Please read this. It is very clever, yet it just absolutely hammers home the reality that I've been trying to make about this storehouse tithing nonsense that pastors such as Mac Brunson, Steve Gaines, Ed Young, Perry Noble, Robert Morris, and others have been beating God's people with during these difficult economic times.
The truth is that Christ's death has removed any and all Old Testament curses and judgments on those in the New Covenant. For a pastor to try to hang any Old Testament curses around the necks of New Testament believers is spiritual malfeasance. And that these "men of God" do it in order to get you to separate from your money under false pretenses, makes it all the more damnable.
I love Chris' final paragraph, which I have highlighted.
Here is his proclamation:
"Are ye concerned that your treasure (finances) are under a curse? Have Robert Morris, Kelly Dykstra, Perry Noble, and Craig Groeschel or any other scurvy pastors told you that your money (treasure) is under a curse unless you redeem it by giving them the very first ten percent of your hard earned cash? Not to worry.Amen. Enjoy your freedom, Christian. You are free to support your church, or any other ministry with an amount you've decided in your heart.
Whereas I am a pirate captain, and we captains have the authority to break and all curses that have been put on any treasure, I am officially exercising my powers and removing the curse on your treasure by declaring all of your treasure to be uncursed. Furthermore, I declare all treasure that you earn from now until the end of your life to also be uncursed.
Whereas I am a generous pirate captain, I must insist that you receive my curse breaking services as a gift. Please do not try to buy this gift. This is a free service that I am doing for you out of the kindness of my heart due to the joy that I feel as a result of having all my sins freely forgiven by the bitter sufferings and death of our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Since he freely released me from the curses of sin and the law I can't help but to also want to release all your treasure from the curse, for free.
Now that your treasure has been released from the curse you are now free to support your church or any other ministry that preaches the gospel to you and properly instructs you in the word of God with the amount that you've "decided in your heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor 9:7)
Enjoy your freedom."
Great commentary. Recall the thief on the cross next to Jesus had no way to tithe his hands and feet were nailed to a cross and he had no funds. Philip the evangelist never asked the eunuck for any funding after baptizing him. Paul was not asked to tithe right after he was saved. As a matter of fact he said he worked and made it by his own hands. Todays megas and some smaller pastors of churches believe in the entitlement syndrome. They need to get over it particularly during these terrible economic downturns especially the nepotism in some quarters.
The fear of men has crept into our churches. Its one thing to show allegiance in the corporate world but altogether different when you have to show allegiance to a pastor that knows less of what the Bible declares than you, and who I might add, you are paying his salary!!!
I don't need anyone to set me free from what I was never under bondage to.
My church experience has never been nor ever will be about ensuring that others are pleased with what I do or don't do.
Isn't the Lord good to us.
We are free to tithe or not to tithe.
We are free to be blessed or not be blessed.
We are free to choose Jesus and go to Heaven or rot in Hell.
Aren't you glad you have a choice in your destiny and quality of life.
Anon 9:54 pm Sept 22. You are a wise individual. Unfortunately, most megas would prefer you leave since you cannot be controlled and have a mind of your own.
Anon 9:54 pm Sept 22. You are a wise individual. Unfortunately, most megas would prefer you leave since you cannot be controlled and have a mind of your own.
September 23, 2011 8:55 AM
Good answer; however, many of us are sticking around "politely" until they leave - they should fear the majarity who do have a mind of their own & don't like what is going on - we are staying, they are not!
"We are free to tithe or not to tithe.
We are free to be blessed or not be blessed.
We are free to choose Jesus and go to Heaven or rot in Hell."
We are free to do as the Bible teaches and study the scriptures to show ourselves approved or just drink the kool-aid and suffer the consequences.
Anon 7:38 - ugh.
Anon 8:55 - leaving is exactly what I have done!
As I noted before, "storehouse tithing" and the appearance of the destroyer takes me back to the 80's and Homer Lindsay Jr.
"As I noted before, "storehouse tithing" and the appearance of the destroyer takes me back to the 80's and Homer Lindsay Jr."
I've been looking for decades. Still haven't found that storehouse in my church.
Since I don't empower pastors (or witch doctors) to put curses on my finances, this seems like overkill. :)
This isn't so hard to figure out. This post falls under the category of "demonstrating the absurd by being absurd". Obviously no one needs a phony baloney curse removed by a pirate. But that is no more absurd than a Man of Gawd declaring a phony curse to actually exist in the first place. :)
Every Army must honor authority.
Every Army must follow commands.
Every Army must recognize leadership.
Every Army must have someone who makes the tough calls.
God made the Captain of our Army to be the Senior Pastor.
That is Bible and you cannot change it.
Sheep don't lead Sheep...
Shephards lead Sheep
Thanks for the post regarding my curse removal certificate.
As for that scurvy knave, "anonymous" he may want to think twice before he starts spewing libelous lies about me again. Especially, lies that even hint at me being a racist (which I am most certainly not) because God is watching and I'd hate for him to have to explain his lies about me to God. Instead, I hope he repents and receives Christ's forgiveness for the libelous misrepresentations that he spewed about me. In the meantime, I've already forgiven him and pray that he'll repent.
Chris Rosebrough
Pirate Christian Radio
I found these two sermons of Wade Burleson of Emmanuel - Enid (1999 ?) that resonates with this post:
Series in "Philippians" > No Confidence in Ourselves (Philippians 3:1-3)
Series in "Philippians" > My Confidence Is in Christ (Philippians 3:4-9)
Jesus is my shepard. Who is yours?
Chris - the really sad part about that anonymous person who goes by "Todd", is that he popped up on this blog in my latest Ed Young post that was poking fun at Ed's "Ed-in-box" routine where he pops out of a casket at the start of his sermon. Todd defended Ed and his tactics, and took made sure to set the facts straight correcting another poster who said Ed owned a jet. So he takes offense at someone saying Ed "owns" a jet (we know that he only "leases" jets), yet he comes here and slanders you.
I deleted his comment.
You all just do whatever feels good for you. God has no standards and certainly no expectations that you boys would be "put out." After all, Jesus gave the sacrifice, "once for all" or something like that, so why do we need to sacrifice? (Excerpts of Scripture for relevance and comments for satire).
Glad that Watchdog and all you Pastor bashers live a perfect life and always get it right. You see, if you start sinning then we are going to start a blog about you and every one of your shortcomings. As far as Pirate Radio or any of you other Pharisees, I have yet to read a truly repentant heart.
David said...
" Glad that Watchdog and all you Pastor bashers live a perfect life and always get it right."
Better not read the Old Testament ...
What would happen if you tithed according to biblical standards?
This site does not bash pastors. It holds up to the light manipulative, deceitful hirelings who think that the title "Pastor" makes them free to lord it over the flock, and to be free from accountability. Big difference. Spiritually abusive church leaders actually bash the pastorate by smearing with mud their office. Decent pastors are harmed by the reputation of wolves. Ezekiel 34 and Jeremiah 23 also "bash pastors." Might want to re-read those passages if you get a chance.
"God made the Captain of our Army to be the Senior Pastor."
"That is Bible and you cannot change it."
Where exactly is that in the Bible?
Was this issued on Sept. 19 (Talk Like A Pirate Day)? This is not a snarky comment, just wondering because it would be a neat coincidence (or plan, as the case may be).
You guys know that of course he was kidding around -- exposing those who are saying such ridiculous things --
Please read our story....
I have read your post and found that curse is a long-time negative effect that certain enemies and wards can cast on your character. Only a healer can remove curses
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