Gilyard plead guilty in 2009 of molesting a 15-year old girl whose parents brought her to him for pastoral counseling, and he plead guilty of sending a lewd text message to another teenager. He was sentenced to three years of prison, and for life will be registered as a sexual predator.
Sad thing is, there was ample warning of Gilyard's predatory sexual appetite long before this molestation in Jacksonville occurred, but church leaders failed to take appropriate actions to warn unsuspecting church members who would never imagined that their "man of God" was a man who used his position as pastor over and over to have sex with women in his churches for years.
This entire saga of Darrell Gilyard, dating back to the 1980's, is a case study on how blogs are necessary to alert people of what is going on in churches, even how blogs can be used to bring justice to men like Darrell Gilyard. And now we will hopefully see blogs keep alerting people to the dangers of Gilyard once he is out of prison.
The Gilyard saga is also a clear example of how church leaders, even denominational leaders and seminary leaders cannot be trusted to do the right thing when allegations arise against "men of God" pastors.
Consider the following recap of events about Darrell Gilyard:
- Gilyard came to the Southern Baptist scene way back in the 1980s at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville. Gilyard was mentored by Jerry Vines and Gilyard preached multiple times at FBC Jax, telling his phony story of growing up homeless and living under a bridge. It was all a made-up story, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle back in 1991. Yes, a new preacher brought into the limelight at FBC Jax by Jerry Vines with a phony story about his past - sound familiar?
- Gilyard had a history of sexual misconduct (to put it mildly) in Texas in the 1980s and 1990s. Gilyard attended Criswell College where Paige Patterson was president at the time, and multiple women reported Gilyard's abuse to Paige Patterson with little effect until Gilyard himself admitted to Patterson that he committed adultery. Gilyard even tried to seduce a young member from First Baptist Church of Jacksonville in 1991 during a youth revival tour.
- Paige Patterson knew that Gilyard had confessed to having sexual relations with multiple women who had come to Gilyard for counseling. At my blog here I posted a 1991 article from the Austin American Statesman newspaper that told the entire saga. Probably one of the best articles on Gilyard's past and his relationships with Patterson and Vines is here.
- Perhaps Gilyard's first signs of being a sexual predator were the accusations made against him at Concord Missionary Baptist Church in south Dallas where Gilyard was an associate pastor during his time at Criswell College. Read this Dallas Morning News article about these allegations, and how Paige Patterson did not believe the accusations made against Gilyard by 25 women - some of which were allegations of rape and sexual assault. Tiffany Croft has an article on this where she posted the story of a student who was at Criswell at the time.
- After Gilyard left Concord he became pastor at Victory Baptist Church in Texas. After Gilyard resigned in disgrace from Victory Baptist Church in 1991 over his sexual relations with women in the church, unbelievably, Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church - located about a mile from FBC Jacksonville - hired Gilyard to be their pastor in 1993! Members had no idea their new pastor was a sexual deviant who used his position as pastor and counselor to have sex with women. Did Paige Patterson and Jerry Vines do anything to alert the church members of Gilyard's past, or was it all just "under the blood"? We don't know, they won't say - but it seems to me that prominent men like Vines and Patterson had it within their power to speak publicly of the prior misconduct of Gilyard in Texas.
- There was one bright spot in the Gilyard saga: a local Jacksonville pastor by the name of George Harvey, Jr. DID try to alert Shiloh deacons and members of Gilyard's past. All it got him was the deacons calling him nuts, and a meeting with the State Attorney's office and two Shiloh deacons to get him to stop his efforts. So no one can say that Shiloh's leadership was not alerted about Gilyard's past - but they chose to look the other way because Gilyard was such a talented orator and he could bring members and money to the church. Apparently no safeguards were put in place to prevent Gilyard's access to women in the church.
- As reported by the Times Union, Shiloh Baptist settled a lawsuit in 1996 over allegations of sexual misconduct, and then in 2004 they settled yet another lawsuit over allegations of rape during a counseling session. Still, it seems as though church members were not warned of Gilyard's sexual deviancy.
