That makes sense. Most churches remind people that December 31 is the deadline for making any contributions that can be deducted for the current tax year.
But FBC Jax also made a pitch for more than just cash.
They let their donors know that FBC Jax will take whatever you have: not just cash, but lots of other stuff too! You got it, FBC Jax will take it!
Here is the quote from the FBC Jax letter:
"There are numerous ways you can give: Cash, Stocks, Bonds, Gold/precious metal, Jewelry, Land, Automobiles, Homes, and other tangible assets. Also, recent tax legislation in Washington has extended the ability of those aged 70 ½ and above to avoid taxes on their mandatory IRA distributions through charitable giving. This benefit is available through January 31, 2011 for 2010 distributions. If you would like to talk with someone about how to make a gift through any of these means, please contact...."
And I'm sure they will accept frankincense and myrrh. If you want to read the letter in it's entirety directly on the church's server, click here.
A couple of comments on this:
- for the storehouse tithing proponents, here is a question: would any of these contributions count toward satisfying God's demand to give 10% of my income? Or does the "tithe" only count on my cash earnings from my employer or business? And why does the "tithe" only count for my cash that I earn? Perhaps there is an Old Testament scripture that calls for 10% of all assets?
- Interesting that "Land" is mentioned as a possible non-cash contribution. I would suggest, however, that if you donate land to FBC Jax you actually have two options: you can either gift it to FBC Jax for their needs, or if the Lord so moves you, you can decide to gift it directly to the pastor or some other staff member who might be blessed by your land gift, especially if it is inside a gated community. Since the precedent was set in 2006 with regard to land gifts made directly to a minister, I'm sure no objection would be made by the pastor or the deacons or the board if you made significant gifts - land or other valuable assets - directly to the FBC Jax minister of your choice instead of to the church.
- yes, you can donate cash or non-cash assets to ANY 501(c)3 organization and take a tax write-off. Most people are aware of this. I am not sure that if you have valuables you wish to donate, that gifting them to a religious institution is the most efficient way to do this. Any thoughts on this? Or should the giver liquidate them and give cash? Are there other non-profit organizations who are better suited to receive certain non-cash donations, such as the Red Cross or Salvation Army?
- The mentioning of the IRA refers to what is called the "IRA Charitable Rollover" provision that was just reinstated this month by Congress, and the late date of their action caused them to extend the deadline to January 31. But if you are so inclined, you can actually rollover part or all of an IRA account to a 501(c)3 charitable organization which would include your church. I'm sure that those who are so wealthy that they would be able to make such a gift are very much aware of this provision by their tax accountants. But just in case you're not, now that FBC Jax has told you, you can make that rollover! And now that I think about it...maybe, just maybe, the Lord's wrath is on our country because the very wealthy have NOT yet made their IRA rollover contributions to the Lord's church.
This is the LAST post of 2010. Happy New Year, everyone, see you in 2011!
A lot of members of First Baptist found this email insulting - the word "me" and "I" is mentioned, but no signed signature of just who wrote who sent out this. Who is Me? Who is I?
The only names given were those you could contact if you wanted to contribute your "Stocks, Bonds, Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Land.
Maybe I missed the author of the "One Last Pitch" begging for more money.
Signing off for 2010! Happy New Year.
Good point. It is written in first person, yet no one signs their name at the bottom.
Egads, I think FBC Jax just sent an anonymous email to all of it's members. What is the world coming to?
or....maybe it is from God Himself.
Was there some threat associated with the email? Was it sent to all members of FBCJ or just those gullible sheep that don't give? I nor the thousands of folks that I know were "offended". And if they were they would do like anyone else; complain and not give any money anyway. So what is your point WD? Who cares?
OBVIOUSLY YOU D0!!!!!!!!!!!!
God already gave His Gift.
God already gave His Gift.
"Good point. It is written in first person, yet no one signs their name at the bottom. "
Which is strange because they are always pontificating about anonymous letters, etc.
Now, it seems no one person wants to take the responsibility for such an email. Wonder why?
I heard a popular SBC pastor once say that what he does with anonymous correspondence, when a person doesn't sign their name, he just spits on them and throws them in the garbage can. Another younger SBC pastor once yelled "SIGN YOUR NAME!!!" and used names like "pathetic" and "coward" to describe those who send emails and don't sign their names.
You just don't know. That email might not be from a staff member. If they don't sign their name, you should follow the advice of your pastors and totally ignore them.
