Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is Ergun Caner the Next President of the Brewton-Parker College in Mt. Vernon, GA?

Mark Lamprecht who blogs at the "Here I Blog" site, has posted an article this morning about the possibility of Dr. Ergun Caner being a candidate for the presidency of the Brewton-Parker College, a Georgia Baptist Convention-affiliated college located in Mount Vernon of rural southeast Georgia. Mark received a call from a concerned parent of a BP student about the Ergun Caner rumor, and Mark's blog post describes his unsuccessful attempts to get an answer from a BP media relations person yesterday regarding Caner.

Brewton-Parker has an enrollment of around 1000 students as of 2007, with an endowment of around $13 million. It does receive funding from both the SBC-affiliated Georgia Baptist Convention, and from the Georgia Baptist Foundation. As Bob Allen reported here, last year Brewton-Parker was placed on probation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

Perhaps the trustees are looking at the success of Emir Caner at Truett-McConnell and think their own Caner might be a solution to their problems. But I find it hard to believe that a SACS-accredited school that is currently on SACS accreditation probation (with possible loss of accreditation in June 2014) would look to a man with Ergun Caner's past deceptions - most notably his gross "performance" at the 2007 training session of U.S. Marines that has led to Caner's copyright infringement lawsuit against Jason Smathers -  as the man to lead the institution. And I'm certain that the many female and minority students at Brewton-Parker would not appreciate Caner's past use of ethnic and racial stereotypes from the pulpit.

Mark Lemprecht and all Georgia Southern Baptists whose money helps support Brewton-Parker - are right to be upset and I hope they let the trustees at the college know of their concern over the possibility of an Ergun Caner presidency at Brewton-Parker.

If you would like to express your concerns in advance of any possible announcement on Caner, click here to get the email addresses of the school's administrators. I'm sure they would be happy to pass your concerns on to the Board of Trustees and the search committee.


  1. Brewton-Parker needs to look to the example of The King's College, who hired a president just because he was controversial and well known. (Dinesh D'Souza) It turned out to be a HUGE fiasco. And of course, there were people warning TKC all along about Dinesh and the board didn't listen.

  2. I am a student at Brewton-Parker college and i can assure you we have not chosen a president. The interviews for the presidency are still ongoing. I can say For a Fact most of the students are hoping for Dr.Tim Searcy.

  3. Ergun Caner should look into a career writing fiction books. Ministry is something he knows nothing about. However I am not surprised that Georgia Baptists would consider hiring him. They have no problem with dishonesty. I wonder how many Baptist pastors have been caught plagiarizing (stealing) other men's sermons and deceiving their paying congregation into thinking they are preaching their own stuff.

  4. It appears that the story has been removed from hereiblog.com -


  5. The "students are hoping for Dr. Tim Searcy" -- that shows only the selfish nature of some students. Fewer than 24% of any given freshman class graduates from BPC (check this out on IPEDS website); Dr. Tim Searcy got Louisiana College in HUGE trouble with SACS during his 2-year stint there (check that out as well); Dr. Searcy has NO successful leadership experience in academics much less the background/experience need to lead as a President! (check out his background -- it is NOT hard). Searcy is a bible college grad and knows less than zero about liberal arts education or business education or Education (that is teacher education) - check that out -- yet these are the hallmarks of BPC. Caner would bring disgrace by virtue of his past; Searcy would bring disgrace by way of his personal dependence on a lifelong friend who is a Chihuahua but who thinks himself a pit bull -- both Searcy and the Chihuahua are, in fact, mental and leadership midgets. If Caner and Searcy are the best that the Bd of Trustees can find to lead the school, then the Bd should just close it rather than waste the time and money of future students.

  6. Mark did take his blog post down on Caner. Not sure I understand what that accomplishes. Mark's blog is widely read, and it makes perfect sense that a popular Christian Baptist blogger in Georgia would use his blog to alert people of the possibility that Caner might be considered for the presidency of a GBC-funded institution. Good for Mark. Making one post on this would not make him "THAT blogger"....that is crazy. Wish he would have left it up, taking a blog post down after publishing it sends the message that there is something wrong, or scandalous, or in error about the post. His post was simply alerting Georgia Baptists and I'm glad he did.

  7. What is it with that disgusting beard? Am I the only person that is weirded out by it and similar facial hair styles being worn today by men in the church?

  8. Looking at the picture of Caner reminds me of his quip "they need to get SHAVED and saved..." when talking about Muslims.

    Is he not aware of the religious ramifications of such a beard?

    Is this part of his disguise as a former Muslim. Why grow the beard only recently.

    Hey Ergun...Shave it! You don't look like a menacing former terrorist. You look like a silly wannabe con artist.

  9. This is off topic but David Jeremiah is currently appearing on the Jim Bakker Show hawking his new socalled study bible at 60 bucks a pop. I have come to the conclusion that nearly all of these guys apparently are interested in is one thing and that is money. Absolutely nauseating to watch these guys.

  10. Tom, are you going to let people know what is happening at First Baptist with the recent firings and possibly more to come. Hopefully this will get around to the members of First Baptist and people will let the deacons know how they feel about this.

  11. Aaron Tison, Jonathan Welch and a Lady were asked by John Blount if they would be willing to work full time at half the pay. I understand that more people on staff are going to be asked the same question. I wonder if John Blount is going to call in Mac, Debbie and Trey and ask them the same question. Sad to see what Mac has done to our church since he became the pastor. Looks like watchdog was right all along.

