Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On This Election Day, I am Extremely Positive, Unlike the Evangelical Sourpuss Pastors

As the Watchdog, I listen to a number of sermons each week...a variety of evangelical pastors at churches and at seminary chapel services, and on this election day I want to make a few comments regarding preachers and the 2012 election.

It is amazing how negative and dark so many mega church pastors have become lately, especially over the election. Not only are they are complaining about the money drying up and how people aren't tithing and aren't "committed"; but now and in the weeks leading up to the election so many of them are preaching doom and gloom over the election and the state of America.

One of the things I remember most about Jerry Vines' preaching that I heard for 20 years, was just how upbeat and positive he was when he was my pastor. He preached the Bible, he preached truth, but he was upbeat, positive - a very happy person. If I were a visitor in many of these baptist churches today with angry, negative, dark pastors, I would run for the exits and reject the distorted gospel they preach. In fact, it is no wonder we are losing our young people at these churches, as for the most part young people are hopeful for the future and don't respond to angry, old men who preach like they have a chip on their shoulder.

One of the reasons I believe Romney will probably win this election is that he is so upbeat and positive about the future of our country, while Obama has gone dark and angry near the end of the campaign. People respond to a message of hope and future prosperity, not one of doom and gloom and despair.

I even heard a mainstream baptist mega church pastor this weekend blame God for 9/11, claiming that God himself is the one who has decided to ruin our economy because our country is no damn good. He said that no president is to blame, that the blame actually falls right at the feet of God who had to punish us for our national sins.  If God is angry at anyone, he would be angry with wealthy mega church pastors who stand in pulpits and maliciously misrepresent who God actually is to people who come to church to hear the message of hope in the gospel.

It is too bad that so many pastors preach now like Obama has campaigned near the end - no message of hope, only blame and despair.

The Watchdog remains upbeat, positive, and hopeful for the future!


  1. Awesome - Had a similar discussion with a group of men from my church the other night. They were so angry, worried, and unhappy. Tried to encourage them that God was not worried and happy. He was fully satisfied with His Son - well pleased even. We should be likewise regardless of our government and leaders. We participate, vote, and pray for government, but never hang our trust and happiness on it.


    Carl Henderson

  2. Yes WD I too remeber his ability and others such as the late Adrian Rogers to bring the weight of our sin and our country before us w/out dark despairing overtones. And those using their Brains and hearts got it!

    However the negative side is that many LAZY, Uninformed therefore ignorant believers missed it and went to sleep w the view "we are a christian nation since Mama andDaddy we christian". For decades!! Shame on us.
    Now we are in a real mess. Apathetic lazy uninformed christians- bold energetic adreneline burning heathens-power hungry politicians- and confused misguided/focused spiritual leaders.

    Example of the last... Sunday evening we had a prayer / singing service focusing on the obvious state of affairs. When we should be prostrate in tears and mentally reaching up just to touch the footstool of the Great God of all creation whom we have turned our back on. Begging him to give us just one small shining of his face upon our country to say hes giving us one more pause of forgiveness and grace. Promising/pleading/begging on behalf of our childrens futures and souls. Cause we really do know the dark days (end times) are ahead.

    NO- it was rather stale. We held true to form though -hitting each topic to be prayed. Finally the last man made sure to pray that we get our satellites complete so we can reach the city and for "1000 souls to be baptisted by our church" and 2000 members to be added to our church. Poor old guy. Sounded like he was just repeating what hes always done prior to each member "drive/campaign". Our pastor finished by acknowledging each of the prayer leaders by name and their occupation/ title/ "importance" to the community. PREALLY?!?!
    I hope God was impressed cause I just left brokenhearted.

    I beleive the reason their preaching was different was because their focus was different. They werent building churches/buildings/organizations per say... They were " building God and Gods people" (cant think of better way to say it). The "stuff" was added by God because of that!

    I too am cautiously optomistic.
    If WE win though I really think this is our last shot before He pulls our number.
    God Bless America.... And America Bless God.

