I realize there is no more need of additional proof of Caner exaggerations, but if what Wade Burleson says is true and the Chancellor of Liberty University is reviewing Ergun's new version of his biography right now, they might want to listen to THESE excerpts to make sure they get it right this time.
I still hope that Caner will come forth and give an apology.
If the public records are correct, and if his own words in his book co-authored with his brother are correct, Ergun moved to the states in 1970 when he was the age of 4, and never lived in Turkey.
But in the sermon exercpt below, delivered in early 2007, Ergun explains in great detail that what he learned about America he learned watching American television shows broadcast in Turkey - growing up in Istanbul.
This excerpt was taken from one of Ergun Caner's four sermons preached at the Men's Retreat of the Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists in early 2007.
Each sermon is available for downloading here (until they are taken down after this post goes up).
Caner says the following about his upbringing in Istanbul, Turkey:
"Until I came to this country, I saw thru television. It was whatever the Turkish government allowed into the country that passed through the censors, and secondly it was what was basically free, or didn't have to be translated. And so we got a lot of sports. And we got a lot of shows that, would uh, would, would be self explanatory. And that, that actually became this big window into, uh, uh, America for me. Uh, for instance, 'Andy Griffith' was, was, um, a show that we would get. I didn't understand it, but I thought all of America was sort of like Mayberry, and, um, it's true, I thought all of America was like Mayberry. It was in black and white and they sent it for free, and, and so I thought, and I, uh, moved to New York. And its not a real good comparison there, um.
"The second thing is was, was, American baseball. And, the, Cubs, WGN, would send Cubs games. And I learned American baseball by watching, you didn't have to translate it, you just you, you watch the game. You would hear, uh, apparently it turned out to be Harry Carey in the background, um, and that's how I thought American's talked, um, but that was, that was, you didn't have to translate it.
"The, the, third thing that I got, uh, which is a little embarrassing, but it's true. Was, uh, out of Atlanta, Georgia - and in Instanbul it played every two weeks for two hours, we would get a tape, of - uh, I guess it was a tape, they'd put it on, uh, Turkish television, there on Haberity, which was the station. Georgia, championship 'wrastling'. And nobody ever told me that it was fake, you understand. So you will hear me constantly throw out references to things that, that, from my youth, because, I thought Americans were the toughest people on the planet. Um, you got hit in the head with shoes, boots, and uh, chains, and I thought Rick Flair was the governor, and, and, and Dusty Rhoads was the uh, was the mayor and so that was my upbringing, um. "
Is he purposely deceiving these people, or does he perhaps believe his own stories?
Also in these four sermons, you will hear a sampling of just about every exaggeration that he's used, including:
- references to his debates that he has had at college campuses all over America and in London, discussing in detail his debating philosophy...debates that James White says have never happened.
- states that he is Turkish, makes no mention of his birth in Sweden, and that he came to the states to Brooklyn in his "early teens".
- However, the year of moving to America is now 1978, and his family came as "missionaries to you" to build mosques. The year 1978 is significant, he says, in that it is the same year that Ayatollah Khomeni declared 'We will not stop until America is an Islamic nation.'
- Takes a swipe at Mexicans: says that "his people" come here to America faster than any group except for Mexicans, and we (Turks) "don't come in the back of Chevy's". Hardy-har-har.
- used the line "Jesus strapped himself to a cross so I wouldn't have to strap a bomb to myself." Yes, if not for Jesus, Caner was being trained to be a Jihadist.
- claims to have a PhD, and lists his degrees, and gives the number of books he has written, and the total number of copies he has sold (300,000).
- says most Turkish women have better mustaches than Turkish men. Good to know.
- makes fun of and mocks "mutant granddaughters" of women in church who try to push them on to single preachers, and makes a dog barking sound to say that they are dogs.
- and then this doozy: "Do I believe in women behind the pulpit? You bet I do, how else do you expect them to vacuum back here if they can't get behind it?
If you've ever listened to Perry Noble at NewSpring in Anderson, SC, Ergun Caner really gives Perry Noble a run for his money. These guys could do stand-up comedy together...they would make a great TV show.
