Monday, May 10, 2010

Liberty Announces Committee to Investigate Caner

Update: I captured and posted the Liberty Statement at about 8:00 pm EST on 5/10/10. Apparently Liberty changed the wording of the last paragraph, as well as added the word "Internet" in the 2nd paragraph, at about 9:30 pm EST, and I have made the corrections below to show the new paragraph and the insertion into the 2nd paragraph. How sad, Liberty seems intent on making the issues of Caner's deceptions more about bloggers and the Internet, rather than about Caner himself.


Just posted on the Liberty University web site is this statement:

Liberty University’s Provost Dr. Ron Godwin is forming a committee to investigate a series of accusations against Ergun Caner, president of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Internet allegations have questioned public statements Caner has made regarding the details of his personal life story.

Godwin is forming a committee to conduct an official inquiry with a goal of issuing its conclusions by the end of June.

Following inquiries from several members of the mainstream media, Liberty decided to initiate its own investigation.

“In light of the fact that several newspapers have raised questions, we felt it necessary to initiate a formal inquiry,” Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. said.

“Liberty does not initiate personnel evaluations based upon accusations from Internet blogs,” Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. said. “However, In light of the fact that several newspapers have raised questions, we felt it necessary to initiate a formal inquiry.”

Story developing....


  1. Well, I guess it is better to show up to the party late, than to not show up at all!

    I do not have a dog in this fight- all I have desired throughout all of this is for Liberty or Baptist Press or somebody to investigate all of these accusations and let the chips fall where they may.

  2. Isn't this like the wolves investigating the foxes concerning the Henhouse massacre?

  3. It appears Liberty has already removed the statement from their website. Good catch!

  4. I believe this is the right decision and the proper method in handling this matter.

  5. It's still there. This is the correct link.

  6. "Godwin is forming a committee to conduct an official inquiry with a goal of issuing its conclusions by the end of June."

    Let's see. Hmmm... what will they conclude? That Dr. Caner was only utilizing theological leverage.

    "Following inquiries from several members of the mainstream media, Liberty decided to initiate its own investigation."

    Translation: We're going to begin losing money and students if we don't clean up this mess now.

    "Liberty does not initiate personnel evaluations based upon accusations from Internet blogs," Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. said. "However, In light of the fact that several newspapers have raised questions, we felt it necessary to initiate a formal inquiry."

    Those pesky bloggers don't matter, but 20/20, Dateline, 60 Minutes, Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the secular media are too much for us to ignore.

    I dare say if it weren't for those pesky bloggers the media wouldn't know about this story now.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Isn't this like the wolves investigating the foxes concerning the Henhouse massacre?"

    Or the inmates running the asylum.

  9. I guess they rewrote it so the link changed. Here's the new version with the additions bolded:

    Liberty University Provost Dr. Ron Godwin is forming a committee to investigate a series of accusations against Ergun Caner, president of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

    The Internet allegations have questioned public statements Caner has made regarding the details of his personal life story.

    Godwin is forming a committee to conduct an official inquiry with a goal of issuing its conclusions by the end of June.

    Following inquiries from several members of the mainstream media, Liberty decided to initiate its own investigation.

    "Liberty does not initiate personnel evaluations based upon accusations from Internet blogs," Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. said. "However, In light of the fact that several newspapers have raised questions, we felt it necessary to initiate a formal inquiry."

    Watchdog, I encourage you to leave the original statement up "as-is" as an illustration of how they're still shifting the blame to those pesky bloggers.

  10. What is there to investigate? Haven't we already seen the evidence?

  11.'s a start.

    Hopefully they will be honest about this. I would have thought getting a D. Min. from a diploma mill and having it on your resume would be enough.

    I really don't want to see the guy lose his job but it is really Liberty's only option.

    At the same time I wonder if they haven't already made a decision and they are preparing to remove his name and videos from their courses.

    If they let him go there are Distance Education courses that are going to need to be significantly modified. You can't just offer the 500 level apologetics course with the videos from a guy you let go.

  12. My guestimations as to why they are conducting an "investigation" vs "inquiry" already done is ...

    1. Some other media as in large newspapers and TV are already probing. Hence this response.

    2. Liberty University will nominate Peter Lumpkins, Bart Barber, Tim Guthrie, Tim Rogers, CB Scott and others to their investigative committee. End result is decided first, and then the evidence is found or already suppressed.

