But apparently I was wrong. According to Mac Brunson, Tim's pastor at FBC Jax, Brunson is the one who had to console Tim, and to teach him out of the Old Testament book of Job to help Tim cope with the immense suffering Tim has had to endure of late.
Yes, Tim is criticized. About everything.
But he never, ever complains about it. Unlike mega church pastors, Tim never calls his critics names, or tells them they are nuts or that they are recalcitrants or anything else. He doesn't yell about how people should stop reading what his critics write. Tim doesn't try to shut down unjust criticism. He doesn't stand on a podium and wag his finger about how terrible his life is. He isn't afraid to answer questions from his critics, and when asked demeaning questions by his critics, he smiles and is a gentleman and employs Proverbs 15:1, "...a gentle answer turns away wrath."
That is why it is shocking to hear that Tim Tebow's pastor, Mac Brunson, is the one who has had to teach Tebow how to handle criticism after the New York Jets game. Mac, the pastor who just a few weeks prior to his meeting with Tim went on a rant complaining about how terrible his life has been as pastor at FBC Jax where Tim grew up, needed to tell Tim how to cope with the criticism.
According to Mac Brunson's Twitter feed, Brunson and his son flew to Denver for the Thursday night 11/17 game against the Jets. Brunson also Tweeted that he met with Tim Tebow and his family for prayer and bible study Friday morning after Tebow led his Denver Broncos to a thrilling victory over the Jets. The following Sunday, Brunson couldn't help but to let his congregation know in his sermon that he was with Tebow, how Tim was terribly upset over how much criticism he has had to face, and how God used Mac to help Tim cope with his suffering.
According to Mac, Tim told him he has never suffered in life like he has lately, and that Tim said "I don't have anybody that believes in me."
Really? Did Tim say that to his pastor, that he doesn't have anybody that believes in him? And if he did, why would his pastor blab it to his mega church and stream it on the Internet?
Even more unbelievable than that, Mac said God used him to share with Tebow out of the book of Job to help him cope with his suffering. "Let me tell you about a man named Job", is what Brunson says he told Tim, after he told him how terribly he was suffering.
Do what?
The book of Job?
Tim Tebow does not have one thing in common with Job from the Old Testament, and his life has no resemblance to Job's experience. Maybe Tim is a Samson or a Gideon, but JOB? Job's story is one of immense heartache, disease, loss, and pain, and how God delivered him through it. Tim's story is the exact opposite of Job's: Tim has lived the most blessed life one can imagine, and Tim acknowledges that every single time he has a chance to speak.
Why would a mega church pastor think of referring to the book of Job to console a blessed man like Tim Tebow?
The answer is easy, and one I've written about quite a bit this year (here, here, and here). Mega church pastors like Mac Brunson view criticism as some form of modern martyrdom. Mac and so many of his cohorts in mega church land lead incredibly blessed lives of privilege. Yet Mac tells his congregation how terrible his life is because of criticism he faces. Mac has thousands and thousands of Christians and pastors literally all over the world that love him and adore him. He is invited to speak worldwide. He travels extensively. His own church loves him and supports him and allows him to live a very comfortable lifestyle. Yet as he said here, the criticism he has faced has made his life miserable, and he only came to FBC Jax to endure the pain for the sake of Jesus.
Mac has been criticized here in Jacksonville, and much of it deservedly so over actions his church has taken under his leadership.
But to criticize a pastor is to criticize God himself in the minds of the mega pastors. Brunson's church even passed a "Deacon's Resolution" condemning what they called "unjust criticism and ridicule" (aimed squarely at this blog) as being an attack on the Lord's church. They used a police officer who was a church member, a discipline committee member, and a deacon and church employee to pull investigative subpoenas on this blog and two other blogs critical of mega church pastors resulting in a first amendment lawsuit settled last year.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Brunson will have his trustees and congregation pass a resolution condemning "unjust criticism" of Tim Tebow. Surely that would pass unanimously!
But we know the truth. Tim doesn't view himself the way Brunson characterized him, not one single bit. If he does, then he has been lying every day when he says how blessed he is and that it is the support of his fans and family that keep him going. And Tim is no liar, Mac.
Tim Tebow has told his fans for years now that he is the most blessed man alive, and that he doesn't let those that criticize him get him down. Tim tells us he concentrates on the blessings he has, and on the millions of supporters that do love him and pray for him.
