After Land takes on Obama, Jackson, and Sharpton, he then decides to let everyone know that a black men is "statistically more likely to do you harm than a white man."
If Land wants to talk about stereotypes of black men, then maybe we should turn the stereotype flashlight on Baptist preachers like himself.
- experts say that Baptist church goers are more at risk from clergy sexual misconduct than those at other denominations because of the lack of oversight at autonomous Baptist churches.
- The Journal of Pastoral Care reports that 14% of Southern Baptist senior pastors have engaged in "sexual behavior inappropriate for a minister".
- "Megachurches in particular can attract the 'charismatic, predator-type' minister who repeatedly takes advantage of the power he has over congregants, especially emotionally vulnerable women" (according to Steve Trull in this article). Can you say "Darrell Gilyard"?
- Darrell Gilyard, arguably the most notorious serial adulterer and sexual abusing pastor, did his damage at multiple Baptist churches. He attended a Baptist seminary. Prominent Southern Baptists were his mentors. Even after his release from prison, he is preaching at a Baptist church.
- Bob Gray at Trinity was 100% "Baptist". Those who covered up for his sins, and accused the victims and gave Bob Gray a standing ovation as he lied to the congregation - all 100% Baptist.
OK, Richard, so you say black men are more dangerous than white men.
Maybe we should say that a Baptist preacher-man is "statistically more likely to do you harm than a non-preacher-man."
How does it feel to have stereotypes cast on preachers?
Part of me wishes that he was speaking from experience. But then, that's not very Christ-like of me, is it? Who does he think he is, shooting off his mouth about things in ways that are hateful and rude? Does he really speak for the SBC, or just a few backwoods hillbillies?
So, you have clowns in the SBC too?
Does not speak for this man. I think we should all be more concerned about the like of Caner, Brunson and Young (just to name a few) than the average black man.
Umh, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would be led to consider that just maybe: the fingerprints of the a political strategy is at work here. What I'm saying is, now that Mitt Romney (a Mormon) is the Republican candidate; and given the past documented statements: in books, magazines, and various other forms of media,) of many prominent SBC Pastors in the past - regarding Mormonism: there is now a clear and present dilemma facing these so called Evangelicals. 'President' Obama is a black man, but professes to be a Christian! Mitt Romney is a whiteman, but professes to be a Mormon! The SBC is on record, stating Mormonism is a cult!
Talk about the mother of conspiracy theories...I should make this a movie. Lol
Oh my
Russell Moore @drmoore
"The SBC should refuse, officially, to seat messengers from white supremacist churches, the same way we do for pro-homosexuality churches."
The 'Southern Baptist Conventions" continues to just bury themselves. These so called leaders are clowns!
Yes he did. And he was plagiarizing a column in the Washington Post. And it was not the first time. http://www.thebigdaddyweave.com/2012/04/richard-land-the-plagiarist-top-sbc-ethicist-stirs-up-controversy-with-someone-elses-rant.html
And just at a time when SBC wanta be leader Steve Gaines is saying the next SBC President would be a African American (man).
Steve Gaines now pastors a Diverse Church in Memphis TN but does not even have one African American person on staff (he just go rid of the one they had at an outpost church)
And why this man was not fired a long time ago shows just how far the SBC has fallen.
When this man speaks those in the SB should shudder.
Maybe, just maybe, Richard Land got his opinions from John Derbyshire.
You might be interested in this blog post: Richard Land The Plagiarist: Top SBC Ethicist Stirs Up Controversy w/ Someone Else's Rant
And just at a time when SBC wanta be leader Steve Gaines is saying the next SBC President would be a African American (man).
Steve Gaines now pastors a Diverse Church in Memphis TN but does not even have one African American person on staff (he just go rid of the one they had at an outpost church)
1. Bellevue isn't nearly as "diverse" as they make it appear on TV. They target every black person in the choir and congregation they can find and zoom in on them.
2. Steve Gaines' middle daughter is Russell Moore's secretary. Quite a cushy job for someone who just graduated from college last year. That's just an interesting bit of trivia I was reminded of when someone mentioned Moore upthread.
For a man who is reputed to play three dimensional chess and formulating his rationale with cogent logic, plagiarizing seems to come so easily. Way to go, Richard Land.
Kinda like the mafia.
BTW, I plagiarized Richard Land's abilities from Wade Burleson's blog post.
Richard Lands is right!
You may not like it, you may not like the man who said it, you may want to "white wash" it...but he is spot on.
Even Jesse Jackson stated he would cross the street if he saw some black guys approaching his direction at night.
You can't handle the truth!
I don't think you could ever say that being a "secretary" or Administrative Assistant is a "cushy" job for ANY college graduate.
These men, like Richard Land are not backwoods hillbillies like they sound.
Why are they all so fat? How can they sound off on anyone when they show no physical discipline in their body appearance.