    3. Yes. They are finally afriad of losing their money making machine and [students]. Ergun Mehmet Caner is Too Big To Fail.

  13. Wade Burleson believes in this "official inquiry" ...

    Grace and Truth to You [Wade Burleson] > The Assertion of Innocence without the Establishment of Innocence.

    It is my opinion that "the official inquiry" by Liberty University, slated to begin soon, will leave no stone unturned. I believe the conclusions and recommendations of the inquiry will be appropriate. The chairman of the committee is a man with impeccable credentials and is known by faculty for both his integrity and honesty.

  14. It is my opinion that "the official inquiry" by Liberty University, slated to begin soon, will leave no stone unturned. I believe the conclusions and recommendations of the inquiry will be appropriate.


    I wish I were as optimistic as Wade, but I'm not. I think the "official inquiry" will leave no stone unburied. As you said, Ergun Caner is "too big to fail." (Points #1 and #2 were good, too.) Here's hoping Wade is right about this one.

  15. Someone just made the interesting observation that nowhere in that news release by LU did they refer to Ergun Caner as "Dr." Caner. Godwin was referred to as "Dr. Ron Godwin," but Caner was referred to as "Ergun Caner" or just "Caner." While Jerry Falwell, Jr. has a J.D., lawyers typically do not use the title "Dr."

  16. "I dare say if it weren't for those pesky bloggers the media wouldn't know about this story now.

    Amen Brother/Sister - the way I read this is that the pesky bloggers has a very large enrollment in their readership.

    Liberty and FBCJ has a nightmare on their hands when the mainstream media gets involved. They hurt their own cause - the statement correction only brought them down another level - as we've heard before, it grows worse and worse.

  17. Thy Peace,

    Thanks for providing this interesting link. With so many questions with no answers Caner needs to be removed from his position - he's an embarrasment to Liberty.

    There is no way I would have one of my kids go to Liberty and be under the leadership with a Seminary President that carrys the reputation of Caner and the garbage that spews out of his mouth.

    Caner is nothing but a celebrity "performer" that when it's all said & done will be protected with by the officials of Liberty.

    If nothing else Caner needs to apologize to the unbelievers unto whom is his Muslim heritage and as the President of Liberty Seminary seems to delight in mocking people with his dirty garbage.

    Open letter to Falwell said it all.

  18. "I wish I were as optimistic as Wade"

    I am thankful Wade is, they are doing what was asked by the blogger community and instead of attacking that he is willing to give them a chance. I too believe they tried to sweep this under a rug and can not because of the publicity it is getting. Let's give them a chance and see what the outcome is before we critisize further or we will become impossible to please and lose some of the key support in this cleanup.

    What is there to investigate? Haven't we already seen the evidence?

    Of course the school has to investigate and get their own evidence, there is quit possibly a legal matter coming up and if the proof turns out to be anything less than what we are presenting then they are in trouble.

    Again, let's give them a chance to make it right.

  19. Hey, New BBC, this "investigation" does sound familar, doesn't it?

  20. Again, let's give them a chance to make it right.

    May 11, 2010 10:28 AM

    I am constantly amazed at how many folks are willing to support phony Christians who publicly walk in darkness.

    the proof is already out. what is there to investigate. This is damage control and everyone knows it. If there were some proof of how Caner could have first moved to the US when he was 3 and again for the first time when he was 14, they would have already put it forward.

    Instead, as info comes out, they take stuff OFFLINE. They start with pulling bios then approved bios ad then pull that and put a very short one up. The "apology" is pulled.

    I mean what does it take for Christians to grow up and see this for what it is. Until we start saying ENOUGH. These people do not represent our Lord even though they are PAID to teach about Him. This is not some silly mistake. This is continual lying over a span of 9 years over and over to many audiences.

    Wonder how many DVDs were sold with lies on them? Think about theimplications of this.

    Anyone who thinks Liberty is not looking at their bottomline right now and tryig to figure HOW to save face after hardening their hearts to facts and trying to blame the naive.

    Anyone who thinks Liberty will do the right thing "all of a sudden" after doing many wrong thigns including Townes saying it is not an ethical/moral issue and we give people 'theological leverage' (lying for years?) is just plain ignorant. They have already showed you their true colors. Wake up.