He even posted on Facebook just yesterday the following:
"Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and very kind words of support. I noticed that a few people were wondering if I actually read all of your comments and I wanted to let you know that I try my best to read all of them and that I use them as encouragement throughout my week. Thanks again everyone, have a good night and as always, God bless & Go Broncos aka GB bless & Go Broncos" Tim Tebow on his Facebook page, 12/13/12Tim told Deion Sanders on national TV after the Jets game: "God has blessed me with so many people that support me, a great family that supports me, great teammates and a coaching staff and that's what I'm focused on."
Yet Mac wants us to believe Tim thinks he has no one that believes in him.
I believe Tim. I don't believe Mac.
Next time you run into Mac at the airport or at the cruise terminal, please take the time to help him and say:
"Mac, let me tell you about a man named Tim Tebow."
Martyrdom is really not attractive. If Tebow did say "nobody believes in me," I guess he's referring to the criticism. That actually confused me, cause I thought there were huge crowds cheering for him and rooting for him even before recently.
I don't follow football that closely, but it sounds like Tebow's attitude is a good one if he's always saying how he knows he's blessed and not saying anything negative toward his critics.
The whole idea of him or a mega pastor being a martyr is absurd. Are the sick? Are they poor? Are they maimed or dead from fighting for our country? No. They are loved and are very wealthy and have great talents. A much better life than many, many others. And more power to Tebow! The martyr role doesn't seem to attract him, and that's a good thing.
Another thing. If I told a pastor something, then he mentioned it in a sermon?? Of course, if he asked my permission ahead of time, that would be fine. But, otherwise, not right.
So, I guess at FBJ when you share a personal concern with your pastor it becomes sermon material for the next Sunday.
Does this man not understand anything about confidentiality?
Mac needs attention and is "boasting" about his relationship with Tim Tebow - this man can't keep his mouth shut - this should have been kept a private conversation. Mac Brunson runs his mouth far to much!
I am always impressed with how you can take another's situation and always bring it back to Mac and then how you have been mistreated and maligned and how innocent you are. You would indeed make a great lawyer but you get no sympathy here. You caused the whole mess with your anonymous blog and you should begin adding that to your whining posts.
"You caused the whole mess with your anonymous blog and you should begin adding that to your whining posts."
Comment above posted anonymously.
Can't believe he would do this! Mmm, gone again on a Sunday?
"Mac used him for his selfish gain of importance. A biblical leader is someone who you can go to keep deep emotional hurts confidential. Mac does not demonstrate self-control with his tongue. Self-control is one of the main qualities of being a deacon/elder."
Pastor told this story to encourage us to endure hardship.
I see no value in what you are trying to say about my Pastor.
Tim called MAC not the other way around.
Perhaps there is some jealousy on your part???
Mac is being used by God to influence a great Christian athlete...and the problem is???
Is there anything that you like about Mac?
Or could it be that you need to change your name from:
Is there anything that you like about Mac?
Answer: As for me & my family - NO! (our opinion)
Just because someone posts anonymously does not detract from the fact that Tom Rich posted an anonymous blog and did huge damage to a church and its fellowship. But then, this blog has their kool-aid drinkers that would jump on anyone who dares disagree with them.
I do not know if this is what you intend, but what you are portraying borders on the . . . .
First of all, it appears that you want the ability to criticize Brunson, or whoever, and fully expect them to say nothing back. It is almost as though you cut them, and then blame them for bleeding.
You are portraying that you have a "right" to criticize them, but they are "wrong" if they bite back.
It seems that in your mind they should just "take it" "expect it" "they signed up for it" and you're willing to give it.
but because they have a comfortable lifestyle, they cannot, and I mean cannot, criticize back.
What you do is criticizing, but what they do is whining? Brother, you are kicking them and then blaming them for hollering ouch!
A Christian can bite, but a Christian can't bite back?
Secondly. - Do not make the mistake of saying that "Since Tim has had a blessed life of comfort, success and accolades," that he has no right to holler ouch when someone cuts him.
The money, the fame, the success, the support, and whatever other blessings you want to heap on him, do not insulate him from the personal pain of being autopsied on every news outlet in the country.
You seem to have the idea that "these people set themselves up as targets," therefore "Christians are free to shoot" without regard for anything else.
Brother, you couldn't pay me $6 million dollars" to endure the criticism that Tim is enduring.
