Here is the January 24, 2009 Daily Devotional from Love Worth Finding Ministries, which quotes Adrian Rogers:
Proving God in Finances
“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10
You can say all you want about getting right with God, but if you don’t get right with God in your finances, you are not right with God. The kind of repentance that does not reach the bank account, has never reached the heart.
In Malachi 3:7, God says, “Return unto me, and I will return unto you.” And the people said, “Wherein shall we return?” God’s answer in verse 8 reveals that they were to return in tithes and offerings.
The point of return is the point of departure. If you’re going to come back to God and if you’re going to renew your fellowship, you’re going to have to begin with the tithe.
It’s time to put the good book to the checkbook!
How are you doing in the area of your tithes and offerings to the Lord?"
Any thoughts?
I think the "era" that Dr. Rogers and other great preachers preached in actually believed tithing to be required. I don't believe these Godly men were in any way trying to preach something they did not believe. Tithing was taught in most seminaries and was accepted as NT doctrine even though they constantly used MALACHI 3:10 as their "basic" verse. I don't fault them for being sincere in what they believed. I fault them for getting it wrong. Tithing was basically accepted and was a "No trespass" subject. This is why it is so important for each of us to STUDY our Bibles so WE know what it says. Don't always rely on the preacher to get it right. We are responsible for our own knowledge about Gods word. One thing I will say for these past preachers they really preached about Jesus, and they had a hunger to see people saved. There isn't much "evangelism" around today. I miss it.
I am suspicious of anyone who implies that you will go to hell if you do not give me your money. Sorry, I have a lot of respect and admiration for Adrian Rogers, but his underlying message here is the same.
I did a little searching and found that Adrian Rogers was the first SBC president installed by the Patterson-Pressler coalition to change the SBC into establishing the pastor as the supreme ruler of his church rather than the spiritual teacher/guide. Paige Patterson and his cohorts conducted a systematic and organized attack on the SBC to take it over and change it into a pastor dominated organization that dictates to its members. The first order of business is ..... Give Us Your Money! or you will go to hell.
I will admit that you cannot serve 2 masters and that giving is very important. If generosity is present in the Spirit of God and we are born of the same Spirit, then our finances do tell a lot about us. Of course tithing is the false litmus test used by mainstream ministers.
Unfortunately, a century worth of brainwashing has mislead people about tithing, which means that it's going to take even longer to reverse it; simply because it's the love of money we're talking about.
- jared bartholomew
Yes, things have certainly changed. The era of the "preacher on the pedestal" has come to a halt. People reading their own bibles, now see many faulty doctrines that previously probably would never have been questioned. People would just "take" the word of the ruler/leader in the pulpit. Some even today in churches are allowing the "pedestal preachers" to lead them off the cliff, while they gleefully follow, checkbook in hand. Man is "faulty", no doubt about it. Some preachers may actually NOT believe tithing, but in order to remain "in good graces" with the establishment group of preachers and to KEEP the job, they teach tithing. The "big boys" would never allow them to have the mega churches if they weren't pushing the money. So much for finding a good mega church. I heard many years that Jesus was the Head of the church. Not anymore. Man is head of the church today. Watch what he is telling you. If you feel you arn't getting the truth, check it out for yourself IN THE BEBLE. And I don't mean just in the OT. Preacher/leadership will throw OT doctrine at you all day. We have a new covenant!!!! It's the NT. And always PRAY for guidance!! No doubt about it, MONEY is the impetus in churches today. As a matter of fact not much else is. Where is the SOUL SAVING going on? Can't find it can you? Just weak and anemic tipping of the hat to Jesus. What a shame. But, boy you get some "rip-roaring" sermons (?) about tithing/money. That's why I don't attend anymore. Can't find a REAL church with a God called preacher.
The apostle Paul through the Holy Spirit brought forth a "mystery" of his gospel delivered to him by Jesus Christ. Over and over again he spoke of the mystery that was revealed to him. If you compare OT doctrine to NT doctrine and they do not line up you partake only of the NT ones. Paul never commands tithing, therefore, as a Gentile tithing is OUT. Otherwise it is a MAN made idea and puts one back under WORKS. READ and study the Bible for yourself. If you prefer works go ahead and build a lifestyle for the rich and famous!!!
