Friday the Watchdog blog will unveil the personal story of me, the blogger - from the beginning of the blog to the current day. Much of what I would have shared with the deacons if I were allowed to speak freely before them on Feb 23rd, I will share on this blog. It will tell my story.
While I have no interest in blogging further about new or current events at FBC Jax, I am committed to completing the story of FBC Jax and the FBC Jax Watchdog. This means future posts sharing details about court orders and search warrants obtained to access my personal Internet records from my Internet service provider, officially executed trespass warnings filed with the Sheriff's Office against my wife and I, and a possible attempt to smear my name in a deacons meeting alleging or insinuating criminal activity. I will share this information as it becomes available, and when the time is appropriate.
This information will be useful I think to members of FBC Jax as they evaluate the tactics of their church leadership used in this process, and perhaps to other churches as a case study on how not to handle church discipline.
Hey we love you WD! Thank you for doing the right thing these last couple of years.
Special shoutouts to Matt, Thy Peace, It is Written, BBC, Wade, Geranja and D. Everybody stay in touch on other blogs - keep our voices heard! The big, bad Church "establishment" will not continue to get away with ripping us sheep off. Only lackeys (and paid-off family members) seem to stauchly support these "pulpiteers" (more like puppeteers)
Love to ya all brothers and sisters!!!
I think you've made the right decision, but I really hope you come on here and say if they told a lie to get your info... some of us out here are really interested in the facts about that. I won't say I think you did the right thing the last couple of years. I also won't say I think that the church handled this situation in a correct way. And if there are lies involved, I personally want to know. Very interested in the outcome.......and very disillusioned with the whole situation at FBC Jax.
I thought you said the FBC staff had the wrong guy.
You are a deceiver and this is just more proof of that.
The jealousy, envy and bitterness that you have will eventually destroy you.
All of this could have been avoided if you had had the integrity to stand up for who you are and met with the pastor personally in the beginning.
As your ship sinks, it goes down in flames.
I wonder what those anons will say if it is proven that the law was broken to find the identity of the watchdog.
anons that delight in the end to the blog...please consider these FACTS, not opinions: Your new pastor has used his position as pastor to fleece you for the benefit of himself and his own family. The blogger will move on but YOU will still be paying to have Mac on INSP network (very expensive), you will still be taking orders from the A-Group and Maurilio instead of from your staff and from the Holy Spirit, the entire world now knows about your pastor's hypocrisy from what he wrote in his book and what he actually did when he arrived (lives in executive home, negotiated high compensation and relocation package, accepted large personal gift of land, accepted free use of an oceanfront condo, etc.). The world also knows what an angry, abusive preacher he is. How he slandered Sheri Klouda from the pulpit, how he played a commercial for the business of the family that gave him the land gift, how he had a wedding reception for his son before we even met the family, where gifts were piled to the ceilings and a money tree was given (and YOU weren't even invited), how he took 3600 square feet of space from the school and children's building for his own luxury office suites, how he and his wife drive a Jaguar and a Lexus and not pick-up trucks, how he promotes Holy Land trips he hosts so he can make a profit off each rich member that goes with him (what is he, a tour guide?), how he vacations in Europe while telling you to give a million dollar in two weeks, how he criticizes our congregation to Paige Patterson and pastors in North Carolina, how he had trespass warnings issued against a lady in our church for "associating" with her husband, how he never even attempted Matthew 18 with the accused blogger, should I go on? He had the bylaws changed with NO discussion and without making copies available to members (people like you), he hired his wife and son and pays them salary and benefits and they did not fill any open positions and have no official job duties and no personnel committee oversight (and YOU pay them and love them for this), should I go on?
So, yes, those of you anons who will come on here and express your joy (anonymously of course) I hope you feel good that your church staff and budget were used to hunt down and silence ONE single, solitary member who dared to bring the above concerns into the light of day.
And you say "all of this could have been avoided if you had gone to the pastor?" No, it could have been avoided IF the pastor had gone to the man. Why didn't he? Why did he allow over two years of blogging? PRIDE and ARROGANCE and EMPOWERMENT from pastor worshippers. And do you really think any of the above would have been changed or addressed IF the man had simply just gone to the pastor? You really don't believe that do you? What really would have happened, DID HAPPEN. They went after him to shut him down. So please, spare me the "he should have gone to the pastor" baloney.
So yes, the blogger has been lied about and slandered now. His new church has been contacted and warned, furthering the damage done by the slander. And NONE of the above issues have been addressed by the leadership at FBC Jax. And with the recent resolution adopted by your trustees and deacons, none of YOU can ever question anything or YOU will aggressively be shut down. Good luck with that.