What you are missing is that for some people, all it takes is for one jerk in your mind, to trump the thousands of supporters at your back.
I realize Tebow makes a lot of money, and has a lot of support, and has a blessed life. That does not mean, the criticism doesn't not get to him, nor does that mean, he deserves it, or should just sit there and take it.
The "martyr" role doesn't attract him, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him.
Where did this idea come from that "blessed lives" don't bleed when they get cut? or that they have no right to say, "that hurts" when someone rips into them?
You are portraying the kind of spirit that wants to find someone to just sit there and take it, so that you and others can pour it out on them.
That may not be your intentions at all, but that is the appearance.
I'm happy for Tim, and Saddened for Tim. He is blessed, but there sure are a lot of people that do not want him to enjoy it.
"Just because someone posts anonymously does not detract from the fact that Tom Rich posted an anonymous blog and did huge damage to a church and its fellowship."
Yes, it does. It makes them a hypocrite. It's wrong for you to criticize someone anonymously but not for me to do the same thing. And the funny thing is that they don't even recognize the contradiction.
Pointing out wrongdoing by a pastor is not "doing huge damage to a church and its fellowship." It is doing them a favor. At this point, discipline is supposed to take place. That is what scripture commands. There are many precedents in the Old and New Testaments.
David didn't call Nathan a sociopath when he was told "you are the man."
"Pastor told this story to encourage us to endure hardship."
Sounds more like name dropping to me.
"I see no value in what you are trying to say about my Pastor."
That's because you are a man-worshipper.
"Tim called MAC not the other way around."
Who cares?
"Perhaps there is some jealousy on your part???"
Judging motivations again are we?
"Mac is being used by God to influence a great Christian athlete...and the problem is???"
The problem is that he is a joke.
"Is there anything that you like about Mac?"
Yes, I like it when he is out of town - which is VERY often.
"Or could it be that you need to change your name from:
Now that's funny.
I don't care who you are!
Dear Kool-Aid Drinker,
Your statement that Mac is guilty of wrongdoing is simply something you have conjured up in your own opinion. Obviously the people of FBCJ don't have much of a problem with it since the church is full. Sounds to me like you've been drinking Tom's kool-aid for too long.
"Dear Kool-Aid Drinker,
Your statement that Mac is guilty of wrongdoing is simply something you have conjured up in your own opinion. Obviously the people of FBCJ don't have much of a problem with it since the church is full. Sounds to me like you've been drinking Tom's kool-aid for too long."
Ever heard the term "projecting?"
You might want to look it up and see your picture is next to the term in Wikipedia.
Mac's long list of failures is well-documented on this blog. It's not up for debate any longer among those with any discernment. Mac has no one to blame but himself for the membership that has been cut in half along with the budget.
Unfortunately, Mac hasn't learned (most men of his age haven't) that the Internet has changed the world. He can't get away with bullying and intimidation in the age of information.
Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Even Jimmy Swaggart has a few die hard members in his church who refuse to face reality.
Like you, they worship the man (instead of the God that he supposedly represents) and he can do no wrong in their eyes. No matter how many times he is caught with hookers.
"conjured up in your own opinion"
Mac says not to read this blog.
Why are you disobeying him?
Is Mac wrong for telling people not to read this blog, or are you wrong for reading it?
And you are doing more harm than good by leaving your ignorant comments.
It just lets everyone know that they are right about the type of pew sitter that allows a pastor like that to remain in the pulpit.
Those like you with no moral fiber.
Which is it? Did WD do "great damage" to FBCJ or did he do it a favor?
Funny how we took Dr. Lindsay for granted. Now that we have Mac Brunson for a part-time pastor it makes me appreciate the time we had Dr. Lindsay as our full time pastor. Just listening to his sermons on the radio in the afternoon you could tell he really loved Jesus and First Baptist.
Anon. 4:25PM. The church ain't full. Even taking out all those seats both in the choir and in the auditorium Mac still can't fill the auditorium, even after the 3.5 million dollar remodel. Its gotten so bad they now hold the Wed. night service back in the Ruth Lindsay auditorium and First Baptist dropped to #3 on the largest churches in jacksonville
This has the ring of being just another preacher's story.
