Ed Young told his congregation in October 2010: "Its...all...about....the money....show me the money!". You did, Fellowship Church, show Ed the money, and now we show you what your money bought. Below are some of the pictures now online displaying Ed Young's 8000 square foot mansion located on Lake Grapevine northwest of Dallas - the house has been on the market since April 2012.
And the asking price is a steal at only $2.2 million.
The listing portfolio has 25 pictures showing exterior and interior views of this lavish house. When you browse the pictures, Fellowship Church donors get to see what a reported $1 million per year salary, along with a $250,000 tax exempt "parsonage allowance" will allow a mega church pastor to purchase.
Take a good look, Fellowship Church tithers and givers. This home is what you are giving to each week. Pastors like to show you pictures of missionaries telling people about Jesus, and shelters for unwed mothers to which the church gives a miniscule percentage of their revenue - and tell you THAT is what your donations are buying. But look at these pictures, Fellowship Church, because your pastor's lifestyle also is what you are helping to fund. Lavish, outlandish luxury for your Man of God.
It is quite sickening when you see these pictures of his 6 bed, 6-bath, 5-fireplace, 4-car garage, 4 acre "parsonage", to think that just a few weeks ago Ed was mocking Christians who feel a sense of urgency in traveling to remote parts of the earth to help dig wells so that impoverished people can have access to clean drinking water. Earlier this year, Ed blasted the "heretical poverty vibe" in Christianity (while Mary the camel took a dump on the platform), and Ed boldly declared:
"No where in the Bible does it tell me as a follower of Christ I'm to
take an oath to poverty. Where's that in the Bible? Where's that in the
Bible that I should feel guilty if I'm blessed of God?"
If you really want to experience the full effect of Ed's hypocrisy, browse all 25 videos of his lavish home here, then watch 10 minutes of video where he blasts his church members for not tithing. It will all make sense; you'll see what Ed is all about. Ed Young is telling people to not even bother coming to church unless they are bringing their tithe with them, pronouncing God's curses on people who donate less than 10% of their income to his church. Ed uses the money he does take in to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
After all, as a Man of God, Ed Young is rich, and he is famous.
And Jesus wept.
The prosperity gospel according to Ed Young:
"You wonder why your marriage is stoned. You wonder why your kids' future is stoned. You wonder why your career is stoned. You wonder why you don't have joy....it's all about the money! It's all about the money, you don't get it!....80% of you are robbing God. 20% of Fellowship Church pays for everything. 20% pays for it all. We're just operating on 20%. Only 20% are bringing the tithe. Only 20% are living in the land of 'more than enough'....
"I want to help you get blessed. Now hopefully you understand when I say 'get blessed' I don't mean you begin to bring your portion to the storehouse and you will become a multi-squillionaire. I'm not saying that, but some of you will. I said 'some of you will'....He's gonna make a lot of us a lotta money - I'm talking about God - because He knows if he can get it through us, he'll get it to us. But the problem is, God wants to bless a lot of you, but you're in the Jordan River, in your floaties, splashing around thinking a mission trip will do it, thinking another bible study will do it, thinking that serving the church will do it, thinking prayer will do it. It's all about the money. It's all about the money. Show....me....the...money."
Oh, but he DESERVES it. Maybe Ed has found another business opportunity which would afford him an even bigger salary than the cash cow of Fellowship Church? Could he be planning to move to oh, say Florida?
God is good!
3 John 1:2 has come to pass:
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
He blessed Abraham and He will bless you too!
"He blessed Abraham and He will bless you too!"
The genie in the bottle. Talk about putting God in a box. The only ones making the big dough are the people at the top of the pyramid. AND, get this, they have managed to convince YOU that your life will be filled with plenty, if you only tithe!
Nobody achieves financial riches as a result of tithing, except the pastor. Anyone who teaches this is a liar and a false teacher.
"The genie in the bottle."
Right on point Mark.
Apparently his wife doesn't feel bad about scamming others out of their money either.
Wouldn't it be great if one day an honest Pastor said to his congregation, "you know that you are under no OT obligation to give the church any amount of money, but if you want a full time Pastor and staff, if you want a comfortable building to worship in and have great music and kid's programs, then pony up folks because those things cost money! If you don't want those things then don't give and we will adjust according to the amount you give"
Of course I don't believe in those uses for the majority of christians' money, but it would be kind of cool if somebody had the integrity to speak the truth to people about how money is used.
It can no longer be considered Christian. It is another gospel completely.
Just wondering but how do we know it is his house? Pictured in a Sermon? Fellowship documents? The listing doesn't say from what I can tell.
Just wondering but how do we know it is his house? Pictured in a Sermon? Fellowship documents? The listing doesn't say from what I can tell.
Honestly, if his church wants to pay him that much, then I don't have too much of a problem with it.
Sure, I find it disgusting. I cannot imagine myself ever living in a multimillion dollar home. I certainly cannot imagine myself asking for money from people that make on average 5% of my yearly salary. On average less than 1% of Young's congregation will ever get close to Young's wealth.
Dan, confirmation is at the Denton County property appraisers website.
Wonder what daddy's house looks like?
thanks. i'm sure some "hater" will accuse us of being dishonest.
God's not here to speak for himself, so those like Young makes tons of money speaking for him, explaining what God thinks, wants, what he does, what he's gonna do, etc.-and people believe it all. It's a big racket really.
I have respect for preachers who are sincere and truly try to serve people in humility. But for others, it's a big money-making racket. It's showbiz, and it's lucrative.
Anonymous 4:41
When I lived in Texas, daddy Young's house was featured in a magazine of the top ten most beautiful homes in Houston. This was in the1990s. Remember, there are very ,very well to do people in Houston.The apple does not fall far from the tree.
The question is, why is he selling it? Contributions down?
I knew him in 1992. He lived near me in a house worth @$250,000. He was obviously slumming with the riff raff. We made sure not to "show him the money."
Hubby also wanted me to point out that when daddy visited Junior in the slum house near us, he drove a Mercedes. Junior was driving a Mitsubishi Diamante which he obtained as a gift after whining in the pulpit one Sunday about how his old car kept breaking down. (We were both present for this whine and we both kept sickening during it).
He was soooooo thrilled and surprised that he was gifted such a nice car one week later. See, he's right. he gets everything because he is soooo faithful.
I am a pastor of a small, rural church and it does not bother me how big his house is or how much it is worth. To be clear- I am not a fan or follower of Ed, FC, or C3.
If I were to focus on what I don't have or what some other pastor has, I will become distracted.
FC's area- Grapevine, is inundated with wealth so of course FC will have more than many churches.
It wouldn't be so bad, but Fellowship has a terrible reputation here in Dallas when it comes to missions and outreach. They sponsor ZERO foreign missionaries or mission organizations. They sponsored a single small orphanage in Haiti after the earthquake. They consider their main outreach to be their TV show, which of course promotes Ed.
A few years ago, Ed spent the whole summer on a "mission trip" in Miami Beach. They rented out this expensive venue and Ed would rehash sermons he had preached many times before.
If you really want to experience the full effect of Ed's hypocrisy, browse all 25 videos of his lavish home...
Two words... new money.
Just wondering but how do we know it is his house?
Plug in the address here.
Read about Antioch Church in Waco and how they pay all church employees the same wage based on a teacher's salary. It's very refreshing and unusual for a large church:
Where can I find God in all of this? I've loved serving the last 15 years over seas. And I know that I serve Jesus, who is NOT represented in any way by Ed Young. I made the mistake of looking at the photos of his house. I feel like someone just kicked me in the stomach. This makes me ill.
Remember, the only times Jesus got angry was when he went to church. Ed Young would have called him a "hater."
Maybe he has it on the market so he can downsize...
It's easy to blame all this on Ed Young, but really when you think about it the people who go to that church bear just as much responsibility for distorting the Gospel as he does. If members were reading the Bible on their own and studying it, they could see that what they are supporting is just plain wrong. They obviously are there for entertainment. I do totally understand the need for autonomy in the local church, but I sure wish they would get kicked out of the SBC!
Looks like the article from the '90s that Dee referred to was about "Sr.'s" old house which was a paltry 5500 sf. (Click on the "Ownership History" link at the top.) Movin' on up, their last place was built in '01, spread 7652 sf, and was last appraised at over $1.7 million. Now it appears dad has built again, this time a modest home with 12,700 sf with 9 bedrooms and 9 1/2 baths. By the way, this is all a matter of public record.
Hey the dude deserves it. Do you know how hard it is to maintain all those people's expectations, hire animals for shows, watch endless movies for sermon series ?
Jesus saves
and Ed withdraws
This can't be Ed's house.
There's no private air strip!
Nice house - tacky appointments
Dee said...@ July 13, 2012 6:33 PM
there are very ,very well to do people in Houston
So do all big cities in America.
That was a breath of fresh air!
The only thing I'd take issue with if I were a member of that church is the increased pay for those with spouses and children. Your marital status or number of children should have NOTHING to do with what your job pays. Two people with the same experience performing the same job should be paid equally, regardless of their civil status. It is your decision to marry and have children, and neither your employer nor your coworkers should pay for your choices. Those who have not married or had children should not be penalized for their choices, and in this case they are. I'm a firm believer in "if you can't feed them, don't breed them."
It's like companies that accept credit cards. Because they're prevented by law from charging fees for using credit cards, they give "discounts" for those paying with cash or charge extra and call it a "convenience fee." The bottom line is the same, but they've skirted the letter of the law. Same here. By paying those with spouses and/or children more, they're making some members of the team "more equal" than others. If I were a single person on staff there I'd feel cheated.
I don't believe your health insurance should in any way be connected to your job either, but I'm digressing.
"Your marital status or number of children should have NOTHING to do with what your job pays."
I agree. We have six children and my husband works with a guy who's never been married and has no kids. I've always thought, "Wow, that guy probably has lots of money!" But I agree-you get paid for the skills you bring to the job, whether you have one kid or twelve.
This stuff is thought-provoking. Rich people have the money for huge houses, etc. and can certainly spend their money on whatever they choose to spend it on. I think the difference is, if you're a preacher talking about Jesus and giving to the poor and leaving all to follow him and how everybody's going to hell and we must reach them, etc.--THAT does not jive with luxurious homes, cars, vacations, etc. It simply doesn't make any sense and seems to show your REAL priorities and your REAL beliefs.
Also I think someone mentioned about someone giving Ed a nice car. I saw that at my last church. Someone gave the preacher a white Cadillac. That's what he drives. People love to give their preachers stuff. Whereas the average church-goer is not a preacher, so not being a Man of God, no one wants to give them cars. So they have to finance their cars. And they don't get a housing allowance either and all the perks that preachers get when people find out they are preachers.
I don't think preachers should live in austerity just because they're preachers. But what congregation signs off on, and funds, this kind of lifestyle? Gag me.
I think this must be some sort of country club.
Maybe he is selling it because he needs to move to a "WHOLE NUTHA LEVEL!" Totally ridiculous!
I'm an associate pastor in Texas. My family is buying a 45 year-old, 1700 square foot house here. I'm working on a 4 year-old laptop computer resting on a 20 year-old card table set up inside a walk-in closet next to my wife's 10 year-old blouses, dresses, and coats. I'm probably at least as happy/blessed as Ed. The mortgage payment on a $2 million house is about $9000 per month. Ours: less than $600.
It would be interesting to see a listing of home values for mega-church pastors. Not home locations as this entry has, but simply home values.
Is Ed the exception or the rule?
I would be very interested where someone with a seemingly more humble approach, say John Piper, would fall on the home value list.
The Magic of Photoshop:
Satan rewards his preachers well. What made you think Christ was in this?
This is an example of people who are jealous of another man's blessing.
Obama is doing the same thing to Mitt Romney.
Don't get resentful to rich people.
It is class warfare and it leans towards coveting someone else's home.
FC members know Ed is rich and has a private jet and still they come by the thousands to hear him preach.
Get over it.
This is not a story.
You know a show people would love? Showcasing the "rich and religious." There could be tours of their beautiful, luxurious homes, and we could follow them as they live a typical week of their lives. I know I've always wondered what wealthy preachers do exactly as they go through their week. It would be fascinating. Then they could contrast that with other pastors who live modestly and visit the sick or something.
Good for you pastor- :) the Lord bless you. This is music to my ears to hear of a pastor who is more concerned with shepherding instead of making a business out of the church.
Hey Associate in Texas.
Is it our problem that you are not successful?
Quit whining and get to work and start trying to grow God's kingdom.
You don't need to compare yourself to Ed, You need a mentor so you can be more like Ed.
Is this really a sellers market to list that right now?
Reading through the comments, I'm trying to see the thinking of those who support Ed.
They believe:
Rich Christian=God Blessed the Christian
I'd ask: How do they know this? How do they know God had anything at all to do with it? Because Ed taught them that way of thinking?
There are atheists who are rich. There are criminals who are rich.
There are non-Christians who have the same talents as Ed who are rich. They used those talents to accumulate wealth-the same talents Ed uses to accumulate wealth.
Why isn't God "blessing" Christians who are poor? Could it actually have nothing to do with God, but be because the poor Christians do not have the same talents, skills, connections, background, business acumen, etc., etc. that Ed has?
Ed and other Christians like him speak to large receptive audiences. They write books that many people want to read. There is a huge market for their skills, so of course they get very wealthy.
So I don't see the connection to God at all. That's just what Ed tells you. He's making it up. Ed has much in common with other rich motivational speakers and authors.
The problem is people believe what Ed tells them. People LIKE Ed, and in my opinion, they will keep on liking him and resenting those who criticize him regardless of anything Ed does or how much money he has. None of that matters-they like him, period. Plus they WANT to believe what he says is true.
anon 1:45 July 16. You cannot get into those homes unless you are a big tither.
What an embarassment this guy is, and the silly sheep that support their 'Main of Gawd'in this kind of excess.
"Give us a king, like the other nations" the Israelites cried. Same kinda thing here with King Ed. THey want their leader to be all cool and be cool-guy wannabes with him.
Stupid-er and stupid-er.
Yo 'dog, you can't make this stuff up, it's just too strange...and sad. (sigh)
This seriously makes me want to vomit. It is no different than the massive churches in Europe that were funded by the selling of indulgences (lies), in the name of God.
I think you have totally misunderstood Ed's motives here and I feel compelled to defend him.
Obviously, Ed and Lisa have read David Platt's book "Radical" and they have been moved to make the radical commitment. They are selling the mansion so that they can downsize and move to a more reasonable house, say in the $500K range and then give the difference to missions.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
On another note, has anyone ever heard any of these guys who focus so much on the tithe ever say that they actually tithe themselves?
I have never heard one of them say it.
Someone had mentioned a link.. here is the link from the denton county tax
When I was a member of Fellowship a decade ago, Ed's wealth was mostly hidden. Except that I saw he was constantly traveling, going to sporting events ring-side and was always driving luxury SUVs. He would say that the SUVs were given to him as a gift. I am sure they were. Of course common members never got within 50 feet of him, their "pastor." It was common knowledge that you could buy a meeting with him if you you offered him a sweet enough deal with luxury ring-side seats to a sporting event. Then, and only then, could a common member get access to him. After a couple of years seeing nothing but Ed's face plastered on 90% of the church's books store and repeated commercials in the worship service to buy the DVDs and audio recordings and books, I said enough is enough. It was all just a giant infomercial for Ed's business ventures.
Ed's parsonage from the church is larger than some CEO's make. Let me reiterate, the money the church gives him just to live in that house is tax free and more than many CEO's make. That doesn't count the $1 million salary he also receives.
Even if Ed loves saving souls, he also loves getting your money. His multiple clandestine business ventures, hidden private jets, undisclosed salary, lack of transparency, all add up to him being just another religious sell-out.
Ed's not a fan of the book Radical,and has even said "don't waste your time reading it!"
I agree. I was being sarcastic. EY thinks that any book not authored by him is a waste of time, especially one that might promote the slightest sense of humility or that one's primary financial obligation is not to Fellowship Church.
I am a contemporary of EY (age-wise) and have served in North Texas longer than him. I never really hear much about Fellowship Church or its ministries. I only hear about Ed Young.
imagine the house Ed Young Jr is moving INTO.
I wonder how much this man - and I use that term lightly - has given back to the community for widows and orphans.
I wonder how much he has done to reach the poor and share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I wonder how much he has shown the love of Christ to all of the above people.
Then again, why wonder? The video about emptying out Dallas-Fort Worth Churches says it all. He WISHES he could do that.
I can't believe those brainwashed morons sit there and listen to him. I might have to go to that church sometime just so I can stand up and walk out when he starts talking trash about other churches.
Dog, just watched that video of Ed Young talking about "baby Christians." What an arrogant jerk.
You know, he's found a way to be successful. So what? How many thousands of people has he helped along the way? His message reaches and helps tons of people so who cares about the rest? The point of church and a preacher is to bring people closer to God. He is fantastic at doing that, so the rest doesn't matter. And yes he makes lots of money off of his books and dvds. I just spent $17 yesterday on one of his and his wife's books on marriage and so far it is excellent. Just leave the man alone. The important thing is he helps people.
Is this really an entire page dedicated to bashing a pastor and his church? Yes, I've seen the photos and it is a bit excessive, but who are we to question the sincerity of another person's faith and walk with God?
Someone with a lot of time on their hands created a fake Facebook profile for Mr. Young and then that fake profile is inundated with nothing but negative posts and links to blogs such as this.
Do you really have that much hate in your heart that you have allowed this man to consume your thoughts and your time? Why are you so worried about what he is doing with his money and how much his church pays him to lead them? He is the only one that will answer to God about his choices and you will only answer to God about yours. Why are you standing there shaking your finger at anyone else?
I am familiar with all of the scripture you quote on this page that makes you feel justified in this entire attack, but what about this one:
Romans 14 (NIV)
The Weak and the Strong
14 Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. 2 One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.
5 One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. 6 Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7 For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. 8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.
10 You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written:
“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me;every tongue will acknowledge God.’”
12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. 14 I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. 15 If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died. 16 Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil. 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.
19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.
22 So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. 23 But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.
You all know nothing about this man.
Your sure think you do... This man has led thousands to Christ, and still continues to do so. When's the last time y'all led someone to Christ? Hmm why don't yall stop bashing Ed young and focus on y'all's own life.
You all know nothing about this man.
Your sure think you do... This man has led thousands to Christ, and still continues to do so. When's the last time y'all led someone to Christ? Hmm why don't yall stop bashing Ed young and focus on y'all's own life.
It's funny we blast this type of lavish income among our ministers yet forget to truly look at what their position is in the church. According to the NYTimes we are losing 1,000 ministers/month in North America due to burnout. The number one cause is not being able to earn a livable income. Good for Fellowship for paying their pastor well!
These men and women are doing tough, difficult work. They are on call 24/7. They pray with you, they mourn with you, they carry your burdens as if they're their own. They head up an entire staff, a full team of volunteers, manage a multi-million dollar budget, and prepare 50+ new messages each year without getting to recycle them for the future.
If they took that same skill set outside of the church and into the marketplace they'd make 3-4 times more money. Sure Ed Young makes $1million/year. How many sermons does he prepare? How many people are on his staff? How many volunteers does he help to organize? How many campuses does the church coordinate with? If you held that position as a corporation or CEO you'd easily be making $3-$5million a year.
Never has there been a time when the church has led so many away from Christ. This dude (as he likes to think of himself) is pathetic. I left Fellowship once it became clear this was about Eddie and not about the gospel. Sad, very sad.
I was an insider at FC until I got to know the real Ed. Phony as a used car salesman's guarantee...
These are the last days... get ready for Jesus... He is coming soon to judge everyone according to what he/she has done. Don't make the mistake of the virgins who fell asleep.... And about that church and the many others.. they are the begining of the great apostasy. Read your Bibles and get ready for the King.
12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.
I haven't been to his church but I know that tithing is scriptural. It's taught in the old testament and new testment. It's God's idea. The old testament says God will open the windows of Heaven to those who tithe and to those who don't, you are cursed. God said it. HOWEVER, we don't live under the old testament law. Even though the New Testament teaches tithing, I don't feel we are cursed because we live under grace now because Jesus became a curse for us. But tithing is scriptural and we do it to support the local church needs and the Pastor. To live opulently, I don't agree with. But let us do what God commands for ourselves and let God judge any Pastors. God forbids anyone to judge a Pastor. Did you know that? Read the Bible. "Touch not my anointed" it says. That means you can be cursed for judging any servant of God. Let us have balance and let God do the judging. Also, some of you commenting don't even read scripture, so who are you to comment about about anything scriptural. God commands us to study His Word. So you are in sin yourself. You don't even know what the Bible says so you are not qualified to speak about anything spiritual or against any servant of God. Repent and be saved and start studying God's Word and you will know that everyone is accountible to God and not to man.
I attended this church for many years. Unfortunately, I found these accusations to be true BEFORE this scabdal. His remarks ont titheing at least 10% are don't show up (worded many different ways over the years) is what turned me off. Being a single, I met a number of people who fell on hard times, making this a hardship at those times. If someone goes through a divorce and finds themself with a single income supporting kids and a house in their school district, you cannot imply that you are living beyond your means, etc. Is this person supposed to uproot their kids to down size so that Fellowship Church receives at least 10%, or don't come here. The same goes for long term medical, long term underemployment due to the economy. One of these reasons is why I ended up changing churches. I also do not believe that Ed young should sell his church sermons created at work and with a team, then sell them for additional profit outside of the church. There were members who left the church over this and did not seek another because of his money grubbing ways. The 2 million spent on the charter plane on the 3 yr period just goes to show how of the mark Ed Young has become.....Many of the trips were not even to places in which Ed Young is doing any mission work. Others were diffintely frivilous due to the expenses of this prvite jet VS commercial flights.
Oh heavens, please no, there's not enough prosperity to share amongst them here!
Maybe he'll buy a place in the Hamptons...FAR north of here!
Very helpful information the readers are free to assess for themselves. Far too little exposing of evil behind the scenes go on among duped parishioners! If you search the web, there are websites that use this type information to effect real change in church practice. PLEASE never give in to claims you are satanic for pointing out abuses of God's ministry, as that is a VALID service, especially with MANY blind sheep in the world!
Your an idiot. He's a false teacher. Christians are not under a curse for not tithing, if that's true, you'd be under a curse for eating lobster or cutting your beard and other Jewish laws. In fact tithing isn't even one of the Ten Commandments. Why do preachers choose to single out "tithing" out of all the rules of the old testament, it's so they can get money from you. Ed young is a pimp preacher, who distorts the gospel in order to line his pockets. His churches are Seeker driven because they don't know any better, and he can brainwash them and get into their bank accounts.
You are saying Ed Young doesn't tithe and how do you know. I believe he does tithe and then some. The fact he makes a lot a money writing books. There is no law against that including God's law. He does talk about tithing on ocassion, but I have never seen or heard anything about anyone that goes to the church has to tithe. There are absolutely no requirements. This is between God and the person. Regarding all the negative commentary, Ed Young Jr. and Fellowship Church are a true God believing church. If the tithe bothers you, don't blame it on this church. Take it up with God.
You are saying Ed Young doesn't tithe and how do you know. I believe he does tithe and then some. The fact he makes a lot a money writing books. There is no law against that including God's law. He does talk about tithing on ocassion, but I have never seen or heard anything about anyone that goes to the church has to tithe. There are absolutely no requirements. This is between God and the person. Regarding all the negative commentary, Ed Young Jr. and Fellowship Church are a true God believing church. If the tithe bothers you, don't blame it on this church. Take it up with God.
I don't see a problem with this pastor living in a multimillion dollar mansion as long as he discloses this fact to his congregation and they are willing to continue paying the bill to fund his lavish lifestyle. However, if this is something that he never talks about and every few church members even know where he lives or what his house looks like then it is obvious that he's hiding something. I hope the members of Fellowships Church are wise enough to understand this. Jesus never kept secrets about where he lived or what his family's house looked like. Everyone knew He was the son of a carpenter and His mother was Mary and they knew where she lived. Jesus didn't own a secret palace that only his closest friends knew about.
How is he a false teacher, if that's what the bible says to do?
That is exactly what Ed Young told us.
That is ridiculous, Ed Young preaches from the bible. It's not entertainment he makes the bible entertaining and easy to understand.
That is not accurate at all, Fellowship continues to support that orphanage in Haiti, as well as started a church inside a prison. They may not be doing missions every year but maybe Ed Young feels the need to help our own people first. A lot of the money taken in from tithing actually goes to building new churches constantly, a new ranch style retreat with waterpark for children that gives kids an unbelievable experience and opportunity for them to accept Jesus while having fun like a summer camp.
Ed Young has a fantastic way of teaching bible stories in an interesting way instead of having to read straight from the bible he puts some pizzazz into his sermons. Also the movies is the best sermon he does, comparing worldly movies everyone watches to the bible, it's remarkable how he comes up with the most unique analogies.
That's true because what he says is true because what he says comes out of the bible and everything he says he backs up with facts from the bible.
Yes. Ed Young is actually Fellowship church's biggest tither!
Everything you said is completely inaccurate. You sound like the moron just talking out of your ass and making stuff up as you go. Ed Young and fellowship church do a lot to help people. So if you don't know then shut your trap.
Natalie, lay off the Kool Aid. You've OD'd on it, apparently. :)
He's actually Fellowship's greatest taker. By far.
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