- Gilyard grew Shiloh Baptist. They built a new worship center. He was bringing in the bacon for sure at Shiloh. I was always amazed to see Gilyard on local TV during his Shiloh years, as I had heard of some of the allegations against Gilyard in Texas. I assumed that people in Jax knew, and that certainly his church members must have known. He was one talented preacher, as we were members at FBC Jax in the late 1980s when he emerged on the scene. His preaching style nearly matched Jerry Vines', in fact Gilyard himself and Vines had joked that Gilyard was the "black version of Jerry Vines."
- Jerry Vines retired from FBC Jax in February 2006, and it didn't take long for Vines to visit Shiloh and preach in Gilyard's pulpit despite his knowledge of Gilyard's past. Apparently Vines bought Gilyard's story that he had been healed of his sexual problems.
- Then, in December 2007 the latest allegations that sent Gilyard to prison surfaced. Tiffany Croft, who was the teenager at FBC Jax who Gilyard tried to seduce in 1991, started her blog focusing on Gilyard to help and encourage Gilyard's victims to come forward. Her blog was a source of tips for the State Attorney's office during their investigation, and they very much appreciated her blog.
- I blogged about the Gilyard story in December 2007 right after the initial allegations surfaced, posting several old news articles from the early 1990's asking the question "You're Telling Me Nobody Knew?". I was honestly surprised that people in Jacksonville did not know of Gilyard's past, not even the reporters who first reported the allegations. Times Union reporter Jim Schoettler emailed me at the Watchdog account about the source of these articles that I posted.
- Strangely enough there is even an element of this story crossing over into the FBC Jax Watchdog controversy of the past few years. In early April 2009 I discovered that FBC Jax deacon and discipline committee member, and Jacksonville Sheriff's Office detective Robert Hinson pulled subpoenas on my blog, Tiffany's blog, and the Bellevue Baptist blog during his "investigation" to find my identity. Hinson's testimony was that he pulled the subpoena on my blog and two that were hyperlinked on my site - of which there were 20 or so - quite interesting that the three blogs of many that he subpoenaed were three that were critical of prominent Baptist pastors. Hinson subpoenaed Tiffany's information from Google, but in his deposition he said he realized he made a mistake in subpoenaing her blog after he realized after-the-fact that Tiffany was the daughter of a long-time member at FBC Jax. But he said the subpoena was already sent, and that he destroyed all of her information received from Google upon receipt.
So now Gilyard will be getting out of jail. He will be a registered sex offender for life, and will be on three years of sex offender probation. He will not be allowed to live within 1000 feet or work at a school, or any other location that children regularly gather. He will not be able to have unsupervised contact with any children, and will be subject to electronic monitoring.
Let's hope that finally the legal system will have done what Baptist leaders could not or would not do: keep Darrell Gilyard away from women and children. Let's hope that this blog, Tiffany Croft's blog, and other blogs, along with the Florida Sex Offender database will warn people of the dangers of Darrell Gilyard. It would not be surprising to see him in a pulpit preaching very soon.
And let's hope the next time that a Darrell Gilyard or Bob Gray surfaces in Jacksonville, blogs will be used to spread the word even when the church leaders try to cover it up.
Can't Christians see that their basic theology sets them up for con men?
If you have faith, aren't skeptical, are trusting, believe God changes people, believe there's such a thing as a "Man of God". Also if you love charismatic speakers, love to hear good preaching, love the authority figure up there who says he knows all about what God wants-WHY would you then be surprised when these con men take advantage of all that POWER that YOU give to them??
So, in a way, I have no sympathy for congregations. But then, again, I do. Most were raised (like me) to believe all the above. So we were ripe for the picking. And many still are. They don't THINK!
I don't remember ever seeing Gilyard, but I'm familiar with Falwell. These men are basically very talented salesmen. They are selling a story. I'd say, if you want to believe in God, fine-but don't believe in preachers. Some are good, decent men, but many are not. And lots of people will defend the bad ones no matter what they do to their victims. Why? They love the show too much to let go of it! They don't care if these men have abused children, teenagers, had affairs, etc., etc. The show must go on! I think it is sickening.
And I think it's wonderful that we now have the internet and blogs, so at least a few more people will stop buying into this stuff.
Within 6 months he will have another church. In black churches they don't care if the pastor is having affairs with women in the church. Its their culture and it ain't gonna change.
Jerry Vines, Paige Patterson, Charles Stanley, and Adrian Rogers were all the closest of friends and all of them were trumpeting Gilyard's praises. They had to know but don't dare suggest that Adrian Rogers knew since he is the saint in resident in Tennessee.