Matt 6:19-21 - This was touched on in an earlier comment: "19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." -- You can't argue if your conversion has not touched your wallet - you better review whether you have surrendered to Christ -- Interesting that while using a passage most used to promote the tithe. He was simply promoting giving in this particular devotional. How can anyone argue with that?
What would the churches do without tithing ?
They would stop being mega churches.
They would stop building ornate buildings
They would stop paying pastors hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
They would stop giving pastors all expenses paid vacations disguised as mission trips.
They would stop doing everything for the pastor and allow him to write his own books and go on the speakers circuit on church time.
The churches would have nothing left to do except preach the Gospel and minister to the poor in the local community.
So, from reading comments here for a while, I have a pretty good idea of the preachers you don't agree with. Is there anyone out there you could recommend?
Being brought up in a Southern Baptist church, we were told numerous times how a tithing person NEVER filed bankrupcy, lost their home or went without. I have tithed for over 20+ yrs reliously. However, about 5 years ago, I learned the hard way... a tithing person can lose their job, can lose their home and can file for bankrupcy.
As I slowly climb out of the pit, God is showing me, His grace isn't based on what I do (or how much I pay) but on who He is.
I am not a seminary student, or hold a "special" title, but God is using me for His kingdom without me trying to "pay" for His favor.
"If you’re going to come back to God and if you’re going to renew your fellowship, you’re going to have to begin with the tithe."
Note he says "you're going to have to begin with the tithe." Not that you're going to have to repent, pray, get into the Word, etc., but that you're going to have to begin by opening your wallet and forking it over. Wow. Just wow.
Often these "devotionals" are pulled from the context of a full sermon, but in this case I don't see how pulling that statement from its context could change the meaning.
" Anonymous said...
Being brought up in a Southern Baptist church, we were told numerous times how a tithing person NEVER filed bankrupcy, lost their home or went without. I have tithed for over 20+ yrs reliously. However, about 5 years ago, I learned the hard way... a tithing person can lose their job, can lose their home and can file for bankrupcy.
As I slowly climb out of the pit, God is showing me, His grace isn't based on what I do (or how much I pay) but on who He is.
I am not a seminary student, or hold a "special" title, but God is using me for His kingdom without me trying to "pay" for His favor."
January 27, 2010 1:01 PM
Anon thank you!
As a minister I have seen too many times the duress of people who are tithing and then fall into difficult times and then wonder what has happen and what is God doing.
Pastors build up people with this false theology that all good is wrapped up in whether they tithe or not.
This is truly deceptive and a Church tragedy!!!
I believe a preacher should have a real job and preach for free. This would allow the church to have many pastors which could come out of the teacher group who mostly all do work. Look at how much money could be saved and you would have a pastor there each and every service without wondering where he is at that moment in time. Also, there are a lot of good teachers that can outpreach most megas any day of the week!!!
Reply to commenter "New BBC Open Forum:"
You are taking that out of context and judging based on a "snippet" of commentary. Dr. Rogers cannot be summed up or assessed in this small attribution.
I've grown uncomfortable with megachurches and what they've become, but I firmly believe Dr. Rogers was a sincere, credible man of God. He had a great deal of wisdom, and his fundamentals were solid and consistent.
Do the Chrisians in poverty in Africa know this? They may not be saved! Or, how about the Chinese Christians in the underground church who are fired for being Christians and even jailed? Obviously, according to Rogers, they cannot be saved because their finances are not right.
When we take this teaching to it's logical conclusion, it is a doctrine of works.
Fellowship requires the tithe sounds like rejoining a club to me!!!
Hmmm. Adrian Rogers had job security. I wonder what he would say about my friend laid off from SBTS when they made budget cuts. It took him a year to find a decent job (Even with a PhD) and in the meantime, his finances suffered horribly and of course, his wife did not work as a good SBC seminary wife. No health insurance, etc. But he did as many odd jobs as he could find to keep going. But with several kids he was forced to get food stamps. (Funny how his SBC church knew and offered no assistance)
And during this time SBTS spent 9 million on beautifying their campus for their 150th anniversary.
