We listened to the sheriff and the city's lawyer explain what changes they are already in the process of studying and implementing stemming from the facts discovered in this case. There are multiple areas of change they are looking at, even a few more than we anticipated going into the meeting. We also shared with the sheriff some ideas we had in these areas for improvement in JSO policy, and we had a very healthy exchange of ideas.
The sheriff and the city counsel have agreed to keep us posted as they progress through the process of making these changes. I pledge to keep my readers informed of these, and will share more details later.
I can't tell you how extremely satisfying it is to know that the end result of a very painful process such as this lawsuit and the long, arduous discovery process will ultimately result in positive changes to improve the ethics and conflict of interest policies at JSO. We have full confidence that Sheriff Rutherford is committed to making these changes, and as I said I will provide updates in the future as things move forward.
WD, at some point are you going to share details of what you learned in the depositions? Not trying to rush you, just curious.
Absolutely I will. There is some very, very interesting, some surprising, some even startling information in the hours of depositions. Some even humorous moments that my readers will enjoy reading about.
I anticipate that activity on the church lawsuit is going to begin ramping up very soon, so probably best to hold off for now on discussing the previous case.
Thank you, Sheriff Rutherford. When my cynical nature had me doubting if any of our city leaders had any ethics or common sense, I am glad to read that you see the concerns WD raised and are willing to make positive changes. You have, and will continue to have, my support!
There is nothing quite like having to describe (under oath) how things came to be--and then to commit to doing things better. This can significantly improve your performance.
They need to agree that this item will become part of the annual “sensitivity training” that they are already doing. Organizations have no memory so this would be an “artificial memory” for them.
Great job, Sheriff Rutherford. Want to know why no one is blogging about Sheriff Rutherford? Because he is a wise, gracious servant leader who is not above criticism and he knows how to treat those without any power who have concerns. He doesn't use his power and influence to silence them. He has shown Mac Brunson how to handle people. With humility, kindness, graciousness and respect. Why couldn't or why won't, Mac Brunson do this?
Could it be that the wife and retired judge won't allow him to? We shall see. Can't wait until the next round of depos when ALL the trustees (even the "president" at the time) and ALL the discipline committee members, and many of those deacons who were there during John Blount's "presentation"...get deposed.
Thanks for the update.
It's hard to tell all that went on here. I look forward to a summary as well.
I have a Pacer number and have meant to read what I understand was your lawyer's motion for summary judgment, which is very unusual in a plaintiff's case like this. There must have been some really interesting facts that tumbled out during discovery.
Bennett - it will involve training, and likely policy changes as well. We're talking codified, written changes. But I'll keep you posted.
I am assuming that at no time did Sheriff Rutherford stomp around or raise his voice. Did he happen to use the phrase "let me tell you something!" Class acts don't need to do that.
Dr Dog-
I, too, am very impressed with the way Sheriff Rutherford is graciously and diligently handling this issue. And much appreciation to you for caring enough to do the right thing !! This looks like a win-win. We can only hope that Mac Brunson will be as humble and gracious.
Tom, thank you for going through this. Hopefully other states are watching because many mega's employ off duty civil servants for security.
Hopefully other mega church pastors will become aware of over stepping their bounds and using these paid employees (by both government and the mega) for their own personal benefit.
I am proud that your getting settled as a person - as that is healthy.
However, I wish you would have drug them through the mud like they did YOU and your family.
You made it to easy on these folks that obviously knew they were WRONG!
"settled as a person"? I don't know what that means.
This is not about dragging people through the mud, interesting that you think that is what I was out to do, to exact revenge through the lawsuit and drag people through the mud.
Nope. It was to get the facts of what happened out in the open, let those who did wrong be held accountable, and to make change for the better. I think these objectives were achieved.
I've always been settled as a person.
"I am proud that your getting settled as a person"
How else could you get settled?
What a waste of taxpayer money! This is a fraud and the whole thing was as Shakespeare wrote..."Much Ado about NOTHING".
Mac is back and he went thru the first storm and I promise....THE ANCHOR HOLDS!
Mac is back and he went thru the first storm and I promise....THE ANCHOR HOLDS!
November 8, 2010 5:50 PM
Where did he go?
What I meant is how unsettling it is to be under that kind of pressure. I know you're a settled person but I am sure it was a relief to get this over and get those facts.
It is not healthy for the mind or body to be in such turmoil. Lawsuit have a way of taking energy away from other things that need more attention - like family.
As far as dragging you through the mud, you have to agree this stuff is messy!
Anyway, keep up the fight against MAC A RONI and we are all praying for you and your family.
In case you can not tell :-) .....I am not a fan of those within the Baptist Mafia and their disciples - they make me squuze turnips red!
