Monday, July 28, 2014

Watch Johnny Hunt's Intro of Ergun Caner Yesterday - With Interpretive and Security Force Audio Subtitles

"Ergun, I love you my friend....thank you for your humble spirit...and the way you desire to serve." Johnny Hunt
Below is the video introduction Johnny Hunt recorded for play in the First Baptist Church Woodstock yesterday, just before Ergun Caner preached.

Yes, Johnny Hunt is grateful for the way Ergun Caner desires to serve...I assume he means serving copyright lawsuit papers.

I wonder where the description of Ergun Caner's "humble spirit" is in Judge Moon's rulings. Judge Moon saw a man who was anything but humble - who misused our legal system to shut down bloggers.

And sadly, Johnny Hunt has followed suit - Caner used our legal system to harass his critics: two bloggers named Jon Autry and Jason Smathers. Johnny Hunt has used his church and his security forces to do the same to a blogger named Seth Dunn.

Watch the video. Johnny lays it on pretty thick. I did take the liberty of providing some interpretive subtitles to explain what Johnny really meant - or should have meant - to say.

I also was able to intercept the First Baptist Woodstock security audio feed and provided those subtitles as well.


Re-Post of the "Thou Shalt Not Blog" WD Post in 2010, on the GBC Resolution Against Critical Bloggers

Note to readers on 7/28/14: Below is a re-post of my June 1, 2010 blog post entitled "Thou Shalt Not Blog" - it explains the backwards thinking of the country-bumpkin Southern Baptists in Georgia regarding criticism of their holy "Men of God", and it helps explain why Seth Dunn, a Southern Baptist, professional, highly educated young man - a CPA accountant - was harassed at Johnny Hunt's church yesterday. Seth was removed from the premises and escorted to his car by security following Ergun Caner's sermon. Johnny Hunt's security team would not allow Seth to attend his Sunday School class.

Why? Seth violated the GBC 2007 resolution below by blogging and daring to criticize Johnny Hunt and Ergun Caner the past few months, and thus he was shown the door at his own church, while Ergun Caner the unrepentant liar and justice system abuser was being glad-handed and back-slapped following his sermon. 

Who was elected the GBC president back in 2007 when this resolution was passed? Why none other than Bucky Kennedy, the head of the trustee board at Brewton Parker College that selected Ergun Caner as president. Surprise, surprise.

Thank God for young men like Seth Dunn, and shame on the thousands of laymen at Johnny Hunt's church who will be too cowardly to call out Johnny Hunt on this disgraceful weekend at his church.

Here is my 2010 article, with a few of my highlights in red.

Here Ye, Here Ye! Thou Bloggers Shall Cease Your Criticism, and Thou Shalt Repent!!
"[we] call upon bloggers to cease the critical second-guessing of these elected leaders, and be it further resolved that all Georgia Baptists respectfully request and expect that individuals who disrupt the felllowship through blogging repent and immediately cease the activity and no longer cause disharmony...." from the Georgia Baptist Convention resolution on blogging, passed November 2007.
"The [blogger] went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal, he was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind, and he was willin' to make a deal"...Charlie Daniels, 1979.
As the Ergun Caner scandal has unfolded over the past year, there is no question religious blogs played a pivitol role in getting the word out about the Caner deceptions. The blogs presented evidence, and allowed analysis and commentary by all on their blogs. Through video and audio clips, through parody and satire - by a Muslim in Europe, a female blogger in Oklahoma, a trespassed blogger in Jacksonville, and even a Calvinist professor and debater from California, and many others - the word got out about Caner.

But you have to at least give the Baptist leaders credit for having foresight: they saw the danger blogs presented to their grasp of power and their money faucet back in 2007 - even before that with Wade Burleson's blog, and they came out with this resolution. They realized blogs would be a source of information and an avenue of public discourse and debate amongst the brethren they couldn't control.
And that has created a mammoth problem - e.g., Ergun Caner.

This weekend I re-read the resolution against blogging that the Georgia Baptist State Convention passed in November 2007. I've printed the Georgia resolution at the bottom of this post. At the time of it's passage, the resolution got only scant mention in baptist news outlets (here and here). I gather they don't like critical blogs very much in Georgia - maybe Charlie Daniels' song should be changed: "The blogger went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal..."

Yep, SBC leaders - in Georgia and elsewhere - don't like critical bloggers. They refer to critical blogs as slander, personal attacks, divisive, destructive, and other such adjectives. And there is no question, they would love to exercise their power and influence to shut 'em down if they could, we have hard evidence of such.

