Sammy Nuckolls is a Southern Baptist evangelist who preaches primarily to youth groups in Southern Baptist churches, and has been featured by SBC's Lifeway as a "camp pastor" at their "FUGE" summer youth events. Also, as seen at left, he has some affiliation with Robert Morris' Gateway Church in Dallas, TX. At Lifeway's FUGE blog they have already removed February 1, 2011 and October 10, 2011 blog posts written by Sammy, the former which said in part:
"Since 1995 I have been involved with FUGE as a camper, youth pastor, and camp pastor. As a camp pastor each week is different and exciting. It has been wonderful watching students and adults encounter Christ and respond to His truth and His greatness." Sammy Nuckolls on Lifeway's FUGE blog (accessible through Google Reader)
And apparently being a Lifeway FUGE camp pastor has been "different and exciting" for Sammy in more ways than one. Tonight it was reported on WMC-TV that Nuckolls was arrested for the crime of "video voyeurism". Sammy admitted to using a hidden camera in a pen to record a woman in her own bathroom - apparently Sammy was a guest in the house while he was in town for a revival - and he positioned the pen in her bathroom to record her taking a shower.

"The victim told officers that when she went to take a shower on that day, she noticed that Nuckolls had left several hygiene items laid neatly out in the bathroom, including an oversized pen. As she continued to get ready to shower, she discovered that the pen had a USB connection. She said she left the bathroom and Nuckolls immediately went into the bathroom, then to his room with the items he had in the bathroom, including the pen."
The woman went immediately to the police, they promptly arrested Sammy, and he admitted to the crime as well as filming two other women in similar fashion in Mississippi. Notice in the image above that Sammy was a Lifeway FUGE Camp Pastor in July at Mississippi College.
Good thing the woman went directly to the police with the evidence. In a similar crime here in Jacksonville, women were secretly recorded with a hidden video camera as they changed clothes in the office of a Baptist pastor. That video tape was found by leaders in the church, but the recording was never reported to the cops for about a decade until after the statute of limitations had run, and no one was held accountable. And the guy who went to the cops with the evidence was pronounced to be of the devil and was thrown out of the church.
But all is not lost, Sammy is out of jail now and in fact was Tweeting again tonight.
Sammy's website is down, and already Lifeway has removed references to Sammy from their blogs and websites - but you can still access their deleted blog posts through Google Reader which is where the shot at the top of this post came from.
Moral of the story: beware of Southern Baptist evangelists who leave big fat pens laying around in your restroom.
Or just beware of Southern Baptist evangelists.
Pen Camera ...
"Or just beware of Southern Baptist evangelists."
I have no trust in anyone in ministry in today's - this was another sick article - thanks W/D for looking out for us - without you, articles like this would be hidden from us as the "leadership" run and hide facts. Now we have to fear all who work in youth programs. Another one's who fell in the tank with Caner.
I have no respect for any under the calling of SBC.
"Moral of the story: beware of Southern Baptist evangelists who leave big fat pens laying around in your restroom.
Or just beware of Southern Baptist evangelists."
That is NOT the moral of the story.
Just like you Dawg, and the rest of us, if we are not careful we can be drawn in by the lusts of the flesh.
I am impressed Thy Peace. Just goggled your pen camera and wow, it is cheap to become a pervert!
9:35 - get real. We are ALL drawn in by the lusts of the flesh every single day.
One point of difference is that some break the law and record naked women, and some don't.
How pious and typical, to overspiritualize a crime and make it sound like he's just a sinner like the rest of us.
This guy broke the law and affected people's lives. He is legally AND spiritually accountable.
Recognize THAT for what it is.
Thanks for reminding me to "just beware of Southern Baptist evangelists." The next time Junior Hill is in town, I will be very careful to watch him!
Come on, Dawg, that was very unfair! You are starting to show your true colors. Just like any profession, there are "bad" guys who ruin it for the "good" guys but don't destroy good, godly men with a broad brush.
You're right...just watch out for SBC evangelists who leave big fat pens in your bathroom.
The key here is that the person gained access to the women's bathroom because of her trust in his position as a Baptist minister. She was told he was "god's man" and that he is more "spiritual" because of his job title and "calling." Otherwise, she never lets the man into bathroom to began with. He took advantage of a position of trust, that was obtained by using the name of the Christ. And we all know this is not the first time he has done this. Just the first time he got caught.
Maybe Junior Hill WOULD videotape the wife if he had a similar opportunity. Let's not give him a chance by thinking he is super spiritual. These guys are just men like the rest of us men. Why trust them with our wives, kids or money? They are not God, they are not "god's man." They are quick to admit this when caught. Then they tell us they are just sinners like the rest of us.
Just like you Dawg, and the rest of us, if we are not careful we can be drawn in by the lusts of the flesh.
October 29, 2011 9:35 AM
Really? Why glory in sin? You are going to go out and purchase a camera pen and set up the technology to watch your HOSt take a shower? That is so premeditated, it reeks of forethought and planning.
Thanks for telling us you could just as easily be drawn to this...next time use your name so we can beware of you.
In the meantime, this guy was claiming to be born again and teaching youth. FRAUD.
They are quick to admit this when caught. Then they tell us they are just sinners like the rest of us.
October 29, 2011 11:23 AM
Yes and then they use their confession to rake in more money. It is all they know how to do.
"One point of difference is that some break the law and record naked women, and some don't."
Remember Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker, the Bourbon Street Preacher, and many others we could name. Not a one of them, just like you and me, thought they would ever be capable of such sins.
