It seems Ezell has had an amazing change of heart in devotion to funding NAMB, since he was named it's president.:
"It's been a regret of mine that I disengaged. But there's now an incredible capacity to tap into those who have disengaged. There are thousands of pastors who are ready to re-engage if we provide them a compelling vision and show them how we're going to efficiently and effectively use the money that they encourage their people to give through the Cooperative Program and Annie."By "tap into", I assume Ezell means getting pastors to increase their church's Annie Armstrong missions offering, and their Cooperative Program giving to get more money to the NAMB.
Problem is, we remember.
As the saying goes....if NAMB fools us once, shame on NAMB. If NAMB fools us twice, shame on US.
We remember what happened under one of Ezell's predecessors at NAMB, and we need assurances that this won't happen again. We're afraid of being fooled again.We remember how the NAMB under Bob "Hollywood" Reccord wasted millions of dollars, as chronicled by Mary Branson in her book "Spending God's Money". Things like spending $142,000 on private jet use, 1/2 million NAMB dollars paid to Jay Strack and Johnny Hunt ministries with no written contracts, a million dollars lost on "Elevate" conferences and their advertising, promotions of Reccord's books at speaking engagements, tens of thousands of dollars spent on PR firms when NAMB had staffers with those capabilities, and much more.
And what did Reccord get for it? He got a 1/2 million dollar severance package, two-years health benefits, and $12,000 for an employment agency to find him a new job. Soon after he left NAMB with his hefty severance, a pastor had his church raise a special "sacrificial love offering" for him in 2006. Sick.
Did Reccord's peers hold him accountable for his wasteful spending of our missions dollars? No way! In fact, 41 prominent SBC leaders signed a "Statement of Support" for Reccord as he left NAMB. The letter commended Reccord for his "visionary leadership", his "tireless work ethic", his "courage to try innovative new approaches". Who signed this? They include SBC heavyweights like:
Ronnie Floyd
Johnny Hunt
James Merritt
Jerry Sutton
Ted Traylor
David Uth
Jerry Vines
Bryant Wright
and 33 other lesser-known SBC leaders.
If ever anyone should have been held accountable for financial waste in our convention, it would be Bob Reccord at NAMB. But once again, we see the SBC bigwigs covering for their friends.
So if Ezell is going to "tap into" more money and resources for NAMB, he might want to do the following:
- openly acknowledge the past abuses at the NAMB under Reccord. Mention his name. Say that what happened at NAMB under Reccord will NOT happen under Ezell's tenure.
- explain HOW that same mismanagement will not, cannot occur under his own tenure. And explain what changes have taken place to prevent it.
- announce that all expenditures at the NAMB, including his own compensation package, are an open book for anyone to look at. Set a new standard of transparency and accountability in an SBC agency.
And if Ezell jumps that hurdle of transparency, then he needs to deal with other barriers to "tapping into those who have disengaged":
- the sheep aren't giving. Pastors are beating the sheep for more money using Malachi 3 and creative misuses of scripture in Hagai, accusing them of robbing God, driving stolen cars, and even accusing them of being to blame for the economic problems of our country.
- the very people that might have more money to give to Annie Armstrong are being encouraged by their pastors to put downpayments on Holy Land trips and river cruises with their celeb pastors. Maybe Ezell can tell his pals to cool their heels on all the "walk where Jesus walked" vacations, and instead encourage these world travelers to put that money into the Annie Armstrong offering this year;
- pastors are starting satellite churches as extensions of their mega church, and are not too interested in "church plants".
- our largest churches seem to be more interested in renovating auditoriums for millions of dollars. FBC Dallas encouraged its people to "lop off a big chunk of their assets" and give to their $100 million dollar building program.
- seems many mega church pastors have learned from Bob Reccord: that using PR and marketing firms is an important part of their "ministries". More money spent on church marketing consultants means less money for missions.
