Friday, June 29, 2012

Ed Young in Meltdown Mode, Part 1: Ed Blasts Bloggers and Calvinists, Ridicules "Only" 26 Baptisms, Declares He Could "Empty Out" Dallas Ft. Worth Churches

Ed Young, the mega church "man of God", proved many of his critics right this past Sunday when he had a meltdown on stage. Here are a few quotes from this supposed "Man of God" - is this how a "Man of God" speaks publicly?

"One of the 'fair haired boys' of this movement [reformed theology], I will not call his name, baptized 26 people last year [Ed drops his microphone in disgust]. Oh he's deep....I cannot put my head on the pillow at night knowing that our church baptized 26 people."

"I know how to do church to empty out these churches in Dallas/Ft. Worth. I know how to do it!!...We could wipe out these churches."

"Blogs: 'basement living, opinion giving'. Twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings sitting in their underwear, still living in their parents' house, talking negative crap about people reaching others."

 Ed Young is a scary dude.

His latest sermon series on "Cool Aid", shows that he is serving up his own version of Kool Aid to his faithful followers, and unfortunately they seem to be lapping it up.

Every so often we get glimpses into the souls of mega church pastors. Sometimes we get to see right down into their hearts and learn what they are really all about. Maybe they go off script, or their emotions get the best of them and they let loose with what they really feel.

Sometimes we get to see that these people who are touted as the "Men of God" are actually not that. Just men - men with huge egos, eyes on your wallet, and interested primarily in market share. You know, like a typical CEO who wants to market his products and services.

This past Sunday at Fellowship Church was one such moment.

It was the Ed Young Meltdown of 2012. It was Watchdog's "Crybaby Pastors Part 4, 5, 6 and 7" all rolled into one. Ed's rant is mostly being criticized by those of the reformed theology, but this sermon tells us so much more than just Ed's views of Calvinism. Ed Young let us see him for the petty preacher he is, a marketer focused on nickels and noses, a professional religious profiteer who can't stand losing market share amongst the younger crowd to those whose theology is a bit different than his.

Ed has been the rock star amongst the 20 and 30-something crowd for several decades, and apparently he is in meltdown mode because some younger guys are on the scene who are stealing his market share. These guys - we'll say "David Platt" and "Matt Chandler" to name just two - are of reformed theology, they do have stellar reputations amongst their peers, they are not showmen, camels haven't pooped while they preach, they do not fly around in private jets, and they do live modest lifestyles. And they don't dye their hair.

But there is too much to be learned from Ed's meltdown to put into one blog post. So we'll start with this one, and the video below, and more will follow.

Meanwhile, Ed, take a chill pill, dye your hair blonde for next Sunday's sermon, and get busy "wiping out" all of those Dallas/Ft. Worth churches. We dare you!!!


  1. Amen! Sometimes I think Ed is deaf to the words he uses to ridicule others. "Guys in skinny jeans and v-neck shirts." (Don't you know that Ed Young is the only hipster in town?) Oh, just because they dress like Ed Young, doesn't mean they preach like Ed Young. He laughably calls them "poachers." Ed Young is the ultimate poacher. He's been aggressively poaching the young from "traditional" churches for a couple of decades in the Dallas area. Incidentally, if his 2,600 baptisms per year were so effective, he would have dozens more campuses to hold them all. Ed emphasizes quantity over quality.

    He calls into question reformed theology but can't seem to see his own theological failings. He pals around with like-minded prosperity preachers T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen and repudiates ministers who denies their earthly possessions to serve the poor. How twisted is that?

    I wish Ed would just put the big $ rapper necklace around his neck every week when he preaches. He has no business criticizing others while he has so much to change. He needs to get rid of the plank in his eye first.

  2. I hope God destroys his "Empire" VERY soon.

    I'm still waiting for the day where Ed denounces Jesus in front of all of his followers.

    This man is worse than ANY criminal.

    He is wicked and evil to the core.

  3. These two videos might be helpful:
    (response video)

    (Young contradicting himself)

  4. These two videos might be good for following posts:

    Good response Video:

    Young contradicting himself:

  5. One more thing- he talked about not having "gear-heads." However, he has a church full of "Ed-heads." Honestly, they really don't know their Bibles and don't care to know. They can only repeat the bumper-sticker message that Ed drummed into them over the weekend. You challenge them theologically and they pull out the hater card.
    That is seriously deformed.

