"Yes, the church wants your money!! Guess what? It's not your money! God gave you that money, Big Boy!....my name is Steven Furtick, and I approve this message!" Steven Furtick - SEE VIDEO BELOW
What is so fascinating about mega church pastors is the new lows to which they plunge in their attempts to expand their church, and to extend their reach into the pockets of their followers.In the video below, Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC, proudly proclaims that "Yes, the church wants your money", and then tells his church members as they hoot and holler: "It's not your money!"
What Steven means is that he and his church have a greater right to your checking account than you do. None of your money is yours, says Steven. All of your money is God's, and you need to give God back at least 10% if not more, since he gave it to you. And here's the catch: to give God back what he gave you - which doesn't make sense since God owns it all anyways - according to Steven you have only one choice: give it to Elevation Church - because Steven is building the church that Jesus promised he would be responsible for.
"And once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks who went for a walk in the woods..."
Furtick's claim to his follower's money is so illogical, and so wrong-headed, that to hear the hoots and hollers from the crowd as Steven spews this nonsense, tells me this church is on its way to being a cult, and Steven Furtick a cult leader. Perhaps it is there already.

When I heard Furtick spew this nonsense, it reminded me of the story a friend told me about why he had to stop attending his church. His pastor was so aggressive in raising money that he told the men in the congregation that if they were not tithing, they were not "real men". The pastor said they were having other men "pay their way", and that no real man would have another man pay their way. And for good measure, the pastor said if you're a man not tithing you probably are not a Christian. This man was giving some money to the church, but he was struggling financially, had two kids in college, and was being very generous to his family in providing for their material and educational needs. He went to church to get encouragement in his faith, but instead was told on multiple occasions from the pulpit that he was no damn good, was not a man, that the pastor was the "real" man, and that in fact he probably wasn't a Christian because he didn't give 10%.
So this man felt he couldn't return to the church and continue to expose his family to a preacher who denigrated their own father's faith and manhood from the pulpit.
This is what is happening in evangelical churches - pastors who have such a love of money and power, they are turning away clear-minded, rational-thinking believers. And young people who are very adept at seeing through these shallow preachers, will be turned away from Christianity altogether.
And what this will leave is churches predominantly filled with Kool Aid drinkers who don't dare question the pastor, and who will fork over 10% of their money based on fairy tales and myths and believe they are buying favor with God.
Avoid these churches like the plague, Christian.
Yes, the Church Wants Your Money, 'Cause it Ain't Yours Big Boy!! from FBCJax Watchdog on Vimeo.
This is a point in which I agree with Tullian Tchividjian who says in his blog post concerning the things Puritans were wrong on:
"Satan loves to take the tender conscience and stir up doubt of salvation, doubt of sanctification, and doubt of progression in holiness. Then, he turns the gaze of the introspective person inward, where the dark recesses of our hearts continue to lead to darker recesses still. Instead of living in the shining light of gospel truth, the gospel that dispels all this darkness and grants us a new heart, we travel deeper and deeper into the cavernous rooms of our remaining sin."
"Meanwhile, our missiological effectiveness is thwarted. We talk about grace, sing about grace, read about grace, and hear sermons about grace, but at the end of the day, we are paralyzed, not free. We see ourselves only as sinners, not saints. Constant self-doubt and introspection haunt our efforts to be on mission."
God loves a cheerful giver, not a coerced, bullied one. We will not get any closer to God or his blessings if we give or don't give. Christ's death on the Cross freed us from such obligations. We are his. We are a child of God's because of grace. We are blessed because of his deep love for us. Would we do this type of thing to our own children? Read the New Covenant in scripture and see the truth. Free oneself from such false teaching. This is and has always been my desire for the Church(not the building but the people who are the Church). Christ came to set us free, not bring us into further bondage.
Organize protests at these mega-cult, tithe-terrorism churches.
They have no defense which can stand up very long against persistent public scrutiny.
Just do it.
Once they have the 10%, they'll all be pushing for those who'll be blessed even more than that "minimal" 10%. ( I know some have already gone there.)