It is pretty easy for these guys to preach this stuff when they make 6 figures and have job security. Maybe we should see to it that they don't have job security. Give your offering to a poor family struggling. There are plenty in our churches.
All I can say is if you want all the luxuries and amenities and programs and celebrity preachers that the mega churches offer you and your kids, you should be willing to fork it over. If you don't care about that stuff, but are more concerned with ministering to those Jesus loves, then give to those people. Giving to one won't help the other. We all know this. So I guess the one with the microphone and marketing budget and the place we enjoy going to will get "God's money." And we don't even mind. But God does. And we will be held accountable. Amen? Amen!
Adrian Rogers is dead! Let him rest...in peace or whatever God prepared for him. However, the heresy he preached for years should be continually challenged on its own merits. Every time the name of a celebrity preacher is brought into the discussion, it colors the conversation. Just the mention of Rogers' name makes my blood boil, when I think of the destruction he and his like-minded brothers visited upon the Southern Baptist Convention. Thank him...them...for the mess at FBC JAX and the host of other SBC related churches across the country. They destroyed the concept of "Priesthood of the Believer" and left in its place an autocratic style of clergy leadership...all under the guise of biblical inerrancy.
"So, from reading comments here for a while, I have a pretty good idea of the preachers you don't agree with. Is there anyone out there you could recommend?"
I am on the record of recommending you study on your own before you start looking for a pastor to follow. You are ripe to follow error if you don't. If you note, in 1 Corin 14, Paul advises them to take turns and the others 'judge' what is taught. That brings more safety against error.
I do not think our tradition of listening to one guy week after week was intended.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read in context.
After that, I would recommend the dead guys like Ravenhill, Tozer, Martin L Jones and JC Ryle. They are not here on earth to change their teaching as so many do. Even then, I don't agree with them on some secondary non salvic doctrines. But they preach the Gospel..the full Gospel.
About the only alive guy I would recommend is Paul Washer. He seems to stay on the basics although I disagree with him on secondary doctrines, too. But he treats them as such and nails it on salvation.
You can find him on youtube or sermon audio.
Here are a few links:
(there are also Ravenhill clips on youtube. Here is a good one...)
Great book!
Sermon by Ryle on Holiness
PS: It is very tough to find a preacher who is not trying to climb the ministry career ladder or build a bigger church or one whom celebrity has not influenced.
They destroyed the concept of "Priesthood of the Believer" and left in its place an autocratic style of clergy leadership...all under the guise of biblical inerrancy.
January 27, 2010 5:46 PM
Yes, the concept of the Holy Priesthood is just about dead not only in the SBC but in most of Christendom. It is why folks ask about pastors. They don't get it that if they are saved, they ARE a minister and WILL be given spiritual gifts if they seek them.
Hint: Your pastor will not be standing next to you when you face the Lord to give an account. And if you are a woman, your husband will not answer for you before the Lord nor be standing next to you. All will be on their own.
Priesthood of the Believer....Yes, some Baptists preachers will tell you they believe in the Priesthood of the Believer all day long, while they will go behind your back and do everthing possible to get you out of the church if you question or disagree with them on anything.
Someone in Memphis must have an agenda to be promoting this, now.
Either there are still connections to Bellevue there, or they to are still part of the mega church, as Love Worth Finding is also experiencing hard times with cut backs and lay offs (shhh , don't tell anyone) and needs the big bucks to continue.
By the way Adrian is dead and others are using his words to keep LWF alive.
"When it comes to giving, some people will stop at nothing" AR
"You are taking that out of context and judging based on a 'snippet' of commentary. Dr. Rogers cannot be summed up or assessed in this small attribution."
Reply to 4:46 anon:
It was not I who took that "snippet" out of context. It was the someone at Love Worth Finding. That was a daily devotional they published which was taken from one of Dr. Rogers' sermons. What Tom published was the devotional in its entirety. What I said was it's difficult to imagine how the meaning could have been any different if it had been read in context. The statement was, "If you’re going to come back to God and if you’re going to renew your fellowship, you’re going to have to begin with the tithe." Sounds plain enough to me.