  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there a guy named JUDE that wrote about people like Ed Young once???

  7. He's an idiot.

    We don't even have basements in TX.

  8. Call me old-fashioned, but to call this a "sermon" is ludicrous. How in the world can anyone sit through this tripe and even remotely suggest they have been to church? I'm appalled that this man is even allowed to call himself a pastor.

  9. Someone said worse and worse as time marches on. That's why Paul asked are we all apostles...No, are we all prophets...No, are we all teaches...No. You can determine your gifts in I Cor 12, Romans 12, I Peter 4 or Ephesians 4. Just remember 12 and 4. The end is near my friends!!!

  10. Watchdog,
    Do you think that this could almost completely be aimed at Matt Chandler since he is in the DFW area and is church is growing rapidly? Also, the stuff about Africa has to have David Platt in mind especially after his comments about the "poverty vibe" in Christianity.

  11. He keeps getting crazier and crazier. I can't believe I was a member of that church 7 years ago. Unbelievable! It's time for him to implode like Robert Tilton.

  12. Anonymous 6/29 5:33said...

    He's an idiot.
    We don't even have basements in TX.

    A few of us do, including my neighbor and me. But it is a libel to say what he has copied from what other Mega pastors have said.

    BTW what is mega in a Mega?? Not the attendance, that is kilo not mega. Perhaps the budget and pastor compensation????

  13. Just listened to Chris Rosebrough's podcast from this past week concerning Ed Young's sermon. Glad to see that he called it a "melt down" as well!!

    He makes some very good points. Ed Young is treading in dangerous, cultic territory. If I were a member of Ed Young's church, and watched as he whipped up his crowd into standing to their feet and cheering when his talk had no substantive value, all straw man arguments, I would run for the exits. It is the stuff cults are made of - again, ironically in that his sermon series is "Kool Aid"

  14. Ed Young doesn't have either spiritual or doctrinal maturity. He's a cheap hack with no earthly idea about the grace of our Savior.

    His idea of church is a cheap vaudeville act missing the serious topics of grace, repentence and the joy of following Jesus.

    I look forward to seeing him empty out other Dallas/FTW churches. It should be quite entertaining.

  15. I would not attend a church pastored by Ed Young. Or Matt Chandler. Or David Platt. While different in their delivery, they are each arrogant in their own way. And that turns me off.

  16. Ed has been the rock star amongst the 20 and 30-something crowd for several decades, and apparently he is in meltdown mode because some younger guys are on the scene who are stealing his market share. These guys - we'll say "David Platt" and "Matt Chandler" to name just two - are of reformed theology, they do have stellar reputations amongst their peers, they are not showmen, camels haven't pooped while they preach, they do not fly around in private jets, and they do live modest lifestyles. And they don't dye their hair.

    Let's not forget Chandler's rant against bloggers.

  17. What's also sick is to hear where the audience applauds. Puffed up with pride in themselves.

  18. In agreement Anon....

    I would not take either of these men....
    One States " Hey, do whatever you want- live it up, God loves you and wants to see you prosper (that is if you tithe)."

    The other States "Unless you give everything you own to the poor (hence meaning we have this church or missional program you can fork over your possessions and cash.....oops where did it go?) you may.....not be a true believer in Christ."

    One is a Corinthian false teacher, the other is a Galation false teacher.

  19. Hi Dog
    Glad you are back. I am still in repentance mode for having given money to this church (which means I gave it to pay for his jet, mansion, etc). My hubby saw his picture on your site and dug up a picture we had taken with him. he used t have really, really dark hair. So, just like many people in the big D, he went blond.

  20. nothing to do with Ed, but an interesting discussion on tithing here

  21. Speaking of "skinny jeans"...Everybody's talkin bout Ed's tight pants, he's got his tight pants on.

    He's the only guy in town wearing tight pants.

    People wouldn't lie about Ed's tight pants.

  22. It took me a long time to realize that preachers are in competition with each other-at least some of them, maybe not all. They are not thrilled when you pick the other guy's church to attend. They want their following.