Hide your kids, hide your wife....
And to the idiot who wrote this on Tiffany Croft's blog...
You need to stop judging this man. If you are a true Christian, then you know his punishment will come from GOD. Therefore, with strong conviction I urge you to stop this website. Judge not lest you be judged. That is all.
If you're a woman, why don't you invite Mr. Gilyard over to your home for a private "counseling" session? Or if you have a teen or young adult daughter, would you have any qualms about her being alone with him?
I am so sick of this "judge not" business and people plucking that verse out of context. We all use judgment every day. We wouldn't survive long if we didn't. Well, at least most of us use judgment. You sound like one of those people who doesn't have a clue. Neither Tiffany nor anyone here is "judging" the state of Mr. Gilyard's soul. That's between him and God, BUT we do have enough sense to discern a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Has Gilyard changed in the 2+ years he's been behind bars? Only time will tell. After all that time with only T. Tommy Reed and Big Bubba for company it shouldn't take long to find out.
In the meantime, hide your kids, hide your wife!
Amen Tom! And thank you.
And if more people were concerned for innocent kids and truth than they were propping up the image of their favorite celebrity idol, we would not see these sorts of things so much.
Those who look the other way or make excuses are guilty, too.
Amen Tom! And thank you.
And if more people were concerned for innocent kids and truth than they were propping up the image of their favorite celebrity idol, we would not see these sorts of things so much.
Those who look the other way or make excuses are guilty, too.
The biggest shortcoming for this age and SBC is lack of discernment. I understand this goes with improper teaching or doctrine. BUT this lack of independent thinking and reasoning and discernment is a tragedy. I hope all the pastors wake up to this reality, for they will be taken to task when they face Jesus.
Yea, he probably has seen the light and will write a tear jerking book and we will see him on the sickening grinning James Robison buy my book show.
Jerry Vines, Paige Patterson, Charles Stanley, and Adrian Rogers were all the closest of friends and all of them were trumpeting Gilyard's praises.
Don't forget Homer Linsay was also in the midst of this crowd.
Within 6 months he will have another church. In black churches they don't care if the pastor is having affairs with women in the church. Its their culture and it ain't gonna change.
I think that this is very racist and stereotypical and is not factual!
"Can't Christians see that their basic theology sets them up for con men?
I would argue the opposite based on what the NT teaches. First of all, we are to be gentle as doves but was wise as serpents.
Secondly, we are given the Holy Spirit.
Now, the problem is most people listen to men. They have not become intimate with Christ and are not led by the Holy Spirit. They have made idols of their pastors or the latest celebrity Christian guru who writes books or is promoted by another guru.
The problem is these people following man call themselves Christians but have no power of the Holy Spirit in them. No wisdom and no discernment.
Will a true believer ever be conned? yes. But not for so long because they are on their knees every day and a true believer would never elevate man so much.
"Can't Christians see that their basic theology sets them up for con men?
I would argue the opposite based on what the NT teaches. First of all, we are to be gentle as doves but was wise as serpents.
Secondly, we are given the Holy Spirit.
Now, the problem is most people listen to men. They have not become intimate with Christ and are not led by the Holy Spirit. They have made idols of their pastors or the latest celebrity Christian guru who writes books or is promoted by another guru.
The problem is these people following man call themselves Christians but have no power of the Holy Spirit in them. No wisdom and no discernment.
Will a true believer ever be conned? yes. But not for so long because they are on their knees every day and a true believer would never elevate man so much.
Seneca I find your comments boring and depressing. :)
My statement about black churches wasn't racist--it was factual. It is only stereotypical because we are looking at the black churches. Noone writes about them in blogs because noone is aware of the depth of depravity. Its sad but true.
Anon 12:18, instead of jumping on the "it's racist" bandwagon, did you consider the author of the post could be black and thus has this insight?
Also, I'd give it 3 months tops before he's "preaching" again (particularly on forgiveness, no doubt) He's a smooth talker and there are lot's of sheeple.
He'll probably be on the program for next year's Southern Baptist Convention. Maybe Paige Patterson could do his introduction.
Anonymous 2:33: Let me put it bluntly. Your statement was racist and a out and out lie.
