Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wade Burleson is Posting Again!

After announcing several months ago that he was done blogging, Wade has resumed writing articles at his old blog web address, with the title of the site changed to "The Online Writings of Wade Burleson for Wade".

Some might say he is "blogging" again, but it seems not...comments are turned off, so it is quite clear he is interested in sharing his insights with readers but not engaging in the dialogue of a blog, and who can blame him. I'm just glad he is posting again, as I'm sure so many readers here are also. My guess is that he is just using the old blogsite to temporarily post his old articles and publish new ones - and eventually will convert them all over to another location as his new website,, matures - but that is just a guess.

Like Thy Peace, I regularly listen to Wade's preaching through his church website, Emmanuel Baptist Church, and his messages are a blessing.

His first two articles since resuming his writing are very thought-provoking as usual....although if you're reading, Wade, you might want to turn the date feature on the blog site so we know the date of publication of your articles.

Welcome back, Wade!


  1. I too am glad that Wade is blogging again. I am currently in the process of systematically listening to Emmanuel - Enid [2002] > Series on "Romans: The Integrity of God" and it's interesting to note that Wade's preaching has not changed since 1998 (That is how far I have gone back in his sermons/messages). Romans series is eye opening to me. I would strongly encourage Wade's critics to at least listen to some of his sermons.

  2. I like your festive red hat, Watchdog.

    Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!

  3. Thank you for noticing my santa cap. I call it my "Happy Holidays from Santa" cap, and it drives my baptist dog friends crazy!

  4. Anon 3:53. Joe, why don't you ever leave your name? You leave your IP address, but never your name.




  5. Caner does not need to worry, he is getting speaking gigs already!

    Too bad Wade is not allowing comments.

  6. I, too, noticed your cute red Santa hat. Very nice! And thanks for not insisting we say Merry Christmas-or else! That nonsense sure takes the fun out of Christmas.

    I also think Ergun Caner has nothing to worry about. There are lots more people in churches who are busy with work, family, church, etc. and have no idea that there even is a controversy with him. And if they did find out, it would be attributed to Satan attacking a Man of God or something.

    May they continue to give him lots of money! Glory!

  7. Thanks for the update, Watchdog!
    That's the best news I've had all week.
    (..and I have been having a good week)

  8. Thanks, Dog, for the shout out. I enjoy writing for my own benefit because it helps sharpen my mind which tends toward dull.

    My writing will tend to be more theological and exhortational this time around, and you are correct (I'm not surprised at that), that I am using the current format temporarily -- with no comments--until we put the writings permanently on There will not be comments in the future either, so one can't technically call what I write blogging.

    Keep up the good work. Evangelical mega churches, and some would consider our church one, benefit from watchdogs.

    Thy Peace, thanks for the note about Romans. I'm delighted the series has been a benefit to you.


  9. Thanks for letting us know. This is GREAT news! Dog, you and Wade are very important to some of us. In fact, you help keep us sane, in the midst of all the SBC craziness! Thank you, just Thank you!

  10. Good news, moreover thanks for keeping us sane.


Anonymous comments are allowed, but troll-type comments, responses to trolls, and grossly off-topic comments will be subject to denial by the Watchdog.