So take a look at the Georgia Baptist resolution below, now 2 1/2 years later. I'll post some analysis and commentary on this resolution later. Would love to hear your thoughts on this resolution, and other attempts over the past 5 years in dealing with this problem of recalcitrant bloggers.
This resolution was so successful in stopping blogging, maybe one like it should be introduced at the SBC Annual Meeting this year!
submitted by Wayne Bray, pastor
Beulah Baptist Church, Douglasville
and William Harrell, pastor
Abilene Baptist Church, Martinez
WHEREAS the American people have the distinct privilege of freedom of speech as provided by our United States Constitution, and this resolution is not intended to limit that freedom of speech we all value so much; and
WHEREAS responsible blogging can be a means of encouragement of our people, but certain people use this tool for divisive and destructive rhetoric at the expense of peace among the Brethren; and

WHEREAS blogging is also being used by some as a tool for personal attacks among other Christian Brothers and Sisters, and this critical and divisive use promotes a negative view of the Southern Baptist Convention in the eyes of the society we are striving to reach with the Gospel (James 3:6, 14),

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the messengers of this convention oppose blogging when it is used to cause division and disharmony among the members of our Southern Baptist Family (Proverbs 6:16-19; 1 Cor 1:10); and since personal differences should not be dealt with in public view,

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that all personal attacks should cease immediately (Proverbs 17:27-28; John 17:21-24); and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that we affirm the historical method of administering our agencies and institutions through elected boards of trustees, and we call upon bloggers to cease the critical second-guessing of these elected leaders; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Georgia Baptists respectfully request and expect that individuals that disrupt the fellowship through blogging repent and immediately cease this activity and no longer cause disharmony for the advancement of their own personal opinions and agendas; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we set our eyes once again on the fields to which we are called to labor, refusing to dishonor God with activities that militate against harmony and good will.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: FBC Woodstock Member, Seth Dunn, Escorted Out of Church Service After Ergun Caner Preaches, Prohibited from Going to Sunday School

Seth Dunn, a blogger and member of FBC Woodstock who has been openly opposed to Ergun Caner being invited to preach at his church (here, here, and here), was escorted off the property and not allowed to go to Sunday School.

I warned Seth this morning via text, "Don't be surprised if you're escorted off the property".

And I was right.

The head of security for FBCW, John Day, detained Seth for about 10 minutes near the Brewton Parker booth in the lobby, prior to the service. Finally Seth's Sunday School teacher convinced Mr. Day to allow Seth to go in for the service. While he was in the service, security men were seated near Seth to watch him.

When Caner's sermon was over, Seth moved out a side door to attend his Sunday School class, but he was intercepted by security and told he would not be allowed to go to Sunday School and had to leave the premises.

Seth was escorted all the way to his car.

This is the depth that the Southern Baptist Convention has fallen to. A man named Ergun Caner who lied for
an entire decade about being a trained Jihadist to rise to stardom, who then sued two Christians who dared to expose his lies - and then was told by a federal judge that his lawsuit was a harassment of a critic and an exploitation of our judicial system - HE is invited and welcomed to preach. 

But the church member who dared to speak out against it - well he is viewed as a threat and escorted off the property.

This is the NEW Southern Baptist Convention.

Liars welcome. Truth tellers beware.

Seth, they probably already have trespass papers filed with the county against you. And probably your wife. Trust me, I know how it works.

Johnny Hunt, shame on you. I used to have some amount of respect for you, but that has just gone out the window.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Only One Way for Johnny Hunt to "Hear" People's Outrage Over Ergun Caner - Hit Him in the Pocketbook

It truly is a disgrace for Johnny Hunt to have Ergun Caner speaking at his church - FBC Woodstock -  this Sunday.

I suppose there is a 0.01% chance that Caner might be using the opportunity to apologize for his decade of deceit and try to make amends. If it does happen, I'll gladly eat my hat, and I can understand why Johnny invited him. Odds are slim-to-none of that happening, and Slim just left town.

Caner has spoken at other SBC mega churches since he was exposed, so the fact that Caner is speaking at FBC Woodstock is not THAT noteworthy. (See here, here, and here).

But what makes THIS speaking engagement so disgusting is it comes right on the heels of Caner being exposed not by bloggers as a liar, but by two federal court judges. It's in the books and documented: Caner tried to crush Jonathan Autry and his family by bringing a completely baseless and frivolous lawsuit, suing Jonathan for copyright infringement because he didn't like Autry's criticism. I didn't say that. Judge Norman K. Moon said it, and said it forcefully.