From Breakfast With Fred weekly newsletter:
Pastoral Leadership
1. I want my pastor to commit himself to building community. We live in a fractured world. Our cities are not friendly. Our workplaces are often combative. Sadly, even our homes are dysfunctional. As a group of believers, we need the fellowship of believers where people feel accepted and blessed.
2. I want my pastor to encourage the “priesthood of the believers.” He is not my agent negotiating a better deal with God than I can make. I want him to remind me that he isn’t a professional Christian with greater access. I want him to join with me in prayer --- not do the praying for me.
3. I want my pastor to teach me how to think about God, not just know what he thinks about God. My pastor is to awaken the teacher within me. He is to help me and guide me, but the responsibility for my spiritual health is mine.
4. I want my pastor to maintain his own spiritual vitality. I want his teaching to come from the artesian well of his walk, not the dead sea of old sermons and seminary classes.
5. I want my pastor to be my spiritual dietician, helping me to develop a spiritual regimen that is uniquely based on my gifts and opportunities. I am grateful for those who invested in my spiritual growth.
6. I want to be a regular person around him --- and I want him to be natural with me, as well. Maintaining images can alienate us from each other.
7. I want my pastor to know truth, not just the facts of the Bible. Just as information is not knowledge, and knowledge is not wisdom, so facts and word studies do not comprise the truth of the revelation.
8. I want my pastor to personify humility. I don’t want him to act humble – I want him to be humble. Our son, Fred, Jr., once gave me a great definition of humility: “Accepting your strength with gratitude.”
Anon 4:05:
Wow, you are so self-righteous to come here when you obviously have no clue what has transpired.
Just briefly: It would have been real nice if the preacher had been willing to meet with anyone! He wouldn't even respond to e-mails! Looking back on that time it does seem possible that he might not have deliberately ignored the e-mails. But if you're going to put your wife in charge of your e-mails maybe just a teeny tiny more instruction on responding to e-mails would be helpful. For starters: We don't just delete e-mails, we answer them!!!!!!
But that's okay, just continue to bury your head in the sand and pop up once in awhile and criticize something you have no clue about!
All of this could have been avoided if you had had the integrity to stand up for who you are and met with the pastor personally in the beginning.
As your ship sinks, it goes down in flames.
March 11, 2009 4:05 PM
You could not be more wrong. Why meet with the pastor on public integrity issues? It is NOT the pastor's church. Folks do not understand that about the Body. But then, if it were a true Body, they would have been taught better.
That is like asking why didn't Jesus meet in private with the Pharisees first.
That makes no sense. But if WD had met with the pastor, none of this would be known outside the pastor's small circle of yes men. It is that simple. You just have no idea what goes on behind the stage in a mega church. No clue. They spend vast amounts of time and resources making sure you don't know.
Oh good at last was the time for you to end this horrible dog behavior. Bye Bye
Well done is better than well said.
Well done Watchdog
I have to wonder why there is no known author of Hebrews. Anyone know? Answer that question before you insult WD.
I have to agree with the comments about your earlier indications that the staff had the wrong guy. You tried to blog anonymously, which hurt your credibility. Then it seems that you either lied or were less than truthful when the trespass warning came out.
These facts have to make the discerning reader wonder whether your other comments are truthful and honest.
It seems that you are accusing others of the same things you are doing.
Its always fun seeing anonymous bloggers come on here and condemn us for being anonymous. Kind of puts you all in the camp of WD and Mac. This whole pathetic mess has done nothing but bring disrepute to the Kingdom of God and there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides.
I am especially amazed that your new pastor would welcome you into their church. He's only asking for trouble. Hopefully WD has learned his lesson.
Its always fun seeing anonymous bloggers come on here and condemn us for being anonymous. Kind of puts you all in the camp of WD and Mac. This whole pathetic mess has done nothing but bring disrepute to the Kingdom of God and there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides.
I am especially amazed that your new pastor would welcome you into their church. He's only asking for trouble. Hopefully WD has learned his lesson.
Why would WD come on here and say "they got me"? He made them go through so many hoops (some probably on the grey side of legal) to figure out who was hosting this blog. This in no way changes his creditibility.
I still would love to see the tax returns for the Brunsons. With all of appointees of Obama "forgetting" to pay their taxes, Id be willing to bet that a few things might not have been counted as income. Just like Tom Daschle, I bet Mac "didnt know" that free rent at an ocean front condo was income. But Im sure that we will never know. I doubt we could get a court order to find that out.
"I have to agree with the comments about your earlier indications that the staff had the wrong guy. You tried to blog anonymously, which hurt your credibility. Then it seems that you either lied or were less than truthful when the trespass warning came out."