And hearing the response of these attendees to Caner's quips....I thought that lay people were gullible...boy, these preachers really ate it up. Caner had them eating out of the palm of his hand. The clips sound like a sitcom laugh track, seriously.
What a performance. Can't wait til he comes back to Jacksonville; he will definitely needs some fresh material, that's for sure.
Possum Kill, North Carolina, near Smithfield? I can't find it. I grew up in NC and never heard of it. Has anyone been there?
Ergun says he has!
I also thought I heard him say he went first to New York, and then to Ohio.
If you are going to unveil Ergun, how about the rest of the SBC comedians - I meant preachers?
"If the unbelievers are there, why are they comfortable staying?"
They are comfortable because their ears are being tickled ie. no conviction of sin or of righteousness.
As far as your response to my comment about the church being weak because of lack of integrity of its leaders: I agree that the membership has to be weak in order to let the leadership get by with
lack of integrity. But leaders/teachers are held more accountable by God because of their influence on so many. In other words, if the spiritual leaders are weak so goes the majority who sit at their feet.
I do not believe in relativism - spiritual or otherwise. I'm just saying that when we let fallible men chase us away from the church that Christ loves, we have our focus wrong.
Notice when he lies about watching Amerrrrrican television he says, "ah, um, err..." An audible way of a "tell."
I was stronly urging my grandson to look into going to Liberty but with all the links caught on tape, video, ect. giving facts about the "President" of the college, I have changed my opinion.
The background of this man and what he claims to be is not only scary but very serious and gives a blackeye to Liberty and the churches that call him to speak.
But most of us know that his following and the SBC leadership will raise him up and bail him out with a standing ovation!
Should Caner stay as President of Liberty - absolutely NO! He's a red flag and scares me for my family.
I just googled "possum kill" "north carolina" and the only result referring to a town was a Google Books link to one of Ergun Caner's books.
Anon 3:06:
It is not the leaders that caused this great trouble. It is the congregations that do not study. Remember that these leaders were once promoted by others, not necessarily other leaders.
My hope at one time for the SBC is that they would read the Book that they claim to believe. Based upon thousands of sermons I have heard and conversations I have shared, much of that Book has never been read, not by congregants, not even by the leaders.
Having been personally attacked by (latest count) five SBC pastors, none of which brought any Scriptural charges, all of who despised the Lord's instructions in Matthew 18, I am concluding that the SBC is as apostate as the Roman Catholic Institution. History shows that they also allowed the world to gain access to their ranks of hierarchy. Note also that even the idea of a church hierarchy is foreign to the Bible.
" do not believe in relativism - spiritual or otherwise. I'm just saying that when we let fallible men chase us away from the church that Christ loves, we have our focus wrong."
And my point is: It is NOT His church. It is an organization that peddles a system for gain. His church is not like that. (Church is not a building)
I am starting to feel pity for Caner. Not because he is being outed but because he seems so lost. And his reponse so far only means his heart is hardening even more. (And the hearts of those who are supporting him in this)
He simply must step down and do some soul searching. All of them...the leaders at Liberty, the Trustees, too.
He not only insults women but cleaning women! But wait, the person who vacuums behind the pulpit at my church is a man.
Does Caner think the pulpit is a sacred piece of furniture?
Someone said we have become like Rome. They have no idea how right they are. The Divine right of pastors!
Anon 4:32,
Oh, but I do know how Rome-like the SBC has become. In fact, discover how many times leaders such as Paige Patterson has visited with the pope!
I spent a great while very active in an SBC church. I personally know many of the SBC preachers.
Yes, I know very well about Rome, too. I was married in the Roman Institution.
Cna we believe ANYTHING that this guy says? I don't think so. On the clip, Ergun Caner says "...that he drove up that highway every Sunday to worship at the mosque..." Look it up and you will find that Muslims worship on Friday! They call it prayers rather than worship, but just the same it is 12:30-2:00 Fridays. You can do a google search and get his information from multiple sources.