    It's always amazed me how the Bible is supposed to be the very Word of God; yet very smart people come to very different conclusions on even the basics. So there's the theological differences, then you throw is the different personalities, different levels of ambition, etc. among preachers.

    It's all based on fear of hell mainly. Convince people that there is a hell, and you know how they can avoid going there, and you'll explain what they need to do.

    Preachers like Ed Young seem quite impotent when you really think about it. They are simply men who get up there and rant and rave. They have no secret inside knowledge of God. They can't do anything to you. There's no need for you to give them your money at all. I think the only purpose they serve is that they can be quite entertaining.

    Once you realize it's all smoke and mirrors, the gig's up. If you believe in God, be kind to people, work hard for those you love, respect yourself and try to be happy. No need of silly pastors. No need to give them your money. Do you think God is impressed with these pastors? It's ridiculous. It's a big con.

  23. The Bible declares that some will have their reward///unfortunately they lose any rewards they could have had had they stayed true to the Word. Falling away from an earlier position or never had a position to begin with. In our era compared to the first century they are without excuse.

  24. Maybe Ed could send out letters to the members of the other Dallas churches. He could remind them how boring their preacher is, how there's never a dull moment at his church, etc.

  25. Paul to Timothy one version, put it this way. He must not be young in the faith lest he become conceited and fall under the judgment of the devil. I can't believe how many minister are ill-equipped and often encouraged toward ministry because of their youthful charisma and zeal of knowledge. But in examining Ed Young and even Driscoll I see a lot of ego. The LORD me this many years ago as I was about to enter ministry myself. I never entered into any eldership because God took me through a path in showing me the way elders are typically appoitnted are NOT biblical at all and that many are actually required in expereience of raising children on some level. CEO mentality and youthful zeal seems like too often the requirement.

  26. Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com

  27. What arrogance I can't believe the heights this man has gone. I will definitely totally NOT recommend that church at all unless the leaders confront the arrogance and also slander he has presented.

  28. Anonymous said...

    "I would not attend a church pastored by Ed Young. Or Matt Chandler. Or David Platt."

    and Mac Brunson ?, Steve Gaines ?, ....

  29. Happy fourth of July Watchdog and my hat is off to thank you in telling it like it is. If more people were like you, the church may have been salvaged, however reading the Bible we are definitely in the last church age. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!!!

  30. So when he's comparing baptism rates, that means his church saved 2000 people from burning in hell forever, and the other guy's church only saved 26 from burning in hell forever?

    Is any kind of quality important or do you just concentrate on something you can see in front of you-bodies being baptized? Where does God fit into any of it?

  31. The most telling line in the "sermon": "We could wipe 'em out" talking about the area churches.

    I went to Ed's church for 10 years, and time after time after time, Ed and his staff had opportunity after opportunity to partner with local churches to reach an even broader community and every single time, in my experience, he/they opted to throw darts at the local churches, not embrace them. The only other pastors/churches he even somewhat embraces are the C3 guys that come from all over to see and get schooled by Ed.

    It is so clear that Ed thinks of "his" church as "his" and not "His". And when members leave his church for another local church due primarily to Ed authoritarian rants, he can't wish you well, he slams you and the church you go to.

    Someday, please God, let there be just one team...

  32. Believe me, if Ed could clear out the other churches he would choose to do so in a heartbeat. He is getting smoked locally by The Village to the north and Gateway to the west. Sooooo very glad I don't tithe there anymore. If I were giving money to FC now, I would be paying Ed and his posse's way to the London Olympics for a "C3 Global" event. Guess they won't be digging wells while they are in the UK. Wonder if they will be flying coach to the Olympics???

  33. I am deeply concerned at the attack on the Body of Christ coming from Ed Young Jr. a person who professes to be from Body of Christ. Something isnt right here!
    His remarks about skinny jeans are quite ridiculous considering he has I am sure the Lord is deeply saddened by this display of jealousy and envy which has caused him to say some very unkind words about his brothers and sisters. The doctrine of election is very hard to understand and I am sure no one can explain it until the Lord comes to take us all home; however, it doesnt mean it isnt real. Pastor Young...what happened to you? Was it the money? Was it the fame? I pray you seek the Lord quickly before more damage happens.

  34. I am betting it has something to do with money...selling the house. People aren't bringing tithe to "the house"?

  35. the devil would love to see churches emptied..


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