  21. Liberty has known all along he has embellished his background. Caner is a entertainer and has been very good for enrollment.

    You see what they value. And some call that Christian. (Works salvation as in their image of not drinking, being modest, etc., but LYING by the leadership is ok)

    Can't folks see how vapid Christianity has become in this country? Where is the Holy spirit convicting these folks of sin?

  22. The announcment of a commitee to investigate is a stalling tactic. (Oh, they will make a show of investigating)

    In the meantime, they are bringing in the big damage control PR guys.

    And most people will believe whatever Liberty puts out.

  23. News Breaks in Lynchburg, VA paper

    Time to circle the wagons:

    Moore said. “They are going to look at all of the accusations, one by one, and make a determination of the legitimacy of the accusations."

  24. Right Wing Watch > Liberty U. Announces Investigation of Caner Claims.
    But didn’t Towns say that the university’s board had already looked into it? Well, it turns out that the board “inquiry” that Towns described to Christianity Today was just a “passing discussion” at a March meeting of the board’s seminary subcommittee. It “wasn’t an inquiry or anything like that,” says Liberty spokesman Johnnie Moore.

  25. If Liberty really does a thorough, honest investigation of the Caner mess, good for them. If, however, this is just a stalling tactic designed to give time for the PR machine to begin working full-time, then let's continue to keep the pressure on for as long as it takes. Had it not been for bloggers the entire episode would never have come to light in the first place. Jerry Jr. says he doesn't respond to bloggers. Yeah, right. He responded when bloggers got the attention of the mainstream media and the entire mess began to smell so rotten that it started to get the attention of parents, who got the attention of donors. Wonder if The Association of Theological Schools is concerned that one of their member seminaries has a president so ethically challenged and with questionable graduate theological degrees? Oh, I forgot; Liberty, unlike every reputable seminary in America, is not accredited by ATS. So what do we have: no direct, outside accountability as an institution of theological education and an internal investigation. Tighten those laces gang, I think we're going another round or two, or three, or....

  26. Barack Obama has been whining lately about bloggers who are critical of him and how this could "harm the country."

    I ask, can you not hear the voices of Steve Gaines, Mac Brunson, the BI gang, and Caner's supporters saying the same thing about bloggers "harming the church"? No doubt George Rekers is ticked over the way bloggers have "harmed" him.

    Isn't Obama the one who wants to put a high-speed internet connection in every home in the country? I wonder if he's rethinking that idea now. Many of the things that were once done in darkness are no longer secret. The internet is here to stay.

  27. Anonymous wrote, "If there were some proof of how Caner could have first moved to the US when he was 3 and again for the first time when he was 14, they would have already put it forward."

    Perhaps he was born again? ;-)

  28. The Salem Witch trial has now moved South! We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ. Who set you up as Judge and Jury? Who put you in a place of condemning a man with circumstantial evidence? Who set you up as God? Ergun will come out of this stronger and even more effective....HE is God's Man!

  29. Read this carefully .....

    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

    Reproved means EXPOSE

    Remember.....lest his deeds be EXPOSED!

    Expose em all, but there are so many within the Baptist Mafia...It may take a while.

  30. Anon 3:05 PM. As information, man convicts and condemns himself. It is called sin! We are accountable for our actions whether you like it or not. Remember Cain when asked by God where Abel was? Am I my brother's keeper? You need to read and study the scriptures more thoroughly. If one has nothing to hide then they will be acquited of any wrong doing. If they are found guilty of some wrong doing then that is a matter that requires some real display of Christian justice, admonition, reproof and repentance, correction and a change of direction!!!

  31. @Jim

    I do not believe that Liberty is accredited by the ATS.

  32. I found Pastor Wade's post to be a best rebuttal of the above comment.

    Grace and Truth to You [Wade Burleson] > To Question Our Leaders Is Not Only Morally Right, It Is the Essence of Christian Integrity.

    Though questions to our Christian leaders may bring some discomfort, asking them is not a bad thing. It is not attacking someone's character. It is not assuming someone is evil or wicked. It is a legimitate process through which we Christians can hold each other accountable.
    Now some Christians are asking tough questions to Ergun Caner about the representations he has made to others about his past. These questions are not accusations--they are legitimate queries of a Christian brother to ensure accountability and integrity of Christian ministry. To ask them is not to accuse. To not ask them, however, is inexcusable--particularly when the words spoken publicly are those of Dr. Caner himself.