The trespass warning did not show you WHY a person would want to remain anonymous with such people in power?
So the whole time you were talking about them serving papers on "someone" it was you the whole time. Perhaps you would have more credibility if you had just stood up and admitted it.
As information there are much HIGHER POWERS than what seem to be prevelent in Baptist circles. No wonder they fail to follow the scripturral basis of dealing with those that oppose them. Control,,, its that simple. Watchdog you have opened the eyes of a lot of us and I for one will be eternally grateful. God bless you and your family in the days ahead in your new church. Ignore those who criticize you as they are just plain ignorant of the BIBLE!!!
Looking forward to reading on Friday. Thank you for the information and insight while it lasted.
Thanks for your passion and tenacity in shining a light on so many things that the average church member has no idea of. We will forever be grateful. By the way, WD never lied about his identity-go back and read his words.
So they have won, so what. All they have is a mere shell of a once vital church for the Lord. It is now nothing more than a social club for the elitest. It is a cold empty monument to what happens when man gets his eyes off God, and has a form of Godliness with now power. As for by whom and how this church has been destroyed, we will find out at the Judgement Seat of Christ. All truth will be told then. That is one thing that cannot be controlled by man.
Blessings to you Watchdog, and your family. Thank you for the insight, and for publishing what many of us have known for years.
Will your true identity be revealed?
What these nasty comments against WD prove is that he is willing to allow you to post them here.
But Brunson gets a trespass order.
Good job Dr.Dog...I am better for discovering your blog...Blogged with a bunch good people and really enjoyed the interaction...Dr.Dog believe in leaving First Brunson Church of Jax "You will miss absolutely NOTHING"...God has sent you too a better place of Worship and fellowship and you will see in the coming months...You're job was to expose the abuse which is Hack "err" Mac Brunson and those who would hear have heard and the others have and are blind!!"Did I say that?"..You bet I did!!!I have a very tough time with Pastors who are bullies and especially those who take financial advantage of God's flock;Pastor's who hire questionable consultants;Pastors who use worldly means to grow Christ Church;Pastor's who slander an innocent Godly woman;Pastor's who live high on the hog off the backs of the Lord's sheep;Pastor's who use illegal means to shut up opposition;Pastor's who hold ecumenical gatherings for believers and unbelievers under the disquise of a Day of Faith;Pastor's who twist scripture to suit his agenda;Pastor's who berates his congregation to others when out of town;Pastor's who accumulate power secretly by changing bylaws;Pastor's who etc,...Dr.Dog you are among a few good men who are willing to stand against injustice and most of the time they suffer for the truth that they stand for;;(Been there,done that)...Take comfort in the fact that you saw a problem and at least did something!!!Looking forward to finding out the underhanded method they used to find you out..Shout out to Thy Peace I've watch you really grow in wisdom and knowledge;BBC keep at it;Matt thanks for your great insight you are a blessing to a new Pastor and to all of the bloggers who supported Dr.Dog;;God bless you all!!!
Thanks for the kind comments IIW and Matt and TP and NASS and others.
To those who have declared me to be a deceiver and worse...your words of wrath don't bother me at all. I'll even allow you to post them here if you like. And anonymously! I won't spit at you, or call you a coward, or complain about anonymous bloggers. I won't try to convince others to feel sorry for me because people are blogging about me. Hey, I won't even try to shut you down! I will let you have your say if you desire. If not, that's OK too. Oh, and you can email me anonymously, and I'll email you back.
All that has transpired, some of which has yet to be revealed, just serves to show what the leadership of FBC Jax has become. And spiritually abusive leadership is in place only because people ALLOW it to be there. So no sweat will come from my brow, and I won't be upset about those who will accuse me, attack me and blame me for anything wrong at FBC Jax now or in the days ahead. Look to your own leadership, not to the WD for someone to blame.
Some of you asking questions here, I will just say I will explain myself as best I can in my Friday post and hopefully will answer your questions. You might not like my answers, and likely my post will serve only to draw more of the ire from my critics, but I'll try to tell my story as best I can. Much of my post will be what my message was going to be to the Deacons on 2/23, but I know they would not have stood for it and would have shut me up very quickly as I gave an answer for the allegations against me.
I will say I posted something a couple weeks ago raising the suspicion that "the accused" was he himself. No one was bringing up that point. I asked why anyone would just freely hand over all that inside info if they meant no harm and was just an innocent couple. Suprised no one else noticed that when "the accused" left the church, this blogger also started using words like "when i watched the service", suggesting he wasn't there.
hey pup,
I can;t believe your going to sit here and act like you have never had hate in your heart not only for FBCJ but for those that opposed your view. You have badgered so many of those that have disagreed with you.
