't agree with everything that anyone does, including myself. Seriously, some of you need to take a Geritol and let it work through your system. Get off your high horse and get busy for the Kingdom. If you think you can do it better than Ed then by all means, proceed."

    Once again, David you are definitely missing the point of all of this, and yet you have to inject Geritol.

    Thanks for the morning comedy.

  46. "It has nothing to do with his views on tithing and is just another of his little "attention getters" that seem to work quite well at his church. The blog post is kind of a cheap shot on this one. (And I really don't care what kind of shoes he wears.)

    Remember a Baptist church is autonomous and if you don't like what they do, then don't go there. Its what they like and its what they do and they're a huge church."

    And if you don't like the blog, you don't have to read it, either.

    There is no grape Kool-Aid here for you to drink.

    Now go pay your tithe check. Ed needs another jet.

  47. There is no grape Kool-Aid here for you to drink.

    Now go pay your tithe check. Ed needs another jet.

    Great observation, the followers of christ need to be informed and make critical decissions.

  48. OT Dog, but you might find this story enlightening.

  49. I can't believe I forgot to link it:

  50. Well today Brunson says he found something in the Greek that he never saw, its not even in the King James . Wow ! And he said of one point he preached about that people always send emails asking for clarification when he preaches it . Today he basically said listen and don't ask me about again.

    Really deacons ? New revelations ? We are too dumb to understand it but don't dare bother him with questions?

  51. Fellowship is a SBC church, planted by a SBC church 20 years ago. It's affiliation and CP giving is still the SBC.

    "autonomous churches" are not in the bible, but neither is anonymous blogging, airplane travel or dressing up for church. (from a previous post)

    I think the video is a little creepy, but it is an attention getter to make a point - - much like mud on eyes to make a person see or a fig tree whithering up on the side of the road. It grabs the attention of the listener and tells a point. I think it was a fascinating way to drive home a biblical precept.

    Those are my thoughts on this pretty boring blog entry...yawn.


  52. "I think the video is a little creepy, but it is an attention getter to make a point - - much like mud on eyes to make a person see or a fig tree whithering up on the side of the road. It grabs the attention of the listener and tells a point. I think it was a fascinating way to drive home a biblical precept."

    Wow, Todd thinks Ed is like Jesus! And Todd thinks Jesus was just using typical Madison Ave tactics as attention getters same as old Ed.

    Wonder where Jesus kept His Villa and string of chariots?

  53. "Well today Brunson says he found something in the Greek that he never saw, its not even in the King James . Wow !"

    You must really not like that guy! I would move my membership or start my own church!

  54. Off Topic: I found this sermon to be a profound one by Paul Burleson at Emmanuel - Enid (doing vs. being): The Practice of Real Prayer in the New Covenant, Sept 18, 2011.

  55. 6:57am Anonymous,

    I do hope Ed desires to be like Jesus, as do I and I can only guess so do you. It's God's will that all three of us are conformed to the image of His son.

    Pastors, evangelists, and speakers often use an object in a lesson - - Jesus, the greatest teacher ever, did just that. Whether it be a seed, a plant, a backpack, a video, work gloves, a shovel, etc...most preachers use natural objects in a sermon to illustrate a spiritual point. Again, Jesus was the master and example of that.

    Maybe the religious zealots considered Jesus's style "Madison Ave" - or whatever was equal to that 2000 years ago - but I consider mud, tree and a coffin a great illustration. Jesus used a tombstone as an example!


  56. "Maybe the religious zealots considered Jesus's style "Madison Ave" - or whatever was equal to that 2000 years ago - but I consider mud, tree and a coffin a great illustration. Jesus used a tombstone as an example!"

    Come on Todd. If you can't see the difference in Jesus using a parable to illustrate a point and a rich, private-jet-owning mega preacher popping out of a casket to open the service (like Dracula or a carny-freak), then you aren't trying very hard. Jesus didn't need props to share the good news. Pastors lowering themselves to the level of Carrot Top is embarrassing.

  57. 4:53 Anon,

    Jesus didn't need props, but He used props - - they are a great teaching tool.

    I can tell that you didn't like the coffin prop, I actually thought it was effective. I remember my youth minister taking about 200 youth to a cemetary one Wednesday night for the bible study, it was really effective also. Jesus taught in a cemetary. So some things communicate well to some, and not so much to others. Again, I personally thought the idea of the coffin as thought provoking.

    And just for integrity sake, Young does not own a jet. I'm sure you would want your facts straight before posting on a world wide blog.


