Friday, June 27, 2014

Bizarre Ergun Caner Selfie-Video Pokes Finger in the Eye of SACS - Caner Predicts SACS Will "Come Around"

"Make no mistake, I believe the SACS thing will be resolved in our favor. I believe that SACS, for lack of a better term, will 'come around', because you can't look at the school and see anything but not only progress, but stability, control. We are in the BEST financial situation we could possibly be....this school is strong...we are accredited, we shall remain accredited....everything they asked for in those four areas of financial control, we not only did, we exceeded. If anybody would be worried, it would be me. And I promise you I'm not....we won't lose our accreditation, not for a moment." Ergun Caner in a selfie-video at Myrtle Beach.

Last night on the Brewton Parker website, Peter Lumpkins, the VP of Communication, posted a bizarre self-made video by Ergun Caner in which he makes grand statements about the accreditation status of Brewton Parker.

This video - if viewed by the Southern Association College Schools (SACS) board that has just voted to remove Brewton Parker's accreditation - must leave them scratching their heads and wondering what planet Ergun Caner lives on. This video cannot possibly help Brewton Parker's chances in their appeal to retain their accreditation as Caner leaves no room for the possibility that the latest SACS decision might show that Brewton-Parker College DOES have room for improvement.

And Caner makes all of these statements BEFORE he has even received the letter from SACS explaining their decision. This decision, by the way, will be publicly available on July 3rd. The audacity to make these statements even before he has the letter in hand is amazing.

This video is a sure sign of desperation, a Hail-Mary to comfort the troops while he is frolicking on the beach with young skulls of mush at Myrtle Beach. The selfie-video posted on the BP website is another example of "Amateur Hour" at Brewton Parker.

Besides, given Caner's penchant for exaggerations and fib-telling as a preacher, why would anyone believe what Ergun Caner says in this video?

"If anybody would be worried it would be me. and I promise you I'm not." Ergun Caner

Ergun's words remind me of the words of Baghdad Bob, the Iraqi information minister during the Iraqi war:

"No, I'm not scared, and neither should you be. We have them surrounded in their tanks." Baghdad Bob

Don't worry, Brewton Parker students and staff. Ergun Caner is in control.


  1. This just in: Jerry Vines claims "Homer and I are thrilled that SACS will remain accredited." And Homer "always loved Ergun Caner." And Vines states "I don't know this for sure, Homer never mentioned it."

  2. Odd video. He admits that he and the other 4 members of his board, ALL were surprised at the result of the SACS findings and didn't see this coming. Yet, in the same breath, he repeats why he thinks they will remain accredited, which are the same reasons he didn't see this coming. Also, he says we are stable, in control, etc, but we are looking at a legendary liar, with tattoos and an ugly goatee who is the university's "PRESIDENT." Sorry, Ergun, even without your decade of deceit, you don't inspire much confidence.

    Where is your phony Turkish accent, by the way? Where is Lumpkins to say "Ok, Great!" after every sentence?" Where is your attack on cyber stalkers and cyber terrorists? Don't you have to bring that up every time you do a PR piece? And you will fight? I hope it is not like you fought your two losing lawsuits.

    Your ability to lie with such conviction is impressive. You should return to the theatre and be an actor. But your staff and students that hear and see you, and actually believe you, are to be pitied. But who really cares about what a bunch of backwards and back woods Georgia boys really care about anyway. LOL. Caner, and now Brewton-Parker are a JOKE.

  3. Ergun,-- pardon me, Air-goon,-- must feel that since denial has worked so well for him in meeting challenges to his exciting life story, he can bring that same magic to Brewton-Parker. Not just a river in Egypt.

  4. I noticed he introduced himself as "Air-goon" with an Arabic sounding accent. This guy gets better and better! This is going to be interestin to watch how this all unfolds.

  5. During a time of crisis on a college campus, nothing communicates leadership and stability as much as a self-made video from a t-shirt wearing "president" made from his hotel room hundreds of miles away from campus. Unless you don't think being removed from membership is a crisis, in which case, you're delusional. Other signs of delusion include (a) remembering incorrectly where you were born, (b) remembering incorrectly how many wives your father had, and (c) suddenly thinking you speak a language you do not, in fact, speak.

  6. I dunno. I'm not an expert, but I'm thinking that probably this little propaganda piece was not the best way to curry any favor with SACS. Basically saying that their decision was b.s. and threatening to sue them if they don't capitulate, well. Does Brewton Parker not have a PR person, such as, for example, a Vice President of Communications, that has the expertise and judgment to know that something like this is a bad idea?

