Hope all of you Watchdog readers are having a wonderful summer. Make no mistake, the Watchdog is still on the job, but just taking a break from writing over the past month. Like some of the high-profile mega church pastors, the Watchdog is on a summer sabbatical to recharge his blogging batteries. The Dog of God has to take a break just like the Man of God, you know!
During the Dog Days of summer, I did want to share with you a short post of a few recent examples of what pastors need from you this summer, so you can be sure to help them out.
"It's All About the Benjamins": Josh Turner and the pastors at
Celebration Church here in Jacksonville need your benjamins. Last night with a giant "It's All About the BENJAMINS" graphic behind him (for those of you who don't know, a "benjamin" is a $100 bill) - Josh preached to the college students the importance of forking over 10% of their life's income to the church so they can be blessed and not cursed. Josh even managed to make fun of a woman who actually took them up on their "money back guarantee" offer - a woman who I know and who did need her money back and went through the humiliation of having to ask for it. I used to think that pastors tried to hide the fact that what is most important is the money - but Josh and the leadership at Celebration are now apparently open and honest: "It's All About the Benjamins" as you see in the photo above taken last night. To these preachers what matters most is the dollars - you prove your faith to them by forking over 10 cents on the dollar. Seeing this reminded me of Ed Young's
"Show me the Money" sermon disaster in 2010.
"Preacher Needs House Furnished": While Josh is trying to rack up the Benjamins, another pastor in Waycross, Georgia is trying to rack up the home furnishings. Remember Danny "
It Ain't None of Yo' Business" Crosby, the preacher here in Jax who bragged about
ripping into a woman at a restaurant who dared to criticize her pastor in a private conversation - while his own online resume publicly ripped his prior church? Danny boy landed a
new gig at a church in Waycross this spring. I've never heard of a pastor doing this before, but apparently Danny and the Mrs. set up a "wedding registry" at Belk's website so the peeps at his new church could help them furnish their home they're moving into this summer. If you'd like to help Danny furnish his home - they still need the Samsung 720p plasma TV on the Walmart registry - visit their registry
here and
here. And tell them the Watchdog sent you.
"Preacher Needs Your Prayers": The peeps at Perry Noble's church received an hour's lecture by "teaching pastor" Clayton King on a very necessary topic: you are obligated to continually pray for your pastor. Not that you should be praying for your wife or your kids, but you should be in continual prayer for Perry and others in "authority" over you, since their jobs are so tough and so important. Clayton wrapped it up by telling the good folks six steps to praying for Perry: pray
affectionately, pray
compassionately, pray
courageously, pray
specifically, pray
expectantly, pray
constantly. And pray while drinking the NewSpring Kool Aid. If you need to watch this hour lecture on how to pray for YOUR Man-of-God, you can watch Clayton's message
There you have it, now you know what your pastor needs...now get busy and pray and buy for your pastors, and remember, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS!
Good grief! Funny you should start off with Celebration Church. My wife asked me about it about five minutes before I read this. All I could tell her was that I thought it was one of "Seeker Friendly" churches. It seems they are seeking the "Benjamins" too.
I'm appalled, my cousin goes to this church. Don't know if I should send him this post/article or not.
Well it is more than obvious that these men have no fear of God at all...neither do they know Him as they should....this is an abomination to Him!
Hey WD, good to see you back from your sabbatical. I agree the Dog of God really needs a sabbatical to re-charge your dog gone blogging battery. At my house, it's all about seeking the Washington's while these guys make no bones (no pun intended, dog) about seeking the Benjamins.....nothing subtle about their greed.
Hey Dog- you forgot to mention 11:22 Church in Jacksonville and Beach United Methodist in Jacksonville Beach
Dog of God, LOL. That was just too funny, but I have been called worse. I just hope you don't get carried away and set up gift registries at PetSmart and Petco.
These guys are a total embarrassment to the church. There is absolutely no excuse for this sort of nonsense. They truly have no shame.
I understand your concern for these mega church pastors. I have them too. I understand you had issues with Mac. He was in the wrong. I actually agree with you on the false teaching of tithing that is so common. But I do take offense at this post. There are many good pastors like myself who can barely put food on the table, has 2 other jobs, and desperately needs prayer just avoid the depths of depression. You often make it sound like the majority of pastors want your money. This is misleading.
I have a friend That is a long time member of mega- Assembly of God church in our area. He and his wife were gone for a month visiting their child now living in Idaho. When he got back their were two letters in their mailbox, both informing them they had missed their "tithe" and if it is more convenient the church accepts Master Card and Visa.
They are now looking for a new church.