So good luck "tapping into" more resources, Kevin. Many of the pastors have beat you to the punch.
After all, "there's gold in them thar pews."
Many Many Many Valid points!!
FYI-my current Pastor recently (within the last 4 months or so) stated that if everyone would tithe, we would be a Mega-Church! And I thought that GOD gave the increase--how stupid of me.
Anyways, I am beginning to see a transition of some SBC churches away from NAMB and those truly interested in DOING Kingdom work going at it themselves.
I am currently working on as a "Trans-cultural Missionary" and using a NAMB person who seems truly excited about the work (he may be one of the few exceptions?).
As a life long SBCer, most Pastors only talk about Church Planting etc. and no, the church that I currently attend talks big, but never does anything to back up those words. The funny thing is that he has preached through James and we had a sermon on "Being Doers of the Word".
NAMB is a mess, it will take a miracle from GOD to get it straightened out. Sadly, Most all that work there seem to have a sense of entitlement.
I would like to know who the other 33 lessor known signer were too.
Please let us know, cause we may know them and want to avoids these men too
One thngs for sure, they don't spend much on charts and visual presentations. Maybe this is a first?
Have you read David Platt's book "Radical"...check it out I think you might like it. It talks about how the American Dream is in conflict with the Great Commission.
Also, I understand the purpose of your blog, but say something positive and uplifting every once in a while. It's not like NAMB is all bad and completely unsuccessful.
More trash. Everyone is wrong on the WD is right. LEt's all gripe about tithing because we don't like to give. that's the WD's slogan. Seriously, your act is old but it is entertaining.
Thanks Watchdog for giving us positive information of what really goes on in the NAMB community - how the top dogs take the cream of the crop with the monies given and our missionaries get the left overs.
I for one will write a check and send it directly to the missionaries I want to support. No more of our monies will be given through the church on behalf of this organization.
I likewise believe this was a positive and uplifting article giving readers the truth about the behavior of NAMB and the entitlement the top dogs seem to believe they deserve. Thanks for the wake up call!
I like David Platt. He sold his house in a nice section of Birmingham and moved his family to the inner city. Ditto Francis Chan who even gave up his ministry to go work with sex slaves in a Thrid World country. I wrote a post on these guys. You should have seen the negative comments that I received.
Some of these megaboys claim that Platt and Chan are guilty of a new legalism by rejecting the big money lifestyle. These guys call it the new monasticism and consider it a sin.
You see, we are to live the lifestyle of wealth and give our money to the church so that rich pastors like Brunson get a free ride to Israel and pretty new wall coverings. The hypocrisy of these folks knows no end.
I think it would be better for each person to identify missionaries and ministries that they believe in and give money directly to them and bypass some of these middle men organizations. These guys who run them usually are their own mission making lots of bucks as "administrators."
"More trash. Everyone is wrong on the WD is right. LEt's all gripe about tithing because we don't like to give. that's the WD's slogan. Seriously, your act is old but it is entertaining."
October 28, 2010 9:45 AM
Grow Up! From my perspective the people who blog on this probably are the faithful money givers who have good financial habits. More trash, you say? Don't think so - I would even go so far as to say from my perspective the readership here are people who do tithe plus give more. You say, entertaining, I say educational!
More trash. Everyone is wrong on the WD is right. LEt's all gripe about tithing because we don't like to give. that's the WD's slogan. Seriously, your act is old but it is entertaining.
October 28, 2010 9:45 AM
Anything specific to add to the discussion pro or con? Or just want to "attack" the WD on his own blog?
And yes, his act is old. But the preachers and leaders trying to "tap into" more funds is older. And as long as they keep beating that drum, you can be sure the WD will keep beating his. :)
Long ago I stopped giving to "Lottie" and "Annie," a sad decision to make, since I was brought up to trust the sending agencies (I am a retired missionary). My twice-a-year mission gifts go to the Global Mission Offering. I'm thankful for this opportunity.