    And by the way, as to filing a lawsuit, SACS is a private accrediting body and they can pretty much accredit or not accredit whomever they want to, at their sole discretion. Therefore, a lawsuit would be patently frivolous so there's no way he would file one.

  7. It is the faculty I feel sorry for....many have been there for years plugging away, underpaid at a small Baptist college and the administration can't get their act together.
    And what is leading the college? A literal clown, a buffoon, the village know, if they could find other positions, they'd leave in a heartbeat...

  8. From the BP website:

    Brewton-Parker College will remain accredited throughout the entire appeals process, a process which could conceivably take years to complete.

    Which means Air-Goon (love it!) can frolick for another year or two or three and then jump ship before it sinks, leaving faculty, students, and sycophants like Lumpkins holding the bag. By the time this process is concluded, even if the college's accreditation is restored, he will likely have become bored with the "pool" by then and will move on to a new gig.

    SACS Accreditation: Frequently Asked Questions

    Anonymous 3:18 p.m.:

    "Therefore, a lawsuit would be patently frivolous so there's no way he would file one."

    I disagree.

    From the above link:

    SACS will make its final decision in August 2014. Should SACS rule unfavorably toward Brewton-Parker College in August 2014, the Brewton-Parker College legal team will immediately file an injunction to place the decision into the hands of the courts. Brewton-Parker College remains accredited during the entire appeals process.

    Showing once again Air-Goon will sue anyone over just about anything at the drop of a hat. You'd think he'd learn from the past, wouldn't you?

  9. From the BP website:

    What types of financial aid are available at BPC and how do I apply for them?

    Financial aid includes grants (based on financial need), scholarships (based on academic, athletic, or community acheivement), and loans. The State of Georgia offfers the very generous HOPE scholarship program.

    Wiki says:

    HOPE is funded entirely by revenue from the Georgia Lottery and is administered by the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC).

    Is it a sin for a Christian to accept a college scholarship funded solely from gambling? I'm serious. Reminds me of Steve Gaines saying if someone won the lottery and offered to tithe (or give it all) to the church he'd tell the person the church doesn't want it. (I have some swampland in Arizona for sale for really cheap if anyone believes that.) Maybe Peter "Jesus Turned Water into Grape Juice" Lumpkins can answer that one for us.

  10. Why would SACS ever trust a word that comes out of his mouth? May of last year, Ergun asserted that he essentially owns every video that he has ever been in. He sued Smathers over two of the Marine lectures. He sued me over one of the Marine lectures and a little video I made that was less than two minutes long.

    When my brother and I called Ergun's attorney, the attorney bluffed that Ergun could prove that he had been independent contractor for the USMC. We later found out that Ergun had only his memory to rely on and that no documents to that effect may have ever existed.

    In exchange for a settlement,he demanded that I not only cease posting videos, but that my wife, myself, and my three children agree to non-disparagements. They demanded this on a bluff.

    During the suit, Ergun conceded the following: The videos constituted fair use, he waived his rights, I had license to post the videos, he had no damages. He never even applied for a copyright on that little less than two minute video. Essentially he sued us for fun and on a bluff.

    Finally, June of last year, my brother and I explained my relationship to Ergun. Even given all of that explanation, less than a year later he says in court that I was some disgruntled who he fired. I never worked for him. In his latest brief, he now argues that he never knew me.

    I had hoped that I was wrong about Ergun and I keep trying to get someone to correct my supposed errors. He could have been the model Christian, but instead in this suit alone, he just lied so much that I wonder how SACS can trust him.

  11. In a recent motion, Ergun has said he can't afford to pay damages to Jonathan. One of the reasons he claims is that he has recently changed jobs and had to move his family across the country. First of all, doesn't he have a president's residence provided to him? And I can't honestly imagine a president of a college not getting his moving expenses paid.

  12. I work at a small private college and I can't imagine for a second our president making a selfie video and posting it to the internet about something as important as SACS. If he were to make an announcement you can believe it would be professionally filmed and released through the PR department.

  13. But I thought that one of EC's threats was to drive those he was suing into bankruptcy. Surely he can't be complaining that the "worm turned?"

  14. Dr. Jupiter aka Dr. JJune 29, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    To: Anon. June 28 10:12 PM

    RE: BPC's President's Home.