"I've grown uncomfortable with megachurches and what they've become, but I firmly believe Dr. Rogers was a sincere, credible man of God. He had a great deal of wisdom, and his fundamentals were solid and consistent."
Did I say he was not? I believe he was sincere and wise and for the most part credible. I was judging his statement, not his life.
And just let me add in response to anon 4:46, it is because I usually found Dr. Rogers to be sincere and credible that this statement surprised me so much. I could hear Steve Gaines or Mac Brunson say the same thing, and it wouldn't surprise me at all. In this case it did. I have actually heard SG say if you don't give at least 10% of your income in an undesignated fashion to your local church you're not right with God. I've heard Dr. Rogers come close to saying almost the same thing but never quite that close.
If Dr. Rogers was on a witness stand and told a lie, even if he thought it to be true, the rest of his witness would be come suspect.
I see preaching as being on a witness stand, to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What a preacher has to make sure of this is a God given gift, the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit will lead His preacher to preach truth if the preacher's heart is to know the truth and be set free by it.
With tithing being wrong, Dr. Rogers was not close enough to God's Spirit to discern the Truth on tithing (and many other things, just ask the leaders of the CBF - true baptists).
Maybe we can call him a closet liberal.
It is quite obvious that those who have said the things they have about Dr. Rogers never listened to his sermons for any length of time. For if they had, they wouldn't have spouted their ignorance of this godly man and his ministry. Maybe he didn't have everything correct. Who does? He was NOT money hungry. But his focus was Jesus and bringing folks to know Christ through the preaching of God's Word. This man was a soul winner unto the very end. He was witnessing to a nurse a day before he died.
Probally some of you would be more worried about if you gave too much to the church instead of witnessing to someone before you died. How sad.
It seems you folks have the obsession with money. Keep your money. God doesn't want or need it if you are not a cheerful giver. If you want to tithe, tithe. If not, don't. God will be the final judge of all things.
Dr. Rogers never said to get into heaven you have to tithe.
Anon. 9:41 - Is it that you and your CBF liberal friends are still a little upset that you aren't in charge anymore and can't distroy the denomination any longer? Hummm.
Dr.Rogers is not dead. He is safely home with the Lord he loved and served. I am sure his reward will be great for his faithfulness to God and His Word.
Anonymous said...
I believe a preacher should have a real job and preach for free. This would allow the church to have many pastors which could come out of the teacher group who mostly all do work. Look at how much money could be saved and you would have a pastor there each and every service without wondering where he is at that moment in time. Also, there are a lot of good teachers that can outpreach most megas any day of the week!!!
You really think a preacher should preach for free? I guess that would allow you to give even less to the church (if you give at all).
Do you worry where the preacher is at any moment of time? You have a lot of free time.
And your post doesn't make much sense.
I guess Tom and others should go joinRods church! As a former member of Toms current church his pastor teaches the same thing on tithing! Heck Rod should let all of us inon his church so that we don't have to give himourmoney either!
Anon 2:30
Wrong. But nice try.
When "God speaks" over the booming audio with video screen giving closeups and people seated in sound / temperature / lighting controlled conditions, who could question.
This pretty well proves that if enough Baptists go to Hell, they will have it Air-Conditioned within a month!!!
I'm not surprised know Rogers and his ways.
"Anon. 9:41 - Is it that you and your CBF liberal friends are still a little upset that you aren't in charge anymore and can't distroy the denomination any longer? Hummm. "
You learned the CR tactics well from Rogers. Just accuse them of being CBF'ers and you win. How silly. Besides, you cannot destroy what is spiritually dead. The SBC is spiritually dead. Rogers helped it become that way when he protected some pretty bad goings on.
I thought anonymous made a good point about the witness stand. I wish more pastors would take it that seriously.
You really think a preacher should preach for free? I guess that would allow you to give even less to the church (if you give at all).
Do you worry where the preacher is at any moment of time? You have a lot of free time.
And your post doesn't make much sense.
