The VIP Express Shuttle (shown at right) will be at the ready to whisk away any of the City Council members, General Council, or other hot shot city employees who "hit the wall" in the middle of the grueling City Council meetings, and have to get a quick nibble at their favorite steak house with their VIP lobbyists. The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office motorcycle squad will be on hand to provide rapid VIP escort service from City Hall across the river to the restaurant.
The van will be equipped with tinted front and rear windows for optimal privacy, and will be stocked with beverages and snacks - all on a cash-only basis of course. Courtesy phones will be available to place your order on the way to the restaurant so your food and adult beverages are waiting for you when you arrive.
City Council members can call in advance to schedule pick-up service as they return from their vacations on the day of the council meeting if they know they just won't be able to make it through the whole meeting and will need to meet their lobbyists for a steak...or even last minute emergency shuttle service in the middle of the Council meeting when you are bored out of your mind, and you don't want to have to listen to the whiny citizens complain about rising taxes and utility rates, poor storm drainage, and libararies closed on Sundays.
We will even have Internet service for you to email the Council President your request to leave early, just in case the paper gets wind of your early exit.
It's fast and easy, just call 1-800-SKIP-OUT and the Super Shuttle will be at your service.
Nepotism is alive and well in the megachurch world.
From today's paper:
Schuller, family take pay cuts
Garden Grove, Calif. (AP)
The founder of the Crystal Cathedral and his family are taking a voluntary 50 percent pay cut to meet the demands of businesses that have sued the megachurch for more than $2 million in unpaid bills.
The Orange County megachurch, which airs the "Hour of Power" fot viewers worldwide, has been marred by financial problems.
Those taking the pay cut for the next two months include Rev. Robert Schuller, his wife, their five children and respective spouses. Employees will also face a pay cut of between 5 and 10 percent.
There are more things wrong about this than space or time will allow me to address.
Robert H. Schuller (the father) and his wife have five children. Robert A., their only son, was kicked out of TCC two years ago, so why are he and his wife still on the payroll?
One of my prayers has been answered.
Can high-level FBC Jax staffers get on board, too? You have to believe those beginning-of-the-week staff meetings, especially after a particularly small budget haul the previous Sunday, are pure torture.
There's a Ruth's Chris in Memphis that BBC staffers like to frequent. Can one get a franchise for one of those vans? I see real potential here.
Tongue in cheek: Looks like the "fat" may be in the fire here. Double dipping again!
Off Topic:
Lionel Woods > MEN, WOMEN & EQUALITY IN CHRIST: A Bible Conference
@ Emmanuel Baptist Church, Enid, OK on Sept 19-22. Jon Zens will be giving eight 30 minute sessions, starting Sunday night, with Q & A.
I'm all for building relationships..the problem is how much is it going to cost me!!!!
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