This article was off the charts - thanks again, for not keeping this information in the closet.
If other denominations have done things to make it less likely that you'll be taken advantage of sexually by their pastors and staff, then maybe people ARE more in danger from a Baptist preacher at this point.
Statistics, if fairly reported, don't lie and aren't always politically correct. But people can't acknowledge the facts openly, because they will be called racists and assumed to be racists. It's like there's something that everybody knows, but nobody can actually speak. I'm even imagining that my saying this will make people think I'm racist.
so, Richard Land is the posterchild for Ethics (?), Gluttony, AND Ignorance. And this is on purpose?
Wade Burleson > Dr. Richard Land: An Astute Apology Aimed At Amnesty
I don't think you could ever say that being a "secretary" or Administrative Assistant is a "cushy" job for ANY college graduate.
I didn't mean to change the subject, but there's a great deal of competition for jobs like these at SBTS. You can't convince me strings weren't pulled. Being hired as the administrative assistant to the dean of the seminary with no experience? In the words of Mac Brunson, ha!
The SBC seems to never run out of feet to stick in its collective mouth.
Another nail in the SBC coffin.
Bellevue is diverse.
I have seen several black people at our church.
I am concerned about the lies on this blog.
Bellevue has had a black janitor for the last 50 years.
We have a black deacon and a black security guard too.
Stop lying about my Church!
Anonymous said...
"I don't think you could ever say that being a "secretary" or Administrative Assistant is a "cushy" job for ANY college graduate."
Oh, its a cushy job alright, (it's part of the Gaine's Silver Spoon treatment). Hubby goes to the same school to get his preacher's degree, living in and fixing up his preacher dad's "investment" home.
Working at a Southern Baptist Seminary - tough job? with great benefits!!
SBTS - Christianity at it's Finest
All for saving a limited amount of people from a HELL, while billions of others are condemned to burn.
What a great religion....
Watchdog, Thank you for your post and for making us aware of this.
I'm a Southern Baptist pastor and I was greatly grieved by Land's comments. What he said does much harm to the cause of Christ.
For those of you who are Southern Baptist who'd like to help hold Mr. Land accountable for his thoughtless and irresponsible actions, please contact the Executive Commission, the Ethic and Civil Liberties Committee, and /or Bryant Wright (SBC president).
I've emailed each of these groups, expressing my disdain for this situation.
Byrant Wright's secretary responded saying that they are forwarding the comments to the ECLC.
Maybe the SBC will take responsibility for this, recognizing that such behavior is reprehensible. Hey, the Florida Marlins called Ozzie Guillen into account for his thoughtless speech. Maybe the SBC can do the same with Land?
A black guard,deacon,and janitor. My my, aren't you people progressive.
Anonymous said...
"a black janitor for the last 50 years.
We have a black deacon and a black security guard too"
Out of , what, 28,000 members?
Oh wait, Steve Gaines has now got that number down to around 7000 so now they are a larger percentage?
All of this comes from Calvinism.
The tragedy of Calvinism, and to a lesser extent fundamentalism, is their rejection of a God of love. The God of many Calvinists HATES. He is a cold God who delights in sending people to Hell and punishing sinners.
To many of the Calvinists I encountered, God is the unapproachable Deity who has a cold “relationship” with His creatures. I met many a Reformed preacher who feared calling God “Abba” as Paul did. They delight in talking about the “God of hate”. One Calvinist said to me once: “I wish I could learn to hate as God hates”.
All of this hate speech comes straight from "reformed" theology...it is really "deformed" theolgy.
Apparently, Mr. Land has difficulty coming up with his own words and ideas. It's now come out that he has plagerized others for his radio broadcast content. Here are several links by Aaron Weaver, the blogger (kudos to bloggers everywhere!)who discovered this:
Here is Mr. Land's "apology" on his homepage:
My conclusion: exactly what I would expect from a Baptist ethicist?!
KarenM in NC
May I plagerize?
“On occasion I have failed to provide appropriate verbal attributions on my radio broadcast, Richard Land Live!, and for that I sincerely apologize. I regret if anyone feels they were deceived or misled. That was not my intent nor has it ever been. Clearly there has been no attempt to deceive the public or we would not have posted the articles that are used on the air.
Richard Land Live! is a live radio show. While I do not use a script, listeners familiar with the program know that both the audio of the program and material I reference during the program are posted on the program’s Web site during or immediately following the broadcast. During the program I encourage listeners to share these links and content among their circle of influence. This has been standard operating practice for the program since its launch in 2002.
I am grateful this oversight was brought to my attention. One can always do better and I certainly pledge to do so.”
NYT > So. Baptist Leader Apologizes for Martin Comments
Why would this goofball wade into such a polarizing topic which has NOTHING to do with the supposed mission of the SBC?
