"Not that we're fashion crazy, but...you are what you wear...I have worn today Spanx, that's right, Spanx for men...they keep everything in...that's a downside of Spanks it gives you gas...." Ed Young's first fashion tip at his new website Pastor Fashion.
"Most scarves are unisex, so look around your wife’s closet, you might even find something that you could pair up with an existing coat for free." Church marketing expert Maurilio Amorim's fashion tip in his article "How Men Should Wear a Scarf"
It is getting harder and harder to parody the religious holy men of the day who occupy the pulpits of mega churches."Most scarves are unisex, so look around your wife’s closet, you might even find something that you could pair up with an existing coat for free." Church marketing expert Maurilio Amorim's fashion tip in his article "How Men Should Wear a Scarf"
Especially when they go on camera and unbutton their shirt to show you what type of girdle they are wearing, and encourage other pastors to get the same girdle.
Even though most mega church pastors have educations limited to seminary degrees void of any application to the real world, they want us to believe they are experts in the fields of finance, psychology, sociology, education, marketing, science and of course religion.
But now, thanks to Ed Young, we can add "fashion" to the list of mega church disciplines in which they are experts.
Ed Young has expanded his brand into the world of fashion. He now has a website up to give pastors tips on how to be fashionable.

His first fashion tip? Spanx. Yes, he says pastors should consider investing in a $75 pair or two of Spanx-for-men to keep their flabby underside safely tucked away when up on stage. Pastors, you can preach your next sermon looking like the men in the Spanx ad at right!
Ed is a true modern-day Renaissance Man, or at least he thinks so. He speaks for God, he can properly interpret the Bible for people, he knows how to tell them to donate their money in order to avoid curses from God, he even knows how to tell people to have great sex!! He is a multimillionaire, flies in private jets, speaks all over the world, and has friends in high places.
But Ed, I'm sad to report that you're too late on the Christian-fashion scene. I and other Christians take our fashion advice from church marketing consultant Maurilio Amorim, who includes periodic fashion tips at his website. He has even beat Ed to the punch on Spanx as he described his "near death experience" in trying to don his new Spanx t-shirt last December. If Maurilio had a hard time getting his Spanx around his neck and over his slim figure, I can only imagine the scene when Ergun Caner or Steve Gaines tries on their new Spanx.
But do visit Maurilio's site, pastors, for fashion advice. I've learned everything from "How Men Should Wear a Scarf" (I'm not kidding), to "White Belt: A Guys' Guide for Wearing it Well". And I had a fashion-filled summer in 2011 after I read about how to select "hybrid broadshorts" at Maurilio's website. Men, you can make this the best Easter ever if you follow Maurilio's advice on "Easter Sunday and the Return of the White Pants". Warning: some of Maurilio's images of men in clothing might be objectionable to the healthy male viewer.
Lastly, Pastors, if you do follow Ed's fashion advice and purchase some Spanx, please do us all a favor and don't admit it.
And please don't show us your Spanx, and try not to blog about your experience when first trying them on.
H/T: Frank Gantz.com
After watching Ed's video, I do believe the old adage for underwear applies to Spandex -"It's great for support, but you should never let it show."
This Easter I'm going to put Ed's and Maurilio's fashion advice all together in one package: I'm going to wear Spanx, white pants, a white belt, and a scarf from my wife's closet.
Now THAT would be worth sending me a list of 16 sins and bringing forth a deacon's resolution.
If he's going to promote something, he should at least get the website name correct. He kept saying "pastors fashion" when the website is pastorfashion.
I think Ed Young has found his true calling. I hope, though, that he will step aside from "pastoring" a church and go completely into the self-promoting ministry that it currently is anyway.
What an absolute clown.
What a clown is true - he's full of self vanity. Looks like an old man trying to re-live his college youth!
This type of self promotion, in the guise of 'helping others' is absolutely pathetic. For many years, I attended this church and I watched as countless scores of people were 'removed' from that stage (musicians, worship leaders, other speakers,) all because they were too old and not hip enough for the hip crowd attending.
Everything is about the next generation at Fellowship, so is it any wonder, that Ed and Lisa will do everything they can to remain as 'young' as possible. Hair dye, plastic surgery, enhancements, and now clothes that make you look younger. Truth is, Ed is now over 50, and the oldest guy on stage at Fellowship, and while he keeps pushing others out because they don't 'relate' to the next generation, good 'ol Ed stays because his youthfulness must be from God, or at least some bottle of chemicals every couple of weeks...
This type of vanity is what Rick Santorum was talking about when he said several years ago that Satan was attacking the US, through its leaders, both public and church leaders. Vanity is the one sin that Satan can use over and over with outstanding results.
Just admit it Ed.
You do realize Young's website is a parody don't you?
Anonymous said...
" What a clown is true - he's full of self vanity. Looks like an old man trying to re-live his college youth!"
Pot, meet kettle.
Anonymous said...
" What a clown is true - he's full of self vanity. Looks like an old man trying to re-live his college youth!"
Pot, meet kettle.
