It turns out that Darrell Gilyard is BACK in the pulpit of a church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. It is true, the church that has hired a pedophile preacher and kicked the kids out of the church to do so, Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, is shown to be affiliated with and listed on the websites of the national, state, and local Southern Baptist organizations.
But none of these organizations to date have taken action against this church, or have sought to have them removed from their respective association - or even made so much as a statement of condemnation.
Here is how Gilyard's church shows up on the websites of the national, state, and local SBC organizations:
The Southern Baptist Convention: if you visit the SBC website church search function, the instructions say "Search for a Southern Baptist Church anywhere in the United States." So one may assume that the database will return only churches that meet the standards of calling itself an SBC church. But if some poor soul enters the zip code "32209" looking for an SBC church in the northside of Jacksonville, guess which church is at the top of the list? Yep, Darrel Gilyard's church. The SBC website even allows you to put in YOUR address, and the site will give you directions on how you can go listen to a convicted pedophile preach the gospel, minus your kids of course. Click here to see for yourself.
The Florida Baptist Convention: click here, and you can see the entry for this church at the Florida Baptist Convention website. If an unsuspecting person on the northside of Jacksonville performs a search for a Southern Baptist Church with zip code "32209", they will get two hits: one of which is Gilyard's church.
The Jacksonville Baptist Association: this is a network of baptist churches, which according to their website, exists to "...stimulate church health, develop leaders, and multiply ministry..." in Jacksonville. On the JBA website, Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church is listed as being a part of their "network". You can even click "Recommend" to sent information about the church to a friend, or click on "Map" and a Google map will show you how to get to the pedophile's church. The JBA is listed on the SBC web site as being a local SBC association for this area.
So the national, state, and local baptist associations of the Southern Baptist Convention are STILL, as of this morning, showing the church who hired a pedophile preacher as being part of their network of churches. Unsuspecting citizens of Jacksonville actually may be directed to Gilyard's site by all three of their respective websites.
You say, "so what"...just a little podunk church, and besides, the SBC is known for "church autonomy" and they don't have the power or authority to take action, right? The SBC or local or state SBC organizations can't take action against a church for pastoral hiring practices, right? At least that is what the SBC wants you to believe, as Roger Oldham was quoted as saying in the Guardian recently.
But let me give you three examples of when the national, and a state, and a local SBC organization HAVE taken action against churches:
Southern Baptist Convention: Broadway Baptist Church in Texas was given the right-boot of fellowship by the SBC for their perceived toleration of gay members.
Georgia Baptist (State) Convention: Georgia Baptists kicked out the First Baptist Church of Decatur and the Druid Hills Baptist Church for hiring female pastors.
Surry Baptist, NC (Local) Association: The local association of SBC'ers in North Carolina gave the right boot of fellowship to Flat Rock Baptist Church because they called a female to be their pastor. How long did it take for the Surry Association to get their pitchforks out? Only two weeks!! Within two weeks they had voted to kick out the church for hiring a female minister.
There you have it, folks. The Southern Baptist Convention views a female standing up and preaching the gospel to sinners as more dangerous than having a known, convicted, long-time serial predator, pedophile who woos women with his smile and charm, in the pulpit.
It has now been a month since Gilyard started preaching at Christ Tabernacle here in Jax, and our national, state, and local associations all are still pointing people at their websites to hear the pedophile preacher.
And isn't this just ironic, really? Gilyard gained a foothold in the SBC by duping Jerry Vines and all of us (myself included!) at FBC Jax back in the late 1980s with his phony-baloney story of growing up homeless living under a bridge. He earned the trust of Southern Baptist giants such as Vines, Patterson, and Falwell with his theatrical preaching. After they promoted this monster to national prominence, he was found to be a serial adulterer, using his position as "man of God" to seduce young women at his churches in Texas and Oklahoma. Minus any blogsites to report his offenses back in the early 1990s, Gilyard came to Jacksonville to pastor Shiloh Baptist where he had more unsuspecting victims.
And now Gilyard has come full circle, back to a church associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Florida Baptist Convention, and the Jax Baptist Association. Right back where he got his start under the tutelage of Jerry Vines.