You and your following have harboured as much hate and spite for the leadership as I am sure they have done concerning you.
Your tone seems different now a bit more reserved almost defeated. Relax you had your fifteen minutes of fame and now it is time to just live; if you are capable.
You are not a martyr, you are a guy who took a stand got punched in the mouth and now is standing in another place. Good for you and your family. You were spiritually handcuffed where you were. Sadly enough it was not your wisdom that moved you but FBC that made the decision for you . . . thats sad!
The church is just a building and you are just a man the true sense of Christ is in us all sometimes he shines and other times he is drowned out . . . hopefully he shines in your life now.
I'm not looking for answers I wouldn't buy your song anymore than I would Brunson but in the game of it all, you lost.
The cat and mouse game was ended by your sdversary. Yes maybe through clouded actions, maybe not but you were dictating the game and you got beat at it. Accept it and move on cause your up against a machine that will only drain you emotionally as it has . . . let it go for your sake!
I don't care about FBC anymore than I do you just stating my opinion. Post it don't post it no sweat off my brow. \
You have paid a huge price for your dogmatic stance that did nothing to change the plight of FBC but it has shifted your family, dramatically . . . sad thats all.
good luck, this is going to eat at you for awhile. deny it if you will but I've seen your mood shift over the years of this blog.
So wrong on so many points Anon.
But I understand.
Hey Anon 11:49pm you are one "CLUELESS" individual;which appear to be the norm at First Brunson Church Jax!!!You obviously think much of FBC but I assure FBC is not even a fraction of what it use to be under Dr.Lindsay!!!Dr.Dog will miss absolutely nothing as I've stated...Now here is a prophecy for YOU(not from the Lord but from me)!!!I want you to watch as FBC gets WORSE AND WORSE and become practically irreverent until Mac the Hack is either removed,changes his attitude for the better("not likely though")or leaves!!!Rejoice in THAT!!!
Definately wrong on some but definately right on others that only you would be able to acknowledge.
Many a person may be blind to the "fleecing" of them and their church but you too are blind to the fleecing of your spirit through this whole ordeal. You stayed at a church where you claim God was no longer the focus of and you left your family in that enviroment all for the sake of your stance.
Your sweet wife who you should protect and guide was put out there and treated as a criminal for you.
Thats where they called your bluff! You claimed to have a passion for the cause throughout your tenure as a administrator of this blog. You even rubbed it in their face but when it came time to truly bring a light on this situation you were not willing to spend one night in jail for the cause.
That is not true committtment . . .They treated your wife with disrespect and basically spit in your face and you just tucked your tail and left.
Your whole argument lost value to those who really stand for what they believe in. When your time came you did not stand. And thats ok but don't start a fight your not willing to get smacked in, just my opinion!
Even if they wouldn't have let me finished my comments in front of the deacons if I felt about FBC the way you have claimed to fill I would have been there regardless.
I just am speaking what I see. You said one thing and did another just like the leadership. I'm not saying you did all they did but in this area you are no different.
Wait for the Friday post Anon. That will give you quite a bit more to attack on, and false assumptions to draw about me. You will have a field day with it!
Yep, they have the JSO fill out a trespass warning and claim my wife was guilty of "church misconduct", and I am to blame. Whatever I may be, my wife was totally innocent in all of this. She was merely doing what Mac preaches wives should do, and that is respect and support her husband, and what did she get? She got smacked in the mouth by the church administration. Now that is cowardice. Go after the man's wife and get a trespass warning filed at JSO against her for church misconduct, and her only "misconduct" was to "associate with her husband".
Keep talking Anon, as it exposes the weakness of your side.
weakness of my side? Look who has false assumptions your as guilty of false assumptions as you claim others are, thats my whole point. I can accept that I'm not 100% accurate you however struggle with this as does it is, oc and the rest of your followers
For me, there is no love lost for FBC or you. I left you both behind along time ago on my own accord. I agree your wife did what a good wife does but you did not do what a good husband does. Thats not an assumption thats a fact!
A lot of bark with no bite when it became time to really man up you did not have the stomach for it, thats all. It was your moment to shine a light on all you have claimed but you just couldn't pull the trigger.
I'm not looking for things to use against you just stating clear facts. What do you think would have happened if they would have taken you out in handcuff's? Either to watch your daughter sing or in fromt of all those supposedly weak deacons? What better way to call attention to the abuses of the church. You were scared, nothng wrong with that but at your moment of fight or flight you ran.
Blount would have never made it to the car if he did to me what he did to you . . . there would have been a conversation thats all. Just trying to help you for your next ideology you wish to stand for. Then determine to stand the whole way or don't stand at all . . . . . you single handed empowered the abusers
It is written,
Read the post . . . lol I could care less about either one of these sides they are both weakened by the little skirmish.