Do these guys have no shame? Is there no one to call them on this within their church? What has happened to to old time deacons/elders? Are they afraid? Or do they just don't care?
This is why Paul said if an angel brought you another gospel RUN away. The love of money is the root to all evila even in church buildings. You never hear the real gospel its just the money and the tithe. How about teaching salvation and how to witness. How about witnessing in your neighborhood instead of taking a vacation (missionasry trip). How about hiring a poor expierenced secretary rather than your wife. This might bring forth real change.
I think only Mark Driscoll might sound angrier than this guy.
Why they have thousands of followers is mind boggling. Why go week after week to a church and a pastor that treat you with such contempt?
Seriously? I'm having a hard time understanding the disagreement with Furtick's message. The tithe is biblical and predates the Law. And Anon: November 24, 2012 3:24 PM said it right, the love of money is the root of all evil, and that includes people with closed fists. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Do you keep your treasure in your own hands, or in God's Kingdom, the Earthly manifestation of which is your church (which Jesus built, per Matthew 16)? You don't have to tithe to Furtick's church, but you are commanded to tithe to yours. It is all God's money, so I don't understand why people fight the tithe. Jesus specifically said, when the Pharisees confronted him on taxes, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's," and to the religious leaders of the day, that would clearly reference the tithe. God does love a cheerful giver, as Debbie said, but he also loves a cheerful, obedient child and some people do need to be coerced and bullied out of their sins, and I don't think God condemns that, especially if you study Matthew 18.
@Govteach: see the comment from Kyle for the answer to your question about why no one calls these pastors on these false teachings. Their elders/members/followers have been deceived and truly believe the tithe is still for today.
I've discovered that most of them won't even give any attention to true, Biblical teachings on the tithe. Admitting being wrong and deceived is hard.
If it's God's money than Steve needs to take his own advice. Start shopping at Walmart for clothes and live in a small house. He's is so arrogant...
Eric, please direct me to the Biblical teaching on the matter, because I have studied it, years ago, and found no reason to dismiss the tithe. I can be persuaded, but not by dismissing my argument and lumping me in with blind followers. I may disagree with some of the usage of Old Testament text to call on blessings or curses, but the tithe I agree with. My argument comes from Jesus's mouth, he did not come to abolish the Law but to complete it. The OT is still God's moral absolutes and since God is unchanging, those absolutes are still in place. Jesus's death did not free us from the moral absolutes of the Law, but rather from the punishment of the Law. You could argue the abolishment of the cultural imperatives found within the Law and Prophets, but I would come back that the tithe was not a cultural imperative, but an outward expression of devotion and sacrifice, traced all the way back to Cain and Abel's gifts, which Abel gave of his firstborn (called for in the Law next to the tithe) and Cain an unspecified offering but not specified as the first of his crop. I see no NT imperative to dismiss the tithe except for the cheerful giver passage, which is loose to me at best. If God wanted to overturn something so important to him for all of history then why would he not make it absolutely clear, as Jesus turned adultery and murder on their head when confronted with the Law? Serious question.
I will ask more questions that I am sure will go unanswered. In the Old Testament there are three tithes so why is there only one today? Why, if the Christian is obliged to tithe, did if take 700 years after the church was established before tithing became a teaching? How do you get that the tithe predates the law?
Reminds me of the SHAMWOW guy pitching those over priced miracle rags. This would be a hilarious video clip if it were not so incredibly damaging to the cause of Christ. The mass merchandising of the cross for the self enrichment of these mega-church "entrepreneurs" (scam artists ? ) has reached such a low that it's just beyond disgusting. Where does it end.
@ Eric:
Read this site.
We went to a church that was doing a study on his book instead of the Bible and we knew it was a scam as soon as we saw the intro video.
They had the pastor and wife sitting on stage talking about they felt led to give more. They were dressed quite extravagantly for where we live (Maine) and were shocked that people sitting there were agreeing with the extra giving. Clearly this was a way for them to raise more money for themselves this coming Christmas!