BBC: I am so glad you addressed the anonymous comment on Tiffany's blog. I couldn't because people would question my Christianity due to the language I would have used. Tiffany was one of Darrell's victims. Don't people get that yet. It's comments like that where I hate anonymity because it's being done out of cowardliness and not standing by one's words when they say something that stupid and do it with an anonymous tag.
Doesn't matter if the author of the racist comment is black or not, it's still racist made worse if the author is black. They should definitely know better then.
If Darrell Lewis Gilyard starts a church...it should be named "The Blind Leading the Blind."
I have noted how you now routinely refuse to print my comments you don't like.
I guess they are problematic to you.
Tom, you have obviously decide to control the message.
Obviously, there is a problem with your message or you wouldn't have to control comments that weaken your argument.
But it's your blog.
TR, you obviously loved Homer Lindsay Jr.
BUT, if you had started a blog attempting to get rid of or strongly criticize Homer would he have thrown you out of the church?
Oh absolutely bro.in a heart beat. I've heard him, more than a few times, to tell people to leave if they weren't happy at FBC.
I think he was a very Godly man. I think Mac Brunson is a very Godly man.
Darrell Gilyard was never Mac Brunson's problem. He was Homer and Jerry's problem.
Seneca/James Brown,
Since you don't seem to like what Tom chooses to write about here, why don't you take your own advice and leave?
Seneca: You are wrong. Each individual is responsible for their own failings. You cannot believe that because someone fools you that its your problem. That is why we are to study the Bible and be a watchman on the wall.
We all get fooled but normally never twice by the same thing. Life has a way in dealing with exposure to certain things in life...its called experience. The older you get the more experiences you have with people, circumstances, and things. Hopefully, its a learning curve that we all reach for and never take for granted.
Seneca: Gilyard was every one's problem in the SBC. Everyone's.
U have seen this mans short comings. Flesh got him and he was wrong. Ok let's move on. Let's pray that GOD exposes all our sins and then we can focus on cleaning our own heart. We r all wrong in GOD eye sight. Focus on JESUS.
Excellent Gilyard article by Greg Warner of the Associated Baptist Press back in 2009. Good overview of Gilyard's career. Warner included a few more churches from which Gilyard had to resign before coming to Shiloh Baptist in Jacksonville.
Thanks NBOF, for reminding me of Seneca Griggs real name, which is James Brown who lives in the Jacksonville area and attends a Jacksonville church.
I don't post some of your comments James not because they weaken any argument I have, but I'm trying to help you. They are often embarrassing to YOU, so I'm doing you the favor of not posting them. I've been contacted by some of your church members who know of your ridiculous comments in the past here and over at Wartburg Watch, and they are embarrassed for you. So it is out of the kindness of my heart that I moderate your comments.
Just a contrast if you will. Lawyers/journalism as a profession, dealing with redemption. Also the lack of analytical ability as in the economics profession. So in this sense, preachers and pew sitters are not alone in their lack of analytical ability.
To those making and defending the baseless assertions that African American congregations don't care, please take the time to read the original articles from 1991 published by the Dallas Morning News. The articles are available through the Stop Baptist Predators website.
The most comprehensive article states that the African American congregation believed the initial accusations and fired him. Then word was spread among the African American congregations and his speaking engagements were cancelled and dried up.
At the same time, the accusations were routinely dismissed among the SBC, and Gilyard was touted on the SBC sermon circuit as a "rising star."
Please take the time to familiarize yourselves with the particulars of this case, rather than make broad (and dare I say, racially charged) stereotypes.
Ok, he is a loser. He is a deviant and a prediator.
He should never be allowed back in the pulpit or near any Leadership position...EVER...
But thank God he could really Preach!
Thousands are in Heaven because of his ministry.
Thousands are going to miss the fires of Hell because of the Word that Dr. Gilyard preached.
Thousands got closer to Jesus.
God used a donkey, a prostitute, a liar (Peter), a murderer (Moses and Paul), a Bigamist (Solomon)....and we may not like it or want to admit it....
But Almighty God used a pervert like Darrell Gilyard to be an instrument of Revival in America...God is no respecter of persons.
"But Almighty God used a pervert like Darrell Gilyard to be an instrument of Revival in America.."
Paul Williams
etc,etc,etc = PERVERTS (plural)
That's called grace.
"Thousands are in Heaven because of his ministry.