"How pious and typical, to overspiritualize a crime and make it sound like he's just a sinner like the rest of us.
This guy broke the law and affected people's lives. He is legally AND spiritually accountable."
It seems to me it is you who is being pious. But for GRACE you are just as capable of committing a sin that would turn the worlds stomach.
Remember that pride goes before a fall or perhaps you are tooooooo spiritual to succumb to temptation!
"They are quick to admit this when caught."
Frankly, I am surprised that he admitted to anything.
He should have pulled a CANER!
"Really? Why glory in sin? "
You must be having trouble paying attention. No on was glorifying sin.
The point is that anyone who thinks that they are NOT CAPABLE of a sin like this are any other has deceived themselves.
Lets see now. Is this the Junior Hill with the doctorate from a diploma mill? Is this the Jr Hill mentioned in the discussion?
He's still Tweeting away without skipping a beat - like nothing happened.
I've heard of pens that do audio recordings, but I've never seen a video camera pen before. Are they similar in their design? If so, he paid a whole lot of money for a pen in order to break the law (Note: I own a pen that does audio recordings, and am trying to see if they are similar in design and etc.).
Any openings at Arlington Baptist College for staff evangelists?
WD, I don't think they would allow someone like that. Lying=ok. Using Blue Jeans/NIV/etc.=not ok. (I think Arlington is an IFB college.)
You must be having trouble paying attention. No on was glorifying sin.
The point is that anyone who thinks that they are NOT CAPABLE of a sin like this are any other has deceived themselves.
October 29, 2011 12:30 PM
Of course I was paying attention. You gave the typical pat answer that feeds into the antinomianism taught out there so much today. Your comment was meant to say: WE are all sinners and capable of much worse so better not judge.
And of course this is a faulty understanding of sanctification but taught in many churches.
Let's see...was the Holy Spirit present in this man while he was viewing his Host taking a shower? According to you the answer is yes.
Now, you will come back with an accusation that I am claiming "sinless perfection" for believers. Which is impossiblie.
But can one be "pure in heart" and do such things. No.
And there is the problem. You think he is saved. I say that if sanctification is not present and obvious, you had better work out your salvation with fear and trembling. There is no justification without sanctification and visa versa.
Wish more pastors taught truth.
Oh, and btw, 1 Corin 5 tells us plainly to JUDGE those within the Body. Not those in the world. So, yes, judging is appropriate here unless you are doing the same things. :o)
"SBC's Lifeway 2011 Youth Camp Pastor at their FUGE events has been arrested for secretly filming a woman showering in her own home."
I wonder how many of the youth he recorded and was never caught.
Apparently been Staying at many a place;
"So thankful we have a fence at the house I am staying at tonight to keep the bad men away"
...keep the bad man away?
whats he mean by that?
The Cops?
Sorry, 12:24.
I don't believe that only grace separates me from recording someone naked in their bathroom. And it should not be used to give this loser a pass.
Even if I wasn't saved, I wouldn't be doing that.
Baptist theology has warped so many souls.
Yep... IFB and King James Only.
You really can't make this stuff up.
God Bless
anon 3:15
"Even if I wasn't saved, I wouldn't be doing that.
Baptist theology has warped so many souls."
So, you would exclude yourself from God's description of man's nature in Rom 3:10-18? You, like the rest of us are without excuse. Apart from God's restraining grace you'd be the biggest pervert, murderer, thief, whatever, beyond imagination.
Pelagian theology has warped (and continues to warp) the thinking of many....giving them the illusion that they are above such wickedness.
It never ceases to amaze me how people will stick up for these pastors no matter what they do. No one is saying they are above or without sin.
There is something called accountability! Do you want a drunk driver teaching driver's ed, or a 3-time criminal carrying a police badge?
It's time for these superstar personalities to stop deceiving people and start being held accountable for their actions, just like the rest of the public.
Pelagian theology has warped (and continues to warp) the thinking of many....giving them the illusion that they are above such wickedness.
October 29, 2011 5:10 PM
Actually, we are to become new creatures. We are born again. The sin we once loved we now hate. Do we struggle with fleshly desires? Yes. But,If we are willfully, continually committing them we are claiming there was no sacrifice for sin.
See Hebrews 10:26-31 and ALL of 1 John.
If what you say is true and long time "believers" can do wicked things continually, then none of us is safe with believers.
The problem is that we continue to claim that thugs are saved. And that all believers are really like them.
Sammy was our youth's FUGE leader on at least one occasion, has been the featured speaker for youth retreats at least twice, and led a community-wide youth revival here about 3 years ago. He was very highly thought of by many in our church.
I am sickened to learn of his crimes. There's no defending what he did. I realize we are all sinners, including those in the ministry. Sadly, when something of this nature is brought to light about a minister, it affects the church well as loved ones and friends. Sammy has a wife and family who are victims in this as well.
I can't begin to understand why anyone would do something like this, especially a pastor, and in a parishioner's (or similar) home no less. My prayer is that no youth were victimized, and that the SBC responds appropriately.
Ed - then why didn't God's grace restrain Sammy Nuckolls?
After all, he's in a position of spiritual authority far above what I have achieved, according to my former denomination.
"Apart from God's restraining grace you'd be the biggest pervert, murderer, thief, whatever, beyond imagination."
I am a sinner, saved by grace, and I totally disagree with that statement. Before I was saved I did none of those things. I might have, but I didn't, and neither did millions of other people who have walked this earth.