How do we get people out of such terrible situations?
When I look at the faces of these hipster preachers like Furtick, Noble, Chandler, Young, Morris, Driscoll - I don't see any joy at all. I don't see a love for people. I see a lot of arrogance and anger. They look irritated and annoyed.
That, Kyle, among many other things, is why I find their beatdown over tithing, or anything they preach for that matter, so off target, un-Christlike, and ineffective.
Their spirit and demeanor loses me way before their message is ever heard.
Psalm 50:12 says 'for all the world is mine in all its fullness'. Everything we have is His. And He said 'I want you to take a tithe out of what I give you and call it a sacred thing, and the thing I want you to do, I want you to be responsible stewards over that tithe to be sure it gets to the right place'. Your tithe doesn't belong to your sick uncle. It belongs in God's storehouse, to spread the Good News to others ! You may say 'Well, I can't trust the folks at my church.' Well, then change churches. I wouldn't go to a church that I couldn't trust the leadership, I'd go somewhere else. Thats my suggestion. Then you can hear other folks saying I don't trust the leadership in that church. The issue here isn't trusting someone; the issue is you love that stinking stuff so much that you're going to keep it. What if you said to God "Give me ten and I'll give you one back." You know there was a man who did that, and I'm sure a lot more than just one. But this particular man I'm thinking of said "Lord, if you'll bless this business, I'll give you ten percent. I'll give you a tithe from everything that comes from it, and he did. By the time he died, he was giving God 90 percent and keeping 10, because God was giving him so much . His name was J.C. Penney.
Why don't Furtick, "Noble," Macdonald, et al., rather go by the Luke 21:2-4 giving model -- put in ALL the living you have?! Wouldn't that grow their "churches" even bigger, and make people even more dependent upon THEM? I mean, that would be based on something in the Bible, in the NT even -- where the tithe is OT law (civil law, applying to the NATION Israel). Most mentions of tithing in NT are usually in scorn to Pharisees.
I'm not opposed to tithing as a model for NT giving. Browbeating people into uncheerful giving, I am opposed to, as I believe it is utterly contrary to scripture.
While you are looking up the answers to Wish's question, here are a few more for consideration.
Why was the tithe always food (Flocks and crops - thus the need for a literal storehouse) in the OT and today it is 10% of your paycheck?
Why are we not paying the OT 20% penalty for paying the tithe in cash today?
Why are the poor required to pay a tithe today when they were the recipients of the tithe in the OT?
How do you harmonize the OT tithing verses that say you are stealing from God and that you will be cursed if you don't give 10% with the NT verses that say you should give what you have decided in your heart and not under coersion?
Does God require me to give a tithe of all I earn?
"And He said 'I want you to take a tithe out of what I give you and call it a sacred thing"
Who did he say that to? The same people he told to stone their children if they disobeyed. So, why are you ignoring that command?
"Your tithe doesn't belong to your sick uncle."
I Tim 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
"It belongs in God's storehouse"
Where is that storehouse? I've looked all over my church and can't find it.
"to spread the Good News to others"
Actually the storehouse was used to store food (tithes)
"Lord, if you'll bless this business, I'll give you ten percent."
I thought we were supposed to give because we wanted to not to get something out of it.
COUNTDOWN: 36 days
That's when we will find out if the TROLL's prayers are in God's will or not.
You're about to be exposed TROLL!!!
"I'm not apologizing for building the only thing that Jesus said that he would take personal responsibility to build"
So, why do we need Steven?
Tithing is taught no where in the NT. If you want to teach on the blessomgs of tithing, do you also teach on the curses of not tithing?
This is a good website for tithing -
A good website for the topic of tithing - http://www.tithing-russkelly.com/
First, none of us here are against people giving a tenth. If you have prayed and God the Holy Spirit has directed you to give a tenth then you are to give a tenth and you are to do so cheerfully and without regard to what anyone else is or is not giving.