Business as usual. When I think of how my family sacrificed for years in order to tithe and "give" special offerings at Christmas to missions (through the church). I even borrowed money a couple of times in order to "give"...it just makes me sick. To see how these mega preachers PAST and present live, I just feel used and lied to. What does this tell you about some of your past and present leaders. But they will survive money in hand. They always do. Because their reputations are protected by naieve people who never had to deal with them one on one, and who don't know the "real" person in the pulpit. Also because they "cover" for each other. It's the "pack" mentality. One for all and all for one. I also would send money directly to a LEGITIMATE missionary. Legitimate missionaries are to be commended for their service to the Lord.
April 26, 2006 was the date of the letter supporting "...a Godly Man of Uncompromising Integrity." That man was Bob Reccord.
Go to Christianity Today and read the letter and then carefully examine the list of signers and you will be surprized at the money ties, the overlapping of ministries and the obvious "compelling" factors that probably motivated their signing.
I even borrowed money a couple of times in order to "give"...it just makes me sick.
You know, if any of us owe even one dime on a credit card, and instead of paying that money back we are giving money to the church budget, then all of us are actually borrowing money to give to the church. Pay your debt completely off first, maintain those cars, buy that insurance, etc. BEFORE giving to their budget just so THEY can do those same things with the money (God's money) that He entrusted to you. It is not right to give to the church money that is owed to someone else. You must also take care of your family first, according to the NT.
Don't let them fleece you out of it. God blessed you with it for your needs, not theirs. Shocking but true.
Isn't it odd that we have a congressional watchdog, however there are some that NEVER want a watchdog to cover the ministry of those who call themselves Holy Men of God.
"...I am beginning to see a transition of some SBC churches away from NAMB and those truly interested in DOING Kingdom work going at it themselves."
Excellent point, Anon 7:04!
We don't have to look very far to see people in need all around us. I've started to investigate ministries/charities in my own back yard that I can directly support.
Could I make these suggestions...
Start with the Food Bank. Every city has one, and they are always in need. Go to Sam's or Costco and fill up your cart with nonperishables to donate. Or when you encounter BOGO free offers at your grocery store, keep one for yourself, and donate the other.
The local homeless shelters are also great places to donate time and money. Go to a Thrift Store, and buy shirts, pants, underwear and socks. Also jackets and blankets are needed as winter is fast approaching.
You will never know how extremely grateful the recipients of these items are, and the smiles you put on their faces. These folks have so little, and with more and more people out of work, the need is tremendous!!
Thanks, WD for the heads up !
"More trash. Everyone is wrong on the WD is right. LEt's all gripe about tithing because we don't like to give. that's the WD's slogan. Seriously, your act is old but it is entertaining."
October 28, 2010 9:45 AM
Bob "Hollywood" Reccord is responsible for the "trash." WD takes the time to do the research, and bring us the FACTS! Evidently the truth doesn't sit well with you. Go back to drinking your Kool Aid.
There are only a few men like these that you write about, but they are the ones in POWER who hope no one knows how much of a Pharisees and TARE they really are.
Most ministers are not like these. They are kind of like current politicians and need REMOVING.
Problem is, other than a few men and women I know - Billy, Doug, Doug, Tom, Dee, Christa, Tiffany, etc., no one has the guts to stand up to them and expose them and for what they are!
But I now hear that Baptist meetings, discussions, and issues are now being kept hush - hush within the Baptist Mafia circles and back scratcher brotherhood.
"...But I now hear that Baptist meetings, discussions, and issues are now being kept hush - hush within the Baptist Mafia circles and back scratcher brotherhood."
October 28, 2010 2:54 PM
Interesting point, and a very good one. As a long-time member of FBC Jax, I noticed that in our monthly budget summaries, the line item for salaries has been removed....wonder why??