You are trying to put me in a box and I don't fit. You really have no clue of the people that are down at that church. It's just not that black and white.
Your argument and moral authority is just a puff of smoke to me but bark away. I'll guarantee you'd run too if it came to fight or flight. Just my observation . . . fire away boys your words have no power in my life. I dust my feet off with you and all the other blog lovers and FBC apologists your both weak in my book.
At least you have Wade Burleson fooled. He thinks you are a super spiritual man who loves FBC, Jax. Anyone who has damaged the church like you have sure doesn't love it.
If you were as spiritual as Wade says, then you would have met with Mac in person (and he would have honored your request if you were as spiritual as he says you are). You would also have appeared before the deacons and at least have given it a shot instead of turning your tail and running.
I can't wait until Friday.
"Super spiritual"? No, I would never say I'm super spiritual, or try to persuade someone that I am.
"If you were as spiritual as Wade says, then you would have met with Mac in person (and he would have honored your request if you were as spiritual as he says you are). You would also have appeared before the deacons and at least have given it a shot instead of turning your tail and running."
You surely know it all! I'm sure you would have met with the deacons with no witness allowed to come with you! Sure you would! And if you knew that Blount had found out your private business (identity of blog owner) not by correct/truthful use of the legal system I'm sure you would have met with the deacons with no witness allowed to come with you! Sure you would! Sure you would! Have you ever heard the story of Pinocchio?
Some of us hide behind the Anonymous label to protect our families -- but you hide because you are not the long-gone FBCJ church member you say you are!
"At least you have Wade Burleson fooled. He thinks you are a super spiritual man who loves FBC, Jax. Anyone who has damaged the church like you have sure doesn't love it.
If you were as spiritual as Wade says,..."
This was one of your two biggest downfalls. Wade B. has no credibility, and when he took up your fight, anyone who was interested or cared realized that is Burleson was associated, then your cause was suspect at best.
You're wrong on Wade's credibility.
And you have no credibility as an anonymous blogger to comment on Wade B's credibility. :)
And Wade's credibility has nothing to do with the focus of this blog:
Abuses at our church at the hands of our leadership. Abuses which have been the focus for a year and a half, and now the abuses since last November that are still to be revealed.
Sure, try to switch the focus to Wade B, but that won't work.
Good try.
Since FBCJ accused you, the watchdog, and you, the person who was served trespass papers, were one in the same...
Why did you deny the accusations against you? Why did you lie?
Referring to your response letter to the Discipline Committee dated December 1.
Readers - the past discussions have once again illustrated why it remains important for the Dog to remain anonmyous on this blog. Too many people want to blog about and criticize him. It takes the focus off Mac and puts it on the Dog. This is just what Mac wants.
Anyone asking you why you stayed anonymous even after being accused answer their own question when they ask anonymously. There are several obvious reasons. Judge Soud's resolution and the trespass warnings are two more good reasons.
Of all the questions these folks could be asking Mac, they choose to keep asking the Dog about his identity. Who really cares who he is? He is not a mega pastor, does not spend my tithes and offerings and hire his staff, does not abuse me verbally every week. So I have no interest in who the WD is, just what he says. I have many more such questions for Mac than I do for the Dog. But why am I asking the Dog questions, but not asking Mac any. Because I am a coward and I am afraid to ask Mac anything lest A.C. Soud come after me with his committee. And because I love and adore God's man so much I don't care what he does. So I will keep taking shots at the blogger. It's fun. Praise Jesus I didn't get that raise last year. Amen?
Watchdog: I amnew to your blog. I have been a pastor for over 40 yrs. I have seen the power struggle in our baptist group. It saddens me to think that there are servants of our Lord who will not believe they could be wrong. Your stand has cost u any price paid for truth is worth it. Bojac
All you Anon's who are questioning Dr.Dog...Please humor me by explaining or defending line by line the accussations made against Pope Mac...Example::Did Mac change the by-laws without members knowledge::Yes or No?...Does Mac live extravagantly::Yes or No?...Did Mac spend $100,000 to renovate the childrens building for him,his wife and their dogs::Yes or NO?..Do you understand the task I'm asking you to do?...Now very slowly read the allegations made by WD and attempt to anwser them in a Biblical,coherent,logical manner...If you can't or won't answer any of his concerns...Then stop senselessly and ignorantly bashing "HIM"!!!!
Watchdog" The previous anonymous DIDN'T take a stand. You did!! He said he dusted FBCJ off a long time ago. I have seen those that take a stand are destroyed. So, where was his stand. Don't think twice about these armchair critics.