Second, the James Cash Penney quote appears to be a “Preacher’s story.” I have not been able to confirm the quote from any verifiable source. I can confirm that he was a fierce believer in tithing but as far as the other stuff I cannot find it.
Third, even if the quote is from J. C. Penney, what does it prove? The implication is that there is a correlation between tithing and financial prosperity. If that is true then why are not all tithers financially rich? This is characteristic of a petty pagan deity to whom you must pay the appropriate tribute to in order to prosper and avoid calamity.
Anon 8:26 am Can you advise all of us where the storehouse is located, you know the address so we can go check it out. Thanks.
@Govteach - thamk you for that website.
@Kyle - Here are some links for you to check out.
If you are a sermon geek like me, you can search around that that website, gty.org, and find sermons by John MacArthur on pretty much every Biblical topic there is. He is an expository preacher and has preached a sermon on every single verse of the New Testament over the 30 or 40 years he's been preaching. There are quite a few sermons where he really gets in depth about true Christian giving vs. the tithe.
I truly hope that you are the rare exception and will actually be a Berean because, as I said, in my experience most won't.
btw, I was saved while in a WordFaith church and heard and read and was taught the pro-tithe teachings many times over. I didn't seek out contrary teachings, but I was/am so hungry to know God and His Word more and more that they became unavoidable.
Ah, the J C Penny urban legend.
Pastor Steven is a prophet for our age.
He embraces people, embraces God, and embraces the greatest preachers of our day.
He is a New York Times Bestselling author as well.
Look what he said when he introduced TD Jakes...
"I want you to stand up on your feet right now and let's welcome to the stage the greatest preacher of our time bishop T.D. Jakes. Come on and show him some embarrassing love."
That is the Heart of God!!!
Many of you hate on our Pastor because he loves people of all races and backgrounds.
Go back to yo Mommas basement and lick the cheeto crumbs off your fingers...
It is a new day and new Brother who is leading the Charge for Jesus!
Move over Billy G!
TdePastor Steven is a prophet for our age.
He embraces people, embraces God, and embraces the greatest preachers of our day.
He is a New York Times Bestselling author as well.
Look what he said when he introduced TD Jakes...
"I want you to stand up on your feet right now and let's welcome to the stage the greatest preacher of our time bishop T.D. Jakes. Come on and show him some embarrassing love."
That is the Heart of God!!!
Many of you hate on our Pastor because he loves people of all races and backgrounds.
Go back to yo Mommas basement and lick the cheeto crumbs off your fingers...
It is a new day and new Brother who is leading the Charge for Jesus!
Move over Billy G!
Paul, "the apostle of the Gentiles," never, ever, ever made demands, and/or misrepresented the truth of the word of God: especially concerning support of himself, or his ministry; like so many of thrse modern day "John Tetzel's."
Acts 20:33 - 35
33 "I never wanted anyone's silver, gold, or clothes.34 You know that I worked to support myself and those who were with me.35 I have given you an example that by working hard like this we should help the weak. We should remember the words that the Lord Jesus said, 'Giving gifts is more satisfying than receiving them.'"
Grace & Peace - Elder Gab
I love that J C Penney legend...doesn't most of their profit today (and for most "stores") come from the INTEREST they charge on their credit cards? I thought we weren't to exact usury...but as long as I tithe on that increase, I'm good! :) [Insert sarcasm here - mine doesn't come across well in typing]
Why is it that when people come on this blog and support the OT tithe and then are questioned in depth about it, you never hear from them again?
Remember Les Puryear? He was blowing hard until he was asked some very pointed questions about his support of the tithe.
He promised to do some research (which implies he was just preaching what someone had taught him without studying first), write and paper, and get back to us.
That was about 5 years ago.
He sounds a lot like Obama. "You didn't build that! It's not your money!" It may be God's money, but sure isn't Furtick's.
Ever notice that these mega-churches don't publish anything regarding finances, how much they bring in, how much they spend on salaries (as a whole) versus various ministries.
THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! If you know, then you will stop giving because you'll know the truth. They don't want you to peer behind the curtain!