January 28, 2010 2:07 PM
First of all, Paul preached for free. He made tents so as not to be a burden to the Body. I believe Stephen preached for free, too, and got stoned for it.
Which brings me to my second point, why don't these high and mighty preacher guys go somewhere not so friendly and try preaching? It certainly is not as profitable but it is their "career".
And the last part of your comment does not make sense at all. But I guess you are one of those folks who idolize the preacher guy in the pulpit and do not know better.
I was amused by "beaminyoureye." Regrettably, that attitude is pervasive throughout the SBC today. She (or he) makes judgments about persons never met and assumptions not supported by fact. To say, for instance, they "never listened to his sermons for any length of time...." is simply not true. However, this discussion should not be about Adrian Rogers; He cannot defend himself. I believe he was a good and decent man, but the autocratic, authoritarian ecclesiology he and his like-minded brothers impressed upon Southern Baptists, over more than 30 years, killed to soul of a once-great denomination. This is not about a famous preacher, it is about a flawed theology and a skewed Biblical interpretation that makes a mockery of "salvation by grace," places a premium upon acts of spiritual submission, and demands allegiance to men who claim to be "called by God." That is not Christ-like, it is cult-like.
Any pastors out there actually have a surplus in your budget last year? No? Why not? I thought God would provide? No? He didn't? So is it the unfaithful flock's fault for not giving more? Or is it your fault for over spending NO MATTER HOW MUCH money comes in from the faithful givers?
If God is in it, he will provide the funds, amen? He didn't for your budget needs did he? So what does that tell you. God is not in it, friend. Leave us alone. Minister with what funds God has provided. Quit building up the overhead so much that no matter how much comes in, you just can't do more than meet operational costs. Sheesh! You pastors are pathetic when it comes to money. And you think we are worried about money. You should step back and listen to yourselves.
In regards to tithing, the question is not what is someone’s opinion or interpretation of Malachi 3:10. The question is what does the Word of God say about Malachi 3:10 and other scriptures concerning the tithe? The Word of God is the truth and the Word of God addresses tithing. The tithe command in the Bible was part of the law, which was given by God to the Israelites through Moses. The tithe command had to do specifically with the produce of the land and the livestock (not money). The tithe can be found in the Old Testament (Leviticus 27:30-34) (Numbers 18:20-32) (Deuteronomy 14:22-29).The tithe command can be found in the New Testament (Hebrews 7:5). In Matthew 23:23, Jesus spoke of the Scribes & Pharisees tithe of the produce of the land (mint, anise & cummin). In Luke 11:42 Jesus spoke of the Pharisees tithe of the produce of the land (mint, rue and all manner of herbs). The Israelites followed the LAW which required them to tithe the produce of the land and the livestock as stated in Deuteronomy 14:22-29 and Malachi 3:7-12. There are no percentages placed upon the giver, as shown by Jesus in Mark 12:41-44 as the poor widow gave all she had to the temple treasury. The rich gave to the temple treasury out of their abundance in Mark 12:44, also proving that there are no percentages placed upon the giver. The temple treasury is where the money was given and the people gave freely to the temple treasury. There were no percentages for the giver. The tithe was a food program designed to feed the Levites, strangers to the land, the fatherless and the widows, as stated in Deuteronomy 14:29. The tithe consisted of the Israelites giving 10% of their produce of the land and the livestock. Hebrews chapter 7 verse 5 states: And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham. Numbers chapter 18 verse 21 states (God speaking to Aaron): And behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. How do you give money? FREEWILL GIVING, which has NO PERCENTAGE placed upon the giver, as shown by Jesus in Mark 12:41-44 as there were NO PERCENTAGES placed on those giving to the treasury, and also stated by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Corinthians 9:7, as Paul said “EVERY MAN according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver”. The Apostle Paul said that no one is to give out of necessity, which is the Greek word anagke (an-ang-kay’), which is defined as constraint, and a person is not to give out of having constraints placed on them to give. People are under no command to give any other way than as they purpose in their hearts to give as God has prospered them. The Apostle Paul did not teach the tithe and there are no records in the New Testament showing that the Apostle Paul paid tithes to anyone while following Jesus Christ, and there are no records in the New Testament of anyone in the Church of Jesus Christ paying tithes to anyone, or taking tithes from anyone. The reason that the tithe was not taught was because the tithe is not for the Church. The tithe is for the Levites, Levite priests and the Israelites and this is proven in the Word of God. Sunday paycheck preachers who place an obligation on Christians to pay them tithes are going totally against the Word of God through teaching their lies, and scamming people out of money, just as people were scammed out of their money through lies by Bernie Madoff, the Enron executives, and numerous others.