I want to remind my readers and the FBC Woodstock members who might read this: Caner is quite the hypocrite about lawsuits, as back in 2007 in a Georgia Baptist Convention sermon Caner complained about "narcissistic" bloggers, and then said this about the problem of lawsuits:
"Everybody is obsessed with their rights. You know why we know this? Because everbody is suing everybody else. We're a litigious society, aren't we? Everybody's got a right to sue!! I got a right to get me some cheese!!! I'm gonna get me some cheddar!!! I'm gonna get me my money!!  Why? Because it can't be my fault! It's not my fault, I'm a victim...if I'm a victim, I'm not culpable. If I'm not culpable, I'm not responsible. If I'm not responsible, it's not sin. So what we do instead of bowing our knee in repentance, is we demand our rights. And it has infected the church." Ergun Caner, Georgia Baptist Evangelism Conference, September 7, 2007.
Well, at least we can say Ergun Caner is a prophet. He prophesied about his own lawsuits 6 years before they actually happened. Only Caner didn't get his "cheese" - he instead got egg on his face, and now by court order he must fork over tens of thousands of dollars to pay the defendants of his exploitative lawsuits. Said Judge Norman Moon:
“A fee award is needed to encourage defendants like Autry to protect their rights against those who, like Caner, seek to suppress criticism...Equally, those like Caner should be deterred from exploiting the court system for their own purposes.” Honorable Judge Norman K. Moon, U.S. District Court of Western Virginia.
So Caner exploited our legal system to suppress his critics. Yet he is given the honor of preaching in Johnny Hunt's pulpit. Johnny Hunt obviously doesn't care that he is embarrassing his church as an institution, his church members, and the Southern Baptist Convention by having Caner in.

So FBC Woodstock members, don't bother sending Johnny an email about Caner. Don't call Johnny, don't contact his chief of staff/admin pastor or whatever you call him - because Johnny won't hear you. He doesn't listen to the plebe - he's a man of God.

There is only one thing that will get Johnny's attention - hitting him where it really hurts: in the pocketbook. Woodstock members, withhold your tithes and offerings for this week and next. If you have an FBCW offering envelope, put a big fat ZERO in the amount box, and put it in the offering plate, with special designation "Ergun Caner Fund". If you give online, give $0.01 this week.

FBC Woodstock members, email your friends, call your relatives and tell them to do the same. Hit 'ole Johnny where it really hurts: right in the church coffers. It won't take very many members to do this for Johnny and the FBCW finance committee to see a noticeable dip in the offering.

THAT will get Johnny's attention.


Friday, July 25, 2014

WD Checking In from the Beach: Top 10 Verses Your Pastor Might Use to Manipulate You

Hi WD Readers!

Hope you're having a great summer!

I'm just relaxing on the beach, taking a few naps and thought I'd check in and let you know I'm doing well.

While my favorite mega church pastors are on their summer sabbatical or taking their four-week vacation, I've decided to cut down on my posting frequency.

However I did want to share an excellent article posted today at

Check it out, let me know your thoughts!

Will be posting more soon - waiting for Ergun Caner's grand entrance at First Baptist Woodstock, and Johnnie Hunt's sappy introduction of Ergun this Sunday. Also, any day we can expect the judge in the Caner vs. Smathers case to rule on how much Caner has to pay for Smathers' legal expenses.

But in the meantime, I'll keep chillin' on the beach here in Jax, and will be "watching" my favorite pastors online! If pastors need time off to recharge their batteries so does the Watchdog who watches them!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bucky Kennedy, Brewton Parker Trustee Chairman, Owes Apology to the SACS Accreditation Committee for Accusations of Religious Bias

"Supporters like local pastor and past president of the Georgia Baptist Convention Bucky Kennedy believe the school is under target because it's small, rural, and faith based." WTOC Report, 7/11/14
On the same day that Matthew Lehew was made to apologize for his apparent "sin" of daring to analyze via social media Ergun Caner's  false statements regarding Brewton Parker's accreditation status, the Brewton Parker Trustee Chairman Bucky Kennedy talked to the WTOC Savannah news station and falsely accused the Southern Accreditation of Colleges and Schools (SACS) of bias against Brewton Parker.

Below is a small excerpt from that news report:

So apparently, as Matthew Lehew found out today, telling the truth about Brewton Parker's accreditation is a SIN in the ranks of the Georgia Baptist Convention.