I believe the Sheriff has and will do the right thing. First, he recognized the failings within the department that brought this negative mark on his administration. 2. Secondly, as a leader it was up to him to set things right. 3. Thirdly, he will along with the attorney make this a priority never to happen again.
The Sheriff and the adm is foremost in office to SERVE THE PEOPLE and to protect individual rights. My hats off to Mr. Rutherford.
What a waste of taxpayer money! This is a fraud and the whole thing was as Shakespeare wrote..."Much Ado about NOTHING".
Mac is back and he went thru the first storm and I promise....THE ANCHOR HOLDS!
November 8, 2010 5:50 PM
You obviously don't understand that Tom and his precious family endured this sacrifice in order to preserve YOUR freedom to blog anonymously !!
Anon. Have you ever heard of the song "Anchors Away My Boys Anchors Away'? Some anchors hold for awhile but then they have to be lifted in order for the ship to move. No ships' anchor holds forever. Sometimes its better to cut your bait and make a run for it.
What about Det. Henson, what "discipline" is getting??
WD: As I have expressed to you before....many thanks for your stand on this issue. I will be watching to see if anything "really" improves in these issues of "our rights" vs power players. I must say that I think this will have national implication on the fight for Freedom of Speech. I hope so anyway. But being the pessimist I am I still look for the culprits to wiggle out of justice somehow. They always do. Having been through much anguish fostered by a "mega", I am still angry as no one has ever or will ever apologize for my suffering. I will have to wait until God sets it straight in Heaven. I have rejoiced that you did what I couldn't. God bless you and yours.
"Anon. Have you ever heard of the song "Anchors Away My Boys Anchors Away'? Some anchors hold for awhile but then they have to be lifted in order for the ship to move. No ships' anchor holds forever. Sometimes its better to cut your bait and make a run for it."
November 8, 2010 9:52 PM
Amen Brother! Isn't it a shame the ship @ FBCJ had to drop an anchor in the 1st place because of a bully pastor. This ship was grounded way before WD came along - the crew was already jumping ship.
Thy Peace: Once again, thanks for diligent information and keeping us updated on what outsiders are saying - found the article to be very interesting to read.
WD, at some point are you going to share details of what you learned in the depositions? Not trying to rush you, just curious.
I'm sure he will, seeing that he has not managed to totally destroy MB at this point. Tom will not stop until he has vengence against all those who "he" feels has wronged him. It is all about Tom. To heck with the church. To heck with the ministries that will be effected. Tom hates Mac. Tom hates FBCJ. Tom is looking to have his ego stroked, so the answer is definately yes. He will continue to spew hatred on this blog until "he" feels better. The heck with anybody else.
Anon, 12 pm.
Do you realize your comment is right out of the Liberal playbook? Remember, we all just "hated" Bill Clinton and now we just "hate" Obama.
These are words one uses when they have nothing of content.
To :November 9, 2010 12:00 PM
you say....
"I'm sure he will, seeing that he has not managed to totally destroy MB at this point. Tom will not stop until he has vengence against all those who "he" feels has wronged him. It is all about Tom. To heck with the church. To heck with the ministries that will be effected. Tom hates Mac. Tom hates FBCJ. Tom is looking to have his ego stroked, so the answer is definately yes. He will continue to spew hatred on this blog until "he" feels better. The heck with anybody else."
You know what? I know this is not true, but Who would blame him IF he felt this way.
MAC A RONI, just like others in Ga did with that Ga blogger, and all his disciples underestimated the response they would receive from WD and results from their actions.
Guess this taught them and may others within "the Baptist Mafia" to NEVER underestimate those you think you can BULLY - because they may have an answer for you that you may not like!!!!
toTom hates FBCJ.
If you were a follower of Jesus you would be able to look at the truth hidden from you. Unfortunately, many of gods creation will not be saved. Hate is derived from fear, anger, or a sense of injury. Every created thing, at one point in their life, anamal of human encounter this unless they are a robut. Are you a church robut? The information on this is simply pointing out truth. FBCJ supporters responced to many comments made with a sence of anger. Your paster himself, more than likley, feels a sence of injury. But that injury is self inflecting. you your self have show anger with your statment calling for hate. Are you a FBCJ member? discrediting will not make life pains go away. Usually other means will do that job.
Ànon 12:00 - I do not hate Mac Brunson, and I do not hate FBC Jax. I suppose you would know quite a bit about hate, seems like you are harboring your own hateful attitude toward me.
I feel bad for you, I wonder if you are there at FBC Jax, and what you've been told that would lead you to these false conclusions about me.