Anon 3:59
Interesting find. I also read the beginning paragraph about Ergun Caner having debated a group of atheists, and the debate was in the Spring of 2007, and it was "... broadcast on the radio and the Internet, and became one of the most downloaded programs of the genre."
doesn't Mac's son go to Liberty?
huummmm.....doesn't Mac's son go to Liberty.......?
someone needs to yank the mic from this guy immediately. the more he opens his mouth, the deeper he falls in. And where does he get off being a "seminary" president. How appalling. This man is not even saved. Heck I'll say it again. This man is not even saved. No way.
What happened to all of the spiritual discernment of all of these "preachers"? They don't seem to have a problem deciding who to keep in their churches and who to throw out!
And what is worse and worse, we found out from tazing experts he was not really tazed. It was set up!
Reponse to:
"Cna we believe ANYTHING that this guy says? I don't think so. On the clip, Ergun Caner says "...that he drove up that highway every Sunday to worship at the mosque..." Look it up and you will find that Muslims worship on Friday! They call it prayers rather than worship, but just the same it is 12:30-2:00 Fridays. You can do a google search and get his information from multiple sources."
You are right when you say we go for prayers at the Mosque on Fridays. Friday is the day of the week where it is compulsory for the Muslims to gather and perform salah in congregation in place of the regular noon salah.
On the other hand, Ergun isn't really in error when he says he went to the Mosque on Sundays because Mosques are open everyday of the year and they each hold congregational prayers 5 times a day, each day of the year. And we know that he would spend some weekends with his father.
I can understand your reasons for saying what you have said and I admire you for actually willing to look things up for yourself unlike many other people :)
I worked with a Muslim who took Friday nights off for worship; you are correct whoever said that. I've actually worked with many Muslim people in my past life.
Right now I'm a cleaning lady, you know the kind Caner insults.
What, you want me to call him DOCTOR?
Referring to your post earlier about the redneck hillbillies, they ARE redneck hillbillies, thats why they are coming across like that.
You ever live in NC, or SC, etc?
And lets talk about southern baptist preachers and their insults towards women...COME ON EVERYBODY GET IN THE REAL WORLD....THATS ALL THEY KNOW HOW TO DO.
This denomination is looking more backward everyday. Ick. Even to a southern cleaning lady, you are coming across as EGNORRANT....YEAH THATS EGNORRANT WITH A EEEEE.
Come on you all....wake up or something. Did you read the great letter to Wade Burleson about his kids? How LONG do you think these hillbilly preachers have been using that tactic?
And I've been wondering about that spiritual discernment thing too.
"This denomination is looking more backward everyday"
Mark Noll wrote about book about the anti intellectualism in Christianity. Just believe the preacher and don't question or study anything.
Anonymous said...
April 13, 2010 7:24 PM
It really doesn't matter what you
It really doesn't matter what you
April 13, 2010 7:51 PM
Nor you. :o)
And my point is: It is NOT His church. It is an organization that peddles a system for gain. His church is not like that. (Church is not a building)
April 13, 2010 4:27 PM
The synagogue was anything but perfect, with corrupt priests, and yet Jesus was there every Sabbath to worship and teach. I realize the church is the body of Christ but buildings are necessary for believers to gather together in His Name to have corporate worship.
Anonymous said...
It really doesn't matter what you
April 13, 2010 7:51 PM
Nor you. :o)
April 13, 2010 7:57 PM
You are absolutely correct. The Lord Himself is Caner's Judge and He alone knows who is wheat and who is tares.
The synagogue was anything but perfect, with corrupt priests, and yet Jesus was there every Sabbath to worship and teach. I realize the church is the body of Christ but buildings are necessary for believers to gather together in His Name to have corporate worship.
April 13, 2010 7:58 PM
Have you not read the OT? God railed about the corrupt priests and even divorced the harlot Isreal for a time.
The WHOLE point of the indwelling Holy Spirit is because God resides in US now if we are really saved.
To try and excuse corrupt churches with the corrupt priests in the synagogues is ludicrous.
We do not need special buildings. That is a tradition started about late 200AD. AS a matter of fact, it actually hurt Christianity to have special buildings. It was never intended.