But falsely accusing with no basis whatsoever (I'll call that a "lie") that SACS voted to remove Brewton Parker's SACS accreditation because of the school being "...small, rural, and faith-based." well, that is OK.

This is the topsy-turvey world of the Southern Baptist Convention and Georgia Baptist Convention.

Brewton Parker VP of Communication, Peter Lumpkins, tweeted the following:

The shortened hyperlink in the Lumpkins' tweet links directly to Lehew's apology post. So according to BP's VP of Communications, the Lord Jesus and Christians everywhere need to forgive Matthew Lehew for his honest and insightful blog post intended to inform Brewton Parker students and parents regarding the accreditation status and the implications to students down the road. And Matthew is not just some recalcitrant blogger with an opinion - he was an accreditation officer at the Baptist College of Florida, which is a SACS-accredited institution. Matthew Lehew's analysis of Brewton Parker's accreditation woes carries great weight. Currently he is an instructor and accreditation officer at Shorter University, a GBC institution as is Brewton Parker.

But Lord Jesus is smiling on Bucky Kennedy's lie, broadcast on a local television station institution about SACS and their supposed bias against faith-based, rural, small schools. If there is merit to this claim, let Bucky Kennedy let us know.

SACS, I hope you notice that one of your member schools on accreditation probation - who will be before you in a few months asking you to reconsider their removal - is using their local media to lie about you, and accuse you of being biased against faith-based schools.

Bucky, you might have just slammed the door shut on Brewton Parker's chances on appeal with your un-founded accusations.

Brewton Parker students: after your rally on July 29th fight for your accreditation appeal, you might want to march over to the administration building and demand that serious leadership to be put in place by the GBC to help save your school.

Currently it is being run by a bunch of amateurs who are lessening the chances of a successful appeal every day.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rewind: Ergun Caner in 2007 - A Reminder of Why Caner Fell and Fell Hard

Now that Judge Norman K. Moon has smacked down Ergun Caner, it might be instructive now to go back and listen to the 7-minute clip above, a compilation of excerpts from a 2007 Ohio Free Will Baptist men's retreat where Caner was the featured speaker.

The bald-faced lies and fibs that he told the crowd will amaze you. His use of racial and gender stereotypes will shock you. Listen to these, and you will be reminded of just how bad his exaggerations were. I blogged about these way back in 2010. I provided every one of these Ohio Free Will Baptist sermons to the Liberty University task force that investigated Caner in 2010, at their request. I was threatened by a representative of the Ohio Free Will Baptists to take this audio off the Internet, and they wisely backed off when I told them to go jump in Lake Erie. Within days of my post, they took Caner's audio sermons off their website - but not before I downloaded everyone of them for safe keeping.

This audio is why I fear Caner speaking at youth camps as he does: he does his worst fibbing when the crowd hoots and hollers and gets all worked up over his jokes. The more responsive the crowd is, the more he seems to feed off of them and to get bolder in his tales. One can only imagine what he tells the young skulls of mush that will hoot and holler at his antics like the Free Willers in the audio above - and with Ergun knowing the cameras and audio tapes are not rolling, well, who knows what is said.

And by the way, go read this article by Ken White at the Popehat blog site. It gives an outsider's legal analysis of the Caner lawsuits and the severity of Judge Moon's rebuke of Caner for bringing a lawsuit solely for the purpose of punishing his critics. White summarizes the Caner debacle very well by pointing out that Caner's desire to shut down his critics resulted in wider dissemination of his misdeeds:

"Caner has failed utterly, has been exposed for his censoriousness, and has had his dishonestly much more thoroughly documented and widely publicized than it would have been if he had not been such a vindictive jackass."

Indeed. Caner must have thought he was on a mission of God to bring judgement and wrath to the awful bloggers who were attempting to derail a mighty "Man of God".

Instead, it looks like God was using the bloggers to expose a fraud.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ken Amaro and First Coast News Soft-Peddles the Gilyard Pedophile Preacher Story, Putting Women and Children in Our Community at Risk

"Shame on Ken Amaro. He is a journalist. He should report crimes of pastors in a completely accurate manner. For not being completely truthful about the two charges against Gilyard (failing to mention one of them was molestation), First Coast News should issue a correction and an apology to the victims of Darrell Gilyard for Amaro's mis-characterization of Gilyard's crimes." FBC Jax Watchdog
One of the reasons I and others blog in the Christian community is that pastors and churches do a very poor job of policing themselves. Pastors do a VERY bad job of reporting the bad behavior of their cohorts - and are willing to "let God handle" an abusive pastor rather than using their influence to warn people about a misbehaving pastor.