The apostles, (I believe,) never ranted on and on about tithes, offerings, and firstfruits like many of the moder day John Tetzel's. In fact, the apostle Paul while speaking to a group of church leaders: (elders,) had this to say:
Acts 20:33 - 35
33 "I never wanted anyone's silver, gold, or clothes.34 You know that I worked to support myself and those who were with me.35 I have given you an example that by working hard like this we should help the weak. We
should remember the words that the Lord Jesus said, 'Giving gifts is more satisfying than receiving them.'"
Grace & Peace - Elder gab
Funny how these guys think it is God's money until they get their greedy little paws on it, then it's ok to live in excess. Furtick? Well now, that is an appropriate name, isn't it. After all, a fur tick is just a blood sucking parasite.
Anon 12:56, it's because he speaks to the deepest parts of a woman's heart for a strong, muscular, hot man. Come to think of it, it's probably why a lot of men like him as well. But God forbid they recognize their gender confusion in all this idol worship!!
Mark, With Furtick's church, they do. Not as detailed as I might like, but pretty good general budget numbers and personnel costs, etc. http://annualreport.elevationchurch.org
The race card. Really?
"The race card. Really?"
That's what people who are morally bankrupt and desperate for any diversion from the truth try.
Of course, everyone recognizes it as such.
Off Topic: For people interested in anonymous email accounts.
"Mark, With Furtick's church, they do. Not as detailed as I might like, but pretty good general budget numbers and personnel costs, etc. http://annualreport.elevationchurch.org"
Good for them. Even basic numbers should be put out. I wish more of these megachurches would do this. I still don't agree with his money raising tactics. And why exactly does he feel the need to expand his brand outside of his local area? It's empire building.
"Anon 12:56, it's because he speaks to the deepest parts of a woman's heart for a strong, muscular, hot man. Come to think of it, it's probably why a lot of men like him as well. But God forbid they recognize their gender confusion in all this idol worship!!"
Are you referring to Furtick? Eeeeewww!
Tithing is religious extortion!
It cracks me that while these carnival barker preachers will harp on giving them your "tithe", they conveniently neglect what the scripture actually says to do with your tithe:
You shall tithe all the yield of your seed that comes from the field year by year. And before the Lord your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, when the Lord your God blesses you, because the place is too far from you, which the Lord your God chooses, to set his name there, then you shall turn it into money and bind up the money in your hand and go to the place that the Lord your God chooses and spend the money for whatever you desire — oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household. -- Deuteronomy 14:22-26(ESV)
You neglected the fact that Elevation has given over 7 million to its outreach partners in 2012 ALONE.
Anon said: "It cracks me that while these carnival barker preachers will harp on giving them your "tithe", they conveniently neglect what the scripture actually says to do with your tithe:"
Right. The scripture you quoted is about the "second tithe" or the tenth that is supposed to be saved to be eaten during the Feast of Booths. Tithe preachers neglect to mention this tithe or also the "third tithe" which is to be given twice every 7 years. Yes, Two out of seven years you are supposed to give 30% of your increase.
But these preachers might say: "Oh but that is Old Covenant and not required today?" Exactly! The tithe isn't required! You can't demand 10% and neglect the rest of the law! 10% tithe obedience is a LIE! It is merely a source of arm-twisting to gain access to your pocketbooks. If they want to teach tithing obedience, they MUST teach that you must set aside 20-30% of your income, depending on the year. That's REAL old testament obedience.
These Emergent kids are funny.
Yes. tithe or the country will be cursed! I heard this again by one of Jax's megas. They just have to keep up the slogan don't they?
Yes! Elevation wants your money. $20 million to build office space and a newer, bigger, better headquarters. My family are regular attendees at this infomercial of a church. However I cannot buy into what Furtick is SELLING!!!!! No transparency into what his take is from nearly $200k a week in workship service offerings, no transparency as to what his board of advisors (not elders) are paid. A board made up of the likes of Pastor Dino Rizzo (Healing Place Church- Baton Rouge, LA)
Dr. Jack Graham (Prestonwood Baptist Church- Plano, TX)
Pastor Perry Noble (Newspring Church- Anderson, SC)
Pastor Kevin Gerald (Champions Centre- Seattle, WA)
Pastor Stovall Weems (Celebration Church- Jacksonville, FL).