So we can have men who are pedophiles in the pulpit in the SBC. We can have serial liars in the pulpit in the SBC. But let a woman stand in the pulpit, and the national, state, and local SBC'ers will come out in full force to condemn the heretics. How ironic that while the SBC is silent about Gilyard, the New Black Panther Party is protesting outside Gilyard's church.
Only question I have: how long will it take, how big does Gilyard have to grow this church, before Jerry Vines and Mac Brunson will go to preach there?
As for this family, we will no longer support ANY SBC church who has not taken a stand against this church for putting a man back in the pulpit like Gilyard. This association is just as responsible. I just think it is sick, he has not paid his debt to society with a probation officer monitoring him - this is not a humble man. He's destroyed lives - can one ever fully trust him? NO
If I understand the way things operate in the SBC (and that could be called into question), the "head honcho" at the Associations, State and National Convention cannot just say, "Hey, I don't like what you are doing and so I'm throwing you out." A recommendation must be made and a decision to give the boot to a particular church must be voted on at a scheduled or called meeting of the messengers.
It would probably be pretty easy for the Jax Baptist Association to do this, give one months notice the churches and their messengers meet discuss and vote. The State and National Conventions are a little more difficult, they meet once a year, typically October for the states and in June for the national convention. Since Gilyard came in January the Florida Baptist Convention did not have anything to discuss as it relates to Gilyard's new church.
The SBC will meet in June in New Orleans and it will be interesting to see if it is recommended to censure or disband fellowship with this church. The Executive Committee is accepting resolutions at this time- who knows maybe somebody will bring this up for a vote. I'm not holding my breath, as we have more important things to vote on like a new unofficial, non-binding name(insert sarcasm).
I may have my facts wrong as to the procedures, so if someone more knowledgable than I can correct me, feel free.
Hi Kyle - it would take maybe one phone call to have the church removed from the websites so that people aren't directed to Gilyard's church.
And notice that the Surry Baptist Association jumping to action in only two weeks getting a church thrown out for hiring a female minister.
Extreme urgency when a female pastor is hired - no urgency, not even removal of the church from the search databases - when a pedophile is hired.
That says quite a lot.
And I don't think they would take action against this church, as it would only serve to shine a spotlight again on the huge embarrassment that Gilyard is to Jerry Vines' legacy.
Maybe the Florida Baptist Convention could pass a resolution condemning the hiring of dangerous, pedophile preachers - like the Georgia Baptists did a few years ago passing a resolution against critical bloggers.
I would be in favor for the removal from the website, or leave it up, but put a disclaimer that this church's membership is up for review.
The Georgia reslution regarding bloggers was in November (see my previous comment) which was probably during the annual state meeting.
The cynical side of me says the only sound we hear on this is crickets, because they are waiting to see how much this church grows and revenue raised that will go to the association, and state and national conventions via the cooperative progam- they are hoping for a "great Commission", as you so smartly stated in your previous post, from the coffers of this church should it grow like Shiloh.
It appears that neither the SBC, State Convention or Local Association have updated their website listing of churches. None of them even show Gilyard as being the pastor of Christ Tabernacle. They are listing Steve Wilson Jr. as the pastor. I assume he is the former pastor.
Usually, these updates are passed along by something called the ACP (Annual Church Profile). Local Churches voluntarily submit an ACP in the fall of the year and it is passed along until it eventually reaches the SBC level.
I am not offering this as an excuse. I am just saying that SBC record keeping is slow and often sloppy.
People who find this church on the website would not even know that Gilyard is the pastor let alone his past history.
It is a sad day when people have to do a criminal background check on a Pastor before feeling safe at a Church.
Since the local associations are made0 up of churches in that geographic area, what are the pastors saying to their churches and associational leaders about this? Has your pastor stepped up and made his voice known? If not will you be willing to put his name in print her as one who yet has taken a stand against this action at Shiloh? it has been two weeks, has your pastor been silent? If so, why? If he doesn't know, have you told him?
One phone call is all it would take, did you make that phone call? Did you ask your church too?
Let's say a SB church called a female pedophile pastor. I dare say TPTB would move much more swiftly to "disfellowship" with the church because they called a female pastor than because they called a pedophile.