  33. I wonder who personally went to Lynchburg and pushed this inquiry?

    I know that ONE guy that has the guts...

    and he is from GA..


  34. "For me, it’s a horrible crime to publicly charge someone with either moral or societal crime or both without sufficient evidence to establish the charge."
    - from Peter Lumpkins' blog regarding accusations against Caner made by bloggers.

    Do you hear that Mac Brunson and Detective Hinson and FBC Jax good old boys. On what "sufficient evidence" was your charging the WD with moral and other crimes in order to obtain subpoenas based?

    I agree with Peter - this is a horrible crime that was committed against WD AND his wife.

    With that, I am... coward.

  35. @Jim

    Just saw you stated Liberty isn't accredited by the ATS. I was interrupted by two screaming children when ready the post initially. :/

  36. @Anonymous

    Little or no evidence.

    There is video of him stating he was born someplace he was not.

    This is VIDEO. Are you suggesting that these things were somehow faked and are not the facts?

    There is also audio of him claiming to have watched a television show in a country that we are not sure he ever lived in before the television show even came out.

    This is not a few misstatements. This is outright embellishment and falsehood.

  37. The Salem Witch trial has now moved South! We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ. Who set you up as Judge and Jury? Who put you in a place of condemning a man with circumstantial evidence? Who set you up as God? Ergun will come out of this stronger and even more effective....HE is God's Man!

    May 11, 2010 3:06 PM

    God does not have any men except depraved sinners saved by grace who acutally bear good fruit. They are certainly not continual liars. You may wish to keep your head in the sand because you follow men but I hope you wake up soon.

    As far as being judge and jury you might consult Paul considering what he wrote in 1 Corin 5:

    12 For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”

    And of course Peter who wrote:

    17For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

    The problem is that we do NOT judge within the Body and this scandalous stuff goes on all the time which is a mockery of our Lord and His Bride.

    Please tell me you are not a student at Liberty to be so biblically ignorant?

  38. We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ. Who set you up as Judge and Jury? Who put you in a place of condemning a man with circumstantial evidence? Who set you up as God? Ergun will come out of this stronger and even more effective....HE is God's Man!

    May 11, 2010 3:06 PM

    Scary how blind some folks are, isn't it. The problem is that there is a whole ton of evidence from Caner's own mouth. He did this to himself. Otherwise, Liberty would ignore it. Even Focus on the Family pulled Caner's sermon after the official documents proving Caner lied for 9 years came out.

  39. The Salem Witch trial has now moved South! We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ. Who set you up as Judge and Jury? Who put you in a place of condemning a man with circumstantial evidence? Who set you up as God? Ergun will come out of this stronger and even more effective....HE is God's Man!

    May 11, 2010 3:06 PM

    21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7)

  40. "We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ."

    And with that I rest my 2:50 p.m. case. You may now shove your head back into the sand.

  41. Hey, New BBC, this "investigation" does sound familar, doesn't it?

    Yes, wishihadknown, it does have a familiar smel... errr... ring about it. It's never a good idea to allow the fox to guard... or in these cases investigate... the henhouse. It's called a conflict of interest.

  42. "We are convicting a godly man that has been greatly used by God with little or no evidence. Please stop all of this, it is hurting Churches, hurting Christians, and hurting the cause of Christ."

    What is actually hurting churches, Christians, and the cause of Christ are blind celebrity worshipers who ignore obvious sin in the life of their flawed leaders.

    This same attitude (that character doesn't matter - it's all about job performance) allowed Bill Clinton to stay in the White House while carrying on an affair with a young female intern.

    How can Christians point to that case as wrong while ignoring sin in the life of their leaders?

    Answer: They can't do it without being hypocrites. And the unsaved world knows it. You are fooling no one but yourselves.

    I expect this kind of thinking from non-Christians. Christians are without excuse.

    The world is watching.

  43. This is going to cost Liberty big time. What a conumdrum. Let's see, 500 level courses taught distance learning by a liar. Are they going to have to redo all that where he talks about his background or Islam?