To 12:00 anon. You should have heard Dr Lindsay's sermon yesterday at 88.7 FM. In that sermon he said never follow a pastor or a deacon!!!! Only follow Jesus. Possibly you can go by the tape ministry and get a copy and hear it for yourself. Like Dr Lindsay said I for one never follow any MAN. They all are dirty rotten sinners. Get over yourself.
Anon 12:00 Does your daddy know you are posting here?
Tom Rich does not hate Mac Brunson. I am an unactive member of FBCJ and can testify that Brunson and his team did not treat this family in a spiritual manner, nor did the Discipline "friends" of Brunson. They are tight knit clan and stick together as friends. If you only knew the members who show up regularly and talk about how they dislike this preacher.
What I dislike is those members (deacons too) who want others to be their voice - I stopped going to FBCJ because of people like them - there's not an ounce of hate in the hearts of the Rich family.
It appears my earlier link to William Thornton's blog post got snagged by blogger spam control. Here is the link.
Thanks Thy Peace...I think that was me. I have a different phone now, and moderation is a bit more difficult as I sometimes mash the wrong button. I think I accidentally marked it as spam.
Thanks for reposting it though.
Louis - I have a copy of the MSJ if you want a copy, email me privately and I'll forward a copy to you. Would be interested in knowing your thoughts as someone like yourself who has somewhat followed the goings on in the blog.
Do you realize your comment is right out of the Liberal playbook? Remember, we all just "hated" Bill Clinton and now we just "hate" Obama.
With all due respect (and not much is due) this is a stupid statement!
I feel bad for you, I wonder if you are there at FBC Jax, and what you've been told that would lead you to these false conclusions about me.
I am not a member of FBCJ and the conclusion I have come to about you is a result of your own doing. This site serves no purpose other than to hurt and destroy. When are you just going to move on? Enough is enough! You seek vendication, not resolution. This will never end for you because you are only thinking about you. What is sad is that you have allowed this event to define you. I'm afaid your tombstone will read, "I got 'em good". Sad! Who cares?
What I dislike is those members (deacons too) who want others to be their voice - I stopped going to FBCJ because of people like them - there's not an ounce of hate in the hearts of the Rich family.
I'm sure Tom is beaming with pride! Keep stroking his ego. You say not to follow man but you follow Tom. Ironic.
This site serves no purpose other than to hurt and destroy. When are you just going to move on? Enough is enough! You seek vendication, not resolution. This will never end for you because you are only thinking about you. What is sad is that you have allowed this event to define you. I'm afaid your tombstone will read, "I got 'em good". Sad! Who cares?
November 9, 2010 2:19 PM
God cares. It's called JUSTICE. Our God is a God of justice. He does not like the abuse of power by the powerful to oppress the powerless. Seek Justice, Watchdog. Even though some kool-aid drinkers would prefer that you just go away. (Even thought the trespass warnings are still in effect and the harm to your reputation is ongoing because of what "God' man" said about you in the newspaper.)
But let's try that reasoning with Mac and Soud: Hey guys, enough is enough. Apologize, retract your statements and deacon resolution. You seek vendication, not resolution. This will never end for you because you are only thinking about you. What is sad is that you have allowed this event to define you. I'm afaid your tombstone will read, "I got 'em good". Sad! Who cares?
Cuts both ways does it not?
You say not to follow man but you follow Tom. Ironic.
Do I? I don't attend his church. I don't listen to him preach every week. I don't buy his books. I don't give money to pay his salary. I don't go on blogs to defend him. Ironic that you do those things for Mac though and yet call us the followers. That is ironic.
To borrow an idea from the govt., I think preachers should have "Term Limits". Wouldn't that be a lot easier. Then when one preacher has basically ruined the church, another one can step in and finish it off. Getting the last dollar out of it. Leaving the members without a church, wondering what happened. Oh, I forgot that is already in progress. Yes sir, term limits...that's the way to go.
"This site serves no purpose other than to hurt and destroy. When are you just going to move on?"
I wonder how many men told Martin Luther something similar?
I for one am glad he did not follow bad council.
"I'm sure he will, seeing that he has not managed to totally destroy MB at this point. Tom will not stop until he has vengence against all those who "he" feels has wronged him. It is all about Tom. To heck with the church. To heck with the ministries that will be effected. Tom hates Mac. Tom hates FBCJ. Tom is looking to have his ego stroked, so the answer is definately yes. He will continue to spew hatred on this blog until "he" feels better. The heck with anybody else.
November 9, 2010 12:00 PM
Dr.Dog the statment above is beyond responding to!!!
Mac is Satan. Mac is evil. Mac hurt my feelings. Mac kicked me and my wife out of my church.