I can tell you, having gotten the treatment from the mean-spirited FBCJ club, they are past masters at destroying people and the spiritual life that is in any way connected to them, be it service, membership, friendships, whatever. What a shame that the preachers were the ones instrumental in hurting the people. This is no church believe me. OH YES IT IS.... IT IS THE CHURCH OF LAODICEA, and Brunson is the leader. This church died when Lindsay did. He was sooo different from this group. He was a real preacher, and I might add a REAL CHRISTIAN. Unlike the pretenders in charge today. It's best he isn't here to see what has happened to this church he and his Dad poured their lives into for Gods service. I don't think he could take it. So God spared him this final embarrassment and disgrace.
I can tell you if I were to even look for another church, it would not be in the SBC. Politics and club membership among the preachers preclude any real calling they may have. They have left their "first love". Pride and Prejudice, I call it. (excuse the literary liberty). Matt:6:24: "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one; or else he will hold to the one; and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon".
Most likely I will never go into another church, ever. Due to the horrible way I was treated in this one. But, I love the Lord, His Word, which I study diligently, and I pray constantly for His return. I found that I do not have to be a member of a "church". Since they are mostly all like FBCJ, I am better off not in one. I can concentrate on the things of God without being buffeted about by the Laodicean hierarchy. But, they are spiritually blind, and they think by destroying people they don't like, some how makes them better people, and does a service for the MAN they follow. The same MAN that dispatches them to do the dirty work. I had no idea there were preachers like this. Ego ridden and petty. But I found out...the hard way. What a shock. After being in a Lindsay church, I had no idea this Laodicean church would follow immediately...but it did. Did you get that IMMEDIATELY!!!! Once you guys (preachers and servants) finally figure out how you have hurt and destroyed people, I hope YOU REPENT, before Judgement Day, but I doubt it you are all so full of yourselves. Just remember those who crucified Christ thought they were "religious" also. "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees". But someone has to be members of the Laodicean church. Guess you all are it. You fit the qualifications. Matt:19:30: "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first". The Lord said this and it will be interesting to see how the hierarchy come out in this order. Now preachers: You know whom you have harmed and, whom you have hurt. You all need to apologize and try to heal your inflicted wounds, while there is still time, before we are at the Judgement Seat. Remember PRIDE will not help you there. I am working to forgive, but just as the Lord requires...we must ASK for forgiveness.
Excuse this long post, please. I have wanted to say this for a long time. And if you think you know who I am maybe you need to apologize, or else I wouldn't have come to your mind.
God bless you Watchdog!!!!!(Some one had to expose them).
I am still amazed that so many people who are not members and are not even in Jacksonville feel the need to blog about the "alledged abuses" that you have blogged about. I use the term "alledged" because that is what they are. When you blatantly say "the abuses" that is your interpretation and opinion.
In my opinion, your blog crossed the line when you dogmatically stated that the items you were blogging about Mac Brunson's abuses crossed the legal line into defamation of character, libel.
I am sure that if any investigation that may or may not happen goes forward will show that this was the genesis for probable cause.
Personally, the fact that Wade and the new BBC blog are not part of the FBC fellowship that they are doing harm to the FBC membership. Frankly, these individuals need to focus on their own fellowship. Meddling into another fellowship I feel is not in keeping with the Scriptures and is meant to be divisive.
I am not going to be like all of the other anons that are against you and be ugly towards you. You do have a right to your opinion when you were a member of FBC, but I think once you moved your membership somewhere else then your writings are doing more harm than good.
Also, all of this talk that anyone who is a member of FBC is some kind of ignorant sheep or lackeys is just silly. We are not McSheep as one blogged. If all of those who are part of the FBC and MAC haters think that is true, nothing anyone blogs will change their mind. If any of these folks that blog in support of your position have forgotten, you can join any fellowship that you wish and not support FBC. No one is stopping you from finding another church home.
I will tell you that two people the Lord as had me witnessing to for a few years are now throwing up this blog as to why they will never accept the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives. This is truly sad. All of the negative and bitter water on both sides is not doing anything to encourage folks to have a life changing experience with Jesus.
Although writing on your may get some folks all excited, it does not do that for me. I know that my post will be taken and construed however negative anyone wants to be and that is fine. Sad though, but fine. I do wish you no harm and hope all goes well with you and your family.
I have to say I'm sorry to see the blog go. I'm from FBC Dallas and we experienced the same things, so it's good to see that we weren't the only victims. But I do still wonder why nobody has spoken up. Why don't deacons and church members call him on the carpet and put a stop to all this? They didn't do it at our church either. The only answer I have been able to come up with is that the Bible tells us that these type people deceive even the "elect" so apparently some have been deceived and have believed everything that comes out of Mac's mouth. But don't worry. One day his world will come falling down and oh, how big that fall will be!