    Or, are they going to decide that his lies were just some mistakes he made because he is so dedicated he is tired and under pressure. He forget when he came to the US. It seemed like he was 14 and not 4. And Jihad training took place at the mosque those 5 weeks a year his father had custody. And his hippie Lutheran mom really did wear a hijab in the Baptismal even though childhood pics never show her wearing a hijab in the US. Maybe that was Sweden. Uh, wait, most women in Turkey do not cover....and the Dukes of Hazzard was watched in a home that was decorated like a Turkish home...and....on and on...

    Wow, they are going to have to be clever to cover over his tons of lies...maybe they will just say, "We believe him" and leave it at that. Then watch the PR machine at work.

  44. Correction:

    My comment @3:31pm is in reference to the comment @3:06pm.

  45. Anonymous said...

    "The Salem Witch trial has now moved South!"

    If you've researched the Salem Witch Trials you will see that it started with the words of a Minister's daughter and niece.

    It this Caner case, it is using Caner's own words.

    Hardly the same.

  46. New BBC Open Forum said...

    "Hey, New BBC, this "investigation" does sound familiar, doesn't it?"

    "Yes, wishihadknown, it does have a familiar smel... errr... ring about it."

    Thorough investigation?

    "It should be noted that several witnesses, for reasons that were not entirely clear to the Team, declined to be interviewed. One witness would not agree to be interviewed except in a group setting. Ultimately, the Team felt that asking the questions it wished to ask could not be done properly and confidentially in such a group setting, and therefore, the Team decided not to interview this individual. Although the individual was a significant witness, the Team felt that the information this witness might have offered basically was corroborative of what other witnesses had stated. The absence of this interview was not a problem for the investigation."

    At Belleuve Baptist, they said it was a "Moral Failure" exempting Steve Gaines and staff, but in this Liberty Case, they have already ruled it was "neither moral nor ethical issues".

    So what is the definition of not telling the Truth in Baptist Land?

  47. Ministers and workers within the church of Jesus Christ are to be held to a higher standard. If they are not then the standard becomes anything anyone wants it to be.

  48. Just like 99% of all the current Baptist church members, The world IS NOT watching, otherwise men like these would have been "blacklisted" and removed as labeled as nothing more than "TARES" and immediately FIRED and put on the street with the rest of the BUMS.

    But for some reason people want to think these types are OK

    Stupid thoughts, I say....

  49. A good move.

    Any attempt at exhoneration should be accompanied by a point by point refutation or explanation. Based on what I have seen on the net, I don't think that is possible.

    This is a very sad thing all around.


  50. Anon 6:05,

    It's been so long that details have faded from memory, but as I recall at least one "witness" requested to be interviewed with a lawyer, counselor, or other witnesses present. This request was denied. Ask yourself, if you know anything about the BBC investigative committee, if you would have been willing to be interviewed by them about anything without your own witness(es) present.

    Or just ask WD why he wouldn't agree to meet with FBC Jax's goon squad alone.

    It's all about intimidation. BBC's "investigative committee" didn't want to meet with people in a group setting because there's safety in numbers, and they couldn't as easily intimidate a group. Same with FBC Jax.

    LU has been taking the same tack Steve Gaines took with Paul Williams for six months. They've tried to sweep it under the rug and ignore it. It didn't work for Gaines, and I predict if won't work for LU. Granted, Gaines is still employed, but he's damaged goods. At the end of the day Caner may still be employed, too, but unless he comes down off his pedestal, humbles himself, and has a real change of heart, he's going to be permanently damaged, too.

    Of course, ignoring something (such as a pesky blogger) is sometimes advisable. Just ask Mac Brunson.

  51. Let me ask this question:

    What happens if Ergun Caner is cleared after this inquiry?

    What happens if Ergun Caner is publicly rebuked and fired?

    What happens to the bloggers if Ergun Caner is cleared?

    What happens to Ergun's defenders if he's rebuked and fired?

    Has anyone stopped to weigh the consequences of either outcome?

  52. "So what is the definition of not telling the Truth in Baptist Land?"
    Being a blogger, like me.

  53. I have not listened to Mac Brunson's sermons for more than 2 years.

    I would like to know if any of the readers listen to his sermons and if Mac Brunson made any references about his buddy Ergun Caner and his troubles in his sermons?

