Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh No! I Can't Drink Starbucks and Be Right With God!

I do understand that my failure to tithe has put me under a curse. I can accept that. I've been living "cursed" for quite some time, and it has been working out fairly well. Probably because it is a meaningless curse put on me by religious men and not God - but that is just speculation on my part.

But now David Barton comes along, and now there is a new curse I have to worry about. The curse is that if I drink Starbucks, I'm helping to support the destruction of marriage and I'm not "biblically correct".

Says David in the video below:
“Biblically, there is no way a Christian can help support what is attacking God,” Barton said, adding “I’m sorry, you’ve got to find some other coffee to drink.  You can’t drink Starbucks and be biblically right on this thing.  It’s just a real simple principle.”

David Barton is the one who I wrote about here, when he came to town telling us "...the Declaration of Independence is nothing more than a listing of all the sermons we had been hearing in church for the 20 years leading up to the American Revolution." This guy actually makes a living speaking in churches and telling people this stuff.

So we can't drink Starbucks or we're "destroying marriage" and "attacking God". I remember the same baloney back in the 1990s at our church when the SBC recommended church members to boycott Disney after Disney decided to grant health benefits to employees' homosexual partners. You were the super-spiritual ones if you stopped taking your kids to Disney - if you did go to Disney or showed your kid The Little Mermaid, well, God was going to get you.

I enjoy Starbucks. I buy cups of it brewed in their stores. I buy their beans at Publix and grind them at my house. I even bought a 12-pack of Keurig Starbuck packs for my Mr. Coffee Keurig machine.

And I will continue to do so.

No wonder evangelical Christians are laughed at and not taken seriously. The Holy Men of God say if we buy Starbucks, we're attacking God. If we criticize the pastor, we're attacking God. If we don't give 10%, we're cursed by God.

God, deliver us from these fools. While I sip my Starbucks.

H/T:  TheRev78


  1. I think we each have to make a personal choice on which businesses we support or don't support. I don't like coffee shops or clothing stores or any type of business getting involved in the culture war. And, yes, it is a culture war. God is being attacked in every aspect of society. But, I understand that the world is acting like the sinful world that it is and our God is bigger than all of it. He doesn't need us to defend Him. He will destroy His enemies with the breath of his mouth. Amen! But, if we deny Him, He will deny us. I don't want to give any business money in order to use it to wage war on my beliefs and/or my children's future. Some businesses are in your face about where they stand. I can take my money elsewhere.

  2. I think we each have to make a personal choice on which businesses we support or don't support. I don't like coffee shops or clothing stores or any type of business getting involved in the culture war. And, yes, it is a culture war. God is being attacked in every aspect of society. But, I understand that the world is acting like the sinful world that it is and our God is bigger than all of it. He doesn't need us to defend Him. He will destroy His enemies with the breath of his mouth. Amen! But, if we deny Him, He will deny us. I don't want to give any business money in order to use it to wage war on my beliefs and/or my children's future. Some businesses are in your face about where they stand. I can take my money elsewhere.

  3. Have you ever looked up the list of companies that support non-biblical causes? It is just about every single one of them. Why is he singling out Starbucks when hundreds of other US companies are doing the same thing?

    Taking what he says to its logical conclusion, you would need to grow your own food, provide water for yourself, sew your own clothes, and create your own transportation.

  4. I buy their beans at Publix and grind them at my house.

    And hence you have compounded your sin, dear brother! As if purchasing Starbucks products isn't enough, you have to do it at Publix -- of all places! Don't you know that the very name "Publix" is a repudiation of Godly sovereignty over all spheres of life?! Why, one might as well call their supermarket "Secular's"!!! It is bad enough that we have taken God out of the government schools--now we have chased Him out of the supermarket! Repent, Dear Watchdog--while there is still time!

    With much Christian love,


  5. Yes, I must ask: Where is all this Christ-centered, Spirit-driven righteous indignation about clothes purchased from stores that get their stock from southeast asia, where 10-year olds are paid 10 cents an hour? Oh, wait, that "culture war" actually benefits my wallet, so we choose not to enter into it.

