The hotel, pictured at left, has been open for about a year. It has sat mostly empty, most nights looking almost COMPLETELY empty.
Now, the church is using TV time bought by the church for their ministry, to run commercials for the hotel! R.J. Washington and Titus Harvest Dome have a TV program on WJXT at 9:30 on Sundays, and this past Sunday the last 10 minutes of the program were devoted to commercials for the Marble Waters Hotel and Suites!
Is this right? Is this legal? A church is using funds - presumably untaxed tithes and offerings of their church members - to purchase TV time that is then used in part to advertise for a for-profit hotel that is owned by the pastor? How crazy can things get?
There are some other strange things about this hotel that raises the eyebrows of the Watchdog:
1. The church purchased a 9.63 acre vacant lot to the west of the current church in 2004 for the price of about $5.6 million. Then, in 2011, a 3.2 acre parcel was carved out of this vacant 9.63 acres and was deeded to "Water Marble Holding, LLC" on which the hotel was constructed. Pastor R.J. is the registered agent for this LLC.

This is beyond bizarre - the mixture of a for-profit hotel on property deeded by the church, but yet owned by the pastor, and advertised by the church on their TV ministry program.
My original post back in November 2012 was a bit in jest, pointing out that THIS might be the glimpse of what a mega or giga church would do IF indeed everyone obeyed their pastor and tithed and the church had so much of God's money they didn't know what to do with it. What the heck, let's build a....HOTEL! Yes, a hotel for Jesus!
But really, I hope someone in the Jacksonville media will begin snooping around and asking questions: why did a church decide to build a hotel on their property? And do they even know what they are doing in operating it? What special "gifts" does R.J. Washington possess that would make him able to operate a hotel, and where did the money come from that was used to build it? And why is it mostly empty? And when it is sold - which it likely will be - to a company that knows how to market and operate a hotel - who gets the money?
And if the media isn't interested, maybe there are some church members who aren't too happy that their "tithes and offerings" might have been used to build an $11 million building owned by their pastor, that is sitting mostly vacant.
And now their money given to God is being used to advertise for this boondoggle whose vacancies make it look more like the Bates Motel than the Marble Waters Hotel.
Hopefully church members will speak up.
The saddest thing about this is that so many homeless and hungry are sleeping in the streets while a luxury hotel is sitting empty. Wouldn't God have "called" Pastor Washington to build a homeless shelter and food bank on the site. Even call it the "RJ Washington Mission" and he can raise donations to run it. I know I would give to support a real ministry to hurting people like that would be. But alas, I guess the lovely lord Jesus prefers RJ build a luxury hotel. And no one in the congregation seems to disagree.
I like the titles given these mighty servants of God. "Pastor and First Lady" and the best one of all "Apostle." I just cannot see how these guys can continually get away with this stuff. Where is the IRS?
Church lobby pays the IRS off.
Hi Watchdog,
Meanwhile, the Mormon church has for-profit arms that own over half a million acres of land in Florida (and more elsewhere), and they are building a 32 story residential apartment tower in Philadelphia .
Apparently the Mormon church is able to do all this because church members are required to tithe in order to be allowed to participate in their most important rituals -- including getting married in a Mormon temple.
Just think of what these evangelical mega churches could rake in if they required tithing before you could get married in the church sanctuary! Pastors could forget about trying to motivate people with threats of curses if they don't tithe -- just tell them that they have to tithe if they want to experience God-approved sex! That would really get the bucks pouring into the church coffers.
Look at the review on Travel I wouldn't stay there either...Advisor....
I read the travel advisor reviews & I feel embarressed for the owners. It seems like they have no idea what they're doing, they just thought owning a hotel sounded cool.
Based on what I read about their management, or lack thereof, I don't support the idea that they own a homeless shelter just because the poor people visiting would probably find it more enjoyable sleeping in a cardboard box! I'm sure the hotel visitors wished the same for themselves...
I wonder if they have HBO on the TVs.
ahahahahah!!!! Church lobby pays the IRS off.
Gateway church displayed Texas Senator Ken Paxton, who is running for state attorney general, to the campus this weekend. Got a free introduction and plug by the church. He was a "special guest".
Wouldn't THAT be convenient?
New bumper sticker (to be printed)...
My pastor can screw people out of more money than your pastor
Cool, Gateway!
FBC Dallas had David Dewhurst, Lt Gov candidate.
Just happened to be in the neighborhood in time for early voting beginning on Feb 18!
(And hinting to their members how to vote! But so subtly...)
To Anon on 2-14-14 5:57 pm,
No, I don’t think it’s “cool” that Gateway brings politics to the altar of Jesus Christ in such a heavy handed way. Did you know that they man a “Vote Under God” booth at all of their campuses that will register you to vote and then tell you how to vote like a Gateway member? See where you can read Robert Morris’ mission statement for that operation: “We want to see 100% voter registration and voter participation at Gateway Church.” Morris has a live audience of 29,000 each week plus thousands more attending via Internet which is more than enough to swing a close local election.
