"Until God's people learn how to tithe, we'll never accomplish for our church what God wants us to accomplish."
I've heard it often, and heard it recently. This begs the question: Just what WOULD a mega church pastor do with all the money that would come his way if all members forked over 10% of their income?
Well, we have a glimpse of what the answer might be, right here in Jacksonville, Florida.
Rodney (R.J.) and April Washington are the pastors of "Titus Harvest Dome Spectrum Church" - whose website is www.rjwashington.org - and at their church property they are nearing completion of their church's very own 4-story, 80-room hotel constructed at a cost of $11 million.
Yes, "Apostle R.J." and "First Lady April" Washington are building the "Marble Waters Hotel and Suites" - pictured above - right here in Jacksonville on the church property.
What would compel a church to decide to get into the hotel business? That is a good question, as "hotel rooms" and "mega church pastors" aren't real good combinations, if you know what I mean. Perhaps the Apostle is going to use the hotel to care for widows and orphans, or to house the homeless in our city?

But it doesn't stop there. There is also a "Marble Waters Hotel and Suites, Inc.", a FOR-PROFIT Florida corporation, whose address is located at one of the church properties. Guess who is the head of this for-profit corporation? Yes, it is "First Lady April" herself, with Apostle R.J. as the registered agent.
So this gives us a glimpse of what might happen if everyone tithed at a megachurch: there would be so much money that they would use it to build a hotel with a spa, owned and operated by the pastor and his family.
Or, they might use it to spend $20 million to open seven-new satellite churches like Ed Young, Jr., or they might use it to build a magnificent water fountain as an "architectural invitation to Jesus Christ", as a part of their $120 million campus renovation - like First Baptist Dallas.
"Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse/hotel."
they could support hundreds of missionaries around the world giving everything they have to share the Gospel with a lost and dying world.
they could get up centers that would care for the homeless, the jobless and the sick and REALLY disabled people in their area.
they could be creative and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, but that might not be as much fun as following their desire for riches and fame.
As a tent-maker missionary to Japan, where everything cost double the US price, what a blessing it would be to have a little extra money to buy Bibles, or help a Japanese family make it to the end of the month. God is providing for us. Any money received would be used to share the Gospel with the Japanese. But, alas we will not be holding our breath until we receive anything from this church.
The state of the church in the US just stinks. I truly believe the state of the church is far better in countries like Japan or countries where there is no freedom to share the Gospel in any form.
We will be retiring in a year or so. Can't say I really want to come back to the church in the states.
Thanks Dog for all you reporting of what is going on in the states in churches.
I have just one request, could you find a church(s), large or small that is really ministering to the people in and out of the church and write a blog or two on them. What a joy that would be to know there are still "real" churches left in America.
RP in JP
To the above reply-can you please email me? I am working with ASians here in Indiana IE Japanese, Chinese and India
Romans 5:1
Will this hotel require slave labor, as in required church members "contributing" their "free time" for Kingdom Work to maintain this hotel so that VIP's, Elites and Rich people enjoy the hotel?
This is worse than reverse Socialism. Maybe it's the New Capitalism.
What are the rates for a night?
I think it is a good idea, I am tired of giving the devil my money.
God gives his beloved sleep. (Ps. 127:2)
But His beloved also need a place to sleep.
I remember when Doctor Gaines was still at Gardendale his plan was to build a "Prayer Tower" at the new campus along with the new church buildings.Said he wanted it manned 24 hour a day. Remember, it's all for the glory of god.
Correction: It's OLD Capitalism, as practiced in the South.
BTW what's with mega pastors to build monuments, which they say is for the glory of God, but it is more like for the glory of mega pastors and their social club.
You are erratic, conflicted, disorganized. Every decision is debated, every action questioned. Every individual entitled to their own small opinion. You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing.
Now I remember Mac B once voicing the above when he wanted to build a GIGANTIC choir for the glory of God.
BTW the above quotes comes from a Borg (Seven of Nine). Maybe what we need is for the mega Pastors to becomes like Borg and turn all their sheep into the Collective.
The only saving grace of being a Borg is one does not need a cell phone.
To understand how profitable slavery was, please read this:
Smithsonian > The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson
A new portrait of the founding father challenges the long-held perception of Thomas Jefferson as a benevolent slaveholder.