Just wondering, would FBCJ KNOWLING accept lottery winnings? Dr. Lindsey always said no.
"I heard a popular SBC pastor once say that what he does with anonymous correspondence, when a person doesn't sign their name, he just spits on them and throws them in the garbage can. Another younger SBC pastor once yelled "SIGN YOUR NAME!!!" and used names like "pathetic" and "coward" to describe those who send emails and don't sign their names."
I heard this all the time in the mega world. In fact, they always said they never read them when I knew for a fact they not only read them but discussed them in mgmt meetings trying to figure out who wrote them and if it could become a potential bigger problem.
Anything not signed or anonymous was considered big time taboo...a sin. This was for a good reason. To track dissent and deal with it quickly.
If the email was sent from the church email then the sender would display the church email addy not a person's name. This was done a lot but usually signed by the sender or writer of the email.
I think it was a huge mistake for them not to sign it considering their view toward anonymous communications. More of do as I say and not as I do.
"Just wondering, would FBCJ KNOWLING accept lottery winnings? Dr. Lindsey always said no."
Of course you can't do this. Who would even consider such a thing unless they have had one drink too many.
Drinking is OK but tithing is a sin, winning the lottery and giving a part of it to the church is an abomination.
What have we been thinking all these years?
Dog you have jumped the shark!
I totally agree with the original purpose of the blog pointing out the abuses of megas but some of your posts are just ridiculous and hyper-sensitive.
I haven't seen the e-mail but could the lack of a signature be a simple mistake by the author? It is not really anonymous since it came from the churches e-mail and no attempt to keep the source hidden. There is no problem with a charity pointing out methods by which they can receive contributions.
In one of your comments you ask if giving non-cash gifts is an "efficient" way to do it. I don't see why not. It is up to the recipient to determine what they can and cannot accept.
I found giving some shares of stock to my church a very efficient way to resolve some issues. The stock was originally gifted to me as a teenager. I reinvested the dividends and over many years I had a lot of shares bought in small allotments. So when I started at looking into selling the shares determining the basis of the shares was a nightmare. The solution was to give the shares as a non-cash donation to the church and the value of the shares was determined by the price of the shares the day I signed the shares over. I considered the amount of the shares as part of my planned giving for the year. I realize there was some expense to the church in liquidating the shares or whatever they did with them but there is a staff in place to handle such things and I believe the benefit outweighed any expenses incurred.
You are attempting to make something out of absolutely nothing and I think it is obfuscating your original message.
Lighten up anon...don't be so hypersensitive! :)
"I haven't seen the e-mail but could the lack of a signature be a simple mistake by the author? It is not really anonymous since it came from the churches e-mail and no attempt to keep the source hidden. There is no problem with a charity pointing out methods by which they can receive contributions. "
An indicator would be if all mass emails like this are never signed or even have a contact person.
I mean if you are going to hand over jewelry, shouldn't it be to a person? Who? Did the email say how to go about this or just contact the church office?
I don't think it was a mistake at all. Stuff that goes out like this has to be approved by certain channels even the wording. It is all thought out very carefully.
Not having a signer helps if there is a backlash to the email.
It actually communicates a certain desperation.
is it wrong to ask people to support God's work?
do you have such a problem with giving.....is it guilt?
not in 2011 go after Satan and His angels....not God's!
don't you mind your own business....don't you go to another church now?
"is it wrong to ask people to support God's work?"
Sure it is God's work? I don't recall Paul begging for money to maintain his Villa in Tarsus or a cruise down the Jordan... while he claimed to be doing "God's" work.
Nor did he beg for money to build a shrine to impress people or pay his salary. Read Acts 20. He took nothing.
Mac should try his hand at making tents. Be careful what you believe is "God's work". None of us do that. Only God does. It is typical of the mentality today to be man centered instead of Christ centered. But it sounds like the typical mega mantra so folks can feel good about themselves instead of being Holy.
Watch the Feed Your Flock Doritoes and Pepsi Max ad in the Superbowl contest. It starts out with the problem of no new parishioners and a huge pile of bills. It ends with lots on new parishioners and the bills paid.
I think they've accidentally gotten the word out that that's the main purpose of those in the pews.
"do you have such a problem with giving.....is it guilt?"
It is scary that you have no guilt giving to maintain a high lifestyle for your "pastor" while overlooking the least of these. Now that is scary. Not only that but you think a building is more important than people. Scary!