With a board made up of his fellow mega church cronies and no representation for the people attending this church, I don't see how anyone with have a brain could buy into his latest promo "Banner years" without seeing real figures for salaries and detailed expenses before handing over their money.
When James MacDonald is his "buddy" and "mentor" it is no wonder he has this attitude. See www.theelephantsdebt.com for how James has dealt with the issue of money and power.
To: November 28, 2012 7:23 AM
Cant help but agree. These pastors/preachers have to be aware of their charisma and use it! They want women to be conservative in their attire but wear tight shirts tight jeans.....anything which accentuates!
I have to laugh at all of this. All of this bickering back and forth over a five minute spot of a sermon. Granted this sermon did deal with giving . But it also said where the money is going and where it has gone. He even stated that most churches spend 60% on personnel while they spend 29%. Yes he does mention giving in other sermons, but that is not the only thing he teaches on! listen to more of his messages, listen to many others ! Get your fill of God's Word.
On a side note, the tithe was first mentioned in Genesis when Abram met a stranger and gave him a tithe. Please study this out if you have any questions. I do not have all the answers but the Bible does and greater men than me have done great research on this. I can not remember specifics but I do know it convinced me.
I have to laugh at all of this. All of this bickering back and forth over a five minute spot of a sermon. Granted this sermon did deal with giving . But it also said where the money is going and where it has gone. He even stated that most churches spend 60% on personnel while they spend 29%. Yes he does mention giving in other sermons, but that is not the only thing he teaches on! listen to more of his messages, listen to many others ! Get your fill of God's Word.
On a side note, the tithe was first mentioned in Genesis when Abram met a stranger and gave him a tithe. Please study this out if you have any questions. I do not have all the answers but the Bible does and greater men than me have done great research on this. I can not remember specifics but I do know it convinced me.
you do realize you are all retarded, right?
I would never attend a church that I was receiving food for my spirit and not tithe. MY Bible tells me to do this, yes, but my heart speaks just as loud telling me that a church won't survive or grow without income. I want my children taught, fed, and kept safe in a church environment, I want to know that the Word of God is being spread to all nations, I want to see Bible groups, teen functions, I want to hear amazing music, I want to see a church grow with attendance, ALL of this costs money! Who would be so greedy as to say it isn't right for a pastor to remind the congregation what the Bible tells us about giving and tithing? We're all so ready to take things, but so stingy to give in return. I attend Elevation and have never left the church without hearing an amazing message from Pastor Furtick. He brings the Bible alive, he is relevant, he shows how the Bible impacts our lives today just as it did when it was written. No one is forced or coerced to give, ... the plate is passed, and I, along with thousands of others, give cheerfully! Elevation is an amazing church!
I have attended Elevation Church for almost 2 years now. As a Christian for 45 years, one who has read and studied the scriptures all those 45 years - I know God has called me to Elevation to worship, learn, grow, tithe and serve. Our church is truly all about those who are far from God being raised to life in Christ and those who are close to God being doers of the Word and not just hearers only. When I look at the fruit in my life and that of thousands of others, I conclude that God is in this great work and as Pastor Steven lifts up Jesus Christ - God draws those that will listen to Himself. If you feel that anything is amiss with our pastor or our church, as people of God, please pray for us that a spirit of revelation knowledge and wisdom will rest upon us as we seek to do God's will. Pray for us as we pray for you. Thank you.
Ramona MBE
When did he say it was his money? I mean the Subtitles did but he didnt. I dont understand. He said it was God's and that the church wants it. seems like every other church to me. No matter how big or small.
He said that about T. D. Jakes, the Prosperity-preaching, Trinity-denying, super-rich heretic? Oh, my...
Ramona, are you allowed to know the Pastor's salary? Why or why not?
