Friday, July 25, 2014

WD Checking In from the Beach: Top 10 Verses Your Pastor Might Use to Manipulate You

Hi WD Readers!

Hope you're having a great summer!

I'm just relaxing on the beach, taking a few naps and thought I'd check in and let you know I'm doing well.

While my favorite mega church pastors are on their summer sabbatical or taking their four-week vacation, I've decided to cut down on my posting frequency.

However I did want to share an excellent article posted today at

Check it out, let me know your thoughts!

Will be posting more soon - waiting for Ergun Caner's grand entrance at First Baptist Woodstock, and Johnnie Hunt's sappy introduction of Ergun this Sunday. Also, any day we can expect the judge in the Caner vs. Smathers case to rule on how much Caner has to pay for Smathers' legal expenses.

But in the meantime, I'll keep chillin' on the beach here in Jax, and will be "watching" my favorite pastors online! If pastors need time off to recharge their batteries so does the Watchdog who watches them!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your well deserved rest brother - we will man the fort until you get back. Your friend
    TJ -


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