    I'll bet he's preached some sermons on illegal immigrants, so can I assume that Barton has stopped buying produce picked by migrant workers? Or frequenting restaurants that use immigrants?

    BTW, "Publix" has to be a communist/socialist supermarket, just by virtue of their name, right?

  6. I heard applause being given! It sounded as though a number of people agreed with him. Could they be those that actually support these "great" preachers? Why are there so many? Wide is the road ....

  7. God save us from these fools, indeed. Well said, Dog.

    And Rev78, you nailed it as well.

    Nothing like showing Christian love by telling people you hope they go broke. Additionally, Christians are often guilty of jumping to conclusions about these companies without doing research, and as a result delivering false witness, or outright lying, about a company's position just to sound more spiritual.

    Maybe if we all just tried to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly, without omitting any of the three, we could all relax a little bit.

  8. Well lets just go down the list here shall we:
    You can't be a Christian if you:
    go to Disney
    shop at Home Depot
    drink Starbucks
    drive a Ford
    Shop at Sears
    Shop at Kmart
    Shop ANYWHERE that sells booze

    However you are not a "good Christian" if you stay home rather than go to a church where the:

    pastor is having an affair
    extortion (mandatory tithing) is committed by the "church staff"
    The music director is gay
    The pastor plagiarizes (steals)sermons
    The pastor tells lies about how "God fixed 'em good when they crossed me"
    The congregational slut is singing a special solo
    The ones that love scripture are pushed out or shunned.

  9. You have no idea how much catch up, I've had to do as an adult, because of the Disney boycott. My wife had to introduce me to Mulan. :)

    I've been troubled by the increasingly common argument that people have so much responsibility for how someone else spends their money. There is some truth to it, but consider the following example. I buy a coffee in New York. The money goes into the register and out into a married woman's pay check and into an insurance premium and out into a birth control prescription. According to some I may be paying for that wife to have sex with her husband. I just wanted a coffee.

  10. Personally as I have read you blogs in the past on tithing I thought you had some purpose in reforming thought. This post is evident of just merely being a blowhard. Fact one I think that anybody ever since it came into existence had to have their head examine to pay two dollars for a cup of coffee. The coffee house generation bought into at it led other restaurants to do the same and raise their prices. It is such a mindless trend of a generation in which I had greater hopes for. I guess thee expect to see Phoebe and Joey there. Secondly, they won't allow smokers to smoke on the site. Anybody who drinks two dollar coffee should have their head examine. I'll remember this the next time I smoke a cigar, if I do. So who is the greater hypocrite Starbucks or the person who would like to not see politically kissing up to gay marriage. If 50% of straight marriages stay together, what do these policymakers think that they are doing? I don't get it.

    Weeping Webelo

  11. I will admit though that Barton is wrong. The most destructive industry that destroys marriages it's not the homosexual community, it is the pornography industry. Research show this trend in the last fifty years.

    Weeping Webelo

  12. WW - you aren't taken seriously when you can't address the topic, and instead talk about a $2 cup of coffee.

    Fact is, I can buy an argument like this: "One way you can make a difference is to stop buying Starbucks. If you really oppose some of the things that Starbucks stands for, then don't buy their coffee."

    That would make sense - but when he puts it in terms of absolutes, that Starbucks is attacking God, he just sounds like a nut.

  13. Not taken seriously..I guess you didn't read my post well. I don't Starbucks seriously. Did you not get my post about smoking? They are not going to allow smokers on the premises. Who is the bloomin hypocrite Mr. Watch. Starbucks or Barton. You know the athiest Penn gets stuff like this even. If you believe somehow that Barton is some sort of threat then why don't you get him to debate you. You know I thought these blogs were going to be a birth of a new reformation of couple of years ago. Now I beginning to think they are just a bunch of pompus blowhards. You don't have to post this but need you do need to hear this.

    A annoyed Webelo

  14. By the way, Barton is graduate of Oral Roberts University. I did e-mail him personally about his support of the wolf, Kenneth Copeland when he was under investigation. He basically responded that Copeland had the freedom granted by the 1st admendment of religious freedom and the IRS did not have a constitutional foundation for existence. So does that exempt Kenneth so he could fleece a flock?
    But you post something about Starbucks in which could be considered just as nutty for prohibitng smokers even outside the cafe. You need some sharpening, Watch.