I am as disgusted as you by the actions of Gilyard and this church. However, to remove a church can only be done when in session and for all 3 entities this is a once a year session.
Other meetings during the year are not of official messengers who make those decisions.
Now the websites are a different matter.
Frank - my point is that nothing has happened. Not a public statement, not so much really as a blog post from an SBC'er calling for them to be booted out.
Face it - the SBC deems a pedophile in the pulpit less dangerous than a female in the pulpit. They are more concerned in issuing proclamations against bloggers and unjust criticism than they are churches that put children outside while the one who has been a predator of children is inside preaching.
And I predict nothing will be done or said about Gilyard.
"And I predict nothing will be done or said about Gilyard."
Including from the pastor of the church you attend? Are you willing to remain in a church with such a pastor?
Well, the church I attend doesn't have a pastor, they are looking for one. But no, I don't expect any prominent SBC pastor in this area to publicly condemn the hiring of Gilyard. Won't happen.
But I do predict a prominent baptist pastor in this area will visit and preach at Gilyard's former church, the church that did what the current church is doing - they gave a man a pulpit knowing that he was a man who had used his position of pastor to have sex with women in his church, thereby granting him access to new victims.
Wait, that already happened, a prominent SBC pastor did that.
And the cycle continues.
This story going secular news both National
Not On the Payroll just donations
in order to avoid actually having a registered sex offender on the church payroll. LOL
and Worldwide
Some Arrest Records
Bellevue Baptist Pastor Steve Gaines
Felt it was alright that a child molester was roaming the halls of his church until it became public.
shshsh God forgives you so do I
Well, they sure don't want to sing "Amazing Grace" around you do they? Gilyard may well be rehabilitated and changed by God's grace and that church has every right to call whomever they want with or without your approval. Personally I don't agree with their decision but I'm not God nor am I a member of their church so I imagine they would tell us all to butt out of their affairs (no pun intended). Churches seem to love to hear testimonies from people who have done the worst things since it probably makes them feel a little more Godly so that could be the reason they called him.
IF he is actually reformed and God is in charge, then we should be praising Him for his redemptive powers. And thanks to a church that would use him. In most of the theologies of bloggers on this blog, Paul could never preach anywhere.
And by the way, Broadway went a whole lot further than a perceived toleration of gay members. They, along with a lot of other churches in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, are very welcoming of gay members and actively recruit them.
Now would it be alright to have a gay lesbian pastor but not Gilyard?
Watchdog, I just saw this post. I thought this guy was behind bars?? You may need to back up and update this situation with Gilyard.
"Turn the other Check"
"Forgive one another"
That's what the Preachers tell you to do.....
But is a bucket of bull from the barnyard .....
Because if something would happen to one of their precious family by one of these perverts like Gilyard....
"I'll Tear You UP" by Steve Gaines
Several possibilities of why no condemnation-
White critics would be called racists?
"Judge not, less you be judged..."
He's male
He's a good preacher, so he'll bring in lots of money.
What are the qualifications for being a Baptist preacher anyway? My understanding is a Baptist church can call anybody it wants to. The only qualification is that the church wants to hire you.
Then there's the Biblical part. Does he meet those qualifications-husband of one wife, etc.?
I'd say re the associations, that maybe a church with a woman pastor or a church that welcomes gays are unlikely to bring in lots of money, whereas someone like Gilyard with his talent definitely will be a money-maker?
Perfect example of why the Gilyards of the world can thrive and fool people over and over again: a tweet below from Mac Brunson today. These mega pastors will NOT speak publicly against misbehaving pastors in their own ranks. They truly believe God will "correct" him, when God is probably wanting the Mac Brunsons of the world to speak out against Gilyard being in a pulpit:
Here is Mac's tweet:
"Preachers who preach against other preacher are usually insecure about their preaching. If God called him God can correct him w/out my help."
Oh the pain these organizations must be causing to the innocent victims of Gilyard.
The blood of these " VICTIMS " are on the hands of leadership and disciples of all within the Southern Baptist Convention, Florida Baptist Convention and the Jacksonville Baptist Association and whoever allows this man to continue and not being held accountable.