Anon 11:18am...I'm a Pastor and know first hand how today's pastors and preachers have become increasing abusive,condesending and extremely greedy!!!If I've blogged it once I've blogged many times that the Bible is replete with ref.and warning of relgious deceivers infiltrating the Church in the last days for sordid gain,power and prominence!!!And Anon.11:18 the sad part is that the Bible reveals that the majority(many)of the the people will love these abusive charlatans[Jer.5:30-31;2Cor.11:19-20;2Tim.4:3;2Pet.2:1-3]..Anon.I have learned from being under two abusive pastors what a pastor should be,and not be[1Pet.5:1-3]!!!Please don't group all pastor's with men like Brunson, because believe "ME" were not all like him(CF.Wade Burleson)!..."DON'T"give up on finding a good Church and pastor because God always has a remnant who are faithful to Him!!!!..Pray and ask God to lead you to a good Church so that you don't disobey God's command that "you not forsake the gathering of yourselves together as so-many do"[Heb.10:24-25]!!!
It Is Written: Thank you so much for your kind words. I have read your comments on this blog., with complete agreement. It seems that you have the gift of being a Pastor and that you are following your CALLING from the Lord. Unlike the opportunist in most pulpits today. I have not forsaken the assembly of other Christians. I have friends, relatives, and general acquaintances, with which I have Christian fellowship and discussion of Gods Word. We edify each other in the building up of the faith. It just isn't in a "church" setting. A "church" so to speak is not a necessary requirement for spiritual fellowship. It wasn't a requirement in the N.T. Remember: Matt 18:20: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". I prefer not to step into another "arena" in order to subject myself to further abuse by the preacher and his minions. I don't need them and they don't want me. So that being I will most likely leave them to their own "reward". May God bless you as you minister to your "household of faith", and thank you again for your words of wisdom and encouragement on this blog.
If "It Is Written" you are a pastor, why would you not have your information shown on your profile like Wades' blog to validate your claim?
Anon 2:05pm..Stated Very well my brother in Christ!!!Anon 2:33 I will reveal my name when Dr.Dog reveals his in support of him!!!
Matt 18:20: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them".
That verse is speaking of church discipline. Look at the context in which Jesus is speaking He is talking of resolving issues between two brethern
Anonymous said...
"If "It Is Written" you are a pastor, why would you not have your information shown on your profile like Wades' blog to validate your claim?
March 12, 2009 2:33 PM"
Now that is just too funny!
You want validation? You are "anon". Click on your own comment and then ask about "validation" again. You are too funny!
Yes it ref.discipline but the truth of Christ being among a group of true believers gathered for the purpose of worship is the correct...The early Christian Churches were in peoples homes not great cathedrals!!!Anon 2:05 continue to worship in your home with other believers in truth and spirit!!!
Anon. 3:46: "two, or three, church discipline:..... WRONG!. It meant what it said.
The "church" is the BODY OF BELIEVERS. Not a setting in a bldg. So if there is a BODY OF BELIEVERS (THE CALLED OUT ONES). Then in the midst is Jesus.......
oc, would you please grow up and act like an adult? You and I are probably nobodies but when someone holds themselves as one in authority I think it is on right that they validate their position. He or she is the one who said that they were someone we should listen to. It is a good question and is not meant in any mean spirited way.
" I use the term "alledged" because that is what they are. When you blatantly say "the abuses" that is your interpretation and opinion. "
I have listened to the man's "sermons" and heard him speak in several venues. It is spiritual abuse. And I am not even counting the bad behavior. The pharisetical behavior concerns me greatly.
Here is an interesting summary on Doctrine vs Behavior verses in scripture:
Dr. Paul Martin on Doctrine/Behavior
Dr. Martin also included some interesting information about what the Bible has to say about false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing.
Of the 210 verses that refer to false prophets, priests, elders and Pharisees, here is a summary of their content:
•99 verses (47%) concern Behavior
•66 verses (31%) concern Fruit
•24 verses (13%) concern Motives
•21 verses (10%) concern Doctrine
It is interesting that most Christians who deal with apologetics, false teachers and Bible-based cults are most concerned with doctrine only. They tend to ignore behavior.
But doctrine represents only a small portion of what Bible speaks about concerning false teachers, essentially only 23% of what the Bible points out as problematic.
According to the Scriptures, we should be very concerned with both the behaviors and the fruit of spiritual leadership in the church and in parachurch organizations.
This is not gossip or mean-spirited criticism but what Scripture actually teaches us to observe.