  3. If Romney had stuck to the "are you better off now than 4 years ago" I would expect some shift in the voting booth--but he did not. Thus, I'm expecing the polls to be right and Mr. Obama will get another 4 years.

    If Mr. Romney wins, he is positioned to have the economy do better during his years--but I don't think it will do all that well under either party. I could gladly vote for Mr. Romney except for the baggage the various Republican parties have loaded onto him. As it is, I spent my vote (in Texas) just to protest the way that I think people who claim to be Republicans are taking our country.

    Unfortunately, there are some serious problems that I don't think can be solved through US involvement that the next president will be blamed for. Mr. Romney has proven himself to be a remarkably flexible talker. He can hardly open his mouth without contradicting something he said at one time or another. It will be interesting to see how he will go should he be elected.

  4. It does not matter who wins or loses, the Oligarchs ALWAYS win. They have buttered the bread both sides. Both evangelicals and progressives are pawns or front pieces. Life will always will be harsh for lower and middle income people. This country is run by the 0.1 or 0.01 percent.

  5. Watchdog, stck with the comedy. Stick with the satire. I came hear to get a break from the politics on FB, and you posted this crap? Come on man, this blog is better than this.
    P.S. You can't have positive preaching all of the time. Even Jesus preached warnings of future judgement.

  6. Now that the elections are finally over, I find this election brought forward one victor. That is not Obama, but the nerds who do math. Yes, the nerds. The links below are from Paul Krugman's blog:

    Scoop Dupes

    Math Is Hard.

    A great win for nerds.

    I am sure Obama will disappoint all his voters as he did the last time, by supporting the Oligarchs, which he did the last four years.

  7. BTW here is Nate Silver's blog at NYT: Five Thirty Eight.

    Nerds who know their statistics have won.

  8. You said that Jerry Vines was a very happy person and I agree with that.

    I am very happy today.

    We do not have a cult member in the White House.

    We have a born again blood bought believer and I thank God for the Obama family and the next four years are going to be amazing.

    Stop whining...God won the victory!

  9. The Watchdog remains upbeat, positive, and hopeful for the future!

    This Blog is ANYTHING but Postive, hopeful and upbeat.

    It is pure gossip, completely negative, and full of discouraging news.

    So save the "Upbeat Hopeful Dog" for Halloween....we see thru that mask.

  10. The TROLL is ANYTHING but positive.

    He is pure gossip, completely negative, and full of discouraging news.

    And he has WAY too much time on his hands.

    Have you ever even kissed a girl?

  11. COUNTDOWN: 55 days

    That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.

    You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!

  12. So, you are complaining about Pastors who complain?

    You are up in arms and sour about sourpuss Pastors?


    You are blogging negatively on the Internet about Pastors who tweet negative things?

    You are a piece of work...how do you sleep at night?

  13. Tom,
    The American people elected the born-again main-stream Christian that was on the ballot, instead of the one with the weird religion. The one elected is not an extremist, but a man of moderately progressive inclination, who bases policy on the best ideas from both sides.

    That is what explains his adoption of a health care plan that was originated and supported by the Republicans for about 30 years prior to its endorsement by the President.

    The President is only a socialist in the mind of and in contrast to the extreme right wing of American politics, more extreme than at any previous time in our history. And he does believe the Bible, including Matthew 25.

  14. "more extreme than at any previous time in our history"

    More extreme than the McCarthy era? How about the Salem Witch Trials or The Crusades? More extreme than Hitler or Stalin?

    Your contentions are just plain factually wrong.

    Only an extremist would make them.

  15. November 8, 2012 2:16 PM, "Longtime friend," AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

  16. So far two individuals have posted that Obama is a christian or bible believing. I cant seriously believe that either believe that. Yes ill bite on what has to be bait.
    I would love to see each give JUST Two facts that support this!! Not liberal party line bull talking points but Facts. He himself has claimed that "America Is Not a christian nation" so then exactly what is it? Even satan will give you truth sometimes.... You just got to be discerning enough when listening.
    Just because we have completely turned and stuck our national Butt in His Face doesnt mean our founding wasnt throughly his doing by individuals seeking to worship/honor him!!!!