Thus, blogs like this one serve a valuable service - we help to inform Christians of misbehaving and abusive pastors and churches. We shine a light that no one else dares to shine to inform and protect.

One thing I don't ever expect: is local news media to actually help protect and promote misbehaving pastors by telling half-truths.

So you can imagine my disappointment last night when I saw a very slanted and biased short TV story by Ken "I'm on Your Side" Amaro on First Coast News, Jacksonville's NBC/ABC local news station, on the plight of Darrell Gilyard. I've hyperlinked it at the bottom of this article so you can see what slanted journalism looks like. Tiffany Thigpen - one of Darrell Gilyard's victims who Gilyard attacked back in 1991- has already put up a scathing blog post on Amaro's "puff piece" on Gilyard. Go read Tiffany's excellent analysis here. Tiffany knows what she's talking about.

Here are the "puff points" on Amaro's story that only tell the half-truth about Gilyard, and in my view will serve to garner sympathy for Gilyard and help him build more followers, and more potential victims:

Gilyard Did Not "Fall from Grace":  Gilyard did not just "fall from grace" as Amaro's title suggests. Gilyard was a serial abuser over decades. He abused women and children, Ken. And his "fall" was not at Shiloh, Ken. It started in the 1980s when he abused women at Victory Baptist in Richardson, Texas. Before that he abused women at Concorde Missionary Baptist Church in Texas.  Read of Gilyard's Texas abuses in the 1980s and 1990s here in this Dallas Morning News article. He physically attacked Tiffany Thigpen in 1991 here in Jacksonville. There was no "fall" - he actually BEGAN his ministry by lying to Jerry Vines and Homer Lindsay, claiming he grew up homeless under a bridge. That was a documented lie confirmed by Gilyard's relatives, that you can read about here. He lied to start his ministry, he then abused women in Texas and Florida, vowing to change but did not. Amaro left that out of his story. Why?

- Amaro lied about Gilyard's charges, left off the ages of his victims, didn't mention "Molestation": Here is what Amaro says in his piece:

"Gilyard plead guilty to two charges of lewd and lascivious conduct and was designated a sex offender". Ken Amaro

That is false and deceiving. Ken Amaro apparently decided to mis-characterize the charges. One charge WAS "lewd and lascivious conduct, victim under 16 years old".

But the 2nd charge was more serious: it was "lewd and lascivious molestation, victim 12-15 years."

Here are the charges from the FDLE website profile for Gilyard:

Why did Amaro not say that his two counts of lascivious behavior were of underage girls? Why did not Amaro admit that one of Gilyard's charges was MOLESTATION of a girl 12-15. I didn't hear the word "molestation" by Amaro. Why? Gilyard is a MOLESTER of young girls, Ken Amaro. He is known nationwide as the "Pedophile Preacher", as HL network reported just a week ago.

Shame on Ken Amaro. He is a journalist. He should report crimes of pastors in a completely accurate manner. For not being completely truthful about the two charges against Gilyard (failing to mention one of them was molestation), First Coast News should issue a correction and an apology to the victims of Darrell Gilyard for Amaro's mis-characterization of Gilyard's crimes.

- Amaro Characterizes Social Media and Community Protests Against Gilyard as "Ugly". An "ugly" protest is one that might be unfair, or "over the top", or maybe violent. That is not true, Ken. The intense social media and community outcry against Gilyard - a convicted child molester - being allowed to pastor again in our community was appropriate. Not ugly. Your mischaracterization of Gilyard's plight in this story is what is ugly. This slanted piece of journalism will put more women and children at risk in our community.

- Gilyard Wanted Vines to Not Mention His Past in Vines' Autobiography: Poor Darrell. Jerry Vines mentioned his decades of abuse in churches in Texas and Florida in his autobiography. What is Ken Amaro trying to accomplish that is newsworthy in this? That the convicted child molester doesn't want Jerry Vines to mention his abuse in his book? The reason Gilyard is in Vines' autobiography is that Vines was the guy who put Gilyard on the map back in the 1980s. It is a HUGE stain in Vines' legacy, and worthy of mention in his autobiography. Sorry, Darrell, but the problem is not one pastor mentioning you in his book, the problem is the thousands of pastors in this city that have remained silent and not called you out.