Dr. Paul Martin (an evangelical Christian) is CEO and Founder of the Wellspring Retreat & Resource Center
PS: It also helps to know what fruit really is. Most SBC'ers think it means the number you baptized last year.
Anonymous said...
"If "It Is Written" you are a pastor, why would you not have your information shown on your profile like Wades' blog to validate your claim?
March 12, 2009 2:33 PM"
Now that is just too funny!
You want validation? You are "anon". Click on your own comment and then ask about "validation" again. You are too funny!
March 12, 2009 4:01 PM
OC, it is because the FBC aplogists see a pastor and an office, much like a Levite Priest. They do not get it. They actually believe the KJV translators got it right ignoring the fact they were translating for a king and a state church.
This thinking serves the pastor/king well. Ignorant sheep always do.
Thanks for every,thing WD. I have posted several times all anonymous, Why? I knew if my name got out I would have been in trouble as well. I am new to FBC Jax; however I have been a Born again Christan for years. At first I felt like I had been to church when I left the service, then the staff started leaving (remember I am new to the church and did not know the staff)things started to change. I do not blame you WD for this though I wish it was different. So what now? The blog may end but we still need answers and until Dr Brunson decides to humble himself and ask to be forgiven there will always be a void. I pay for healing for the church. I also pray for you, your wife (this blows my mind the way she was treated) and your children. God Bless
This whole thing reminds me of outing of
"Joe the plumber".
Keep the Truth before us WD
Shoot! I got up early to read your Friday expose--and nothing here yet. Hopefully you are still finding the humble words to write about your exit.
I do find it interesting that so many of you want Mac to humble himself. Now just whom do you want him to humble himself to? There is no basis for him doing it to anyone other than the Lord God. Certainly not to a bunch of anonymous bloggers.
Maybe if you had had the integrity to tell him your name in the first place and met with him personally you might have seen some humility.
Just a little thought for you as you make your gracious exit. I'm sure your new pastor is anxiously awaiting your arrival.
anon 11:37
Hey our friend from FBC Dallas, thanks for the confirmation of the behavior that our pastor has exhibited. Which completely supports the position of the WD and so many of us that have come here to read and respond.
WD - Sad to see you go as I believe you were the only voice of the people. You represented so well how we felt about what was happening to FBCJ. Which is something the deacons should have been doing.
anon 11:18....wow, you took the words right out of my mouth.
I am really talking about another southern baptist church, not FBC jax although I kinda got hurt there, too....but this is just an epidemic. My whole life would have been different if I hadn't gone to baptist churches. Its no lie...the hurt just doesn't go away. And it clouds every attempt to find another church. However, I am going to give it a shot....finding a non Baptist church, cause its a deception in itself thinking that every church is going to be like this. I have to believe differently....I just pray for a church where money isn't God, and honesty is the most important thing.
Gee watchdog....I thought your story would be on here and I made a special trip to get on a computer to see it, and now its not here. I knew they had the right guy the whole time, BUT IT DOESN'T NEGATE WHAT THEY DID TO GET THIS TRESPASS ORDER....and I am still awaiting the results of what you find out about that. To me the story all changed the day that somebody started telling stories to get the trespass order, if they did. Still waiting to read about it. (something is wrong with this post, so if it comes out wrong, don't blame me.)
I just read the maurilio amorim blog and he said this: Dear Creative Pastor...The Kelly Clarkson song My Life would suck without you cannot be turned into a modern day hymn. SORRY I THINK THAT IS JUST HYSTERICAL. I may be paraphrasing. (off topic) That guy is one piece of work.
ANON 10:38 - Friend, I have been in your shoes and have posted about it on this blog previously. I was CRUSHED at FBC Dallas. They don't care and it is as simple as that. Truthfully, I think they are proud of their ways.
Unfortunately, I finally got the courage to try "church" again. This time at yet another SBC church. I found the some of the same garbage, just on a smaller scale. It IS epidemic to the Baptists in general and to SBC's in particular. (I know this statement alone will get me tons of hatemail responses. Don't even bother - you'll just be proving my point.)
Solution: I switched denominations.
I didn't think I could live without Baptist preaching. Turns out, it was abuse - not preaching the word. Now when I hear these pastors (esp. the baptist megas), OH how it sickens me to no end!
Yes, dear friend. It is a Baptist thing. I DON'T THINK ALL BAPTISTS ARE LIKE THAT, as evidenced alone by the fine brothers and sisters that post here (MAC lackeys and family members excluded! I watched the Brunson family at FBCD and they were horrifyingly snooty, shallow and materalistic).
Much love to you and best wishes to you brother/sister.
anon 11:11 agree and have also move on.
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