Nuckolls is also a sinner, saved by grace (well I don't actually know if he has ever let Jesus into his heart and life, but let's assume he has), and he is still a pervert.
Guess it's just fuzzy math, that let's us excuse whom we desire.
Ed Franklin said...
"So, you would exclude yourself from God's description of man's nature in Rom 3:10-18? You, like the rest of us are without excuse. Apart from God's restraining grace you'd be the biggest pervert, murderer, thief, whatever, beyond imagination."
So there you have it ladies.....
One of the Anointed has done did it again....
So get used to it, be nice and let um...
Because if it wasn't for 'grace' you'd be even worse.
Just be thankful he didn't do a Jim Bakker to this woman....like Jim did to Jessica Hahn.
He's now out of jail, married and back in the ministry....LOL
GO Grace GO
Way to go Tom (Dawg, I am saving the world from these big bad pastors), now you can add "never have another evangelist at your church unless you want to be filmed in a porno scene" to your resume. Who has contempt now? What a hypocrite you are. Repent and shut down this site until you spend some quality time in prayer, study, and repentance.
This idea that we are the same sinners after being saved is a horrible blight on the one who Hung on the Cross. IF we are saved, we are regenerated..and are in sanctification.
Our very thoughts are sinful and we are born into corrupted bodies into a corrupted world. But to say that we are 'sinners" after being saved and this sort of thing is normal or to be expected, is to spit on the ONE who sacrificed. Do people really believe they can continue in sin because of Grace? Paul said no. (See Romans)
There are way too many verses spelling it out: Don't do this or that, etc. WE are expected to fight the flesh and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can. This is not sinless perfection, friends. It is sanctification where we are growing in Holiness all the time. maturing in our faith and walking in the light.
What next? you want me to believe someone is saved who molests a child?
Where do people get this thinking? Not from scripture. From cheap grace preaching.
Lighten up, David.
Claiming that God's grace is the only thing keeping the rest of us from committing crimes like Sammy Nuckoll is a way to justify and excuse what he did. Of course we're all tempted and struggle with our flesh, but acting out his sexual perversions is inexcusable. He committed egregious crimes against these women. To leave the pen positioned at a certain angle and in a conspicuous place suggests careful planning and premeditation, as well as blazing boldness. As a mental health counselor, I know that each time a sex offender gets away with a crime, he is emboldened to continue his crimes, which often intensify. Getting caught doesn't help offenders whatsoever. Unfortunately, neither do many of the consequences - jail, a prison sentence, counseling programs. The prognosis for sex offender recovery is extremely low, practically nil. Despite what SBC pastors and leaders and enablers will say about Nuckolls' crimes and God's grace, Nuckolls should never, ever be allowed in ministry again. We can love and pray and show God's grace to him, but he can never be trusted again. Period.
for the several anons who have taken issue with my earlier post, some of whom have reading disabilities...
1. You might be assuming the perp here is saved, but I'm not.
2. I have no prob with throwing the book at all such pervs
3. My point, much missed apparently, is that the self-righteous finger- pointers in their "holier than thou" poses who think they'd "never do that" because of their inherent better character and naturally enhanced morality are full of owl stuffing. As to why God did not restrain this perv, ask Him. Why did He not restrain Hitler or Saddam? This bunch of Baptist pharisees who think their sin does not stink in the nostrils of God right alongside this pervert need to refer to the Book.
Anonymous said...
"What next? you want me to believe someone is saved who molests a child?"
Why.... YES!!!!
Where have you been????
Wake UP!!!!
Paul Williams, Minister
at Bellevue Baptist Church
Senior Pastor: Steve Gaines
Molested his Son and counseled Women who had been molested
and even now a church leader at
Warren Community Church
"Thanks for telling us you could just as easily be drawn to this...next time use your name so we can beware of you."
AMEN! I agree with you. Some of us are above these type of choices. And yes, it is a spiritual decision we have made to never go there. We don't and we won't.
"But to say that we are 'sinners" after being saved and this sort of thing is normal or to be expected, is to spit on the ONE who sacrificed."
What do you call a saved person who commits even one sin?
Sadly, Nuckolls and his wife recently adopted a baby. If I was the birth family or the adoption agency, I would be extremely concerned. I hope they have legal recourse.
Ed Franklin said...
"As to why God did not restrain this perv, ask Him. Why did He not restrain Hitler or Saddam? This bunch of Baptist pharisees who think their sin does not stink in the nostrils of God right alongside this pervert need to refer to the Book."
sniff, sniff, sniff
So god allows this crime and that crime, who or what does he stop?
Too busy out there to micro-manage 'his' creation?
Monday, June 16, 2008http:
"We also got to spend the week with our great friends Sammy and Kimberly Nuckolls who allowed us to see what a beautiful marriage looks like as Amy and I prepare for our own beautiful marriage. Sammy was the camp pastor for the week."
From earlier comments.....
Junior Hill has an honorary doctorate from Liberty University (NOT a diploma mill). Jerry Vines was the chairman of the board when it was granted. Junior has never stated he has anything other than an honorary doctorate. In fact, I have never heard Junior refer to it or use "Dr" before his name!
Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment, (James 3:1 HCSB)
Quit arguing about it and let God's Word speak for itself. He will be judged more strictly.
Anonymous said...
" Quit arguing about it and let God's Word speak for itself. He will be judged more strictly."
Please Explain?
Judged more strictly?
Don't see any of these, outed on this Blog quaking in their boots.
He should still be held accountable and face the consequences of his actions.