Any millionaire preacher that hasn't lost his family, his health and his assets like Job did, but still related the entire book of Job to himself, is delusional and a freak. And telling Tim Tebow about Job is arrogant. He might as well said "let me tell you about playing quarterback" since Tim ALREADY knows the story of Job. He had Homer Lindsay, Jr. and Jerry Vines and Bob and Pam Tebow and his brothers and sisters, all to teach him about from the time he was a child. Why would Mac need to tell him about a man named Job.
Like Tom wrote, Tebow is the exact opposite of Job. For a Bible historian and expositor like "Doctor" Brunson to apply the book of Job to Tebow or himself, should be spiritual malpractice.
But isn't it cool to know Mac and Trey rub elbows with a big celebrity like Tebow. Tebow and his family are the real deal and worthy of our respect. Mac is a name dropping wolf in sheep's clothing. The Bible warned us about his kind.
"Obviously the people of FBCJ don't have much of a problem with it since the church is full."
Correct says Joel Osteen. And Amen, says the billion plus members of the Catholic church. "Wide is the path that leads to destruction, and MANY are on it" says Jesus.
Off Topic - Bob Jones University today to hold a silent protest to get the word out about sexual abuse within Independent Fundamental Baptist Christian circles
Hurry flagged and will probably be removed soon
Annonymous spake:
"Your statement that Mac is guilty of wrongdoing is simply something you have conjured up in your own opinion."
Seems pretty clear from the video Mac is name dropping on his association with Tim Tebow and needs some puffery for his story telling. THis is a too frequent feature in his sermons.
Pure gimmickry and its too simple and obvious to conclude. BUt you go ahead and be sham-wowed by it, it does tickle the ears and boosts the status of your pastor.
And why in the world would he breach a confidentiality? I hope Tim approved that message. Otherwise ol'Macky is back in town, for a little while at least, until the next gig.
Anonymous (December 14, 2011 10:24 AM) said: “Mac is being used by God to influence a great Christian athlete...and the problem is???”
This is the problem. I honestly do not see how Mr. Brunson’s counsel would be genuinely useful for Mr. Tebow.
If anything, Mr. Brunson’s said preachings come across to me as an attempt by Mr. Brunson to boost his image through actively promoting his association with Mr. Tebow. That is it—what Mr. Brunson publicly preached about the situation in question is just a standard public relations move which any Pastor who is concerned about their name would take.
Anonymous (December 14, 2011 10:24 AM) said: “Pastor told this story to encourage us to endure hardship.”
This would be true, if you simply take what Mr. Brunson preached at face value.
BTW, why do you refer to your Pastor as just “Pastor”? I find it strange that you are using the term “Pastor” as both the name and the title of your Pastor.
Anonymous (December 14, 2011 10:24 AM) said: “Tim called MAC not the other way around.”
If so, then I do not understand why. Given Mr. Brunson’s questionable behavior in the past, the spiritual side of the association between Mr. Brunson and Mr. Tebow puzzles and concerns me.
Anon wrote:
"the fact that Tom Rich posted an anonymous blog and did huge damage to a church and its fellowship. But then, this blog has their kool-aid drinkers"
You just don't get it do you? Perhaps you don't want to see what is really going on here. It's about integrity of men in power and integrity of the teaching of the Word.
I hereby slap a no-trespass order on you. Seems to be the rage in FBCJAX. Sheriffs will arrive soon to issue official orders from teh court, you are not allowed here.
(Are you starting to get the picture now?)
Tebow: Just play football. It's a game--only a game.
Watchdog is a full blown Narcissist. He obviously has a fixation with himself. He can take so many harmless occurences and read his own situation into them. What a wimpy little child! Get some help! Get over yourself! Your worse than those you criticize. Get the beam out of your own eye! These articles are rediculous. What a spin zone!
So how many poor or sick people has the preacher visited or led to the Lord recently. Oh, that's right, no one is home!
News alert....Job needs money again.
Never Fear, Mac rode in to the rescue!! Wheew, that was a close one
I hereby slap a no-trespass order on you. Seems to be the rage in FBCJAX. Sheriffs will arrive soon to issue official orders from teh court, you are not allowed here.
(Are you starting to get the picture now?)
AMEN! And as the one post said "the church ain't full" is right on the mark.
Until Mac walks down to the courthouse & removes the no-trespass order he has no respect in this town!
You say that the video isn't being used for commercial gain. Are you not making money through this website by posting adds on it?
We all have moments where we doubt and can be down on ourselves.
If Tim said this privately to his pastor I have no qualms towards Tim about it. He's human.