You should only repeat other comments when they are appropriate.
That doesn't even make sense.
'"We're obviously clothed in Christ... but..." that doesn't make me a lot of money, so let's just lay that truth aside for a moment and forget what Jesus said about not worrying about what you wear."
Clown doesn't do it justice. The man needs to be driven from ministry. This is so utterly sad that it is no wonder Jesus whipped people in the temple. They had the same attitude about His word, His presence, His holiness etc.
Please listen to Zeal for Your House.
My heart breaks every time I see such trivial junk like this... We are the people of God. What are doing here?
Only an idiot would listen to this guy, especially in the pulpit!
Only an idiot would listen to this guy, especially in the pulpit!
There are alot of idiot's out there that love to listen to pulpit trash.
"Only an idiot would listen to this guy, especially in the pulpit!"
Did you watch the video? ere you listening to what he said?
He is only joking...Gosh!
This is all an attempt to get old people like YOU worked up...tag..your it!
The Bible talks a lot about what to wear...so is it wrong for a Pastor to talk about it too?
I don't want to look at an speaker that is wrinkled, mismatched, and boring....Joseph had a bright coat too!
They threw Joseph under the bus just like you are throwing Ed...SHAME!
Anoymous wrote:
You do realize Young's website is a parody don't you?
I read this comment right before lunch and something about it bugged me all afternoon. And, then it hit me.
My response to anonymous:
"No, I didn't know it was a parody. And still don't. Why? Because it is too similar too his style of communicating - little or no substance, goofy props, and an even goofier attempt to be 'relevent' to his audience. The definition of parody is "imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. Preach the the good news of Jesus Christ regularly, Ed Young, and we will know this new website is a parody. Unfortunately, there is no exaggeration in the video on the new website. It's normal and typical behavior for Ed Young, Jr."
Make sense, anonymous?
Maybe he could write a diet book next. Plenty of fat preachers out there. Rick Warren's already done The Daniel Plan, but it could be called "The Preacher's Diet" or something more clever and spiritual-sounding.
While I wear spandex and not spanx, I only wear mine while riding my bike. I personally can't see why a man would wear a girdle.
Just to piggy-back on to Wade's comment above on whether this was a parody or not, Ed's "new" website is a perfect example of Poe's Law. We as commenters can't agree on what the intent is.
I have no idea if Ed is doing a parody of himself or not, but it’s funny as heck. Sad, too.
KarenM in NC
There's nothing Ed can do to make himself attractive. 'Nuf said.
Oh, and one more thing....don't wear white pants with a white belt, unless you want to look like the crew from the Love Boat :)
What is the definition of a celebrity pastor? A pastor who believes we are waiting with bated breath for him to tell us how to live and operate in every aspect of our lives. Or just see Ed Young.
You must really be bored if this is all you have to blog about. What a disgusting waste.
My guess is that he made this website for fun for the C3 conference. It isn't serious.
The irony is that you can pretty much get the entire depth of Ed Young just by this page, between the fashion and the twitter updates.
I think he really should have started pastorjets.com.
Could Ed help Mac out?
Spankx will only do so much!
You must really be bored if this is all you have to blog about. What a disgusting waste.
February 23, 2012 1:57 PM
From the list of hits this blog appears to have a lot of bored people reading it - I do wish Ed would get some botox for the wrinkles on his forehead- would help take couple years off of him. LOL
"What is the definition of a celebrity blogger?"
A blogger who believes we are waiting with bated breath for him to tell us how to live and operate in every aspect of our lives. Or just see Tom Rich, a.k.a. FBC Jax Watchdog.
"What a disgusting waste."
I agree.
Why doesn't Jr. just preach the gospel?
"A blogger who believes we are waiting with bated breath for him to tell us how to live and operate in every aspect of our lives. Or just see Tom Rich, a.k.a. FBC Jax Watchdog."
Not applicable.
But thanks for trying.
Anonymous 5:21
Nice try :-)
These type of people are a joke. They are all over the "Christian world" today. They "claim" that they know who Christ is but they are wolves in sheeps clothing.
What bothers me about these people is the fact that they are getting a way with their deceit(I know in the end they won't but they are now).
My conclusion is to why people stay in churches like this is A. They are not Christians and want their ears tickled B. The Christians that are there don't understand scripture well enough or care enough to check out what the truth is.A lot of them are apathetic and are deceived themselves.
I speak from personal experience in dealing with these wolves. They do a lot of damage to people and lead people away from Christ.By the grace of God and His word, I can discern from truth and error. So can anyone else if they chose to.
Whether it's a parody or not, this response to Young's fashionista turn definitely IS a parody:
I'm speeeeeeeeeeeeeeechless!
This is so much material to work with I don't even know where to begin. Fairy nice, Ed. Fairy nice.
This is a disgrace to the Kingdom of God. How does this have to do with the Gospel. Shameful.
I went to FC for years and always thought Ed dressed about 10 yrs younger than his age...FAIL! Skinny jeans, very athletic cut suits & shirts and snug fitting pants that left little to the imagination!
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