The prayer tower was only part of Gaines plans. He also claimed that he was always going to be at Gardendale and would even be buried somewhere on the new property when he died. This was of course before the "call" to Belevue. I left Gdale and the SB denomination because of antics like this and will NEVER go back.
DITTO on the idea from RP in JP .
Its so fustrating... For a couple of years we have been on a steady diet of how greatly we NEED a $atellite church to reach the untapped dough in Ponte Vedra (TPC $awgrass) for those not local. Yes -the land of million dollar homes and THE golf mecca. Only to now have to compete w that darn pesky Trinity BC. They should know thats our area "for Jesus". We aint even got a building built yet. Nuts!!
All the while Titu$ Dome "snuck" in only a few miles north w a hotel to get the Jax Beache$ bucks.
Years ago what we heard about these three (in print and tv/radio) was how the public hated our influence in politics and the "guiding Pull" we had in local business decisions and such.
Now we are told in different ways...I am lead to use every possible resource to GO TO THE world to reach "the world".
Yes...we get to see slide shows of castles/cathedrals/foreign landscapes/etc and are told "ive been here and here and here and here and here AND here and over there" and for the right price you can float on the Rhine River w me in 2013 like Jesus did??"
Once we got a treat and watched a prerecorded message from our entire media/ pastor crew from somewhere (I forget).
Is there a church anywhere just "tearing it up for Jesus" on their "local" scene. God can make the residual effects reach the world...right??
I mean we do exist and attend for more than just funding?!
So ditto.
Maybe one story a week of the "littles" doingit right will be enough to shame the "bigs" into either straightening up or just getting out ( of the way).
This story has racist overtones. The pictures of the Pastor and his wife would never be used for a white couple.
I know you are in bed with the Republicans but can't we leave politics out of this?
Shame on you.
Black folks have feelings too
" This story has racist overtones. The pictures of the Pastor and his wife would never be used for a white couple.
I know you are in bed with the Republicans but can't we leave politics out of this?
Shame on you.
Black folks have feelings too"
Nothing racist about fraud or taking advantage of people. If you look at the archives, there are images of more white preachers that black
I know some are going to blast my comment. But here goes, in a world that requires money to finance endeavors, what is wrong with people tithing (money) for the financing of God's work. The church does have obligations such as utilities, upkeep, insurance, salaries, and the list goes on. My question, what is wrong with people tithing to support ministry???
Anonymous (11:41 PM):
Please don't be so quick to pull the race card. That makes REAL occurrences of racism less believable.
That picture is the first thing you see when you go to the church's website. (www.rjwashington.org). The stranger thing is how the church's website is the pastor's name instead of the church. I understand that for TV people (Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, etc.), but at least the TV people who have their own church oftentimes have a website with their church's name and a website for their personal ministry (ex. joelosteen.com and lakewood.cc).
Secondly, the author of the blog did not mention politics nor did bring up the race of the pastor.
Nobody is complaining about supporting legitimate expenses for operating a "church". The problems start when there is no accountability to the congregation and money is spent unwisely and even illegally padding the pockets of the preacher,his family or buddies or spent foolishly.It really is as simple as that.
You have to love how baptists say, "We don't agree with NOT tithing". But they cannot use the scripture (without twisting it) to prove that tithing was ever taught in the new testament. Most baptists are to lazy to study it for themselves so pastors keep forcing the false tithing doctrine down your throat so that they can have a better home and car than you do.
I remember when Doctor Gaines was still at Gardendale his plan was to build a "Prayer Tower" at the new campus along with the new church buildings.Said he wanted it manned 24 hour a day. Remember, it's all for the glory of god.
He had similar plans when he first came to Bellevue, too, but he was quickly reined in. The "prayer chapel" never materialized. Instead much of the money was spent on other projects with some of it finally spent on a "prayer room" within the existing building. Not much telling what they paid an architect to come up with the plans though.
Its funny that this would come out on the eve of the election?
A Black man wanting to better himself and create jobs for our community. He is made to be evil and out for himself.
Have you ever spoken to our Pastor? Have you ever visited our Church?
I know you all don't like Obama and that you can't wait to get that secret underwear wearing Mormon in the White House but please don't bring race in God's house.
This is pathetic.
You can't fix stupid...and I mean the church members who support this sham with their offerings. Go find a good, decent, hardworking missionary to support instead....there are many of them out there.