  58. My Pastor has begun a new sermon series called "My Empty Sex Life".

    He brought out a bed and preached on it and it was a little weird.

    I asked a Staff Member about it and he said so many of our members have bad sex lives and that the Church needs to help them out.

    Have you ever heard of anything like this before?

    It seems like my Pastor talks about his sex life a lot and I don't really want to hear about it.

    I want to hear God's word.

  59. I will tell you what I hate...

    My Pastor quotes Steven Furtick and Perry Noble all the time!

    This week I counted two...

    We are in a series on Sunday Mornings on Porn called "Girls gone Wild"..he quoted Perry..
    I believe more critics will begin to emerge nationwide…and I also believe that they can kiss my rear end if they don’t like what we are doing!!! (Yes, I meant that!)

    Then he spoke about distractions..

    He said that "Steven Furtick kicked a disabled kid out of service for screaming and that by God I will kick you out if you distract others from Worship"

    Are we really worshipping???

  60. These megas just have to do some gimmick rather than open the Bible and tell the congregants whats in the English. We do not care what the Greek says. The old testament is in Hebrew but they rarely if ever tell us what that means. The megas have ruined the church and they all need to find a real job doing honest work without giving us some latest book report, travel plans, or new church plant which really is meaningless. No wonder people are leaving in droves!!!

  61. Annony said: "That's right, Ed does not own a jet.....he leases it. We've all seen the Brent Shipp report and the project lease cost and maintenance, fuel, pilot time, etc. is huge.

    Keep sluping that grape kool aid and give them your bank numbers. It's the new church paradigm ya know.

  62. "Jesus didn't need props, but He used props - - they are a great teaching tool."

    Todd, please give me an example of Jesus using props during a sermon.

    And don't give me silly examples. I want something on the same level that Ed uses: like a bed on the stage to talk about sex, or popping out of a coffin like Dracula.

  63. "Pastors, evangelists, and speakers often use an object in a lesson - - Jesus, the greatest teacher ever, did just that."

    There is a difference in using an object in a lesson (which everyone does) and using a cheap gag to get people's attention.

    That's not really as much educational as it is entertainment. Like going to see Carrot Top in Vegas. Kind of cheapens the message.

  64. "And just for integrity sake, Young does not own a jet. I'm sure you would want your facts straight before posting on a world wide blog."

    Now that is irony!

    Do you really want to mention integrity when discussing a mega-church rock-star pastor living an exorbitant lifestyle who flies around in a private jet?

    And since you brought up integrity. The reason he leases the jet instead of buying it (even though the cost ends up being about the same) is because it makes it easier to conceal the fact that he is using it. Why would he want to conceal this information?

    The investigator had to really dig to discover the fact that Jr was using it. Of course Jr said that it was to help spread the Gospel. (I guess it is impossible to do that on a coach flight). Later, the reporter found out the first flight was for a tropical vacation.

    Now go ahead and tell me that Jesus would have done the same thing.

  65. Just curious. Todd, did you give Ed your bank account number when he asked for it? Why or why not?

  66. - I was simply correcting the anonymous person who said Young owned a jet plane. He doesn't.

    - Jesus used some crazy props also. Causing a tree to die before their very eyes, a coin out of the mouth of a fish, walking through a door, sending pigs over a cliff, spit and dirt...all of those were pretty radical, and caught the attention of the listeners.

    - Again, if this blog post is just about the absurdity vs. the effectiveness of the casket illustration...I say it's effective. It has all of us talking!!! :-)


  67. - I was simply correcting the anonymous person who said Young owned a jet plane. He doesn't.

    Yes, but you ignored the question as to why he decided to lease the private jet under another name making it very difficult to discover that he was spending church funds on a luxury that he used for vacations.

    Since the cost was about the same, why do you suppose he would do that?

    Is this something Jesus would do? Why or why not?

  68. "Jesus used some crazy props also. Causing a tree to die before their very eyes, a coin out of the mouth of a fish, walking through a door, sending pigs over a cliff, spit and dirt...all of those were pretty radical, and caught the attention of the listeners."

    Todd, miracles are not props. I asked for an example of Jesus using props on the level of Jr putting a bed on stage to talk about sex or popping out of a coffin like Dracula.

    I'll save you some time. Jesus didn't do silly things like that to "get people's attention."

    He is God in human flesh not a prop comic.

  69. "Again, if this blog post is just about the absurdity vs. the effectiveness of the casket illustration...I say it's effective. It has all of us talking!!!"