- Gilyard claims that social media criticism is "outdated and untrue": Why is Ken Amaro allowing Gilyard to lie to our community? What social media criticism is "outdated"? Is this Dallas Morning News article "social media"? Is it "outdated"? Does he mean the hundreds of women he abused in Texas back in the 1980s and 1990s - it was so long ago that we shouldn't consider it today? Or maybe the attack on Tiffany Thigpen here in Jacksonville in 1991 is so long ago, that it is "outdated"? Ken Amaro, you and First Coast News owe the victims of Darrell Gilyard an apology.

- Gilyard claims he is a "leper of society. and has paid his debt to society": OK, he is a leper in that he has been branded as a "molester", and rightfully so. But the only debt that Gilyard paid for was his molestation of a 12-15 year old, and his lewd and lascivious conduct on a 16 year old. He has NOT paid a debt for his abuse of women in Texas and Florida and the lives he has destroyed. He has paid for TWO of the hundreds of women he has harmed.

And finally, Amaro quotes Gilyard:

"Of course I believe I've changed. But time will tell everyone that I have changed". Darrel Gilyard

The flaw in this logic, Ken Amaro, is that time has told us that Gilyard will NOT change. He started abusing women in the 1980s. He continued in the 1990s. He finally was arrested for his abuse when it was with girls in the 2000's.

Three decades of abuse, this tells us it is very likely that he will not change. Dr. Judy Ho said so in her commentary on the Gilyard case two weeks ago on the HLN network. These urges Gilyard has don't just go away.

And your puff piece, Ken Amaro, makes more abuse at the hands of Gilyard even more likely, as you soft-peddled his abuses.

Sad thing is, where are the pastors? Why are not the pastors in this city speaking up against the travesty of a convicted child molester pastoring a Baptist church, and a judge giving Gilyard access again to children?

Where is the outrage? Apparently not at First Coast News, nor in the pulpits of Jacksonville.

Thanks, Ken, but you were definitely "not on our side" on this one.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Truth is Incontrovertible - Judge Norman Moon Tells Caner He Must Pay All of Autry's Legal Expenses

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Sir Winston Churchill
At the end of this chapter of the Ergun Caner Evangelical Crisis, the truth is finally exposed.

Yesterday the Honorable Judge Norman K. Moon of the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia handed down a scathing indictment of Ergun Caner and his frivolous and harassing lawsuit of Jon Autry, demanding that Ergun Caner pay the entire $34,389.59 of Jon Autry's legal expenses.

Not only did the judge rule that this lawsuit never should have been filed, but he pointed out contradictions of Caner's own testimony, the bad faith with which Caner negotiated after filing the suit, and the abuse of our legal system perpetuated by Caner under the guise of copyright protection claims. If one bothers to read Judge Moon's entire ruling - which is below - you will get a complete glimpse of the dirty rotten scoundrel known as Ergun Mehmet Caner. Caner has played the SBC pew sitters as a bunch of fools for a decade, but Caner couldn't fool Judge Moon.

The truth of Ergun Caner is not just now on the blog sites of a few recalcitrants or Calvinists or bloggers - it is now filed by Judge Moon with Case 6:14-cv-00004.

The truth is incontrovertible.

Peter Lumpkins and Ergun Caner and Tim Rogers and Norman Geisler have attacked the truth, and derided it and denied it, but in the end, as Sir Winston Churchill said, the truth is there. And Judge Norman K. Moon's ruling serves to forever document the truth of Ergun Caner and his frivolous lawsuit, his abuse of our legal system, and his terrible harassment of Jon Autry and his family.

Some quotes of Judge Moon describing Caner in his ruling yesterday:
"..acted with improper motive..." (page 7)
"those like Caner should be deterred from exploiting the court system for their own purposes." (page 8)
"....cared more about...harassing his critics than protected his alleged copyrights." (page 9)
"On factual issues, he [Caner]...cast unsupported assertions or asserted boldface contradictions..." (page 12)
"[Caner] filed a copyright infringement suit to stifle criticism..." (page 15)
I wonder if Bucky Kennedy and the Brewton Parker trustees view this recent ruling by Judge Moon as another of the "pagan attacks" that serves to confirm their selection of Ergun Caner. I am sure that it does.

One can only hope that Georgia Baptists will come to their senses and take immediate action to save Brewton Parker from Ergun Caner and Peter Lumpkins.

Here is the entire ruling of Judge Moon: