2 Samuel 16:9,11 - "Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over, I pray thee, and take off his head...let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hath bidden him."

Matthew 7:15 - “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Matthew 24:11 - “…and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.”

Saturday, February 10, 2024

A Repost of a Tribute to Tiffany Thigpen

Tiffany Thigpen certainly has been making a difference in SBC circles the past few years as the SBC leadership has been exposed for covering up abuse. I want to remind people who visit this blog and that are active on Twitter in this fight, that Tiffany was fighting the fight of holding pastors accountable who abuse people way, way before anyone else was with the exception of perhaps Christa Brown. 

Tiffany took the arrows and scorn - and threats - from so many people in Jacksonville in 2007 when she dared to stand up for the victims of Darrell Gilyard. And what did she get for her efforts? A subpoena allowing her personal information to be released to a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) detective who worked for FBC Jacksonville, and who also conveniently was on the Discipline Committe of FBC Jacksonville who didn't like this blog or Tiffany's blog. This subpoena started a five-year long legal battle between myself and FBC Jax and the city of Jacksonville, the JSO, and the State Attorney's Office, ending in two successful lawsuits settled out of court. 

I thought I'd repost here on the front page my tribute from 15 years ago expressing my gratitude to Tiffany Thigpen for her efforts in putting behind bars Darrel Gilyard, one of the biggest frauds to hit the SBC circuit, a man who has abused countless women in churches from here to Texas and who knows where else.  


It is absolutely amazing what Tiffany Thigpen Croft, a local Christian wife and mother, armed with only a blog and the power of free speech and her faith in God, has been able to accomplish. Tiffany has done what most baptist pastors in this city were too cowardly to do. And she didn't have a budget, a PR firm, or any position of power in the city of Jacksonville.

Tiffany reported on her blog this weekend that Darrell Gilyard, former pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, has agreed to a plea bargain in his case involving lews and lascivious conduct against a 14-year old. This is very good news - according to Tiffany, Gilyard has admitted guilt, and will serve 3 years in a state prison, and will carry the "sexual predator" label for the rest of his life. This plea bargain will save the horrific ordeal of a public trial and his victims having to testify.

Tiffany had her faith and a deep conviction that a person standing for truth and justice COULD make a difference. She started a blog to call out an abusive pastor in this city, and demanded justice - and she encouraged victims to come out. She used her blog as a vehicle for victims to share their stories. Information provided to Tiffany via her blog was shared with the State Attorney's office, and this aided their investigation.

Tiffany started her blog about the Gilyard case back in December 2007 when this news about Gilyard's abuse at Shiloh first broke. Tiffany was brave enough to come forward and share her testimony of how Gilyard tried to seduce her as an 18-year old back in the early 1990's when she was at First Baptist Jacksonville. She shared how Gilyard operated, what his sickening tactics were - and no doubt this caused other victims to recognize they weren't alone, and needn't be ashamed to come forward, that this guy was a monster who had preyed on many others.

Wade Burleson has written an excellent article on his blog about Tiffany, "Walking Where SBC Leaders Fail to Tread". It is true that many SBC leaders back in the 1990's who supported Gilyard and helped him to his meteoric rise - they absolutely failed to keep this man out of any positions of power - and their silence since Gilyard's arrest has been deafening. Thank the Lord that Tiffany wasn't trying to avoid controversy or wasn't afraid of being labeled as a troublemaker - she spoke the truth, and called for others to stand with her, and she took the arrows that came her way. Tiffany didn't complain about the attacks against her from people supporting Gilyard, she maintained a spirit of love, always expressing a desire for healing for Gilyard's victims and for repentence and justice in Gilyard's life.

And most importantly, Tiffany didn't cave into those cowardly voices that told her that her blog was harming the cause of Christ, that it was beauty-shop gossip and should be shut down. No way - Tiffany stood strong, knew that truth was on her side, and she KNEW that God was pleased with what she was doing. You see, for far too long, people inside baptist churches have been afraid to call public attention to abusers, especially pastors. They have used the illogical excuse that to do so would harm Christianity - that people would be turned away from Christ if light were shone on the abuses of pastors, that things should be kept quiet. They've even used lame excuses like the pastor is God's man, and "touch not thine annointed", or "just let God handle it."

The realilty was back in December 2007, God WAS handling this matter, and to help Him accomplish His will, God was looking for someone in Jacksonville. Not someone to hush it up, but to rise up and call for justice. God was looking for someone to shine the light on Gilyard to help bring about justice and healing. To call for others to demand justice. To encourage others who had been abused by Gilyard to come forward.

And He found Tiffany.

And Tiffany said "Yes, Lord".

Thank you, Tiffany.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

What REALLY Happened at FBCJ

Stay tuned for some updates!  Series coming on what REALLY went down at FBCJ that decimated the church a few years back. It was ugly, it was sordid, so much worse than what Heath described in his recent podcast series. 

I have a lot of respect for Heath in being generous with those who made his life a living hell as he had to clean up the mess left at FBCJ. 

But it is a story to be told. 

The New FBCJ Watchdog

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Paige Patterson: "Those With Whom Darrel (Gilyard) Sinned are Not Innocent Either"

Over the past two days, Vimeo videos have surfaced of the July 10th, 1991 Victory Baptist Church (TX) congregational meeting led by Paige Patterson, in which Darrell Gilyard resigned after having admitting to Patterson privately that he had committed various sexual sins.

There is plenty in these two videos that will sicken the viewer, when they are watched in the context of all we know about Gilyard and Patterson - the years leading up to this meeting, and the two decades after the meeting.

But the one part that I want to highlight is the following Patterson statement after Gilyard finishes and leaves the room:
"So there is a certain degree to which a man who stands behind this sacred desk is held to a higher standard, that's true. But it is also equally true, precious people, that a sin is a sin no matter who commits it. Nobody committed any of these sins in innocency. Brother Darrell was not innocent, those with whom he sinned are not innocent either."
Instead of Patterson scolding Gilyard for failing to apologize to the women and their families that he had abused, Patterson decided to further harm these women by imposing upon them a verdict of "guilty", that their guilt matches that of their abuser Gilyard. Only trouble is that Gilyard was a predator and these women were his victims. According to the Dallas Morning News, one of the women claimed Gilyard raped her. Others described how Gilyard would pursue them, begging one of them to meet him at a hotel. No need to shame these women, but in so doing I believe Patterson showed where his heart was: harboring resentment for these women who he believed caused his blessed son to fall to temptation.

I'm hoping that a video of the remaining portion of the meeting will also be posted, as the second one cuts off right after the above statement by Patterson.

We all know now, that Gilyard was a fraud, a charlatan. But trust me, Patterson had plenty of knowledge of Gilyard's actions well before this night that should have told him Gilyard was an outright fraud and any attempt to concoct a plan and timetable of restoration would be short-circuited by Gilyard, which is exactly what happened. But Gilyard was just too darned talented of a speaker - he could draw a crowd, and make people laugh and cry and get out their wallets. So he had to be salvaged.

And who is the hostage-looking figure who escorted Gilyard to the platform and stood to his right? My best guess is that it is Danny Aiken.

Here are links to the videos:

Video #1 (Patterson's Opening Statement)

Video #2 (Gilyard's Statement, Patterson's follow-up)

Click here to peruse prior FBC Jax Watchdog blog articles related to Gilyard.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Removed SWBTS Stained-Glass Windows Offered to Catholic Church Notre Dame Re-Build Effort

Paris, France (WD Press) - In a stunning move of solidarity and generosity, the Southern Baptist Convention has offered to the Catholic Church the recently removed stained-glass windows of famous SBC preachers at their Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary, to support the Catholic church's efforts to rebuild the Notre Dame cathedral.

Although the most famous rose windows in the cathedral survived the fire, officials say the rebuild effort may require replacement glass.

Catholic officials were considering the stained glass windows of Paige Patterson, Jerry Vines, Ed Young, Paul Pressler, and FBC Jax Watchdog - but have opted only for Paul Pressler's stained glass image, for reasons that were not explained.

A spokesperson for SWBTS said that although Jerry Vines' glass was under consideration by the Catholic church, the glass has already been installed in Jerry's private study at his home in Georgia and thus unavailable for the cathedral.

Editor's Note:  Students at SWBTS have reportedly begun a petition to preserve FBC Jax Watchdog's stained glass and keep it where it was originally installed, in the window above the last stall in the men's bathroom on the 2nd floor of the Ergun Mehmet Giovanni Caner Center for Truth in Debating. This report is still being investigated.