Yet another day without Mac at FBC, and yet another day without a visitor's reception. I guess since Mac can't see fit to be there on the first service of 2011, its not important to appropriately welcome our guests either. I especially enjoyed how the "worship" service involved just two songs of praise for God, and then, wait for it... CHA CHING! Whip out those wallets, stocks, bonds, boats, etc. It's money time! I was disturbed by my experience today. Next will come those ATM machines that dispense gold bars- a much safer investment for those that want to hand it all over to Mac, err, the church.
Do mega-churches have ATM machines yet? That might increase giving.
**sigh** Yes, there are ATM machines in some churches.
It's official now, the moneychangers ARE in the Temple.
FBC Jax is evil....Mac is crazy....Money Changers in the Temple....They just want your money...Tithing is wrong...Preachers are swindlers...
Let's end this Blog and win the world to Christ!!!
ATM, that is outdated. Someone said they went to The Potter's House and they walk around with creditcard scanners to take your donation during service. ATM, that is so old school.
I was at a service the other day and the lady next to me had the right idea. She whipped out a twenty and gave it to the usher and a few minutes later he came back with 15 bucks in change for her. That is my kind of lady.
Anon 9:38 - strange how you hear what you want to hear.
"FBC Jax is evil". No one has ever said that. I certainly don't believe that.
"Tithing is wrong" - nope, never said that. People should give 10% or 1% or 30% as the Lord leads them. Misuing the bible to guilt people into believing them must tithe to avoid calamity or God's judgement - THAT is wrong.
"Preachers are swindlers" - where did that come from?
And you do repeat the chorus: "Let's end this blog"...sort of like "shut 'em down", right?
Hi Tom! Just wanted to prove I'm still reading. I haven't had much to say. I opened my blog to all, but to save time - just pray for my son. He returns to the Army today. His name is Tim.
Keep up the good work!
Let's end this Blog and win the world to Christ!!!
What Christ are you referring of, the one who wants your money or the one who dose not need money
Anon January 2, 2011. 4:34,
I totally agree. I was at yesterday's service, too, and was also very concerned The fact that Mac couldn't be at his own church at the beginning of the New Year is very telling, indeed, with no explanation of where he ( or Jim Whitmire ) are.
Jim Smyrl simply launched right into the sermon. We had a large group of Middle School students returning from a mission trip to Miami, and nothing was mentioned, not
even prayer for their safe return.......sad.
Also, it looks like the auditorium renovations are now complete. Either the congregation came up with several hundred thousand dollars overnight, the church went into debt for the job, or they had the money the entire time, and were using the threat of not completing the work to manipulate the sheep into giving......again, very sad indeed.
Yea Yea Yea. Here we go in 2011. Bash the Church, Bash the Preachers, Bash the Evangelists, Bash Mac, Bash Ergun, Bash FBC Jax, Bash Ed Young Jr., Bash NewSpring Church and Perry Noble, Bash anyone that tries to do something a little different than your standard Southern Baptist pablum.
Maybe the problem is us. Maybe its not all Mac and Company, maybe it is the Critics that need to be criticized .......just a thought
Do mega-churches have ATM machines yet? That might increase giving.
Bellevue does. That's in addition to at least two "boxes" where you can drop your envelope anytime the building is open. Word is one of them has been broken into at least twice. They reportedly kept the building open on New Year's Eve so people could get in that last tax deduction for 2010.
Let's end this Blog and win the world to Christ!!!
You didn't graduate in the top half of your class, did you? Who do you think you are to tell someone to "end" his own blog? Or to even "suggest" it? If you have something important to say, start your own blog. If you don't like what's written here, don't read it. It's really very easy for most of us to grasp these simple concepts. I don't understand why it seems to be such a challenge for you.
Anon 11:42,
Two words. Grow. up.
I was at yesterday's service, too, and was also very concerned The fact that Mac couldn't be at his own church at the beginning of the New Year is very telling, indeed, with no explanation of where he ( or Jim Whitmire ) are.
Don't know about Mac, but Jim Whitmire is in Memphis until later this week. I think he's here about as much as he's in Jax.
"Dog you have jumped the shark!"
The cliche jumped the shark has jumped the shark.
"FBC Jax is evil....Mac is crazy....Money Changers in the Temple....They just want your money...Tithing is wrong...Preachers are swindlers..."
In a word discernment. Celebrity worshiping pew sitters who (after sitting on the pew for 20 years) still can't interpret scripture in context and are therefore consigned to manipulation and deceit.
All of the problems that you mentioned would be gone if the sheep held their leaders to Biblical standards.