As far as I can see the only one bringing "race" into this story is you, TROLL. The Washingtons happen to be black. So what? If they were Asian or Hispanic or white, would you still say this story was "racist"? Or does that just apply when the subject happens to be black? Never mind. I already know the answer.
A Black man wanting to better himself and create jobs for our community.
You're right! He does want to better himself. By fleecing others. And he wants to create "jobs," namely a nice, steady income off those same sheep backs for himself and his wife. Sweet!
I know you all don't like Obama and that you can't wait to get that secret underwear wearing Mormon in the White House but please don't bring race in God's house.
Yes and yes! I don't need to know about Romney's underwear. Didn't need to know about Clinton's either. We're not electing a U.S. preacher. We're electing a president. Another four years of what we've got now, and we won't have to worry about 2016 because we won't have a country left, at least not a country we want to live in.
This is pathetic.
Yes, you certainly are. Playing the race card is always pathetic.
Yea BBC, 4 more years of Obama and the world as we know it is coming to an end. Sir, you need to stop watching the idiots on Fox "news" and start thinking for yourself. You are pathetic. What a joke you are. You and your ilk gave us the likes of George Bush for a hellish 8 years.BTW I am not trolling this forum but expressing an opinion.
The TROLL, who opposes everything ever written on this blog and worships his preacher, is an Obama supporter.
Well, he's batting 1000 in discernment.
"This story has racist overtones."
The TROLL does this every time there is a story about a black person.
Which actually makes him the racist.
Can't agree with you about this one. I went to this church for a while and pastor Washington is one of the least likely pastors to fleece the flock
I can't agree with you this time. I went to that church for a while. Don't believe pastor Washington would be doing anything to fleece his congregation in any way
nd Woneholyheretic said...
I can't agree with you this time. I went to that church for a while. Don't believe pastor Washington would be doing anything to fleece his congregation in any way
November 9, 2012 12:59 PM
Onlyholyheretic I beg to differ with you? Everything that Washington does is ultimately for money; And that a fact not speculation!
I think Jesus said go two by two and witness for Him. There was nothing said about constructing a building, orchestra pit, image mags. and spending millions of dollars on tv and having a sr pastor with $500,000 salaries, or trustees and deacon boards. This is outragous and in less than 2000 years.
Are you kidding me! Using the congerations money to build a for profit hotel and registering the hotel in their name? Heathens
The church, the land, hotel, and all the other Titus Harvest Dome assets are owned by R.J. Washington and family. The congregation owns nothing.
The followers of this false prophet are deluded.
You are all very incorrect about this. I attend this churxh and most of you are blaspheming. The church and its members who tithe eaxh own a peice if all our creations. I am appalled of all these wrong comments and I hope God shows you how wrong you are.
It sounds as if there are a lot of critical miserable people on this blog who have nothing else to do but criticize people. If there is anything that is a disgrace or pathetic. It is you and your behavior to worry about the works of someone else. FBC Watch dog, you knew exactly what you were doing when you made this blog. If you would take the time to meet this pastor you would love him. But since all of you have your stones out ready to criticize him...you reap what you sow. Get ready to be criticized in the same way that you are criticizing him and his family. Have a great day!
Please don't pass judgement based solely on what you see. I have attended this ministry & have been able to see the fruits of my family's tithing. This is a ministry that is giving back to the ministry by creating jobs, increasing property value & meeting the needs of the area. When these billionaires build businesses & take the jobs overseas, people whine & complain. But this is a man that is concerned about "home" & is creating & keeping jobs locally. Politics and race aside...this is a ministry that is about people & restoring them back to life. How about you all visit on Saturday mornings when the witnessing team goes out into communities seeking to encourage the lost or on Monday nights when the New Beginnings ministry ministers to the hearts of those that were bound by various addictions, or when crusades are held in various communities especially downtown & clothing & food are given to the residents/homeless. What baffles me even the more is when the ministry tried to open a homeless shelter in the heart of downtown, it was blocked because supposedly the city doesn't need another homeless shelter???? Pastor Washington was born & raised right here in Jacksonville & has ministered on many street corners in neighborhoods many wouldn't even drive by on a sunny day in June. Ask some of these other pastors when was the last time they came out to minister to the lives of the people? Before you criticize, get the facts. Blessings, LMI
When you look at the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt God gave them the wealth of the wicked and not one was feeble among them. here we are in 2013 God said. Beloved I wish above all things that mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.Titus harvest dome does minister to the Homeless those in prison those who have addictions and so on. Seeing countless souls saved. And most of all GODS GLORY RESTS IN THE PLACE. REACHING THE LOST AT ANY COST. JESUS LOVES YPU TO LIFE.