Rogers was one of the ones responsible for firing Dilday at SWBTS and locking him out of his office. Poor guy could not even get his stuff!
It was underhanded and dirty what they did to that man.
A preacher does have a real job! Only someone who hasn't walked in his shoes would make such a ridiculous statement. As far as whether or not a pastor should be paid you need to take that up with God. 1 Corinthians 9:1-14; Galatians 6:6; 1 Timothy 5:17,18 The scriptures are clear that in the same way that the priests were taken care of in the O.T. the gospel preacher is to be taken care of in the N.T.
I agree that all this tithe preaching is an abuse and a misunderstanding of the principle of grace giving as taught in the N.T. But saying that a pastor needs to get a "real job" is demeaning and insulting and contrary to God's instructions in the N.T. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water guys.
Where do you all get the idea that tithing is NOT required? How on earth do you expect to fund the furthering of the Kingdom...not to mention how do you expect your pastors to support their families?
The issue about tithing being required in the bible is as simple as which covenant are you preaching. Jesus says tithing is a 'matter of the LAW' (or the Old covenant) Acts 15shows that we as gentile christians are NOT required to follow the LAW. 40 odd other scriptures confirm this.
Paul and the other apostles NEVER preached tithing to the church. They did however warn of 'covetous wolves' who would covet your silver and gold. So called 'church' organisations today have perfected this art of deception and covetousness.
Titus 1:11 requires us to 'silence the mouths of deceivers...expecially those of the 'circumcision'...who teach things they ought not for FILTHY LUCRES sake'...this clearly refers to tithing!
regards Chris
Actually guys the tithe was before the law. Abel brought the "firstfruits" and "the fat thereof."Cain was not only rejected because his offering lacked blood, he was rejected because he did not tithe. Tithing is not only the act of putting ten percent in an offering plate. It is an attitude of heart (Deut 26). In addition we have tithing in the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews was written to bring the Jews from Judaism to Christ. The book of Hebrews clearly tells us that Christ is still receiving tithes in the PRESENT TENSE. The EVERLASTING covenant that God made with Jesus was a covenant of blood. It was pictured in the Old Testament when men brought there lamb to be sacrificed. The sacrifice of that lamb was not accepted unless it was accompanied by the tithe. Today in the N.T. we have access to that covenant when we accept Christ as Lord and Savior. But to enjoy the fullness of all that that covenant embodies (salvation and protection on your children etc.) there must be the tithe. Don't forget that tithing is an attitude of heart. Also that covenant is an everlasting covenant and not just a O.T. Covenant ("before the foundation of the world")
The reason none of you tithe is not because you are scholars of the Word! It is because you have such a resentful attitude toward authority and a lack of gratitude toward God.
with respect to your knowledge and good ability to make an argument from God's Word, I will only say that you can't add anything to the work of Christ on the Cross on behalf of those who are His and have by His enabling and regenerating grace trusted Him as their savior and Lord. Salvation is by grace through faith. (Ephsians 2:8-10)Oh, and by the way Abraham only tithed one time and it wasn't even of his own goods but of the booty he received from the battle with the Kings.
[7:1] For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, [2] and to him Abraham apportioned a tenth part of everything. He is first, by translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, that is, king of peace. [3] He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.
(Hebrews 7:1-3 ESV)
We don't give out of obligation or compulsion but because of His grace that enables us to Love Him.
"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written,
“He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever.”
He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission flowing from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others, while they long for you and pray for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you. Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!"
(2 Corinthians 9:6; 2 Corinthians 9:7-15 ESV)
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