    The Webelo who also had a gay brother....may he rest in peace. died in January 1997.

  15. There's a devil under every rock. Watch out! We just can't handle life unless we are in an impenetrable bubble, with a hole just big enough to hear voices like Barton's - or we will surely err.

    (Bravo June 5, 6:51!)

  16. Weeping Webelo,

    Divorce has largely been on the decline since 1990 while porn has skyrocketed.

    I have an alternative theory. Divorce was rarer half a century ago, because it was more legally restricted

  17. What about buying from Home Depot? See article:

    Does this mean I can't go there to purchase my new jacuzzi bathtub? Oh no what shall I do?

  18. So if your pastor drives a car manufactured by a non-believer who uses his salary to get drunk, pay a prostitute, etc., the pastor is in sin and fighting against the will of God!

    Or if the oil that was used to make the gasoline in the car came from Saudi Arabia and supports a regime that implements Sharia law, then your pastor is supporting Sharia law?

    Or if your pastor's wife buys clothes made in SE Asia, where the population is Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu, is she support the worship of false religions through their paychecks derived from her purchases?

  19. Its not what goes in your mouth that is defiling but rather what comes out of it.

  20. ORU graduate.Enough said.

  21. You can't be a Christian if you:
    go to Disney

    The SBC repealed that one before the convention was held in Orlando again.

  22. To comment on an earlier comment on the destructive issues with marriages, pornography is much more damaging. When you look at trends over the last sixty years it is evident. You don't see bi-curious issues causing this problem. It is an outcome of it.

  23. I just caught this in you r blog "I enjoy Starbucks"....I really love golf Watchdog. I gave up on it because it was too expensive and too time consuming for my kids. Becareful what you is dangerous

  24. David Barton is a pseudo-historian who, similarly to the Caners, continues to travel the U.S. spreading his half-truths, distortions, and downright lies from the pulpits of our churches. Thank God for Thomas Nelson Publishing for recalling the book they published for him. He continues to deceive many because they are too lazy to do the research to check out his assertions.

  25. Dittos June8 8:15!! For some reason Many speakers with a true message from God eventually get full of themselves -off message- and end up sounding like a nutjob! While I do respect the past work Barton has done "reteaching" the conservative/gospel roots of the USA (the best ever) now...Yea nutjob! Please go back to message. Many in this next generation dont know and may never without your work. More on topic though...It is EASY to publicly rant against vices that dont have "hooks" in you. Cause you get ata boys from your peers. BUT How do you say this then in the private of your own home pay for TV service...AT ALL. No one can say they dont know where that $ goes. Years ago we cut all tv $ out due to finances. We discovered less immorality blasted at our kids-more time spent doing stuff as a fam-less wasted time-our kids stopped asking for stuff-we dont care who wins or gets what (contentment). I laugh when at someones house and they say "nothing on tv..." Cause I know satan laughs too...fools! BUT I dont preach at others about it!! My message Jesus Saves!

  26. Are you aware that in the middle of Gay Pride Week in Oklahoma City that the tornado occurred and while Kerry putting pressure on Israel that week.

  27. I have looked at many of your posts and I notice there is not one abut the First Baptist Church committing the same type of faux pas agaisnt the community.

    It's not that they don't commit these trangressions, I think it has to do with a bias of the writer that is PRO-FBC.

    Cast ye not the first stone.

  28. why dont Barton and his Dominionist buddies who have a problem with Starbucks

    criticize seeker-driven pastors like Rick Warren

    for being huge Starbucks supporters

    answer IMO:

    cause the seeker-driven folks like Slick Rick Warren

    and dominionist folks like Barton are all working together to create confusion in the christian community

    and one false group (the NAR and Dominionist types)

    would never attack another false group (the seeker-driven Rick Warren types)

    sorry to go on a rant, but felt like mentioning as a observation

    (i.e. Barton is slamming Starbucks for their worldviews

    but yet gives Rick Warren and many seeker pastors a pass for supporting Starbucks no matter what

    I wonder why....


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