Yes he paid his dues and did some of his time, but he and all those Baptist have one other JUDGE to answer to, and it I think it will not be a good homecoming when they close their eyes for that one last time.
Prayers for the real VICTIMS of this and other " Abuse" tragedies.
Mac said...
"Preachers who preach against other preacher are usually insecure about their preaching. If God called him God can correct him w/out my help."
But they sure love to blast bloggers!
Unless it comes to money, the SBC is deaf. They couldn't hear a freight train if they were strapped to the headlight.
Just a couple of comments from afar...
1. Sin is sin in God's eyes whether that is a sexual sin, murder, or a simple lie. Only humans distort this.
2. Sin has consquences. As I understand and read online, this Pastor was found guilty and served time in prison correct.
3. Sin is only forgiven thru the blood of Christ and we are made white as snow. We celebrate men who are recovering alocholics and drug addicts who go into the Minsitry, but we are incapable of forgiving and welcoming this type of sin back into the Ministry.
4. This Pastor can be redeemed and changed as well.
5. We are called by Christ to a spirit of forgiveness according to Matthew 18:21-22
6. Peter denied the Lord 3 times but became the Rock the Church was built upon.
7. David committed a sexual sin but was "A man after God's own heart"
8. Paul considered himself the Chief of Sinners, but became the First Missionary
I would rethink you opinion regarding this man given the message of the Gospel and the redemptive work that Christ can do in any heart. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness.
"Preachers who preach against other preacher are usually insecure about their preaching. If God called him God can correct him w/out my help."
Does that include the Apostle Paul?
"I would rethink you opinion regarding this man given the message of the Gospel and the redemptive work that Christ can do in any heart. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness."
This bit of bad thinking (and misinterpretation of scripture) is covered in the book: "Ten Dumb Things That Smart Christians Believe" in the chapter titled: "Forgiving Means Forgetting."
Here is one thought that has not yet been discussed on this thread. Pedophilic behavior is a psychological disorder, according to the DSM IV. It is a disorder for which there is no cure. And, a disorder that causes behavior that is deemed sinful by Christians. Forgiveness for the sin does not cure the disease. The propensity for reaccuring actions will always be there. That is why precautions should be in place to prevent such actions. A Christian who suffers from this disease should,himself, make sure that those precautions are in place.
"Here is one thought that has not yet been discussed on this thread. Pedophilic behavior is a psychological disorder, according to the DSM IV."
And this source, as good as it is, is more reliable than scripture.
"It is a disorder for which there is no cure."
You see there is no cure for sin. None! The bible lies when it says we can be holy as He is holy. Impossible.
"And, a disorder that causes behavior that is deemed sinful by Christians. Forgiveness for the sin does not cure the disease."
Make sure you carry your DSM IV notebook to church with you, it is more reliable than that other book you have been carrying.
"The propensity for reaccuring actions will always be there."
All things are not possible with God.
"That is why precautions should be in place to prevent such actions."
Precautions should be in place regardless of an individuals past.
"A Christian who suffers from this disease should,himself, make sure that those precautions are in place."
They should make sure everyone knows how limited God is.
Anon 1:57
You seem to have trouble distinguishing the difference between Psychological disorders and sin.
"And this source, as good as it is, is more reliable than scripture."
Both were written by man?
But one claims "God told me ... "
....just like today's pastors do..
God is telling me to tell you that you are cursed if you don't Tithe, etc.
So is it
Sin causes the disease?
The disease causes SIN?
Man made either way, not?
""And this source, as good as it is, is more reliable than scripture."
Both were written by man?"
Only one was inspired by God and is His word. Do I need to apologize for you not seeing the sarcasm in my comment?
"But one claims "God told me ... "
....just like today's pastors do.."
Actually God claims over 3000 times it is His word: 500 + times in law, 1200+ times in prophets...
"God is telling me to tell you that you are cursed if you don't Tithe, etc."
If God is telling you that you better listen or understand it clearly.
"So is it
Sin causes the disease?
The disease causes SIN?"
Do you really not know? To help you out in case you do not know... We have disease because of sin, not the other way around.
"Man made either way, not?"