Anon - as I blogged all the way back in 2008, under Brunson the financial reports were altered to remove line items of salary. As I recall, when I was still there, the salary line items were gone, and things were rolled up by major ministry groups. Before Brunson, there was a line item for salaries, but no more. So I think it has been that way for 3 or 4 years now.
"To see how these mega preachers PAST and present live, I just feel used and lied to."
You should!!
Does anyone else think that these pastors and their families are getting their rewards already here on earth? Does anyone else think these pastors and their families will need to answer to God for this "lifestyle," to say the least?
Wonder if any of these mega prima donnas had to give up the money or serve in a small church, actually preaching THEIR own sermons, THEY prepared, for a small salary,...just wonder if they would still call or consider themselves "called by God" to preach.
"- pastors are starting satellite churches as extensions of their mega church, and are not too interested in "church plants"."
This was Ezell's modus operendi at Highview which makes him less qualified to lead NAMB which is to plant churches in North America.
Ezell is more about getting Mohler's people in high places in the SBC.
"Also, I understand the purpose of your blog, but say something positive and uplifting every once in a while. It's not like NAMB is all bad and completely unsuccessful."
It depends on how you define success. Why don't YOU tell us something positive about NAMB?
"Go to Christianity Today and read the letter and then carefully examine the list of signers and you will be surprized at the money ties, the overlapping of ministries and the obvious "compelling" factors that probably motivated their signing."
Oh, I know. This is how it works in the SBC. When wrong doing is found they circle the wagons. How else can they all get by with it so much? But I fault the pew sitters for being so gullible for so long.
"Problem is, other than a few men and women I know - Billy, Doug, Doug, Tom, Dee, Christa, Tiffany, etc., no one has the guts to stand up to them and expose them and for what they are!"'
Could it be because the people you name are not receiving salaries from "ministry"?
I do know what I am talking about as I have a wide open pipeline to those within the Baptist Mafia.
It is a fact that there has been an "wink wink agreement" within the Baptist Mafia circle that NO ONE repeat what is said in these meetings -
They have had meetings teaching them fundamentals on the basis of how to keep secrets......
People, they hate these blogs and want them all shut down one by one. We must keep the info flowing!
I remember when one site was closed by the blogger, ( Doug's I think) the staff celebrated by stating to the membership during a Pastor appreciation night that the church had WON and that GOD had shut em down.
Needless to say, when Doug heard this - back up went the site and he then hammered those who needed exposing and that is when the Ga. Baptist Convention did the famous
Anti Blogging Resolution for Mike Everson and those poor Baptist who were getting hammered in GA and elsewhere by Doug.
We MUST keep the info flowing on these deceivers....which reminds me -
what about Robert White's 600K salary in GA.?
I am with ya WD, keep exposing!
Thanks 2:05 pm, I finally figured that out, and stopped wasting my money.
5:02 pm: I would not trade places with them for any amount of money, power etc. For the Christian there still remains the Judgement Seat of Christ. 2 Cor. 5:10: "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad". How humbling is this going to be. There will be no mega anything then. Heb 10:31: "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".
I would like to know who the other 33 lessor known signer were too.
The letter and the signers. These were their positions as of 4-26-06.
Christianity Today >> Pastors and Lay Leaders: Reccord a 'Godly Man of Uncompromising Integrity'
Mark Brister, President, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Okla.
Michael Catt, Senior Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, Ga.
David Clippard, Executive Director, Missouri Baptist Convention
Brent Crowe, national student conference speaker
Steve Davis, Executive Director, State Convention of Baptists in Indiana
Michael Dean, Senior Pastor, Travis Avenue Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Tx.
Ronnie Floyd, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Springdale, Ark.
Danny Forshee, seminary professor and conference speaker, Ft. Worth, Tx.
Rob Futral, Senior Pastor, Broadmoor Baptist Church, Madison, Miss.
Tim Groshans, Student Leadership University, Orlando, Fla.