Forgiveness of sin does not excuse the person from the consequences of that sin.
And yes, by consequences, I mean that his ministry ought to suffer greatly if not outright end as a viable means of supporting himself and his family.
"3. My point, much missed apparently, is that the self-righteous finger- pointers in their "holier than thou" poses who think they'd "never do that" because of their inherent better character and naturally enhanced morality are full of owl stuffing."
Yes, Ed, many of us - both saved and unsaved - have inherently better character and morality, as well as judgement, common sense, and conscience, than Sammy Nuckolls.
I'm neither Baptist nor Pharisee. I know I am a sinner. I know I could not reconcile with God without a Savior.
AND I KNOW that I would never record someone naked in their shower. Period.
"But to say that we are 'sinners" after being saved and this sort of thing is normal or to be expected, is to spit on the ONE who sacrificed."
What do you call a saved person who commits even one sin?
October 29, 2011 9:43 PM
Go back and read Hebrews 10:26-31 and see what it says. Read it close.
The go to read ALL of 1 John.
Now tell me about this guy. Is he showing fruit of salvation? He did not do this once. Not only that be he PRETENDED to be something he is not. He deceived people by being a teacher when he was a wolf. Serious stuff.
Now,. for homework, go and read 1 Corin 5 and pay attention to the last few paragraphs.
BTW: This guy had to actually PLAN his sin (around his preaching). It was with forethought...willful and continual.
"Claiming that God's grace is the only thing keeping the rest of us from committing crimes like Sammy Nuckoll is a way to justify and excuse what he did"
That is exactly what it is. It is called "cheap grace". And it is a lie from Satan preached to believers! Instead they ought to be preaching about sanctification. A bit more of Matthew 7, please.
This bunch of Baptist pharisees who think their sin does not stink in the nostrils of God right alongside this pervert need to refer to the Book.
October 29, 2011 9:06 PM
Ed, Stop feasting on milk. We are to be new creatures in Christ. We are to 'be perfect as Christ is perfect'. It is the goal. We are to strap on that cross and deny ourselves. We will never be perfect as Christ...but it is the goal.
Calvinists tend to combine Justification and Sanctification and act as if we are totally depraved AFTER we are saved. Then they call people names like Pelagian if they dare think believers should actually bear fruit of salvation. The new calvinists are basically saying Christ obeys for us so we don't have to. It is a sham.
the seekers think we can sin all we want because grace abounds. They view salvation as a license. There IS a narrow road.
Ever wonder why the NT is filled with do's and don'ts? It is not about Justification which is our legal standing before Christ. The do's and don't are about sanctification. And yes, we are involved. We can choose to sin or not. Your advocating total depravity AFTER we are saved says we cannot help but rape children. It is an excuse for evil. And, if saved, the Holy Spirit convicts us when we do sin and we repent.
Without Holiness... one will not see God. Blessed are the "pure" in heart. Not the perfect in heart.
We should NOT be totally depraved after we are saved and are in sanctification. That is spitting on Christ and His sacrifice for us.
Go read 1 Corin 5. That Paul sure was mean judging that guy. After al, according to your thinking, Paul was just as depraved while professing Christ.
Some poster quotes:
"I can't begin to understand why anyone would do something like this,"
"Of course we're all tempted and struggle with our flesh, but acting out his sexual perversions is inexcusable."
"Nuckolls should never, ever be allowed in ministry again. We can love and pray and show God's grace to him, but he can never be trusted again. Period."
"AND I KNOW that I would never record someone naked in their shower. Period."
Has anyone read the "BOOk"?
try reading 2 Samuel 11
1 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.
2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful,
14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.”
And just listen to all those Preachers saying he was God's anointed.
Anon, You are confusing covenants. Most pastors use DAvid as the excuse to sin. David had the law. We have the INDWELLING Holy Spirit. Christ IN US.
So what is our excuse?
And pastors always forget to mention that child that died.
God is the hero of the OT and NT. Not the humans.
"But to say that we are 'sinners" after being saved and this sort of thing is normal or to be expected, is to spit on the ONE who sacrificed."
What do you call a saved person who commits even one sin?
This time why don't you give me an answer, in your own words according to scripture.
The comment was made and you found enough time to make it, will you find enough time to support your own comment. It is not my place to support your position.
Give me the word, not just the reference to what you want me to read. You tell us what it says. Be the Berean you want everyone else to be.
"We should NOT be totally depraved after we are saved and are in sanctification. That is spitting on Christ and His sacrifice for us."
Amen again! We who are in Christ have no sin. We are not depraved. We are pure in heart. Why is this so hard to understand.
Way to set the depraved straight October 30, 2011 4:36 AM.
Well, as much fun as it is to "dialogue" with all you anons, I can't take all WD's space to give the full 150 sessions on Romans here. A few one-liners:
1. Using the Jerry Vines definition of calvinism gets you off to a bad start....lol...pathetic.
2. The conflation of justification and sanctification is primarily an arminian problem, not calvinist, though I do understand there is a bit of it going around....not in my corner.
3. Many of you are still assuming that "pastor" = "saved".....a serious fault.
4. It is really scary to see how bereft of any theological understanding so many church members are....the thing one kinda "knows" but still is shocked by when he sees it in action.
The most recent anon has an excellent illustration of this with "We who are in Christ have no sin."
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
(1 John 1:8)
...."deceived"....yep, lots of that around the SBC....sad but true.
I love it when people talk to me like I'm stupid.