You got lawyered up and decided to get even with the Preacher and guess who is still in the church?
Drop it Bro....I am glad you had a Positive meeting with the Sheriff....you really need a positive meeting with God
Mac is Satan. Mac is evil. Mac hurt my feelings. Mac kicked me and my wife out of my church.
You got lawyered up and decided to get even with the Preacher and guess who is still in the church?
Drop it Bro....I am glad you had a Positive meeting with the Sheriff....you really need a positive meeting with God
November 9, 2010 3:55 PM
I love these comments and commend Tom for posting them. They give us clear insight into what is the mindset of FBCJax. They learn this stuff from Mac and emulate him. This is what Mac is turning out.
Anon 3:55 - I just got done with my meeting with God, and he told me to tell you that you're an idiot.
Just kidding. Lighten up.
Hey, I do have a meeting scheduled with God, but since I'm not currently tithing, I've been pushed to the back of the list so it will be a few days. :)
As to your last question, who is in the church? Are you referring to Mac or Jesus? I'm not sure both are still there. :)
Anon 4:09
I don't think for a minute that this guy represents people at FBC Jax. No way. This is just an angry, resentful person, probably a very young person, maybe a family member who has been hurt through this...so really, I do understand. No big deal.
"I'm sure he will, seeing that he has not managed to totally destroy MB at this point. Tom will not stop until he has vengence against all those who "he" feels has wronged him. It is all about Tom."
"Mac is Satan. Mac is evil. Mac hurt my feelings. Mac kicked me and my wife out of my church."
Looks like they let grade-school out early today. Notice how it is all one-sided. Mac can do no wrong. Tom can do no right. Very balanced.
Never get your information from extremists.
I don't think for a minute that this guy represents people at FBC Jax. No way. This is just an angry, resentful person, probably a very young person, maybe a family member who has been hurt through this...so really, I do understand. No big deal.
November 9, 2010 4:18 PM
Perhaps. But they certainly do not do Mac any favors because this is what most of us think comes out of FBCJax from the Mac defenders here. My guess is that Mac wishes they would shut up which is why I am glad you post them. Not real good for his "image management".
Who cares?
Uhhh... you must.
Cuts both ways does it not?
Uh, no!
I wonder how many men told Martin Luther something similar?
Wow!!!! Comparing Tom to Martin Luther! Seriously? This statement is beyond idiotic or absurd! It's just plain dumb! Remember that Martin Luther wasn't afraid to sign his disagreement, nor did he seek to destroy those of whom he disagreed. Martin Luther was driven by a new found grace.
A comparison to Nixon would be a closer fit for Tom.
Never get your information from extremists.
You're right. This blog is very balanced. lol!
Who cares?
Uhhh... you must.
I care about the Kingdom, not Tom's temper tantrum. This site hurts the Kingdom. I do care about that.
A comparison to Nixon would be a closer fit for Tom.
Been there, done that.
Wow!!!! Comparing Tom to Martin "Luther! Seriously? This statement is beyond idiotic or absurd! It's just plain dumb! Remember that Martin Luther wasn't afraid to sign his disagreement, nor did he seek to destroy those of whom he disagreed. Martin Luther was driven by a new found grace."
Only ridiculous to you because you are a blind fool who only wants to see what you are looking for.
Don't be such an incredible hater that you won't allow one similarity between Tom and Martin Luther. That's like saying no person could ever have anything in common with Jesus or be accused of comparing yourself to Jesus. That's hate disguised in ignorance.
"A comparison to Nixon would be a closer fit for Tom."
More hate.
"I care about the Kingdom, not Tom's temper tantrum. This site hurts the Kingdom. I do care about that."
False teaching and greedy charlatans are not part of the Kingdom. They are hirlings and wolves.
"A comparison to Nixon would be a closer fit for Tom."
Actually, I kind of liked Nixon. And Mac seems more comparable to Nixon in that Nixon was paranoid and ordered the Watergate break-in and then denied any knowledge of it and was protected while others took the fall, while Mac...oh never mind.
"Only ridiculous to you because you are a blind fool who only wants to see what you are looking for. "
And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.
Matthew 5
And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.
Matthew 5
My guess was right. Someone took the bait. Just another example of a person who does not know how to interpret the Bible within context.
The church is full of them.
So did Christ sin when he called the Pharisees fools or when Psalms teaches that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God?
Engage brain.
Then type.
The Sheriff runs all over FREE SPEACH. He fired 5 new Officers last year for telling dirty jokes about two other officer having a SEXUAL AFFAIR on duty and being paid by the Sheriff to do it! He fired the Officers for joking and he KEPT the Officer having the affair.
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