I'm a Florida State guy. My wife is Georgia. We both love Tim Tebow. If our son ever wanted to wear his jersey or dawn his number we wouldn't object in the least.
I love how he makes the overpaid "football experts" look like stuck-up, washed-up, shallow, insecure idiots.
I believe in Tebow and wish him the best!
The difference between this young man is that he is sincere and wouldn't hurt anyone with his words stomping his feet, pointing his fingers, having hissy fits towards his team mates and fans.
As for Mac, he's well known to be a bully pastor "big difference" between a young man & a so called
preache. Brunson needs to be fired - the church would get their congregation back!
Don't be holding your breath waiting for Mac to rescind the no trespass order. Its there to stay--and rightly so.
Which is it? Did WD do "great damage" to FBCJ or did he do it a favor?
Dumb question.
"Watchdog is a full blown Narcissist."
If you truly believe that, why would you continue to read his articles and post comments?
Your actions contradict your words.
"He obviously has a fixation with himself."
But it pales in comparison to your fixation with him.
"He can take so many harmless occurences and read his own situation into them."
You mean like being served with trespass papers by his pastor?
"What a wimpy little child!"
I know you are but what am I?
Can we keep this on an adult level?
"Get some help! Get over yourself!"
Apparently not.
I suppose that this is what you are reduced to when you know that the facts are not on your side.
"Your worse than those you criticize."
Worse than Pastor? I thought he was perfect.
"Get the beam out of your own eye!"
Perhaps you should take your own advice.
"These articles are rediculous."
Not as ridiculous as your spelling.
"What a spin zone!"
That explains why you seem so dizzy!
God has his hand on Tim Tebow.
Tim's spiritual advisor is Mac Brunson.
Tim has grown into the man of God that he is partially because of the influence of Mac.
Therefore, Mac is having a divine influence in this nation thru his "spiritual son" Tim Tebow.
So, it can be said, that Mac has the ability to cast vision, raise up leaders, and have national impact that is influencing millions for Christ.
Condemn Mac if you want, hate Mac if you must, vilify Mac if it makes you feel better.....
But I don't see YOU speaking God's Word into Tim Tebow...
So lay off the man that is.....
Your hatred for Mac seems to intensify with each post. You might consider some type of counseling. Your fixation is not healthy.
Your hatred for Mac seems to intensify with each post. You might consider some type of counseling. Your fixation is not healthy.
The fight is for the mind, where is yours?
Tim's spiritual advisor is his dad! Thank you very much! Tim ought to be Mac's advisor. Maybe Brunson wouldnt have embarrassed the whole church with the name calling of WD in the media if he had been.
"Tim's spiritual advisor is Mac Brunson."
How did you come to that conclusion? Neither Big Mac or Tim make that claim so why are you?
"Tim has grown into the man of God that he is partially because of the influence of Mac."
How did you come to that conclusion? Neither of them have made that claim.
"Therefore, Mac is having a divine influence in this nation thru his "spiritual son" Tim Tebow."
How did you come to that conclusion? Neither are making that claim.
"So, it can be said, that Mac has the ability to cast vision, raise up leaders, and have national impact that is influencing millions for Christ."
Anything can be said. That doesn't make it true. And this is pure delusion and man-worship.
"Condemn Mac if you want, hate Mac if you must, vilify Mac if it makes you feel better....."
Condemn WD if you want, hate WD if you must, vilify WD if it makes you feel better...yada yada yada
"But I don't see YOU speaking God's Word into Tim Tebow..."
I don't see YOU speaking God Word into Tim Tebow either.
So lay off the man that is.....
So shut up loser....
"Your hatred for Mac seems to intensify with each post. You might consider some type of counseling. Your fixation is not healthy."
Your hated for WD seems to intensify with each comment. You might consider some type of counseling. Your fixation is not healthy.
And your pastor has forbidden you from reading this blog. If you ignore his admonitions, why shouldn't everyone else?
Careful TROLL, he may expose you and send you a trespass warrant.
They will find you - even if you hide in your mother's basement.
How would Tim Tebow be different if he followed Mac's example:
1) He would have used police to dig up dirt on journalists that criticized him and then served them with trespass papers - making sure they could never attend a game.
2) He would have written a book criticizing those who accepted gifts from boosters in college and then taken one himself.
3) He would decide not to quarterback on Wednesday night games.
4) He would pass a resolution officially condemning those who criticized his throwing motion.