It just confirms that being around theological pontificators is about the last place I ever want to be, other than in a bathroom with a pen camera.
Shew...I made it home from the grocery store without shoplifting or running over someone in the parking lot out of my deep depravity.
And there's my neighbor's car - ohhhh I hope I don't go out and throw a brick through his windshield in my sick, horrible state.
Wade mentions this blog posts story at 40 minute mark in the video portion of the sermon. Once and for All (October 30, 2011)
Our prayers go out to Sammy and his family as they deal with this. Also,to all those hurt by his unfortunate actions.
"This time why don't you give me an answer, in your own words according to scripture.
This is the problem. we have a proof text generation. People who cannot study the pericope and gain a larger understanding.
Too many 3pt sermons. Sorry you are too lazy to study deeply the passages I gave which is just a start.
WE all sin. But this posts is about a WILLFUL CONSISTENT sin (even illegal) by not only a professing Christian but a bible teacher. Sorry you missed that part. Go back and start at Hebrews 10:26-31. Then ALL of 1 John and throw in 1 Corin 5 and Matthew 7. That is just for starters. If you are willing check out the "list" in Galatians and then in Rev 21.
Before you ever study, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to remove your filters and to illuminate the truth. Your filters usually come from those proof texts preached out of context for so many years.
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
(1 John 1:8)
Ed, The trick is to keep reading.
From chapter 2
3 We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. 4 Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 5 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God[a] is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
Chapter 3
4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. 5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. 8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
chapter 5
18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them.
Thy Peace said...
"Wade mentions this blog posts story at 40 minute mark in the video portion of the sermon. Once and for All (October 30, 2011)"
The link you gave requires you to "log" in to watch it?
Should be as a guest
Shew...I made it home from the grocery store without shoplifting or running over someone in the parking lot out of my deep depravity.
And there's my neighbor's car - ohhhh I hope I don't go out and throw a brick through his windshield in my sick, horrible state.
October 30, 2011 5:36 PM
Oh you self righteous person! How dare you not glory in your sin! How dare you be a new creation and cease to be totally depraved AFTER salvation. You are making the pastors look bad.
Sheesh is right!
I have been blessed by the ministries of many Southern Baptist evangelists. Billy Graham, for example.
But any weirdo like this Nuckolls character should be reported immediately to the authorities.
Kudos to this woman. Let's be glad she went to the police.
Forgot to sign my last post!
Ed, Jesus raised the bar on sin from the outward keeping of the law. Lust is now adultery.
So we have Nuckolls ACTING on his lust. Even breaking the civil law and probably his actions would outrage even athiests.
But his actions started with thoughts of lust. Had he been fighting those thoughts with the help of the Holy Spirit, he would still have been sinning because of the sinful thoughts... but who would know and who would have been hurt by his sinful thoughts? He could seek help, etc.
Tht is why we are never sinless. We are born in corrupted bodies on a corrupted earth. That is what John was talking about in 1 John. Even our thoughts are sinful. But, if saved, we are walking in the light. We are striving for Holiness. As we see 1 John pointing out in subsequent chapters.
But when we ACT on our sinful thoughts, we are so far off the narrow way, it is chilling.
It is not fair to conclude this man is "totally depraved" just because we are outraged or offended by his particular sin.We do not know his struggle, we do not know his victories. I am a new creature in Christ, but there is sin that I battle repeatedly. I win some battles and lose others, but I make progress. How do we know Sammy wasn't making progress? Just because he got caught? Because it was "premeditated"? Because we presume it was "habitual"? Give me a break! What is God working on in YOU right now? Anger, greed, selfishness, lust, pride, gluttony? Are those things sin? of course they are! Do you win some battles? I hope so. Do you lose others, I'm sure you do. The key is progress. Predatory sexual sin is is particularly heinous but it is no different than any other sin as far as our sanctification is concerned. God hates it all, and we all still sin. Pray for the victims, this brother, and his family.
Bottom line...he was wrong..you can't take the actions of a few and stereotype all..He is a sinner and accountable..but just like all of us..can be forgiven...
"How do we know Sammy wasn't making progress?"
Oh my, how this religion thing makes my head spin.
Greg Neal
Thomas Fortenberry
Paul Williams
"What is God working on in YOU right now? Anger, greed, selfishness, lust, pride, gluttony? "
Sounds like your describing some of those mega pastors.
Mac Brunson
T D Jakes
Steve Gaines
This religion only gets better with time.
And those bad people of other faiths, like the Mormon's who practiced polygamy, etc.
"Anger, greed, selfishness, lust, pride, gluttony? Are those things sin? of course they are!"
If I am not acting on them, they are not crimes.They are sins one struggles with. What Sammy did was not only a crime but a premeditated crime using his position as an evangelist. He tricked people. He lied to them about who he is.
You can feel sorry for him all day. You would do better to realize that many people were tricked by a con artist.
Of course you are free to believe perverts are saved. You would be wrong, of course. It is one thing to struggle with a sin but quite another to willfully and continually commit it (even the athiests agree it is a crime against others) and claim you are born again.
This is one reason Christians have no little credibility. When one of our own is caught we use the "sinners sin" card. It is as if being a Christian should get you a pass. It doesn't.
Your trust shouldn't be in any man...your trust should be in God and God alone. I am in no way justifying nor defending what Sammy did. Even a man of God is just that,...man. Sammy was lighting some pretty amazing fires in the lives of young people and that is exactly who Satan is going to charge at. For those of you who are saved, and born again Christians please lift Sammy, his wife and their beautiful baby boy up in prayer right now!