The race does not always go to the swift nor the battle to the strong but that is definitely the way to bet. The same thing seems to apply to pedophiles. Betting for their repeating the offense is clearly the way to go.
If we had been betting against DG for several opportunities, we would be way ahead.
Fool me once, shame on you...
"The race does not always go to the swift nor the battle to the strong but that is definitely the way to bet. The same thing seems to apply to pedophiles. Betting for their repeating the offense is clearly the way to go.
If we had been betting against DG for several opportunities, we would be way ahead.
Fool me once, shame on you..."
Maybe the focus is to much on DG and not enough on God. What he did was wrong and needs to be stood against. I am not defending him but I will not think of God as One who can not or will not change such a life.
Watch DG closely, Keep your children completely safe, even when DG is not around. Don't make him the target of the conversation, this is a problem bigger than him. Make God the focus, trust Him for the life He has given us. Be wise in where you leave your kids. These things apply to every parent regardless of DG.
The church that called him knows what they got. maybe their spiritual world view is much clearer than ours concerning God. Maybe the precautions are in place already. Maybe this was done for the unknown DG's out there.
What has become an anti DG subject has missed the bigger picture. Safety for kids regardless of DG. God is a God of grace and mercy, for even we who are or were guilty of sin.
Maybe it is more fun to talk about the huge sin and sinner than to talk about the greatness of God.
One of the more depressing items about this whole thing is the interview of a deacon of DG's "new church." He said that they were down to almost no attendance and that they had asked DG to preach because they knew that he could draw a crowd and maybe save their church.
There was no other motivation. They were not giving a sinner a second chance. They were not depending on the grace of God to have made a difference in DG's life and behavior. He could draw a crowd and they needed a crowd.
"There was no other motivation. They were not giving a sinner a second chance. They were not depending on the grace of God to have made a difference in DG's life and behavior. He could draw a crowd and they needed a crowd."
It is possible you are reading more into the statement than is there. Is it possible that they had talked to DG and knew God could and prayed God would use Him to help save what they saw was dying?
Do you think in any way God could still use DG to reach the masses for His name sake? Could this be what the church who called him believed?
"Do you think in any way God could still use DG to reach the masses for His name sake? Could this be what the church who called him believed?"
Anything "could be." But there is no evidence for that interpretation in what he said.
To everyone who is assuming that the Jacksonville Baptist Association has ignored this issue or done nothing about it, I have good news for you this evening. I just received an e-mail from the Jacksonville Baptist Association stating that the church in question has come to a mutual understanding that it is best for them to leave the fellowship of the Jacksonville Baptist Association. I am optimistic that the Florida Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention will follow this lead. It is sad that so many would assume that this was ignored. It was not, but sometimes things take time to check into before making any harsh decisions like asking/requiring a church to leave fellowship.
Here is the e-mail statement regarding Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church:
"Recently, the Jacksonville Baptist Association (JBA) became aware of an issue relating to one of our constituent member churches. The church in question is the Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church (CTMBC) and the issue at hand relates to their recent pastoral staffing decision. While affirming the autonomy of member churches, and recognizing our role as an association in Baptist polity, the circumstances of CTMBC do concern us. Further, we are broken and saddened by the information shared regarding CTMBC in recent reports.
While the church is currently listed on our membership rolls, they have not contributed to the JBA since 2003 and have not provided statistical information to the association.
In addition to following the clear teachings of Scripture, the JBA has a by-law process in place for responding to such issues with related churches. With Christ Tabernacle, we have taken those steps by contacting CTMBC to communicate our concern. These conversations with church leadership produced the mutual understanding that it is necessary for CTMBC to leave the fellowship of the Jacksonville Baptist Association. They are currently forwarding a written confirmation of that understanding.
We ask that all church leaders and members of the Jacksonville Baptist Association continue to pray earnestly for the unity throughout the entire body of Christ in our region and for the purity of our faith and practice. We seek to honor the name of Jesus in all we do and in how we conduct ourselves in these matters.
Rick Wheeler, Lead Missional Strategist
David Tarkington, JBA Moderator"
I was there in the 80's in the New Orleans Superdome when Gilyard brought the pastor's conference to it's feet. I was just a kid but I will never forget it. What a shame.
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