Jack Graham, Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Tx and former President of SBC
Michael Hamlet, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, North Spartanburg, S. C.
Dean Haun, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Jonesboro, Ga.
Jim Henry, former Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Orlando, Fla. and former President of SBC
Johnny Hunt, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Ga.
Anthony Jordan, Executive Director, Oklahoma Baptist Convention
Tony Lambert, Senior Pastor, Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon, Miss.
Michel Lewis, Senior Pastor, Great Hills Baptist Church, Austin, Tx.
David McKinnley, Sr. Assoc.Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Tx.
James Merritt, Senior Pastor, CrossPoint Community Church, and former President of SBC
Hollie Miller, Senior Pastor, Sevier Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kendall Moore, Attorney and trustee for Family Net TV
Forest Pollock, Senior Pastor, Bell Shoals Baptist Church, Brandon, Fla.
Richard Powell, Senior Pastor, McGregor Baptist Church, Ft. Myers, Fla.
Ike Reighard, Chief People Officer, HomeBanc Corp,, Atlanta, Ga.
Russell Shinpock, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Snellville, Ga.
Jay Strack, Pres./CEO Student Leadership University, Orlando, Fla.
Jerry Sutton, Senior Pastor, Two Rivers Baptist Church, Nashville, Tenn.
Claude Thomas, Equip Ministries, Atlanta, Ga.
Eric Thomas, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Norfolk, Va.
Keith Thomas, Senior Pastor, Cottage Hill Baptist Church, Mobile, Ala.
Ted Traylor, Senior Pastor, Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola, Fla.
David Uth, Senior Pastor,First Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida
Jerry Vines, Former Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla. and former President of the SBC
Ken Whitten, Senior Pastor, Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, Fla.
Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Naples, Fla.
Don Wilton, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Spartanburg, S. C.
Larry Wynn, Senior Pastor, Senior Pastor, Hebron Baptist Church, Dacula, Ga.
Danny Wood, Senior Pastor, Shades Mountain Baptist Church, Birmingham, Ala.
Bryant Wright, Senior Pastor, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta, Ga., and current President, SBC Pastors' Conference
H. Edwin Young, Senior Pastor, Second Baptist Church, Houston, Tx and former President of the SBC
Brian Smith, Venture Capitalist, Austin, Texas (SBC layman)
Steve Puckett, Chairman: Hospital Partners of America, Inc, Charlotte, N. C. (SBC layman)
Tommy Teague, Senior Pastor, North Richland Hills Baptist Church, North Richland Hills, Tx.
Dr. Jimmy Draper, recently retired President of LifeWay and former President of the SBC, Colleyville, Tx.
Dr. Bill Anderson, former Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Clearwater, FL, former Trustee Chairman, Lifeway Christian Resources
From the letter:
We love Bob as a friend, have had a chance to ask him questions about the events reported in the media, and have heard him share his heart. He has acted with integrity and character throughout his nine year tenure as NAMB's President and never more so than in these last tumultuous weeks. Where he has made misjudgments, he has freely acknowledged them and assumed responsibility. But these are mistakes of the head, not the heart—the kinds of misjudgments that innovative leaders make in an effort to accomplish things that have never been done before.
So that's where Steve Gaines got that!
I'm surprised at some of the names not on that letter. Brunson, Gaines, Patterson, Akin, Mohler, Stanley, Greear, Moore, Land, Welch, Page, Chapman, Puryear, Lumpkins, Guthrie.... (Just kidding about the last three!) Reccord was practically the interim preacher at Bellevue during 2005. I have no way of knowing, but I wonder if Adrian Rogers would have signed it had he been alive in 2006.
"...But I now hear that Baptist meetings, discussions, and issues are now being kept hush - hush within the Baptist Mafia circles and back scratcher brotherhood."
October 28, 2010 2:54 PM
Interesting Comment:
Preachers are like politicians, their gift is talking. They (the Baptist Mafia) are fooling themselves if they believe any of them in their circle will really keep their secrets.