3:01 - I don't mean it that way you are interpreting my posts. To the contrary: I am pointing guys like this out on the blog because I know there are others like them, and I want people to instead find the pastors who DON'T pull this nonsense on their congregations. I view my blogs as instead providing a valuable service to those humble, sincere pastors who are trying to help people and not hinder and bind and abuse people.
Sort of like knowing what the genuine article is by studying the counterfeit.
I'll add this also: when pastors look the other way and refuse to hold these guys accountable - guys like Caner and guys who preach with a backdrop of "It's all about the benjamins" - it indeed DOES reflect on those of you who are genuine. But that is the fault of the failure of pastors to police themselves, not the bloggers who blog about it.
FBC in your response do you mean 3:01 or 9:18?
I was responding to 9:18, sorry
Thank you, I needed a really big laugh today, although none of this is truly funny. It's just the shamelessness of these people. I also like the commenter who noted the church asking for stocks, boats or cars. Honestly....these pastors are beyond greedy. If things are this bad for the fat cats, imagine what the congregation is going through.
Hey Anon 9:18 from your post it seems you are one (of the
Many) God fearing Spirirt led pastors WE (watchdog readers) absolutely admire and respect.
Here is the deal from a diff angle...As a salesman (100% commisssion w no benefits) for the last +10 years I work with/ talk to/ educate/ etc current and prospective customers about our services then pray and trust God will provide. And for some unknown reason to me -HE DOES!! It is Not their concern -my familys finances!!!!!!!
I cant imagine getting one ounce of business by walking in the door and telling them I Really need their money to pay my bills- And we do live frugally.
Sorry. Some will hotly disagree that preachers are salesmen of the Gospel-I know. But I believe a passionate driven christian salesman and pastor are no different.
Also Ive grown tired of the emails and letters telling laypeople How Tough Their Ministry Is. As a multisport experienced coach -cut the whinning! Last time I got my FBC "Pray for me letter" out of the mailbox during a week w no paycheck-literally dripping sweat from doing 4+ hours of pushmowing my yard w my old mower which finally broke days ago-working w a struggling homeschooler thru a tough week-shall I go on!??
It really just made me mad so I threw it out wanting to call them to say "suck it up!"
Oh well. Pastors that are doing right-We (laypeople) LOVE YOU and ADMIRE YOU and WILL PRAY FOR YOU -just do the job God gave You :))
Loved your post, Anonymous 10:26. I'll bet if a number of us posted our financial woes, it would make a pretty sad comment. :(
Love your comment Anonymous 10:26. I'd be willing to bet if a number of us posted our financial woes, it would make a pretty sad comment! :(
As a pastor for a medium sized church, I think that we need to careful about denigrating pastors of mega churches or any size church for that matter.
Whilst I understand that these articles are meant to keep a sort of boundary line for pastors, they open up a whole negative worldview for Christians and non-Christians to "attack" pastors.
As a pastor who has planted a few churches, I hope that Christians in general realize the pain and suffering that Pastors have to endure many times to ensure that people are evangelized and discipled effectively in mostly a world that carries so much anti-church bias.
I hope that you approve this comment and allow it to be published to give a more balanced view of things in your article.
Pastor Conan of Living Way Church, Fiji - http://livingwaychurch.co
Gotta cover for the hypocrisies:
"I hope that Christians in general realize the pain and suffering that Pastors have to endure many times to ensure that people are evangelized and discipled effectively in mostly a world that carries so much anti-church bias."
Those "poor" pastors, makes a heart bleed.....
Pastor Peters,
I must disagree.. I am an alumni of a SBC seminary, and if anything, we need to call down those who are doing wrong in other pulpits. If not, non-believers will look at all Christians as money hungry especially those in the ministry.
Look, I went to divinity school with guys who now drive Lincoln's and Jaguars and live in a house most of their members only dream about.
I am sorry sir, you are part of the problem, not cpart of the solution. Your message sounds like a "woe is me." If it is so bad, maybe God didn't really call you to the miinistry. Might be time to ask Jesus about your role in his Kingdom.
There are those who are Watchdogs… and then there are… Greedy Dogs!
Isaiah 56:11
“Yes, they are greedy dogs
Which never have enough.
And they are shepherds
Who cannot understand;
They all look to their own way,
Every one for his own gain,
From his own territory.”
Submitted by Yuppie Puppy
If i might be so bold to use a fictional character and say I think that this is what many thiink and feel today then here goes...
I loved little house on the prarie as a kid (yes Im a guy) and from what I remember the town loved/knew/trusted/ and wanted to be like the preacher. He was Humble, pretty much poor, married to his calling and Never told them to fork over More Hams and Chickens (back then they didnt get paid cash Im pretty sure). The town respected him alot because of the fact he gave up keeping up with the Jones's (Harriet the shopkeepers wife). He never rode in on his four hooved "lincoln". They never had to check in at the gated community guard shack or feel uncomfortable with his body guard breathing down their neck when shaking his hand. He was just one of them.
Current mind set... Look it up WD...a couple years ago I personally heard (first hand) a Jax Large Church preacher justify his salary by saying it was "comparable with other large church pastors." Really? So thats how its decided-social status. Dumb me. I kinda thought everyone involved prayed about it and then met and agreed w what God gave them. Or better in his case...what his wife said he could accept :)
I don't recall Paul having a chariot or fancy stallion horse. He was a tentmaker and paid his own way along with being beaten with rods, stoned, and whipped again in Derbe, Iconium, Antioch and Lystra. You seldom ever hear this being preached because its not a successful ministry. He just followed what God told him to do but that is not popular in some churches these days. God help us.
There are simply too many churches gripped by materialism in America. The true churches thrive to seek the welfare of the city and their community. They provide a ministries to the needy. If tithing was truly biblical as some elders then one seventh or one fought of a church budget, if you don't regards God's feast calendar, would be strictly to the welfare system of the church.
I think the guy meant one fourth but I get it. Tithing implies following a seven year cycle Because welfare tithe is the third year in a seven year cycle the ratios work out close to what this guy is saying.
Some churches even borrow funds just to keep the pastor and family in high cotton.
All churches are the same when it comes to greediness. It matters not if it is a large church begging for Benjamin's or small churches asking for tithes.
I left the church when the pastor asked: Why should I want more out of a church than I am willing to put into it?
Keep up the good work and maybe more people will wake up and simply walk away or choose to never go at all.
It is all a lie!!! The modern church , every denomination,is all about money and power. It is a waste of my time;that is why i quit going!
I'm surprised you haven't posted anything on the Dino Rizzo scandal. He spoke at Celebration church last Sunday as part of his comeback tour. He had an affair with a staff member last year, his church, HPC, lied and covered it up, and now he's back preaching and being celebrated but of course the girl was sent off to Florida with a wad of money and a signed non disclosure agreement. And Stovalls introduction of him was one big lie. Chec out mycultlife.com she has a lot of the scoop.
Neil Peters (Aug 4) -- I agree with you that we must be very careful to make a line between fringe Christianity (exposing it) and sincere and humble Christians and pastors (supporting it).
I was speaking to a Buddhist friend yesterday and we were talking about the difference between good Christian books and extremist books. We were looking at the Christian best seller lists online and I was saying that very few of those are out-and-out wacko. He understood the nuances.
Every religion has its nutcases...and always will.
I am amazed at the audacity of these pastors especially registering for products at Wal-Mart. What hypocrisy. If someone started a job in a secular industry, would that person start a registry for this new co-workers to purchase gifts.
I remember one evangelist who announced to those attending the service he was holding said that he knew some of them could give $100 and the ushers passed the plates. Then he said I know some of you couldn't give $100 but could give $50 and the plates were passed around again. He did this again and again for $20 and $10 and again for $5 and $1. Whoever said it is about money is correct.
The Onion couldn't create a more outrageous article. It's hard to believe these are real events. That checking account/routing number thing - that should be on the cover of Time Magazine.
Are you associated with FBC JAX based on your blog title?
It is sad there are many churches who are able to exploit today's social attitude of "You can get served" instead of it is about "Seeking to Serve"
This URL Link should be a good laugh and a piece of truth. (http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2013/03/27/1226607/329546-grumpy-cat.jpg)
With the name like FBC watch-dog, I'm not surprised to see such a negative judgmental comment coming from a FBC member. This comment bothers me, especially coming from someone who is member(assuming)of one of the biggest (sq ft) churches in America, but yet points out other churches in Jacksonville who preach on tithe/Money ???
(Born and raised for 18yrs at FBC since 1988)
With the name like FBC watch-dog, I'm not surprised to see such a negative judgmental comment coming from a FBC member. This comment bothers me, especially coming from someone who is member(assuming)of one of the biggest (sq ft) churches in America, but yet points out other churches in Jacksonville who preach on tithe/Money ???
(Born and raised for 18yrs at FBC since 1988)
With the name like FBC watch-dog, I'm not surprised to see such a negative judgmental comment coming from a FBC member. This comment bothers me, especially coming from someone who is member(assuming)of one of the biggest (sq ft) churches in America, but yet points out other churches in Jacksonville who preach on tithe/Money ???
(Born and raised for 18yrs at FBC since 1988)
With the name like FBC watch-dog, I'm not surprised to see such a negative judgmental comment coming from a FBC member. This comment bothers me, especially coming from someone who is member(assuming)of one of the biggest (sq ft) churches in America, but yet points out other churches in Jacksonville who preach on tithe/Money ???
(Born and raised for 18yrs at FBC since 1988)
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