Morris has been brow beating his sheep every week since the new year trying to get a great turn out at the primary elections this March in TX. All you have to do is go visit the booth and the nice people will tell you how to vote. In January 2012 Gateway used their most important conference of the year, The First Conference for which members are all told to fast, pray and complete devotionals, was ALL about how and for whom Gateway members should vote. Very cool, right? Guess who their biggest speaker was? “Good friend and fellow believer” Glenn Beck. That’s right. The outspoken 100% Mormon was given the altar of Gateway to deliver a sermon to kick the year off right. See which also links to Glenn’s sermon in full. In Morris’ greatest judgment and biblical discernment he states and supports that this cult member is a fellow Christian. So why would you want to accept his word on who to vote for?
Morris sees Glenn as a potentially huge future Gateway tither. Who’s to say he won’t support other anti-Christian positions and leaders in the future if those leaders are rich enough or powerful enough to tempt his ego like Glenn did? Should the altars of Jesus Christ be used for the stumping of elections? Right now most of Morris’ choices are pretty conservative but what if the next rich and powerful person is a flaming liberal. Still cool, or maybe a little scary.
It is sad to see what some churches are stooping to as if the Gospel of Christ needs the assistance of man in ways other than to tell others about it.
It is particularly sad to me to read of fake baptisms at Furtick's church. Does the Holy Spirit need mans' schemes? I think not. If the Lord Jesus is not moving the hearts of those needing to be saved or baptized then wouldn't that indicate a failure of the pastor in his sermons? Oh I'm sorry. What was I thinking! If everyone was tithing they wouldn't have to put fake converts in the audience to come forward for baptism.
What if churches just resorted to those old fashioned methods of personal witnessing, discipling converts, and training them in the Bible? It worked in Bible times up until the technology age. Does technology and scheming over rule the power of God?
Grooming Young Cult Members
Gotta start them out early!
Another example:
Okay, this if off-topic again, but Caner has appointed a new CFO. You've got to read her entire bio and the title of her dissertation:
Shepard's dissertation: Ethical Decision Making in Private Colleges? I can't see the problem here. Caner is bolstering his ethics street cred by glomming onto Shepard's qualifications. Besides, maybe her conclusion was that making ethical decisions is too costly for modern day bible colleges or perhaps they interfere with BPC's efforts to become hipper and edgier so their students can represent a more "relevant" Jesus. She is not a CPA so she has no professional ethics standards to uphold. I'm sure her "chili pepper" rating on Rate My Professors had nothing to do with her promotion.
LOL - I found her dissertation to be amusing, considering the fact that Caner has not particularly had a love affair with the subjects of ethics and integrity.
It's amazing that someone like Randy Minton had obviously worked on getting the school ready for SACS; therefore, why would you fire someone who was helping to get the school out of the perpetual SACS probation?
The people at BPC need to learn to use SACS-COC and not SACS.
And the lady's Ph.D. is from an on-line graduate degree mill.
Maybe Dr. Nicole Shepard, who is more educated and more qualified to be the school president, can get behind the pulpit and vacuum back there for Butch Caner? LOL
I actually made the mistake of staying at this hotel it was God aweful.....
"God" awful. That's funny
OMG....I just stayed there this past weekend and the reason I Googled the owner is because of the way they cut corners and are basically cheap. I was thinking Asian...but boy was I wrong. Nicely decorated but could use some lil things....churches branch out though not normally for profit, but they build apartments, day care centers, senior centers, etc. and they earn profit. So that's okay. But don't skimp on your guests! Cheap Cheap!! The one thing that pissed me off. I wear makeup and you use white towels which is expected at hotels. But don't leave makeup remover packages for me! You don't know if I'm allergic or not to the product. I paid to have those towels washed and bleached! And don't skimp on toilet paper! Had to constantly ask for it everyday! And the Complimentary breakfast is a joke. Put out a hot bar, self serve, all you can eat. DECAFE coffee, ICE, juice machine that work! But you can put out that hot bar for dinner that is FOR SALE! And place benches out front....yes people may sit out and smoke,,,oh well...but not a bench in site. And fix the bathtub access panel! And last certainly not least, poor construction. I have never heard so much noise above my head in a hotel. All you can hear is kids running or banging on wall behind your head board!. Front desk didn't see anyone in hall. They are not in the hall, but in the room above and beside me. We won't stay again....Be Blessed
I Really Wish You all would shut up!!! Now I've been a member of Pastor Washington's Church for over 16 years and I can't think of 1 time have the Pastor misused the tithe and offerings that have came thru the Church, This Ministry started out in a store front and because of faithful tithers has blossomed into the beautiful Mega-Ministry it is today, Now for those who don't really understand God's purpose for giving let me enlighten you a little, The Word Says "Give and it shall be given unto to you in good measure", meaning God rewards you abundantly, not 1 time have the church took any loans from a bank to build it's churches, schools, etc... All thru faithful tithers.