I sure wish folks would read the NT without their blinders and presuppositions and then go read lots of history. Do you not realize what happened in AD 70?
This is probably old news, but check out Liberty's site:
Now click on Ergun Caner. Where is the information?
Now come back and click on Tin Chong. Oh, there is information.
Come back and click on David Chung. More information.
Rechck Ergun Caner. Opps, no information ... ON THE PRESIDENT!?
"To try and excuse corrupt churches with the corrupt priests in the synagogues is ludicrous."
If that was what I was trying to do, yes, it would be ludicrous.
Of course, God hated the hypocrisy and the corruption.
Where would you have believers to come together for corporate worship? A hut? A home? Or would you have us just be isolated from one another?
I personally receive much joy being with fellow Christians each week. What do you do with the the scripture that tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together? But then maybe I have misunderstood you just as you have me.
I refuse to let Caner and others like him who have gone astray to
rob me of joy. I refuse to become bitter and turn my back on the established church. And, yes, I have read and studied the scriptures for many, many years.
So while Liberty is rewriting his biography, will they also print a disclaimer that the views of "Dr." Caner are not their own about Blacks, hispanics, Mexicans, Turkish women, and women cleaning behind the pulpit? Please assure us Mr. Falwell, that the Champions for Christ Liberty is training are not all going to be racist chauvinists who lie about their past. And your students and graduates have enough discernment and integrity to force this man to step down. I mean, they will need jobs when they graduate right? Who would hire a Liberty grad with this man and all he represents as the face of the university?
Loyalty to a man is one thing, but at the price of the students, faculty and graduates of Liberty? Please, Falwell brothers, put a stop to this nonsense.
Where would you have believers to come together for corporate worship? A hut? A home? Or would you have us just be isolated from one another?
I personally receive much joy being with fellow Christians each week. What do you do with the the scripture that tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together? But then maybe I have misunderstood you just as you have me.
Nothing wrong with meeting in a home, or renting a school if your folks can afford it and it doesn't cause them to cut other ministries. What this blog focuses on is not folks having a space to "assemble" together. This blog focuses on lying preachers, greedy preachers, manipulative preachers, who no matter how big the building, or how many millions they have, they continue to beat the sheep and twist scripture to keep the millions rolling in. Are you saying that FBC Dallas needs another $140 million dollars so you can enjoy assembling together? Or Brunson needs millions to renovate the auditorium so folks can assemble together? Please. Don't let them abuse your tender heart to want to assemble together. When is enough enough? When the leaders get so brazen, like Mac and Maurilio and Gaines and Young, that we no longer are deceived.
Sure we are to assemble together, but not at the expense of our families, the poor, naked, hungry, widow, orphan and others in need.
Baptist Life Forums > Baptist Faith & Practice Forum > Ergun Caner Exposed as a Fraud and a Liar.
Baptist Life Forums > SBC News and Trends > Burleson gets threatened....
ABP News > Church-critic blogger exposed by officials can proceed with lawsuit.
Ministry of Reconciliation [Debbie Kaufman] > Now Hear This: To Those of You Who Are Writing Posts Against Those Involved In The Caner Issue.
Sure we are to assemble together, but not at the expense of our families, the poor, naked, hungry, widow, orphan and others in need.
April 13, 2010 10:27 PM
I whole-heartedly agree! And I am one who has left one of those megas
because of all that you have cited.
My point is this backlash against corruption in many megas - and people like Caner - is causing such anger and bitterness that people are abandoning the church altogether. When that happens, the Enemy of our souls is the victor and God's people are the losers.
I whole-heartedly agree! And I am one who has left one of those megas
because of all that you have cited.
My point is this backlash against corruption in many megas - and people like Caner - is causing such anger and bitterness that people are abandoning the church altogether. When that happens, the Enemy of our souls is the victor and God's people are the losers.
We are another family who left the "Mac Brunson" church but have no anger or bitterness. Mac and his puppets are the loosers, not believers like us.