Stevie needs this money for his 16,000 sq.ft. family abode he's building.
These Elevators need to step up and help him build his multi-million dollar kingdom in Waxhaw, NC. He can't do it all by himself!!
This is a well written excerpt. I attended Elevation and found that Furtick was a bit too arrogant for me. Most comments here are troll-type comments with literal, interpretations of the Bible by fanatics. More people have made money with Jesus Christ than with any other name. The man became a brand name without a patent a long time ago. One has to know that churches cannot feed themselves. They need the worshipers to help erect buildings. Preachers have to eat and feed their families. Now their lifestyles and how much they think they are worth depends on those who are willing to contribute. They are only asking not putting a gun to anybody's head. Their lifestyles are at stake and they do work hard for their daily bread. It is the fear factor of Hades, Bible interpretations or "scripture studies" as some fanatics say, and the ingrained fact that most people in the world feel lonely and need someone to show them the way. Others feel the constant need to experience pain, mortification, and unhappiness. Ramona, I do not see how you or anyone can be a student of the Bible for 45 years. That is not conceivable unless you are a troll.
Reading these posts scare me...people that have nothing better to do than to bash pastors are a huge problem for the cause of Christ. It's always a dead giveaway that you're trying to manipulate an audience when you take quotes out of the context of an entire message and post your own words at the bottom...my 6 year old does that. Just because someone is successful as a pastor doesn't mean he should have a target on his head. Why is is that people don't want God's kingdom to be built? The church is what he built and he chose to do that through people. But when a pastor speaks on money everyone thinks he's stealing somehow. Stop ranting on pastors...you're hurting the very cause you're after.
my grandfather was a minister for a small church in east TN for about 30 years. he never took a dime from the church. he worked a full time job at a saw mill for years until he went on SS and still.. never took a penny out of the plate. i dont understand compensating a minister to the tune of 7 figures. didnt jesus whip up on a few guys in a church for making it all about money? Steven Furtick should have nothing to hide as a minister. theres another quote in there about closets and whats done in secret being brought to light. oif Steven Furtick really believes that, he needs to worry a little about I would think.
This is for Kyle. You answered your own question because the last comment was Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law but to complete it. Kyle Jesus completed the law. Some translation use the term to fulfill it. If Kyle could fulfill the law Jesus would not have had to come do it for us as our representative. Only someone sinless could fulfill the law. Stop being blind folks.
Romans 10:4 Christ is the End of the law for righteousness for all who believe. The New Covenant is better because Jesus and The Holy Spirit completes us.
Kyle just because a practice predates the law does not mean it is for today. Stoning folks who broke the Saturday Sabbath rest and Abraham having a illegitimate son also predates the law. Jesus completed the law, period.
Romans 10:3-4, Galatians 4:24 Hagar and Sarah represent the two covenants. Galatians 4:30 Cast out the slave women. Galatians 4:31 We are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman's son. Go learn with that means all you grace rejecters.
Anonymous, no one said to not tithe if are being fed the Word at your church, the issue is it is a law under the New Covenant. NO it is not. And you cannot find one verse after Jesus said Paid in full where we are justified by the tithe law. Jesus said Paid in full.
Anonymous, no one said to not tithe if u are being fed the Word at your church, the issue is it is a law under the New Covenant. NO it is not. And you cannot find one verse after Jesus said Paid in full where we are justified by the tithe law. Jesus said Paid in full.
Why is Paid in full so hard for some grace killers to understand?
Instead of worrying about these pastors, why don't you all pray for them. You're criticizing, and doing the same thing the Bible says not to do, so either way, both are the same if true.
the bible says not to judge people for you will be judged instead pray for Steven ask God to change his heart.
As a Christian, it saddens me to see this. It should not surprise us, but pastors like this all too often disparage the messages Christ taught and besmirch the image of the church and discourage people from their faith and doing good things through the church. It keeps many people from supporting good and legitimate activities in churches because of the suspicion that their donations will be going into the pockets of the leaders. Very sad.
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