Don''t they realize people are leaving the SBC churches because they don't like being deceived, and sooner or later word of mouth from their brotherhood is passed on about their "secrets."
Sorry boys, but your worst case secrets do get to some of us. :>)
Claude Thomas signed the letter in support of Bob Reccord, that is certainly NOT surprising. Dr. Claude Thomas was forced out at First Baptist Church of Euless, TX over misuse of church funds and the church credit card. He also had his son on the church payroll, though he was not even in the state.
WD, I would encourage you to check it out and see what you discover with this mess. This all occurred around 2004-2005.
The SBC is attempting to clean up their immage. This is a good thing if the focus is caring for souls of living bodies. However, the SBC is soo corrupt, changing for the good is like asking a fish to becone an reptilian.
As fruits are exposed sane christians can make the difference but absolute power corrupts.
Take for example, the pastor salary
latin translation
salary = salt
Roman soldiers recieved their wages is salt hense the word salary
Why should that salary be such a secret. One possible answer is the church is not being the salt of the earth but their pocket book.
If I were a member of FBCJ I would demand the salary of the pastor be public knowledge. If not corruption will only continue
Keith Thomas, senior pastor of Cottage Hill Baptist Church in Mobile also signed the letter. He used to be in West Palm Beach where he accepted a $60,000 love offering from a mentally ill woman in his church. Both he and the West Palm church were sued. I think that the church had also accepted a large donation (not sure, but if I remember correctly about $100,000)from this woman.
It seems that birds of a feather flock together.
Correction. The woman gave the bulk of her $1.8 million dollar inheritance to the West Palm Church.
Here is a link to the story.
Also, I understand the purpose of your blog, but say something positive and uplifting every once in a while. It's not like NAMB is all bad and completely unsuccessful.
Kenneth-Tom has no desire to say anything positive about anything SBC. He is a "glass half empty", "everyone is corrupt except me", kinda guy.
NAMB does plenty of good work all across the United States and Canada. There are missionaries all over this country and Canada who share the Gospel everyday.They are also responsible for our Disaster Relief ministry and that has proven to have a great impact all over the country when disasters like floods and hurricanes strike. They also help to start the majority of SBC church plants. Those are just three things they do that are successful.
I'm no apologist for Bob Reccord. But I do know that there are two sides to every story and just because someone wrote a book, doesn't mean that the assertions in that book are true. I haven't read the book and checked the sources, so I don't know one way or another.
Annie Armstrong funds go straight to support missionaries. So they aren't being wasted. It's the 25% or so of Cooperative Program funds they receive that you are concerned about.
I'm in Georgia. How am I going to be obedient to the Great Commission and reach somebody in California or in Canada? I'm going to give to the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and support the missionaries out on the field.
"Correction. The woman gave the bulk of her $1.8 million dollar inheritance to the West Palm Church.
Here is a link to the story."
A fool and her money are soon parted.
Kenneth-Tom has no desire to say anything positive about anything SBC. He is a "glass half empty", "everyone is corrupt except me", kinda guy.
Not true. I am a "glass is half full" kind of guy.
Proof: I think you are half-baked, not half-unbaked. :)
In my earlier post the entire link did not copy. If the above link does not work, just type Keith Thomas in the search engine at palmbeachpost.com.
I'm not very computer savvy. Sorry.
Not true. I am a "glass is half full" kind of guy.
Proof: I think you are half-baked, not half-unbaked. :)
Keep proving my point, Tom.
Lighten up, guy.
Kenneth, You have been snowed and refuse to do your homework. Reccords shenanigans are well documented. And you might want to check the number of full time NAMB missionaries before you comment, next time. The divide that by NAMB's budget and one wonders what they are really doing there.
Hey, if WD only sees the glass HALF empty with regard to the SBC....then he is one very positive guy!!!
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