A lady who is a dear friend of mine who happens to be caucasian visited this church. She told me that after her visit, she was contacted by someone in the church that she was not welcomed there because its a blacks only church. That is the most absured thing I have ever heard in my life, to exclude people from God's message simply because of their race. Had it been the other way around, it would have been a huge stink and all over the press. Some people can be such hippocrites and miss the true message of Jesus of sharing His love with ALL His children.
I dont understand why christians fight each other. The sarcasam is ridiculous. An alcoholic will share their bottle with each other and unfortunately some one who smokes crack will share a crack pipe. The word of God said we should not judge each other.
This minister and his wife have been faithful for years. They given many eventst for the public at the cost. God has smile on the Man of God and his family because of their obedience to God. Pray for them and stop judging.
It's obvious you have no earthly idea what you are talking about because everything you are saying is so far from the truth,I have been a member of this ministry since 1994 and Pastor Washington never pressure us for money and this true man of GOD does a lot and I do mean a lot for the homeless abused women and just people in general so when you print something like this have facts because everything here is false
It is so obvious you have no idea what you are talking about I have been at this ministry since 1994 and Pastor Washington has never been about money he has done a whole lot for people including the homeless battered women etc.so when u publish something have facts because what you are stating is truly untrue.just remember this the more you'll continue to lie because that's what you're doing GOD will continue to bless him.
Im Caucasian been in the ministry since 1999this is a multicultural ministry.I am also one who contact people never has his ministry rejected people do to the race.as I stated in one of my other commentsTitus harvest domespectrum churchreaches out to those who society has rejected.drug addiction to alcohol addictionhomeless I think Godfor the man and woman of Godhave placed in my liferemember Jesus loves you to lifeand want you to live
Why is it that when Pastor Washington didn't have as much none of you had anything to say negative about him,but now that GOD has increased him you so called christian criticize him.This man & women of GOD has been Nothng but a blessing to this city how many pastors you know do events with no charge I'll answer for you very few nothng wrong with it but they do.He is so concerned about us & our well being spiritually first till it's unreal money has never been his motivation but souls are while you're lying on him and our ministry make sure you repent especially the individual that talked about the ministry operates in racism
Praise the lord and God Bless apostle RJ Washington & First Lady April Washington & may God continue to shine on both of you,& may God Bless those who bless you & curse those who curse you. Keep your heads up & May God continue to smile on you.
A present member of your church
"Any idiot can write science fiction. If you want to make real money, start a religion."
- L. Ron Hubbard
The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil. Their conscience is seared with a hot iron and they are blinded by their greed. They no longer seek The One True Living God. Pride goes before a fall, and a haughty spirit before Destruction.
God, I pray You Try this business -by Your Fire, by Your Word, and by Your Truth- and completely burn down to the ground Everything that is Not of You... I pray a housecleaning from the very top all the way to the very bottom. I know you hear, answer and delight in such. I believe it is done.
I pray in Your Son Jesus' precious name, Amen, whom bled and died for us All. I stand, expect and await Your speedy Justice.
Recorded in Heaven
God bless your church? This is sad. Jesus is the only Head of His True Church. This is the actual problem being addressed. Man owns nothing. It all belongs to God. He only paid The Price. I honor that price.
I did visit. I was reprimanded for using a breath mint. I was told it did not look good "on camera".
It is Man that looks on the outward appearance... But God looks at the Heart.
I was not there to seek man, but God. I did not find Him there. I looked elsewhere. That was 10 years ago.
"Be not deceived. What a man sows is what he will reap."
So many people on the outside looking in baring false reports about a ministry they don't even attend. Its sad the comments that jealous and self righteous persons leave because they lack understanding. Be slow to put your mouth on an Apostle and the work of the Lord. Just watch God uphold the vision he gave w praying church and soul winners. Now hold fast to that thought.
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