I think it's clear that we all know and admit that it was wrong, but let's step above that and lift him up.
"I am in no way justifying nor defending what Sammy did. Even a man of God is just that,...man."
No. He is not a man of God. There are no "men of God". That thinking is what causes all the problems. They start believing it and so do you. All believers have anointing. All believers are in the priesthood. That is, if they are true believers.
" Sammy was lighting some pretty amazing fires in the lives of young people...."
Because he is a charismatic speaker? Is this how you judge things...on emotions one can inspire in others?
"... and that is exactly who Satan is going to charge at."
Satan needed help putting the pen in the bathroom. He needed Sammy to do it. You are trying to imply that Sammy is innocent while it is all Satan's fault. This is simply spitting on the Cross and resurrection. But it is convenient to think this way.
" For those of you who are saved, and born again Christians please lift Sammy, his wife and their beautiful baby boy up in prayer right now!"
Speaking of which, he certainly was not thinking much of them at the time, was he?
I think it's clear that we all know and admit that it was wrong, but let's step above that and lift him up.
October 31, 2011 1:12 PM
In other words, sweep it under the rug. I pray he gets saved. And I am glad his baby is not a girl.
"Or just beware of Southern Baptist evangelists."
What a careless statement. By his own admission Sammy is guilty and will be held accountable, but there are scores of SBC evangelists who preach the gospel faithfully, strive for personal purity, and do a work that is desperately needed in this day and time. To paint with such a broad brush is unfair. I assume that when a blogger falls into sin we should beware all bloggers because they must all be the same?
"For those of you who are saved, and born again Christians please lift Sammy, his wife and their beautiful baby boy up in prayer right now!
That's right. Never mind the victims. This is such a typical baptist reaction to this perversion stuff. The big man evangelist is more important than his victims.
Let's pray for the victims for a change. And we can visit sammy in jail and pray with him there.
I can't believe what I'm reading...I'm wondering how many of you actually KNOW sammy? Why are we so quick to judge him as a con artist?? Why does everyone seem to know exactly where his heart and mind are?? You don't! Sure there are many of those guys out there...and sure sammy might be one them to, but quit acting like you know this for a FACT! Only God knows his true heart! How do you know he's not on his knees to God after this incident??? You know there ARE men and women out there that seek after Christ that go through these kinds of things...not everyone is completely brought out of these types of temptations...
It is not fair to conclude this man is "totally depraved" just because we are outraged or offended by his particular sin.
Hmmm... I would.
"I can't believe what I'm reading...I'm wondering how many of you actually KNOW sammy? Why are we so quick to judge him as a con artist?? Why does everyone seem to know exactly where his heart and mind are?? "
DUH. What was in his heart and mind came out in his actions when he abused his hostess and the other women using them in his his deceptive porn venture. It was planned and implementded. That is not a con artist?
I am beginning to see from this thread why sexual predators are given a pass in the SBC. There are people who will actually say we do not know what is in their mind. We don't need to know! The fruit comes out.
I wonder if his "pure" heart was thinking of the effect this would have on his wife when HE WAS DOING IT.
Seriously, are so many believers really this shallow? It is unbelievable. You remind me of those grandmothers they interview on the news whose grandson with a rap sheet just murdered someone. They always say what a nice boy he is.
But these guys love people like you. Gullible beyond imagination.
I notice you are not real concerned about the victims. Typical.
that when a blogger falls into sin we should beware all bloggers because they must all be the same?
October 31, 2011 2:21 PM
Most bloggers don't make a living off the Gospel.
How do we know Sammy wasn't making progress? Just because he got caught? Because it was "premeditated"? Because we presume it was "habitual"?
I guess we know how he was progressing now. Worse and worse.
For those of you who are saved, and born again Christians please lift Sammy, his wife and their beautiful baby boy up in prayer right now!
How about praying for his trail of victims which we're now learning span years?
Kudos to Anon 2:01 p.m. You get it!
My family knows Sammy personally and cant believe what has happened. We too are believers and dont make any excuses for him. He should be punished for what he has done to these people and to his poor sweet family. However, I hate that so many posts talk like this is the norm for all pastors/evangelists. There's always a few bad ones in any area of work that make people think bad of everyone else in that line of work. These cases are the minority. There are many godly pastors and evangelists who really do have a strong walk with the Lord and live what they teach. This has nothing to do with southern baptist but how he let himself get away from the Lord in this area of his life. You cant judge all ministers based on the minority that get caught in immorality. Praying for his sweet wife and son and cant imagine what they're going through. Any of us are quite capable of the same thing if not walking closely surrendered to the Lord. None of us are above such sin. God's grace is great and I pray that Sammy gets great help from this and is able to lay it at the feet of Jesus and have it be only a part of his past. We should all pray for him to have a surrendered and repentant heart and to be aware of the Lord's loving care even through the difficult times.
"This is the problem. we have a proof text generation. People who cannot study the pericope and gain a larger understanding."
Actually the problem is people like you who are going to be so legalistic in all interpretation that you expect me reading your references will lead met to be like you, intellectually. I'd rather not be like you and I am sure you do not have a corner on the market in interpreting scripture,though you think you do.
Tell me you call a Christian who sins? Tell me how more sinful to God (not man) the sin Sammy committed is? I'm not talking about the consequences of the sin but the wickedness of it.
Moral of the story is Sin is powerful and no one is perfect. It doesn't matter if your Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic. A leader of the Christian faith is a leader of the Christian faith.