    The nude scene from the 3 1/2 Men TV show (last night) has everyone talking too. Should Jr walk out of stage next Sunday naked to be more effective?

  70. If all we have to do is sit around and criticize Ed Young then we must have way too much time on our hands. He's not worth the effort.

  71. "I was simply correcting the anonymous person who said Young owned a jet plane. He doesn't."

    Yes, he leases a private jet. It's no more cost effective, but it is much more difficult for the church members to find out that he has been using their money for sunny vacations.

  72. Jesus threw mud in a guys eye.

    Jesus drew water from a well and used it to illustrate eternal life.

    Jesus used the dramatic when He told them..."Roll away the Stone" (I can almost hear a drum roll)

    God used a dove to land on Jesus you think that was just an accident?

    The Bible is full of "antics" like this...why do you ask such dumb questions like "when did God use illustrations to get people's attention?...did you get dropped on your head when you were a kid?


  73. "Jesus threw mud in a guys eye."

    (not really - he rubbed dirt and spittle on his eye lids) - there is no mention in the Bible of anyone actually seeing this happen

    "Jesus drew water from a well and used it to illustrate eternal life."

    (nope - a woman was drawing water from the well - and he used what she was already doing as a metaphor)

    Jesus used the dramatic when He told them..."Roll away the Stone" (I can almost hear a drum roll)

    (how was Lazarus going to get out otherwise? - wouldn't it have been more dramatic for Jesus to roll away the stone supernaturally - I mean that would have more of a WOW factor wouldn't it? - anyone can order a group of men to move a stone)

    "God used a dove to land on Jesus you think that was just an accident?"

    (wow dude - you really need to read scripture more carefully)

    "As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Him."

    "like a dove" is a metaphor Todd.

    I'm sure you would want your facts straight before posting on a world wide blog.

    Again, miracles are not props. I know its sometimes difficult to tell the difference in today's entertainment saturated society.

  74. "The Bible is full of "antics" like this..."

    Miracles are not "antics" Todd. Changing the word doesn't help your cause.

    "why do you ask such dumb questions"

    Because those are the only kinds of questions that you are capable of answering Todd.

    Apparently, they still aren't dumbed down enough though. Because you haven't come close to a coherent answer yet.

    "like "when did God use illustrations to get people's attention?..."

    See what I mean? That wasn't even the question. Todd you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    "did you get dropped on your head when you were a kid?"

    Yes, and I landed on your head Todd and apparently did some irreversible brain damage.

    Is that Kool-Aid grape or strawberry?

  75. Elijah called down fire from Heaven.

    A donkey (Mr. Ed) spoke.

    A rainbow in the sky as a 'sign' from God.

    The plagues upon Pharoah.

    God has ALWAYS used "props" "images" "visuals" to get our attention.

    Don't shoot the messenger...


  76. "If all we have to do is sit around and criticize Ed Young then we must have way too much time on our hands. He's not worth the effort."

    No true. You see, the end game here is to become the Drudge Report of spiritual entities and quit his full time gig.

    Anyone can see where this is heading. All he needs is a Monica scandal against a mega preacher and that will do the same it did for Matt Drudge.

  77. Sorry but the Watchdog doesn't have the integrity that Matt Drudge does.

  78. We don't need a "Drudge Report" on our Pastors.

    We need "Prayer Support" of our Pastors.

    They are God's watchmen over us and we need them to be empowered and encouraged.

    Ed Young is a Man of God
    Steve Gaines is a Man of God
    Mac Brunson is a Man of God

    ARE YOU?


  79. Todd Spake:
    "Ed Young is a Man of God
    Steve Gaines is a Man of God
    Mac Brunson is a Man of God

    ARE YOU?"

    Why in the world would I want to be like these 3 rubes? And just what is this so called 'Main of Gawd' that you tout?

    Are cuff links required? Guilt people into contributing to their organization, where dont ask-dont tell is the motto on how it is spent?

    You are way too cultish in your admiration of sinful men. The guys are just like anyone else, just hope there are indeed saved by grace.

  80. "A donkey (Mr. Ed) spoke."

    A miracle is not a prop Toad.

    "A rainbow in the sky as a 'sign' from God."

    A miracle is not a prop Toad.

    "The plagues upon Pharoah."

    A miracle is not a prop Toad.

    "God has ALWAYS used "props" "images" "visuals" to get our attention."

    A miracle is not a prop Toad.

    "Don't shoot the messenger..."

    A miracle is not a prop Toad.


    You are a slow learner aren't you Toad?


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