    1. Yes. BPC provides a residence for it's president. It is located on campus between the pond and Heritage Village. 2. There is no way the BPC Trustees would hire a president and not pay his moving expenses. However, no more than he is on campus, I'm thinking all he moved was a change of clothes, an extra toothbrush and a copy of The Legal Guide. 3. His family is not here. He is, more or less.

    He is clearly maintaining a residence in TX. This BPC stay has short term written all over it.

  15. Anon 9:47,

    We are not asking for damages, just attorney's fees. It has cost my brother and his firms about 30k to defend me. Ergun only asked for attorney's fees also, but given my financial situation, I would have been unable to pay the fees. Ergun explained that the fees alone were supposed to bankrupt me. During oral arguments, Ergun argued that he would have asked for damages, but he is a busy man and did not have time to calculate them.

    You're right. We do not know how much BP is paying Ergun, however the previous President made about 140k, plus benefits. Also, Ergun is probably still earning something from all these summer camps and his book sales. He has three houses, one in Lynchburg,Texas, and now BP. We suspect his moving expenses were also paid.

    I really do not care when someone is wealthier than the average american until they start complaining about how little they have. Ergun makes at least 3x more than the average american and now argues that he is too poor to pay the fees that he intended to use to bankrupt me.

  16. @ Anon 9:47 PM

    This is info from someone who knows caner very-very well.

    Caner has a residence in Texas where his wife and children live. He lives at the home provided by the college and travels home every other weeks at the expense of the college (this was part of hiring agreement).

    I would definitely make him provide financial statements and catch him in the lie.

    I wonder what his response would be if those who he sued had lost and were not able to pay?

  17. You Calvinistas never stop with this poor fellow! Obviously this is like all the other videos that were dubbed to make it appear like he said certain things.

  18. What we are dealing with in the Southern Baptist Convention is a religious mafia. There is no other way to say it. They steal money, they lie on their resumes, they pat each other on the back in the midst of wrongdoing and they willingly cast those out who disagree with them.

    Honestly, what is the difference between a religious mafia and the mafia that oversees a Las Vegas casino? They all lack integrity, they lie repeatedly, they'll steal from you in a New York minute and they cover for each other's sins.

    What is the difference?

    Fraud is fraud, no matter what brush you intend to paint it with. These men are con artists. The problem with Ergun Caner is that he isn't very good at covering his tracks.

    Just because the sign says Baptist instead of Casino doesn't mean a thing in today's world, and that's a crying shame. As a matter of fact, these religious men of power and means have caused unbelievable emotional pain to many people in their climb to the top (whatever that may mean).

    Snake oil salesmen have been peddling their baloney for decades. It is not anything new, but we just didn't expect to see it like this in the church. Today's mega pastor and hip college president run their shows like network marketing schemes. It's all about the money, the power and the lust for more.

    The worst shame of all are the many Christians who sit in the pews Sunday after Sunday, refusing discernment and common sense, and also refusing to question anyone that has the name "pastah" attached to his name. Gullibility in the church is staggering and actually quite frightening. If they aren't walking in gullibility, their feet are firmly planted in the soil of denial.

    How can people walk around with their heads in a fog 24 hours a day? To profess Christianity doesn't mean that you check your brain in at the door of the church. Christianity requires a person to be alert, to exercise awareness and to be discerning of the spirits.

    Do people not read the New Testament? How many times did Jesus and the Apostle Paul warn us?

  19. Caner has a residence in Texas where his wife and children live. He lives at the home provided by the college and travels home every other weeks at the expense of the college (this was part of hiring agreement).

    Wow, the BPC trustees must have really been desperate!

  20. Anon 3:25,

    Oops, you caught "us". LOL

  21. Snake oil salesmen have been peddling their baloney for decades. It is not anything new, but we just didn't expect to see it like this in the church. Today's mega pastor and hip college president run their shows like network marketing schemes. It's all about the money, the power and the lust for more.

    The worst shame of all are the many Christians who sit in the pews Sunday after Sunday, refusing discernment and common sense, and also refusing to question anyone that has the name "pastah" attached to his name. Gullibility in the church is staggering and actually quite frightening. If they aren't walking in gullibility, their feet are firmly planted in the soil of denial.

    How can people walk around with their heads in a fog 24 hours a day? To profess Christianity doesn't mean that you check your brain in at the door of the church. Christianity requires a person to be alert, to exercise awareness and to be discerning of the spirits.

    Do people not read the New Testament? How many times did Jesus and the Apostle Paul warn us?

    Spot on. This is precisely why these guys are so successful... if you measure success by wealth, power, and a large following.

