It is not surprising that David Hughes - who described disgruntled, exiting church members as excrement leaving the church's "back door" - is connected to Ed Young. David is speaking December 11 at Ed Young's "C3 Global Round Table" in Orlando, Florida.
And David's topic is how to transition a dysfunctional church "while retaining and honoring the existing members/staff." And take notice also: John Cross is speaking. Remember John Cross - the one who gave the most embarrassing defense of Ed Young to Ed's church members right after the jet scandal in 2010? Well, ole John will be teaching Florida pastors at the round table as well.
Maybe David will share his mouth/anus metaphor with other pastors, so they too can view their disgruntled church members as human excrement. That might be one of the keys to help pastors "transition" (whatever that means) their church. Will be very interesting to hear what metaphor goes with the "body bags" in David's portion of the event.