God said he'd open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there would not be room enough to receive it, so what he built a hotel!it was mainly built to house guest of the church during special events, instead of putting sum1 like Kirk Franklin, T.D. Jakes, Yolanda Adams Etc... In a hotel far away and overly expensive he has somewhere his guest can go now.
If you're apart of a ministry and that ministry never flourished, never built a newer church, never bought a new church van, or books for Sunday School, but stayed stagnant in that 1 lil spot on the corner on that 1 side of town, wouldn't you all think something was wrong? I would ? How the funds were being handled then, and then I again I wouldn't because I'm not giving to man, I'm being obedient and giving unto the Lord from my heart, therefore regardless if the ministry is mishandling funds or not I'm gonna be blessed regardless, God will handle the wrong doers, lastly never speak against something that you don't understand, you may see the glory, but you don't know the story, well I was there and I seen the countless sacrifices Pastor Washington made for the ministry, I've seen him lay prostrate crying out to God for guidance over the ministry and the people, so please don't talk against sum1 when you don't know their struggle, Touch Not My Anointed and Do My Prophets No Harm, Rake Heed.
It sounds like you are just repeating what you have been told for the past 16 years.
None of it even sounds logical. I mean logical in the sense that those of us living in the real world consider logical.
Churches make people poorer and dumber. The ratio of smart wealthy people vs poor and dumb people in attendance should be proof enough.
Virgil, sounds like more brainwashed ideology. Of course Pastor Washington is going to find biblical verses to twist into ways to have the congregation donate/tithe more. He is profiting handsomely from it. I believe strongly in God, but do not believe in the church. Church is a creation of man, the bible was also written by men, a long time ago, and people now days find ways to contort the words within its pages to benefit their own personal interests or positions. A man of God is humble, and gives more than he should ever receive. There are far too many of these pastors of mega churches, flaunting their riches and claiming God provided them with this for being a good Christian is laughable. These pastors are getting rich off their own, sucking them dry all in the name of the Lord. It's disturbing that so many people are blind to what the real motivation Something again created by man, and used to establish their position and influence in society. All those people you mentioned that the hotel wants to house, are doing the same to their own church goers and online/tv viewers. Milking them like a cow for their hard earned cash all because they have them convinced that the Almighty will look more favorably upon them. Take your versus however you will, but just remember, these people are honestly corrupt to the core, and not looking out for you best interests. It happens in churches of all types, and the reason why man should seek God out in his own way and develop his relationship with the Lord. Not be told how to worship and how much he must donate to be a good believer. End of rant. I drive past this church and hotel everyday and look at it with disgust and chuckle that it is empty. I'm glad to see that the church isn't profiting too much from it, but I guess when your pulling in as much dough as the Harvest Dome does, it is no problem to operate at a loss. No church should ever be for profit. It should lose it's tax safe haven once it does go down that road.
They do ! But can't afford soap or light bulbs in the rooms .
Yes walls are extremely thin , 1 roll of toilet paper , oh and a half roll . We must have had same room as you as acess panel was down . Light by the bed didn't work and those teeny weeny body gel that you needed strong hands to squeeze any out . I doubt someone with rheumatoid arthritis could bathe with that so called soap . The price we paid for a room I was expecting a motel 6 atmosphere and was surprised at it being a luxury style hotel . A motel 6 least had endless toilet paper and soap ..... and breakfast that's not disgusting . Thank God we just are here one night . The only reason we chose this hotel was it's close to the Port for our cruise and the price was cheap . Like I said motel 6 or a Red Roof or others would have been a better choice . And now knowing that is some kind of Jim Baker like church operation ..... Judy par for the course of more corruption and money laundering . Smh
Your brainwashed ! Keep drinking that juice !
I'm not understanding why you people feel that everyone on this Earth just because they have money or is a church need to take care of the problem that the homeless people have somebody needs to start looking at the president or the congressman to find out why we have such a homeless problem in on this Earth instead of pointing fingers at other people who have money and work hard to get money they have.... you never know what the church is doing to help the homeless Ministry or help the homeless men when women that's on this Earth until you actually visit the church I don't attend the church but yet and still I am a Christian and know that you can still take care of God's people without having to show or spread your money around and throw it around at other people saying okay let's take care of the homeless figure out what you can do besides sit around and criticize about church that worked hard to get where they are and they are serving God so you don't know what they're doing
Jacksonville FloriDuh is the Most Corrupt City in the USA, It will go down like Detroit.
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