In fact we visited one church who in 3 services had 15,000 in attendance with standing room only. Many went forward at the end for salvation (not membership)and the people could not have been more gracious with the Pastor whom travels with no body guard being gracious to greet us all.
Very refreshing - Mac Brunson will never achieve what has been lost at FBCJ since his arrival no matter how much money they are spending on damage control.
What did Jesus have to say about this?
John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
Let's stop making excuses and wondering.
New Caner bio up on his site:
Still nothing on Liberty's site.
How vague and self serving can you get:
"Ergun Caner is the President and Dean of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School in Lynchburg, Virginia. Raised as a devout Sunni Muslim along with his two brothers, Caner converted in high school. After his conversion, he pursued his call to the ministry and education. He has a Masters degree from The Criswell College, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Theology from the University of South Africa. He has written numerous books with his brother, Dr. Emir Caner, who is the President of Truett-McConnell College, a Baptist college in Georgia."
Grace and Truth to You [Wade Burleson] > When Will We Southern Baptists Turn from the Idol of Celebrity to the Gospel Itself?.
The official biography of Ergun Caner, President of Liberty University, has been down on his website for some months now. The actual biography of Ergun Caner, with all the embellishments removed, reveals the story of a typical midwestern American youth growing up in a home touched by divorced--albeit a youth with an incredible gift for public speaking. He did not grow up in Turkey, he was not trained as a Muslim terrorist, and he has not debated Muslims around the world as he has claimed. What is very revealing about this situation, more so than the noted changes made on Caner's resume concerning his education, more so than the blind, vocal support by angry ideologues who want the blessing of their heroes, is Liberty's removal of Dr. Caner's biography from the school's website. Personnel from Liberty have informed me that Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr made the decision to pull the biography, have it reworked, and then repost it this week. The Chancellor's decision, however, is now up in the air. It seems that the pressure on Liberty is increasing and so is the need to give an official explanation for the discrepancies in the stories told by their Seminary's President. It has become a public issue, one that isn't as easy to ignore as when people are forced into silence. What can be said of the executive leadership staff of a Baptist seminary and university who refuse to address the integrity issues of her President when the world remembers how a Roman Catholic university responded to similar issues in the coach of their football team? I would urge the board of directors of Liberty, most of whom are Southern Baptists (Jack Graham, Johnny Hunt, Bailey Smith, James Merritt, and Jerry Vines, etc..) to realize the importance this hour.
Alpha & Omega Ministries Apologetics Blog [James White] > Egun Caner's New Cleaned-Up, Without Apologies Bio.
Well, Mr. Burleson was right. Yesterday the bio that had included the claim that Caner came to the US in 1979 (you can still see that date in the search data found here, currently the third entry, which reads, "... homeLIFE Ergun was born in Stockholm, Sweden to turkish parents and in 1979 immigrated
to the United States with his parents, grandmother, and two brothers. ... ") disappeared from the Liberty website. It has now been replaced with this, which conspicuously lacks...well, almost anything relevant to Caner's own false claims about his past, being trained as a jihadist, living in Turkey, majority Muslim countries, etc. and etc.---his stock story he's been telling since 9/11. The claim to have debated "leaders" in major religions remains, however, despite Caner's inability to provide evidence of such debates. At the very same time the bio link became active again on Ergun Caner's personal website, here. This one is even more vanilla, lacking almost all detail. It even drops all mention of debates!
Wade Burleson said
" It would seem that the best approach is for Caner to come clean with his embellishments, seek the forgiveness of those whom he has led, and ask for the grace and forgiveness to continue his ministry, and cease trying to create a persona that is false. I, for one, would honor a man with that kind of humility. Our focus in the SBC needs to return to the gospel."
Good thought? Just say your "sorry, I made a mistake" and you get to keep your job, your standing, as a "humble" Christian.
"Same Old , same old"
Very good site with lots of info on Caner's lies.