  12. Hey guys, and ill say this publicly, please guard our minds and speech.
    Yea the "firings" comment got my interest up cause I believe I have and can see where its all BEEN heading but lets stay to facts lest we give ANY weight to the argument that we are "haters". A little piece of my heart will always be w FBC due to years growing there.
    Luv ya anon 10:12am bro/sis and yes there is some validity to it though they are paid sooo very little I cant imagine the diff it would make. And wife/I were made aware of it some time ago.

    WD...please do some quick sniffing and let us know asap. I believe there are many like you who want to know who to keep in prayers as the imploding accelerates.

  13. If you go to Aaron Tisons facebook page you will see how many people are already missing him, including young people. Sad to see how 1 person can disrupt a whole church and not feel any remorse but blame others for the problem.

  14. "I would have gotton away with the perfect religious scam, if it weren't for you meddling kids, and your little watchdog, too"

  15. What does it say about the leadership if the one In charge is not willing to first enter into suffering? If a salary needs to be cut why doesn't the pastor lead by example and take a pay cut so Aaron & others can keep their jobs? Is his book and speaking income that shabby that he can't survive without his pastor salary? Cut off the tv broadcast, radio broadcast, internet broadcast, close the school before letting these faithful people go? Yet we are buying property in St Johns and hiring a new high school music pastor. Isn't this attitude similar to Obama during recent sequester & shutdown by cutting off things that would be hurtful to others but never a mention of cutting his own pay or perks? Was there ever a vote taken regarding Trey practically becoming the associate pastor? I really do not want to hear about not touching God's man or criticizing him. They are men, not The Lord himself. The Apostle Paul said if he should examine himself then he would not be judged. Yes people are in hard times but I think that most are not wanting to give because they are not approving of the way the 'business' is being run and resent being asked to give to a man who is already living high on the hog. If he can not inspire the people to give to The Lord then maybe too much of his self is showing through. Go right ahead and look up my ip Det. Hinson, I always kind of wondered if you didn't look up all ip addresses of people commenting on dog's blog. My guess would be lots telling Aaron they're praying for him but if they're able to give to him then that's what they should do. The Bible says if you are able then you help not just speak. Whatever you planned to put in the offering tomorrow, instead stick it in an envelope and hand it to the man. I'm sure he could use it more than the pastor.

  16. About time for the preacher and his wife to go to New York to do their Christmas shopping. Wonder how the people that were let go are going to spend their Christmas.

  17. Its interesting just how some churches scale back just as corporations, however I have never heard of private corporations asking employees to take a cut in pay particularly a 50% cut and still work full time. This is the reason unions were organized. There is no difference for loyalty and good work ethic in the religious field when compared to the secular world.

  18. anon 5:47 There won't be one for them.

  19. Possibly these employees should write a book on their experiences it may be a number 1 seller.

  20. anon 10:12 am. Correct observation.

  21. Ok...for those of us who do not know....exactly who was/were let go. Did any resign on their own accord?

  22. Any news about anything at FBC Jax will have to come from the commenters. Notice that since The Dog and the church settled the lawsuit, there's been no further mention of Mac or FBC in the posts of this blog-only in the comments. Surprised the blog name has been allowed to remain.

  23. Her Ergun - get saved and shaved!

  24. As another student at BPC, I can testify that Ergun Caner is not our president. I can also verify that many students do not agree with the choice of Searcy as a president. To my fellow students, the wisest thing in this situation is to pray that God's will be done...not to push one man forward as our president.

    To the people who are spreading this rumor, please realize that you are painting BPC in negative light for your readers for something that has no grounds.

  25. http://www.bpc.edu/PresidentialSearch/canerpressrelease.html

  26. Matthew 18:21-35...How about showing grace for a brother who had a very public fall. It has been three years since the fall, and Brewton-Parker is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. Why not give a brother a chance to redeem himself. Besides what is more grievous, Ergun's deception or Andy Stanley's failure to address homosexuality from a biblical standpoint? A lack of integrity or a compromise of the gospel? Which is a bigger problem? We all sin, Ergun sinned very publicly, but to my knowledge he has never compromised the Word. I pray that he will do well and that the college will flourish under his leadership. I also pray that we all will learn to show the same grace and mercy to each other as our Savior showed us.

  27. I didn't realized that Matthew 18:21-35 was discussing unrepentant sin.

    In the parable in Matthew one debter is begging for forgiveness and the other grants (or doesn't grant) it.

    How does that compare to Caner to has never asked for forgiveness?

  28. The press release says

    that he came in 1969, but Caner says that he was trained for Jihad and didn’t come here until 1978? Which is it?

    Caner states over and over that he came in 1978 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO7fOE6olEo

  29. Anon, Dec 3, 5:38 pm.

    Before we forgive Caner for his lies and for his attacks on those who pointed out his lies, he needs to drop his lawsuits, pay their attorney fees, and confess publicly that he lied, and then ask for forgiveness. Repent, make restitution, then ask for forgiveness.

  30. In the Dec.26 edition of ' The Christian Index' there is a writeup about Ergun Caner being appointed as president of Brewton-Parker College. Bucky Kennedy the chairman of the board of trustees is quoted as saying that "Dr. Egun Caner is not just the man, but God's man for God's place and in God's timing. Kennedy goes on to say 'Our college in Mount Vernon needed a man with vision, a man of integrity, a leader and a fighter. He goes on to say that "We have done a thorough job of vetting Dr. Caner. We prayerfully and faithfully investigated everthing we could. We have inquired about his character and ability from men whom we know and respect and he has been given excellent recommendations from those who know him and who know Georgia Baptists.' It seems to me that there is very little value being placed on knowing or telling the truth with so many people in leadership positions in our denomanation.


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