Take a look in the mirror.
"Let's end this Blog and win the world to Christ!!!"
There is nothing more Christian than trying to censor another's views.
"Bash the Church, Bash the Preachers, Bash the Evangelists, Bash Mac, Bash Ergun, Bash FBC Jax, Bash Ed Young Jr., Bash NewSpring Church and Perry Noble, Bash anyone that tries to do something a little different than your standard Southern Baptist pablum."
So, how are you different by bashing this blog?
Gotcha! Mac said 'Tithing was Biblical'...Gotcha! It's OT!!
Mac said "let's pay off our Church Debt"...Gotcha...Mac's in it for the money!
Mac sneezed and said 'gesundheit' instead of "God bless you"...Gotcha...Mac's not spiritual!
Mac got on his knees and prayed....Gotcha..."Mac is just putting on a show"..
Gotcha! Mac said 'Tithing was Biblical'...Gotcha! It's OT!!
Mac said "let's pay off our Church Debt"...Gotcha...Mac's in it for the money!
Mac sneezed and said 'gesundheit' instead of "God bless you"...Gotcha...Mac's not spiritual!
Mac got on his knees and prayed....Gotcha..."Mac is just putting on a show"..
January 3, 2011 2:40 PM
It seems that thinking is not a prized commodity at FBCJax.
Three emotions that I sense when I stumble on this Blog:
1. Pride. It is so sad to see the pride and arrogance written on here by so called Christians.
2. Jealousy. It seems that many of those who visit here are jealous of Mac. Is there some kind of inadequacy in your own life?
4. Bitterness. You can smell the sulfur in the air when you just log on here.
I got to go.
I am choking.
"Bellevue does. That's in addition to at least two "boxes" where you can drop your envelope anytime the building is open. Word is one of them has been broken into at least twice. They reportedly kept the building open on New Year's Eve so people could get in that last tax deduction for 2010."
I almost like the idea of these boxes better than passing around the plates during the middle of service. It is sad when more time is spent collecting the money during worship than actually spending time praising the Lord. But, I do see your point.
Anon - a few comments:
- it is impossible to "stumble" on to this blog. If it is smelling of sulfur in your nostrils, please stop visiting. Do what the vast, vast majority of people do, and that is they don't come here.
- you say "So called Christians" - typical response to infer people posting here are not real Christians.
- the "jealousy" tag again. I wonder if you are jealous of the blog? I just don't get the accusations of jealousy, I wish you would explain.
- When you have three items, they should be numbered 1, 2, 3, not 1, 2, 4.
Have a nice evening.
This is not a big deal to me. Any business can ask for such things. Makes sense to me. However, what struck me about the "article" was the following statement:
"We continue to take the gospel of Christ to those outside the walls of this church by going where few dare go in this city, to minister to those who few know exist."
As far as I know they DO NOT go into the inner city at all (their own back yard) and if few know of a certain group of people, how did they find out about this secretive, hidden group of people?
From Doc:
Sounds like Star Trek. "We boldy go where no one has gone before to those few know about."
I would like to be given the evidence of this statement. Just curious.
Off Topic: A very, very interesting and pivotal sermon by Pastor Wade Burleson was delivered yesterday at Emmanuel - Enid, titled "Your Year of Jubilee". What a contrast! Praise God for sending his Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ! This sermon shows Wade's heart. God bless him and Emmanuel. Pastor Wade's sermon start at 35:54 Emmanuel - Enid.
"Jealousy. It seems that many of those who visit here are jealous of Mac. Is there some kind of inadequacy in your own life?"
What should we be jealous of? The expensive home in the gated community? The expensive cars? Vacations to the Holy Land? Getting whisked off the stage like a rock-star after his "sermon?" As a mega-church pastor, Brunson gets paid a ton more money than I do, and I can promise you, this blog reader is certainly not jealous of him. Why should I be jealous of someone like him? Seems as though by making the statement you made, you admit that the lifestyle he maintains is one worthy of the jealously of others. Is this really befitting a man called by God to protect the truth of His Word?
""We continue to take the gospel of Christ to those outside the walls of this church by going where few dare go in this city, to minister to those who few know exist."
Where? What kind of outreach to those outside of the middle-class does FBC do? This line reminds me of "The Village," and "those who we do not speak of."
My hope for Christians everywhere, particularly those who belong to megas, will realize anew that your pastor works for YOU. It is not the other way around! You are not a hostage. You are free to choose!