"Darrell Gilyard, arguably the most notorious serial adulterer and sexual abusing pastor, did his damage at multiple Baptist churches. He attended a Baptist seminary. Prominent Southern Baptists were his mentors. Even after his release from prison, he is preaching at a Baptist church."
Is it coincidence Gilyard is black?
Statistically speaking, a white male is more likely to rob employee's of their 401K; bankrupt the lives of thousands of innocent persons; receive a multi-million dollar severance package; open his golden parachute, and sail away with his mistress: while leaving the wife and kids the house and BMW; more so than a black man... statistically speaking!
(e.g. Enron Exec's; Bernie Madoff; & the Wall Street Crew) - Can you handle that truth?
See how easily this perverted line of thinking can go from one extreme to another; and no one gets edified in Christ.
About as coincidental as being a sinner, saved by the grace of God! But lest you presume I'm excusing his disgusting behavior, (I'm not!!!) just simply saying, "but for the grace of God, there go...!" you fill in the blank.
Romans 3:23 has nothing to do with race; nor does Ephesians 2:8-10.
Off Topic: SBC Plodder [William Thornton] > Blogging when there is a personal cost
"saved by the grace of God!"
All's Forgiven, move on
"you fill in the blank"
And where is this all being taught??
That during a economic downturn, people are hurting, their cutting missionaries, etc
Seminaries continue to
Paint Lipstick on their Pig
Requesting approval of a
20 million dollars loan from SBC (This June) to start their $52 million refurbishing project.
and this in not limited to this one
Go Nashville , Save US!!!
And who from the higher ups in the SBC has reprimanded him for his outrageous and polarizing comments? Why does he still have his job?
Richard told the truth and is getting crucified for it.
I heard of another guy 2000 years ago that the same thing happened to.
I have NO respect for this man. Mr. Land is a CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) member masquerading as a Southern Baptist.
Richard Land is the Baptist Glenn Beck.
We wonder why are churches are lily white and dying.
It is because of hate speech.
Maybe when Richard gets to Heaven and he sees God and God is Black, maybe Richard will have a change of heart.
News Flash big Rich....Jesus was not White!
I don't care about plagarism.
I care about effectiveness.
I don't care about Richard Land's so called 'racism'.
I care about someone in my family getting mugged by an illegal alien.
I don't care what you say about me.
I do care that you can eat cheetos and sit in your mommas basement and throw out hatred towards Spiritual Leaders.
"Dripping with sarcasm"
The silence from the higher ups in the SBC is telling. Land does whatever he wants to with no accountability.
Next topic dawg...I am tired of looking at the pic of Land...please! Ty
"Trust us there are no pedophiles on staff here!!!" lol. thats what i was thinking.
Good grief! What an idiot. I have been suspicious of Land for a long time now.
"I don't think you could ever say that being a "secretary" or Administrative Assistant is a "cushy" job for ANY college graduate."
That is because you do not know what it means in that world at SBTS and how much it pays.
First of all as full time employee, hubby gets more of a break in tuition. Secondly, there are a ton of applicants for every single job at SBTS from folks who are seriously in need of income. That would not be Gaines' daughter. Thirdly, when they make job cuts, which they did in 2009, they never cut the children of any leaders.
And finally, Moore likes to surround himself with the young and beautiful women who "adore" him
Your tithe dollars at work!
BBC, is this same daughter who was Molly Mohler's roommate at Union?
BBC, is this same daughter who was Molly Mohler's roommate at Union?
Yes, Alli Gaines Hill was Katie Mohler's roommate, suitemate, or hallmate (whatever they call it at Union).
Oddly enough, Dr. Land is a member of the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations. These comments do not surprise me. Total Wraith!
Taps for Richard Land?
So... the SBC gets their knickers in a knot over "racially-charged" comments and plagiarism, but the issue of clergy sex abuse not so much.
Land's "sin" was his lack of judgment in expressing his opinion in the wrong venue. This was threatening to hit the already bleeding SBC in the pocketbook even more. Do you honestly believe TPTB in the SBC give a hoot about "racial reconciliation"? As I've always said, follow the money. They're losing money; they need more sources of money. Black congregations tend to support their pastors in high style. At least the larger and more visible ones do. Now, the SBC needs to find a way to tap into those resources. {light bulb!} So what better way than to elect a black SBC prez? (Fred Luter may be a great guy, but Google his name and all the headlines are about him being the "first black SBC prez." Other than that what are his qualifications?) And just when they thought the plan was in place, along comes Richard Land and sticks his foot in his mouth and sets things back 30 years. This is actually kind of funny when you think about it, not for those in the trenches but for the good old boys in their ivory towers. I hope they have a Plan B. No, I don't. Actually I don't care.
Speaking of derailed plans, where was a Richard Land when the SBC needed someone like him 30+ years ago? I've come to realize I didn't leave the SBC; the SBC left me. A long, long time ago.
Richard Land, the Joe Biden of the SBC.
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