  17. Get off politics and get on with what you do better than anyone.

    Tearing down Pastors and Growing Churches.

    Congrats, you have your niche.

  18. Get off politics and get on with what you do better than anyone.

    Tearing down Pastors and Growing Churches.

    Congrats, you have your niche.

  19. Get off politics and get on with what you do better than anyone.

    Tearing down Pastors and Growing Churches.

    Congrats, you have your niche.

  20. I can’t really say if Mr. Obama is a “born again, blood-bought believer” as has been said above, but I do question that assertion. The pastor he sat under for 20 years is a racist of the first order. Have you ever listened to his sermons?

    Obama has had some very strange associations over the years with Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, etc. Personally, I believe Obama has refused to release his work from college because it is filled with Marxist musings and ideology.

    But, that is just my opinion, and whatever Obama is, I have no real control over it. But I know Someone that does.

    Once again, Thy Peace has said it all so well for me. Every four years we are offered a choice of two candidates that have been vetted by the real power in this country – the very wealthy. If anyone can explain how a person is elected without their backing, I will gladly retract that statement. However, I believe, at best you’re wasting your time, and at worst, you’re just in denial. But go head and show me your evidence – if you have it.

    These oligarchs (well said, Thy Peace) do not really care who wins the election out of the two selections they give us – both will carry water for the bankers and other mega-corporations that financed the election for both Romney and Obama. The real power in this country is the FED. The FED is a private bank with a government charter. They print your money and loan it to you with interest.

    Very soon, you all that still believe in the “magic” and “exceptionalism” of America are going to be shocked as the days unfold. For one thing, you will now meet the real Obama – a Chicago machine politician to the core. He worked hard to continue the anti-liberty policies Bush (and others) got rolling after 9-11. Believe me when I say you ain’t seen anything yet. We now have drones patrolling U.S. airspace while illegal aliens have been given the right to money from the American people. Every word we type into our computers is recorded and put into a database. Your movements are recorded by surveillance cameras every single place you go. Those are facts – argue you if you wish – but you will lose. A simple search here on the interweb will provide proof.

    I think what most people miss is there has been a long-running plan to destroy the supremacy of America. There has to be, or the world cannot come under the control of one government. How are they doing this? One good example is how leftists now control our education system – look at how the states on the electoral map voted. Florida is a great example. The largest cities voted for Obama, and then, there, smack in the middle of a sea of red in North Florida, you see more blue – Gainesville & Tallahassee.

    I woke up Wednesday and felt just like I did when I woke up Tuesday – feeling blessed to know that Jesus is in control and that He has had infinite patience with me. I’m being told in the media that I’m now part of the “angry white-guy minority.” Not true. I’m not angry – but I am blessed. I do realize that the way I think is becoming the minority position, and that does sadden me a bit – not because I’m a racist – but because I think of the sacrifices so many good people made to make this the land of the free and the home of the brave. Were those sacrifices a waste after all? No, I don’t believe they were, but we have to face up to the fact that we now have whole ethnic populations of people that are completely ignorant of what America was trying to be when it was founded. That is, a self-governed people. Government was to be controlled – not the people. How would you say it is now?

  21. Very thinly veiled reference to a very recent sermon at FBC. I think that your slant pretty much removes any doubt about your glaring character flaw of cowardice. You just cannot get over someone exposing you for the crude and coarse person that you present. I'll bet your mom must be extremely proud of you.

  22. Watchdog's mom is VERY proud of her pup!!

  23. COUNTDOWN: 50 days

    That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.

    You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!

  24. COUNTDOWN: 47 days

    That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.

    You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!

  25. COUNTDOWN: 43 days

    That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.

    You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!

  26. COUNTDOWN: 43 days

    That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.

    You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!

  27. Thanks for the idiotic single sentence pablum - TROLL.

    Where would you go to spread your ignorance if not for this blog?


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