  54. I loved Ronald Reagan but once Nancy sought out the services of an astrologer to see what the future held...I still love the Reagans!
    Franklin Graham is a true man of God but he is pulling 2 full-time salaries from Samaritans Purse and BGEA at about $700,000 a year and Billy Graham is still making a salary of $400,000 and not even working...I still love the Grahams!
    I love Charles Stanley but he brings home about $300,000..thank God for Chuck!
    Ergun has made an impact into the dark world of Islam and many of his critics are vindictive! But the Truth will come out and then the "hound dogs" will go after Franklin, the Reagans, Charles Stanley and others. Can anyone measure up to the standards that this Blog requires of a "Spiritual Leader"...glad that Elijah, Isaiah, Moses, Jonah, Abraham, Peter, and Paul did'nt have a "watchdog"...we wouldn't have gotten the Bible written!

  55. Moppin
    Guess what person from Georgia was visiting the Virginia area this past week?

  56. dee said...
    "Guess what person from Georgia was visiting the Virginia area this past week? "

    Do you think that "person" could visit Jacksonville, FL or Memphis, TN or Dallas, TX?

  57. Re: The Bible coming to us without a watchdog. There were many watchdogs in Tyndales and Coverdales day. Tyndale was burned at the state for his translation. Those other people you mentioned some were put in pits, prisons, sawn asunder, and even beheaded for the Word of God!!! If there had electricity back then you can believe they would have had the internet and it may have been worse for them.

  58. Anonymous said...
    Ministers and workers within the church of Jesus Christ are to be held to a higher standard. If they are not then the standard becomes anything anyone wants it to be.

    May 11, 2010 6:36 PM

    Exactly. As scriptural proof see
    Deut. 34:4 (example);James 3:1

  59. My prediction is Ergun resigns due to "stress" caused upon his family due to extenuating circumstances in his personal life.

    OR for "personal reasons"

    Hopefully, Liberty will not allow that to happen and will make public any known findings. But, then again, I am pretty sure, given the way things have gone that he has already contacted an attorney for legal advise (that is just how it works these days).

    Like I said, Hopefully, I am completely wrong.

  60. I think I know him....

    dee said...

    Guess what person from Georgia was visiting the Virginia area this past week?

    May 11, 2010 10:13 PM

    Was it Doug?

    If so, this inquiry at Liberty is starting to make sense. He could and would do something like that - that guy has Godly discernment and direction and.......

    HE is the type that would have fought Sherman and his troops and found a way to have won the Battle of Atlanta....

    I wonder if it was him...

  61. Anonymous 12:10 said:

    >>Ergun has made an impact into the dark world of Islam and many of his critics are vindictive! But the Truth will come out and then the "hound dogs" will go after Franklin, the Reagans, Charles Stanley and others.<<

    Ergun Caner has made an impact on Islam? Really? The evidence suggests he knows very little about Islam, and what little he does know is sketchy at best. How and where has he had this impact?

    Franklin Graham -- oh, the bloggers have had a field day with his comments on Islam, and so has the mainstream media. His comment led to his being disinvited to the Day of Prayer ceremonies at the Pentagon. There have also been questions about his double dipping.

    (I would venture to say that what Billy Graham is receiving is called, "retirement".)

    The media has often been after the Reagans, but their vitriol has been mitigated in later years. And Charles Stanley went through what, in most cases, would disqualify a man from serving behind the pulpit: he was divorced while a pastor. (A stipulation of his remaining in the pulpit is that he can't remarry.) Blogging was in its infancy at that point, or else the same thing that's been happening to Ergun Caner would have happened to him.

    So, all these have already been "hounded" at one point or another, whether by the mainstream media or by bloggers or by both. Some are still being "hounded". The pressure will only let off Ergun Caner when he publicly sets the record straight and repents of his lies.

  62. Anonymous
    I am meeting with a certain man from Georgia on Friday. He is a wonderful person who deeply cares about the faith. I shall ask him about his recent travels!

  63. has any one herd that Aiken the IMB. Floyd to NAMB.
    just remember you heard it here.

  64. aiken to IMB? floyd to namb? Just watch. I wonder selfish.

  65. Aiken to IMB, Floyd to NAMB, Paige to EC. HUM!!!!

  66. After accepting Jesus Christ into his life and surrendering to the Gospel ministry, Caner continued his education receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Languages in 1989 from Cumberland College in Williamsburg, Kentucky. He then received his Master of Arts in History from the Criswell College in Dallas, Texas in 1992. In 1994, he received his Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and in 1995, he completed his Master of Theology at Southeastern. In 2000, Caner received his Doctor of Theology from the University of South Africa in residence in Johannesburg.