5) He would claim that he couldn't win as many games as he used to because the fans were not spending 10% of their income on tickets.
I've got some ocean-front property in Arizona that you may be interested in.
Give me a call:
Ouch WD, seems you are hitting some raw nerves of Mac's fan base as some are delighting in throwing stones back at you because of its popularity! :>)
When you read the Mac supporter inane comments here, does it freak you out that you used to attend church with people like this. Isn't it strange how so much is hidden in mega churches? everything is so focused on the star of the show, programs and events, you really never get to know what is inside people.
Most of the inane comments are probably from trolls. There are very few FBC Jax member who ever post here.
Simple name dropping. Mac just wants to let everyone know how important he is. Remember when he just had to tell us (I believe at her funeral) that Mrs. Lindsey said something like "I haven't heard real preaching in a long time and that was real preaching." Also, anyone remember when he mentioned Amy Grant and the possibility of dating her in college? And, yes anon 7:50, I cringe to think I was ever caught up in all that is FBC. I actually feel ashamed of myself for it.
I've got a question....
While in his series on Job, did Mac ever tell about the FBC member that lost a job, has a sick child, lost a loved one suddenly, is unable to buy enough groceries... but refuses to blame God and shows complete faith in what God is doing?
I'm sure there are not any members with those troubles because they are all good tithers.
Just worth reminding people what Jesus had to say about public prayer:
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full." -- Matthew 6:5
Tebowing is the 2011 version of the kind of hypocrisy that Jesus decried.
This is what you should do, per Jesus:
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." -- Matthew 6:6
Tim Tebow is not someone to emulate. Seriously.
Tebowing is the 2011 version of the kind of hypocrisy that Jesus decried.
Good comment. I don't think I'd call Tebow hypocritical because by all accounts he's sincere, but I do believe this is the kind of showboating Jesus decried and why Tebow's vocal actions on the field make me cringe. I think it's more a case of boisterous, over-the-top immaturity than insincerity.
Wrong BBC!! All our children and us grew up with the entire Tebow family and they are the most humble, genuine sincere group of folks you will ever have the privilege to be around!
What am I wrong about, anonymous person? Read what I wrote again. I specifically said I do NOT think Tebow is insincere. (That's the opposite of saying he is NOT sincere.) I believe he's sincere, okay? I am NOT questioning Tebow's sincerity. Can we get that part right?
Did you watch the YouTube video I linked to? I was embarrassed for him watching that. I still contend his actions are the Christian version of spiking the football. It calls attention to Tebow, not to God. I think his life off the field, from all accounts, does glorify God, but his sideline antics are showboating no matter the motive. Why this form of showboating has drawn so much criticism, I'm not sure. Perhaps it's because so many people who claim to be Christians are perceived from their subsequent actions to be hypocritical that some people assume Tebow is the same. I don't think that. The people who know him say he's the real deal, and I've never disputed that. It doesn't make him immune to criticism though.
I just find it hard to believe that God cares who's got more points on the scoreboard after four quarters of 22 oversized, overpaid men in pads running up and down a field tossing and carrying an inflated pigskin while beating the stuffing out of each other. But I do still think Tebow's sincere.
Tebow's tithe goes to ???
I like how Watchdog didn't respond to the comment about how he makes money off this website and the videos he posts. Way to ignore the topic and dodge criticism! You do just what you criticize others of doing...you don't answer questions and criticism. Instead, you just call people derogatory names (i.e. troll, etc...) who dare question you.
I figured you wouldn't post my comments. You're a self righteous, money hungry Pharisee yourself! Commence with your name calling and straw man arguments!
Does anyone know for certain whether or not Tebow tithes? Does his church even believe in this practice?
God forgot to show up in the 4th Quarter
"GOD is on the PATRIOTS side on this one, again!"
"Jesus has left the football stadium."
And before the game
"Jack Graham"
Twitted on his Tweeter
"Heard @TimTebow was just seen picking out 5 smooth footballs. @ManAfterGodsHeart"
14 Jan
Now it's Sexy Tim TeBow
Cha Ching
Wonder how a southern Baptist preacher would respond to this?
right Ken Whitten
Mac isnt neceassarily comparing what Job went threw with what Tim is going threw. He is just stating that God helped Job threw his tough times in his life, and that God can help out Tim also. So dont be so quick to judge. But i found your article very interesting.
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