From Burleson's site regarding one who worked for Mac Brunson at Dallas:
"Just wanted to thank you for addressing the issues with Ergun Caner. We knew the Caner's when I worked for Mac Brunson at First Dallas. Our kids went to their son's birthday parties and we ended up at lunches and meetings with them. I knew Ergun long before I ever heard him preach. The first time I heard him preach publicly was at the Pastor's Conference that we sponsored in Phoenix. I was sitting in the Green Room watching the monitor, and was absolutely shocked. You see, I had no idea he had an accent. He DIDN'T have an accent, except when he was in the pulpit.
I was ... stunned.
I enjoyed having Ergun as a friend, as long as we weren't talking SBC stuff. He did chase the limelight, which ... well, I got that a lot when working for Dr. Brunson. Had to keep chapstick in my desk for all the butt kissing. :) Sad, but pretty rampant.
Again, just wanted to say thanks."
I am sure Mac found no shortage of "butt kissers" when he arrived in Jax. You guys know who you are. And so do your family and friends and colleagues. Pathetic.
Pucker up everyone. Mac Daddy is here to lead us. Now fork it over.
Just to clarify, Dr. Caner isn't the President of Liberty but just President of the Seminary. I don't know if that makes it better or worse I'm just saying...
Mr. Watch Dog,
Please remove the picture stolen from the FWB website as it is copywrited as well as the audio material on the site from which you made a clip.
Thank you,
Tom Dooley
Board of Directors
Ohio Association of FWB
If you would like to discuss it please email me at tadooley@yahoo.com or call me...
If you do not comply we will file an official complaint regarding the copywritted material.
Tom Dooley:
Welcome to Watchdog's blog. This dog is very tenacious. I have warned you.
I hope you are also planning to issue a DMCA Takedown notice to Google.
This dog will fight back.
EFF > Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers).
I guess the Free Will Baptist aren't really Free after all.
Here's pastor Tom Dooly
Isn't there something about the name Tom Dooly?
Tom D, Stolen is a pretty harsh word here, borrowed maybe, as Watchdog gave full acknowledgment for their origins.
Even the story about learning about America by watching Harry Caray on WGN is nonsense. We forget how new cable and satellite tv are. (I live in Brooklyn, as, supposedly, Caner did, and we didn't get cable until 1992.) Satellite tv was available in some countries, but not, afai can discover, in Turkey, which had, until 1986, only one local tv station. Wikipedia lists a large number of American and British shows it broadcast -- neither MAYBERRY/Andy Griffith nor wrestling is listed.
Oh, and replying to your first commenter, there is no town named Possum Kill in NC or anywheres else in the US according to the Weather Channel mapping system.
I just listened to Caner's sermons at Ohio Free Will Baptist meeting. It is more lying braggamonies, not preaching the Gospel, nor teaching Scriptures. Baptists in general are known for liking exaggerations and braggamonies.
About Turkish TV claims...my guess is that it's am embellished truth. I'm sure his family went to Turkey to visit relatives on holiday a few times and that he indeed got to watch Turkish TV. So I'm sure the details are first hand. It's merely convenient to omit details of being born in Sweden and coming to the States from Europe as a young child and let people assume that he grew up in Turkey.
I cannot believe people were buying what he was selling! The sad thing is that he was trying to reach Muslims. But anyone from the Middle east listening would know he has no clue as to what he is talking about. And he cannot speak Turkish either.
My step mother was a beautiful, pale skinned, green eyed, natural blonde, albeit dark blonde, and her mother was a doctor. They were both Turks. They are NOT Arabs, Turks are white.
Furthermore Turkey has been a secular state since 1928. They are very westernized. The women are highly educated. And Turkish women won the right to vote about 10 years after American women did. I have never seen a Turkish woman with a mustache, if he saw one perhaps the poor women had a hormonal problem. IMO Turks, Persians, and Slavs are some of the the most beautiful women in the world.
And if Caner watched TV on vacation in Turkey I doubt he would remember it, as he would have been a toddler at the time.
Now only a Muslim man is allowed to marry a non Muslim, just like only a Jewish women is allowed to marry a gentile. Caner would have been expected to be raised as a Muslim, that part I believe. But he was a little boy when his parents split, and his mom had custody, she is Lutheran.
He does have personality, sounds like the attention got to his head. I've seen pastor worship before.
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