    Prior to coming to Liberty University, Caner taught Theology and Church History for two years at Criswell College. Caner and his wife of 11 years, Jill, are the parents of two sons, Braxton and Drake.

    “Dr. Ergun Caner will bring a breathe of heaven to the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He is an on-fire Christian, a wonderful preacher, a personal soul winner and a committed scholar. I believe under his leadership the Seminary will see its greatest day.”

    Dr. Jerry Vines
    Senior Pastor- First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida
    Former President- Southern Baptist Convention

    “Dr. Ergun Caner is a fine scholar and an outstanding communicator of Christian truth. He will bring energy and passion as Dean of this fine seminary. I commend Dr. Falwell on such an excellent choice.”

    Dr. Daniel L. Akin
    President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
    Wake Forest, North Carolina

    “Without question Ergun Caner is one of the up and coming evangelical leaders of the next generation. As a Liberty University Board member I am thrilled beyond words that this outstanding scholar, teacher and preacher has been named the new dean of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Only God knows the incredible heights that LBTS will reach under Dr. Caner’s inspiring leadership.”

    Dr. James Merritt
    Senior Pastor
    Cross Point Church, Atlanta, Georgia
    Former President- Southern Baptist Convention

    “Everything about Ergun Caner is remarkable because the grace of God is remarkable. This young theologian will add a dimension and a depth to Liberty that will further establish it as the world's premier Evangelical University.”

    Dr. D. Mac Brunson
    Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Dallas
    Chancellor - Criswell College

    “Ergun Caner is a fabulous choice for serving as President of Liberty University Theological Seminary. He represents scholarship being on fire for God. His pulpit to the nation over the past three years serves as a nationwide recruiting spiritual attraction for the seminary due to his enthusiastic, scholarly, humorous, evangelistic approach as he communicates God's Word in a cutting edge manner.”

    Dr. Ronnie Floyd
    Senior Pastor- First Baptist Church Springdale, ARK

  67. Some updates 5 15 2010

  68. Just shows...better be careful what you wish for!
    Doesn't the bible say something about the "very elite being fooled". I know it's out of context, but it's an interesting thought.

  69. Yes, wonders to behold. I wonder if any of those lay men and women that have been ejected from a Baptist church after serving 20-40 years were ever held to such an elevated point. After the investigation is completed lets see what they have to say. The sound of silence could be deafening.

  70. Franklin Graham's Warning !

    Franklin's warning of coming persecution of Christians echoes what his mother Ruth and father Billy have clearly stated. Re Ruth, see search engines including Google for "Letter from Mrs. Billy Graham." To see what Billy has written, Google "Famous Rapture Watchers - Addendum."
    Since Franklin blamed the Obama administration for his own National Day of Prayer snub and persecution, and since he accused "Christian" Obama of "giving Islam a pass," readers can get some rare insights into Obama and his fellow travelers by Yahooing and Googling "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "Obama Avoids Bible Verses," "Separation of Raunch and State," and "David Letterman's Hate, Etc."
    To see some exceptional in-depth studies of coming persecution, see two unique books by media figure Joe Ortiz entitled "The End Times Passover" and "Why Christians Will Suffer 'Great Tribulation' " - both published in the US and UK by AuthorHouse.
    Even though historian Dave MacPherson's bestseller "The Rapture Plot" (see Armageddon Books) is the most accurate history of the 180-year-old pretrib rapture view (which generously funds evangelical agendas!) and has earned the most coveted kudos, his discovery of many scandals in high pretrib rapture circles since 1830 has earned him the No. 1 spot on that endtime view's "hate" list (Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty")!
    So while many evangelicals are still clinging to what they think is a 2000-year-old endtime belief, many others like Franklin Graham are warning of coming persecution while learning that the belief in question was dreamed up by 19th century "fringe" Britishers and is actually less than 200 years old!
    Want dessert? Google "Pretrib Rapture Politics." Also type in "Bernhard, David, Griffin, Maher, Silverman" on Google etc. for the most complete version of "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham."
    Now you have really been warned!


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