Back to reference to the word "me" and "I" used in mass email, for those who attended the Christmas Eve service, remember the instructions from Mac while departing the building, "Don't drip wax on "MY" carpet!!!!!!!
"My hope for Christians everywhere, particularly those who belong to megas, will realize anew that your pastor works for YOU. It is not the other way around! You are not a hostage. You are free to choose!"
January 4, 2011 8:54 AM
It's a little difficult for members at FBCJ to realize their pastor is working for them when he's gone more than here. Yes, we are being held hostage - his contract is binding.
Right, It's been Mac's church since he arrived and we best not mess up HIS new carpet! ! ! :>)
Anonymous said...
Back to reference to the word "me" and "I" used in mass email, for those who attended the Christmas Eve service, remember the instructions from Mac while departing the building, "Don't drip wax on "MY" carpet!!!!!!!
It's official......The House of God has become The House of Mac.
I almost like the idea of these boxes better than passing around the plates during the middle of service. It is sad when more time is spent collecting the money during worship than actually spending time praising the Lord.
I didn't mean to imply that these boxes have taken the place of passing the plate. They haven't.
When you have three items, they should be numbered 1, 2, 3, not 1, 2, 4.
Thy Peace - you are right, a wonderful sermon by Wade. Thanks for sharing that.
"Jealousy. It seems that many of those who visit here are jealous of Mac. Is there some kind of inadequacy in your own life?"
If you understood J-Day, you would never be jealous of Mac. You would pity him.
Church of Laodicea.
MY carpet? MY CARPET??!!! Even in jest, that isn't funny.
Long Time FBC Jax Member said...It's official......The House of God has become The House of Mac.
I have been at FBCJAX much longer than most and have probably watched you pick your nose or sleep in the pews for decades from the choir loft.
If you don't recognize humor or can't stand sitting/sleeping in the pews do yourself and your family a favor and just leave instead of having a mac attack about something and making yourself sick.
It certainly would be less of a chore I would think.
Anonymous said:
Yes, we are being held hostage - his contract is binding.
Wait, are you implying Mac has a contract? Is this speculation or does he in fact have some kind of CEO style of contract at FBCJ?
Tell me it ain't so.
Then Long time member says:
'If you don't recognize humor or can't stand sitting/sleeping in the pews do yourself and your family a favor and just leave instead of having a mac attack about something and making yourself sick.'
What a wierd comment and oh such compassion. Sense of humor, yep, got one.
Poor taste in what he cracked about? No doubt it is, the boy can make with the snide remarks. He can play the punk side.
Been in SBC churches for over 40 years, and now I am seeing it disentegrate into something I know not.
Will FBCJax want to have Robert Jefress when his turn is up at FBCDallas? This church seems to be a spring board ford preachers looking to continue their upwardly mobile careers.
OS Hawkins moved up the ladder, Mac took his turn to move up to a larger congregation and a sweet land deal.
Off Topic: As a follow up to the earlier comment I made on Wade's sermon, I would encourage readers to possibly also listen to this sermon: Emmanuel - Enid [Wade Burleson] [2003 January] > Series on "Romans: The Integrity of God" > #46. The Law Couldn't . . . But God Did (Romans 8:2-4). A very apt sermon that ties with the earlier one delivered last Sunday.
I have no problem with my Pastor signing a 5 year contract to stay at our Church. He has done an amazing job! I pray that they are renegotiating to get a contract extension. I would love to see Mac get a 10 year deal that would tie him here till 2021! God gives us wisdom and we should use it. Don't say this is not Biblical....Paul said he too was a Bond-Servant!
Anonymous said...
" I would love to see Mac get a 10 year deal that would tie him here till 2021! "
January 4, 2011 9:05 PM
Just when you thought the rapture was any day now...
Guess we'll just have to wait, as the mega's need their monies.
Anonymous said...
" I would love to see Mac get a 10 year deal that would tie him here till 2021! "
January 4, 2011 9:05 PM
Are you willing to pay his 6-figure salary, allowances, benefits, and vacations?
(For himself and his family ?? )
"Will FBCJax want to have Robert Jefress when his turn is up at FBCDallas?"
They will have lost their last marble if they do so.
At least they asked. Years ago a methodist church wrote my 12 year old letter noting that she did not tithe, and demanding to know what stocks, bonds, real estate etc. she owned. So we moved to a baptist church and when she was 14, they apparently did not think that she put enough in the plate, so they sent a nasty letter to her demanding a copy of her W2. This was in a small church where there was no excuse as to not knowing her age.
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