Thousands are going to miss the fires of Hell because of the Word that Dr. Gilyard preached.
Thousands got closer to Jesus."
Religion = convincing people their going to HELL and you have the "ONLY" answer.
Cha Ching
Anonynmous: You have got to be kidding! Don't even get me started on your donkey comment.
Would you be writing this if he were White?
You never call Mac a "Deviant Man of God."
The picture of him makes him look very dark skinned....the darker the skin the darker the heart?
You call him the "Black version of Jerry Vines"....what a racist comment!
This Blog is full of hatred and venom and the dirty seed of bigotry has once again been planted and is taking up root in Jacksonville Florida.
All the below links are from Wade Burleson's blog:
The Sordid and Strange Darrell Gilyard Story and What It Reveals About the SBC
Walking Where SBC Preachers Fail to Tread
To Question Our Leaders Is Not Only Morally Right, It Is the Essence of Christian Integrity
The Problem of a Predator In the Pulpit in the SBC
Abuse of Authority: It Must Not Be Ignored
A lot of you get all worked up about Gilyard and part of the problem is that some of your heroes made him their hero. Among them are Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley, Jerry, Vines, and a whole bunch more. We were constantly hearing how he would be the "next Billy Graham." Get over yourselves and realize he is just another crook that God happened to use in a marvelous way to reach people with the gospel.
Remember the old saying, "God strikes many a straight blow with a crooked stick" and that sure holds true with Gilyard.
Perhaps its time for some of you righteous ones to allow room for God to redeem Gilyard. Remember, God has already forgiven him and now its time for you to get on board and start affirming instead of destroying.
Perhaps its time for some of you righteous ones to allow room for God to redeem Gilyard. Remember, God has already forgiven him and now its time for you to get on board and start affirming instead of destroying.
December 28, 2011 10:23 AM
The people that turned a blind eye to this clown are as rotten and corrupt as he is and that includes all the big shots that have been mentioned on this blog.
"Perhaps its time for some of you righteous ones to allow room for God to redeem Gilyard. Remember, God has already forgiven him and now its time for you to get on board and start affirming instead of destroying."
The forgive and forget "biblical counseling" taught by the mega's.
Just don't be one of his victims
After reading some of the comments, it's painfully obvious why scam artists like Gilyard go straight for church folks!!!
When Daryl Gilyard demonstrates a true repentence... over the course of maybe 5 years (as a start), I will forgive him. Until anything he says will be suspect.
The Righteous Anonymous Saith:
"Perhaps its time for some of you righteous ones to allow room for God to redeem Gilyard. Remember, God has already forgiven him and now its time for you to get on board and start affirming instead of destroying."
Well, could you at least understand our distrust of this man, oh great one? The heart is a deceitful thing, we must be on guard.
Lighten up on the tone, church lady.
No one is perfect but the father, It was wrong for what was done, however we serve a forgiven God and Jesus put it like this " he who is WITHOUT SIN let him ( her) cast the first stone.....we as the body of Christ was hurt by the actions and it brought shame not only to him but to the christian...so let us know that it was his turn then, it may be our turn next. He only got caught so that others may heed the warning that judgement begins in the house of God first!! Let pray that God be lifted that he may draw men unto him
We ALL have sinned and come short....but God forgave us!
I don't think he cares about nor needs your forgiveness. Once a person brings their sin under the blood of Jesus the Lord says those sins are forgiven and forgotten. But then, its always hard for a Baptist to deal with pure Biblical grace.
There is a HUGE difference between forgiveness and restoration. Forgiveness begins with full and complete confession and repentance. Has Gilyard fully confessed and repented? I, for one, do not know that.
Second, he must make apology to those whom he abused, as Jesus taught ("if a brother has anything against you -- because you sinned against him); the onus is on the offender. And brother here includes women as well as men. I do not believe that has happened, but I am not sure. The victims are the only ones who can say.
Third, he must demonstrate a changed life and be above reproach in all things. That means that he must have an accountability group that will be appropriately suspicious and place constraints upon him. -- No one to one meetings with those of the other gender, lots of open door or glass door time, etc. And lots of public knowledge of his past sins in the community where he choses to live.
Then, perhaps, restoration will be appropriate.