"I wonder if his "pure" heart was thinking of the effect this would have on his wife when HE WAS DOING IT."
I can't believe how many people think that they have beaten sin. Don't say it's not what you are saying because it IS what you are saying...none of us have beaten sin!
"I am beginning to see from this thread why sexual predators are given a pass in the SBC."
No they don't give them a pass...we practice giving grace...just as Jesus did to us. Of course, they go through a lot of things to get back to where they were, but who's to say that many of these "predators" are not sorry for what they have done? Just because they have done the unthinkable, we have to shun them forever??? Grace gives ALL of us a second chance, no matter what we have done. They don't give them a free pass. They do what they can to truly find out if they are sorry for what they have done, and they show them GRACE. I am astonished by the amount of Christians on here who are not willing to do that.
Yes we all know we have not "beaten sin."
And it is perfectly OK to call this behavior out as categorically, totally, and completely WRONG.
Every time someone says "oh but WE haven't overcome sin either," it glosses over the pain that these victims have suffered at the hands Sammy Nuckolls and other church leaders.
Calling sin "sin" does not in any way say that any of us think we're not also sinners.
So STOP it.
Anonymous said...
"Moral of the story is Sin is powerful and no one is perfect."
"Grace gives ALL of us a second chance, no matter what we have done."
Gotta Love It - Spin Spin Spin
What a great religion, you can make it say what ever you want.
"Gotta Love It - Spin Spin Spin
What a great religion, you can make it say what ever you want."
What? It's called the "Gospel." Go read it and come back and talk to me.
"Calling sin "sin" does not in any way say that any of us think we're not also sinners."
so 11:03 if we can't call it sin, if that's so unbelievable, what do we call it?
I think I'm in the Twilight Zone of Baptistdom.
It's like that episode where the only normal person is considered a freak because she's doesn't have a pig face like everyone else.
Rod Serling was a prophet.
I am a member of a Baptist Church. Sammy Nucoles did a revival at our church a few months ago (just so you know he didn’t stay with anyone, he was put up in a motel.) I am here to say that when Sammy took on this role as an evangelist he took on a responsibility to God and to everyone that heard his voice, and everything he says and does will be judged MORE HARSHLY because of that commitment. With that being said I believe with every fiber in me that what Sammy did was so wrong and I have no doubt that he will be judged for it. There is no excuse for sin, it is wrong, and his was more wrong.
Also I think that we can go on for days naming the people who have screwed up in life until we are blue in the face but for me, it is too much energy wasted. It is something that God does way better than me so we should just step back and let God do his job.
As for making excuses for him and feeling sorry for him, I don’t and wont because he is a big boy and if he wants to prove himself as being retentive that is between him and God and we should get our nosey butts out of their (Sammy’s and God’s) business it only leads to arguments like this one and gets us NOWHERE!
The only person I can control is myself. I am the one who will stand before God for the crap that I have done or said. So it isn’t a Baptist problem, it isn’t just a Sammy problem it isn’t a God problem it is our problem. I am so thankful that he is a forgiving God because if not we all would be screwed.
I first met Sammy as a camper at Fuge back in 2003, and now that I am an adult I have many friends that know him personally and are close to him.
I've read some aforementioned comments and I've skimmed some, mainly because I hate "comment section" arguments. Everyone speaks and no one listens, and when they do listen, it's only so they can find faults with previous posters and put them in their place by showing them how wrong they are. I never comment for this reason, but I have something to say about this.
I will not protect Sammy by virtue of the fact that I have admired him and known him in certain regards. I will not throw him under the bus, either, because I have not heard the whole story, only fragments of what the media and bloggers have stated to be fact (who also don't know the whole story).
Even if he is completely guilty, I will not condemn him. Yes, the allegations are a CRIME and they are WRONG. From the United State's law and their views, it is punishable because of the horror that the victims have had to endure.
But if we are talking about GOD, I have one thing to say: Don't rush to His throne to condemn Sammy, because that is between God and Sammy. If all the things that all of the commenters (myself included) did behind closed doors was suddenly revealed and broadcast on Action 5 News, we would all be arrested according to the laws of God. He has every right to throw away the key to our cells... But instead He sent Jesus who proclaims freedom for the captives.
Sammy, although a pastor, can be a captive to sin. Just because we believe in Jesus doesn't mean we are sinless and incapable of screwing up, expoliting others, feeding addiction, or hurting ourselves and others. People who truly believe in Jesus do it every. single. DAY.
Thank God that Jesus loves to set the captives free, and maybe this exposure, although heartbreaking for the victims, those who have been convicted under Sammy's ministry, Sammy's family and himself, will be exactly the kind of horrible situation that God redeems and uses for His glory.
Just because you believe in Jesus and follow Him doesn't mean that we are not prone to addiction or harmful behaviors. Anyone who says that a "true" believer wouldn't fall prey to such things is, I'm afraid, setting themselves up for a fall. I pray that God reveals his amazing, scandalous, grace-saturated heart to every person who comes into contact with this story.
Because what Satan means for evil, God can and will turn to good.
Anon 3:58 you have a ton of maturing to do.
oops make that Shannon 3:58, sorry.
BTW one part of the story that is factual and not "fragmented" is that he confessed to taping women with his magic pen.
But you're right about the story being fragmented in that we have no idea what kind of affect this has had on his many victims.