    I don't "do" social media, but I read occasionally, and I never cease to be amazed at how the sheeple gush over every word "Pastor" writes and every photo he or a member of his family posts. They're all so "gorgeous" and "godly" and "beautiful, inside and out."

  22. Anonymous said...

    You Calvinistas never stop with this poor fellow! Obviously this is like all the other videos that were dubbed to make it appear like he said certain things.

    June 29, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    WOW - Is this Caner speaking? He say's the same thing - "I did not say that, the videos were edited".

    That becomes a valid argument when someone can provide the unedited videos showing the evidence against him was dubbed and edited.

    Also, Caner will be left alone when he quits lying and being deceitful and admits he has been shamming people in the name of the almighty $$$$$. Remember Ergun Caner was referred to as Butch before 911 and his persona changed to cash in after 911. Need proof, go to Central Baptist Church in Aurora Colorado and ask about him before 911. Ask if he preached the same sermons/stories before 911 as he does after? Need further proof, go to Wood Baptist Church in Wood North Carolina and ask about him pre 911?

    Ergun Caner (or Butch as I knew him before 911) is a liar, fraud and evidently has no morals.

  23. Dr. Jupiter aka Dr. JJune 30, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    "New BBC Open Forum asked.

    "Is it a sin to accept a college scholarship funded solely from gambling?"

    New BBC, I'm glad you brought that up. I used to raise 501c3 money. The guy I worked for was fond of saying, " The only tainted money is money taint ours."

  24. Dr. Jupiter aka Dr. JJune 30, 2014 at 8:34 PM

    New BBC Open Forum said: "Is it a sin to accept a college scholarship funded solely from gambling?"

    New BBC, I'm glad you brought that up. I once raised 501c3 dollars for a guy who was fond of saying,

    " The only tainted money is money taint ours."

  25. I have already been through this with two different schools and I can say unequivocally that he is not truthful. If you lose your accreditation after probation you are NOT ACCREDITED. The credits from this school will not transfer as this goatee tying, tattoo wearing, black t-shirt wearing, spectacle on forehead wearing president may want you to believe. He's ignorant of the facts.

    No, if they lose accreditation, only those credits earned while the school was accredited will transfer. For instance, current juniors will have their last three years transfer. This coming year will not be transferred. If you are looking to transfer, you may need to repeat anything after the school loses accreditation.

    Think I am joking? I went to a college that was accredited then lost accreditation. I managed to get a PhD, but a community college after my PhD refused to transfer my undergraduate credits because of the lack of accreditation.

    I also received all this BS from college administration reassuring students about their credits.

    Seriously, look at the LIES that Ergun Caner has perpetuated about himself and this video is just disgusting. He doesn't deserve the obscene money he is making to perpetuate the lies about this collesge. However, that may just be why they hired him- because he can lie and get away with it.

  26. When you are conning people (taking their money, assets, estate, time, service, devotion in exchange for rewards AFTER they are dead (favor with God, blessings, no curses, mansions, streets of gold, eternal life, etc.), you need a con artist to do it. IE: Vines, Caner, Gilyard, Gaines, Young, Jr., Furtick, etc., etc.

    How gullible are we? Air-goon is finding out. As is Vine's publisher.

  27. I found this on the Bay Citizen.

    But what exactly does it mean when a school loses its accreditation?

    We posed that question to Barbara Beno, the president of the ACCJC.

    If a school loses its accreditation, what are the immediate consequences?

    The largest consequence is that the institution loses access to federal aid and grants, and students can no longer access student aid funds, likely forcing the school to close, according to Beno.

    If the commission were to decide to revoke the institutions accreditation, the cutoff point would arrive at the end of the semester, ensuring that students who stayed until the very end could successfully transfer the credits to another institution.

    Can the school appeal?

    The school can appeal, Beno said, but only under very specific circumstances, such as the school believes the commission made a mistake while carrying out its review or that that a member of the evaluation team showed bias. (You can read more about the appeals process in the Accreditation Reference Handbook[PDF].)

    The school also only has a small window in which they can appeal, so it would want to do so right away.

    During the appeals process, the accreditation remains intact and the school can continue to access federal aid and classes can still be held.

    “However,” Beno said, “There’s an impact on their social standing because of their status. They can continue to operate, but students may flee, not knowing what the outcome of the appeal will be.”

  28. According to J.D. Hall, the ruling on fees in the Autry case has been issued. EC did not do well and the Judge said some blunt things about the suit.


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