I speak as one (lawyer and psychologist) who has studied the issue of sexual abusers in churches and has helped churches deal with the damage and destruction caused by such, as well as the tendency of Christians to too quickly forgive and restore, only to be burned again.
Excellent post Arce, thanks for laying it out so well.
It should be noted that at the time of his sentencing Gilyard told the Times Union:
"I stood in court today recognizing that I made serious mistakes and that I disappointed a great number of people. It is my intention when this is all over to make it up to everyone as best I can."
He can't "make it up" for what he has done to permanently harm women and to trusting church members. But let's see how he plans to seek forgiveness once he gets out.
I know it's the holidays, but I thought for sure that you'd mention the drama in Orlando with the sudden death of Zachary Tims of New Destiny Christian Center and the selection of Tampa-based, mega TV pastor Paula White as the successor. The media is treating Tims as though he is a T.D. Jakes or Joel Osteen, but I don't think he reached that stature, though he was well on his way.
I've always wondered what would happen to those churches who appear to be built around the pastor if there was a sudden death. Well, here's a test on a smaller scale. Go to the Orlando Sentinel's website and do a search for more information.
SSDD - Same Story Different Day
Nothing new under the sun. "Oh look how I can tie hideous unrelated events to FBC and Mac Brunson."
This is really becoming a bore. ...Yawn
Seriously, Tom, please blame this on Mac Brunson too... I'm sure you will find a way... get over it...seriously getting ridiculous!
You are such a bad example ! Sure your sweet family is proud.
Anon 8:44 PM, How did you come to any conclusion that WD could or would bring Mac into this controversy? He has never been mentioned in any discussion that I have seen.
William Thornton, the "SBC Plodder", included Mac Brunson in his 2011 "Notable Quotes" post. William mentions Brunson's all-inclusive apology from November.
anon 9:07
Obviously you don't read this blog much. Mr. Rich blames Mac Brunson for pretty much everything. So jealous and childish. Clearly does not practice what he 'pretends to preach'.
How about being more specific and listing exactly what WD blames Mac for (with links back to the post) Throwing out "for pretty much everything" is weak at best.
Anonymous 12/27 @ 1:21 PM
"But Almighty God used a pervert like Darrell Gilyard to be an instrument of Revival in America..."
Uh no. First of all, Gilyard no doubt drove many away from the church, first by his behavior towards women (he thought we women were just his to use up as he wanted) and then by the repeated inability of his SBC superiors to deal decisively with him. It would not surprise me in the least to find out that the Gilyard disaster caused more people to leave the SBC and even Christianity than he ever brought in by his preaching.
But what gets me is this: you're making excuses for a pervert. What he did was OK because he saved people. That's just insane thinking. He hurt a LOT of people. The women he went after, their families and friends, people who found out...how does this not count in the eyes of God? Does God only care about the number of saved for the kingdom of Heaven? Something tells me that Jesus wouldn't be approving of this kind of thinking.
Y'all have got to get your own houses in order, because, and just speaking for myself, until you do, your actions will continue to drive people like me out of your churches. I'm not going to waste my Sunday listening to some blowhard who may have defended a pervert on more than one occasion, instead of doing the right thing and exposing him to the hard light of day.
I'm curios to know what he's been up to since his release.
I remember when Pastor E.K. Bailey, of Concord MBC, in Dallas, had to fire Darrell in the fall of 1987. We had a church hearing and 25 women came forth with testimonies of sexual impropriety, many of them were deacon and trustees wives. Pastor cried because he had such high hopes for Darrell. Church security escorted Darrell and his family off the church grounds. Jana even stayed with him. Darrell went to pastor at a church in California, then at Shiloh BC in Garland, TX. The Dallas Morning News did series on Darrell and his sex crimes. They interviewed Pastor Bailey who said that the folks at First Baptist, Dallas, did not listen to him when he warned them about Darrell. Darrell duped Jerry Falwell and walked away with a sizeable collection for birth expenses of his wife.
I even saw Darrell on his own television program a few years ago. I just can't believe this guy is still allowed to prey on women. It's ridiculous!
The Bible is the same at all times. Right is right and wrong is wrong
The crime is that the children are banned from church services because he cannot be around minors. I have two children and it's my responsibility to bring them up to know Christ. Forgiven or not, I couldn't sacrifice my children for this man and don't understand how a whole congregation would do that.
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