Amen Shannon. This is the truth of the Gospel. NONE of us know Sammy's heart right now so yes it is tough for us to forgive him at this moment...but the same goes for complete judgment. NONE of you know if he truly is a Christian or not by these actions. You can say you do all you want, but that is between him and God alone. So, we have to at least be able to come to a place of forgiveness for this fellow PROFESSING brother in Christ.
An unforgiving Christian is an ABSOLUTE contradiction.
"Amen Shannon. This is the truth of the Gospel. NONE of us know Sammy's heart right now so yes it is tough for us to forgive him at this moment...but the same goes for complete judgment. NONE of you know if he truly is a Christian or not by these actions. You can say you do all you want, but that is between him and God alone. So, we have to at least be able to come to a place of forgiveness for this fellow PROFESSING brother in Christ."
Wow, Paul should have heard your advice in instead of writing 1 Corin 5!!!! He was wrong!! After all, he did not know that guy's heart. Only his actions.
"An unforgiving Christian is an ABSOLUTE contradiction."
What exactly does forgiveness mean to you? That he gets off? That we do not mention it? Tell us what that means in practical application.
"Amen Shannon. This is the truth of the Gospel. NONE of us know Sammy's heart right now so yes it is tough for us to forgive him at this moment...but the same goes for complete judgment. NONE of you know if he truly is a Christian or not by these actions. You can say you do all you want, but that is between him and God alone. So, we have to at least be able to come to a place of forgiveness for this fellow PROFESSING brother in Christ."
Wow, Paul should have heard your advice in instead of writing 1 Corin 5!!!! He was wrong!! After all, he did not know that guy's heart. Only his actions.
"An unforgiving Christian is an ABSOLUTE contradiction."
What exactly does forgiveness mean to you? That he gets off? That we do not mention it? Tell us what that means in practical application.
No I said no such thing...forgiveness is being able to stop criticizing him if he is seriously sorry for the things he did and not to attempt to completely know everything involved in the situation.
Statements attempting to say that he is not a Christian are just ridiculous. Do not attempt to know the mind of God.
I know that I am willing to give Sammy a second chance if he is really sorry for his sins...I mean...that's what Jesus would have done!
You people should go read Matthew 18:21-22. Yeah...that's Jesus speaking...it comes no straighter than that!
I know Sammy Nuckolls. I know his family. I've known him for a very long time. It is absolutely heart-breaking to learn of what he has done.
Of course you never really know someone completely. I believe every person has deep, dark things that ideally are kept internally for their lifetime. But, I also think there are some who face struggles that turn into losing battles.
From the get-go, I'd like to make it perfectly clear that I do not condone what Sam did. It was so wrong. And I hope, through the means of a fair trial, he is punished accordingly to the laws of this land. And I have no doubt that God will hold him accountable at judgement.
The issue that I have with all of this, is that people are making tons of assumptions about this man's salvation. His actions have not reflected well in that regard, but, and any Christian doctrine will clearly tell you this, no human has the knowledge to say who is saved and who is not.
I wholeheartedly understand the position of "this man was in a position of trust and she never be trusted again." There is no arguing that. And I am in total agreement that he should not be allowed back into ministry. I just wish there was less judgement and harshness towards this man and more compassion and desire to pray for him and his soul. God never writes any of us off and I really don't think He'd want His believers to do so. We should be sickened by the sin and the potential this has to ruin the witness of many Christians, but we should not be focusing on the character judgement of a man.
While I have not spoken to Sam since this happened, I have seen his family as they live in my town. They are so torn up over this. I imagine his wife is, too. Plus there are many, many Christians he fellowshipped with that are distraught by his actions. And then there are the victims of his crimes. I cannot imagine how they are feeling. I will be praying for all of those affected. But mostly I'll be praying that Sam's soul is not lost and that what has happened has minimal effect on God's plan.
The moral of the story is: Do not neglect to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those YOU THINK need it the least and try to have a real-life application of 'What Would Jesus Do?'
A little late to the thread, but...
Anonymous October 31, 2011 5:06 PM
"How do you know he's not on his knees to God after this incident???"
If he truly knew Christ and loved God, he should have been on his knees to God before this incident (and the others), asking deliverance from sin, instead of making plans to videotape his hostess in the shower. But obviously he didn't feel the need to do that... and probably wouldn't have, either, except he got caught.
If he didn't feel the need to confess his sinful thoughts and stop them before they became actions, is the Holy Spirit truly in him? Or is his conscience so seared that the Holy Spirit can't get through to him?
By their fruit (and this means the fruit of the Spirit, not how many souls they've led to Christ) you shall know them. Sammy's got some pretty rotten fruit here, doesn't he?
"By their fruit (and this means the fruit of the Spirit, not how many souls they've led to Christ) you shall know them. Sammy's got some pretty rotten fruit here, doesn't he?"
This is the issue. No one making assumptions about Sammy's salvation knows Sammy. I know Sammy, and there is A LOT of fruit in his life. A LOT. Not all of these "con artists" are the same. Not all of them's intentions are to use Christianity to get what they want. Some of them are actually just falling into sin without any accountability from anyone...without accountability...a heart can be hardened to such things.
Sammy Nuckolls is a GREAT evangelist. I am disappointed in him, he taught the disciple now at my church for the last several years, everyone makes mistakes, we are only human
He came and talked at our youth weekend retreat for 3 years and was such a good man it seemed like. He knew the bible man im in shock!!!!
Romans 3:23 NIV
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
That basically sums it up... Even the strongest people you know have a weakness somewhere... now we know what his was, and instead of getting help and asking for prayer he got caught
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