Back in March 2009 when I first discovered the existence of the subpoenas into my blog, I said back then that I was determined to find out what took place that led to issuance of subpoenas to identify the name of the Watchdog, which led to my letter of 16 sins and trespass papers for me and my wife, courtesy of FBC Jax. At about the same time the Watchdog story first broke in the newspapers, I submitted a request for our sheriff's office to conduct an internal affairs investigation into the connection between the detective and the church and what I felt was an obvious conflict of interest. What I received in short order was a letter from a city attorney (the same one that now is defending the detective in this case), and no formal internal affairs investigation done at JSO. That letter and its explanation to me of what happened is now an important part of the evidence in this case that has been discussed in many of the depositions.
Eventually I secured legal counsel and several lawsuits were filed, one of which was a First Amendment lawsuit that made its way into federal court against: the City of Jacksonville, the JSO detective that requested subpoenas into my blog and several other blogs, as well as the state attorney's office including the assistant state attorney who signed those subpoenas.
The first amendment lawsuit has been going through the "discovery" process since about March of this year, and discovery will be wrapping up over the next month or so. If this lawsuit ever makes it past summary judgment, and past mediation, it would likely go to trial sometime in 2011.
As you might recall, the judge in this case issued a lengthy ruling back in April in response to the defense's motion to dismiss (see Wade Burleson's post). As I understand it, the judge in this ruling clearly established a First Amendment right for anonymous speech, and the judge said if my allegations in the original complaint were true, that a violation of the First Amendment would have occurred. So the case was allowed to proceed to determine if our allegations were true, and the defense would have a burden to show they did have a legitimate governmental purpose in uncovering my identity. That is what the defense is doing, and doing vigorously as one would expect.
If you've ever been a party to a lawsuit, you know that there is a period called "discovery". This is when both sides send written questions to the parties involved, and from the answers to these there are usually "depositions" taken of people who are witnesses to the facts of the case.
Thus far there have been many depositions. My count is around 23 or 24, that have taken hours and hours. I have sat in just about every deposition given. Depositions are bascially out-of-court question and answer sessions where the opposing attorneys drill you about your knowledge of the case. They want to know what facts the witness has, and what the witness' testimony will be if the case goes to trial. There is a court reporter present, and you are sworn under oath to tell the truth. Lawyers have more leeway in asking questions at deposition than they do in a trial, and at times things get a little heated. The lawyers can go at it too, as there is no judge present, and we've had our share of moments in the depositions with that, and that is something I'll write about someday. But everything in a deposition is recorded and transcribed into the record by the court reporter, just as though it occurred in court.
In this case, the depositions have been a lawyer-fest. At the depositions I have my one lawyer of course, and we are facing at least two lawyers, sometimes three with the city's General Counsel office, two from the Attorney General's office in Tallahassee representing the state attorney's office, and the FBC Jax lawyer is present for most of them as well. There was even an FBI lawyer present during Detective Hinson's deposition.
I gave my deposition first, and they kept me for about 8 hours. My wife's deposition was maybe 3 or 4 hours. The other long deposition was Detective Hinson's, which was about as long as mine.
Most of my extended family members were deposed by the city. They were asked questions about me, about my blog, about my marriage, about their blogging habits, my mental state, and anything else the defense wanted to ask them.
The Brunsons have been deposed. Robert Hinson, the JSO Detective involved, and Steven Seigel the Assistant State Attorney have been deposed. John Blount, the church administrator gave his deposition. Even under-sheriff Frank Mackesy and Sheriff John Rutherford gave their depositions in this case. A few FBC Jax members and a former FBC Jax minister were deposed as well.
During discovery, expert witnesses are disclosed, and they have to give written testimony of their views of the case, and they too can be deposed by the opposing attorneys.
Many of my questions as to what transpired in 2008 that led to the subpoenas, have been answered through these depositions, as you can imagine, at least what the witnesses have said happened in the fall of 2008. This has been an interesting progression of finding out who said what, who did what and why, etc. There have been some quite shocking and surprising elements to the testimony, as I suppose one would expect in a case like this.
But what started out as me wanting answers, for me has progressed to realizing the importance of this case to First Amendment rights of anonymous writers in general, and the rights of bloggers in particular. I didn't really comprehend the importance of the case until depositions were given by the defense witnesses, and as I have begun to understand the defense tactics of the city of Jacksonville lawyers. It is an important case, a very unique case.
In my view, if the defense prevails, this would have an incredibly chilling effect on free speech, especially critical, unpopular speech, on the Internet.
What is next? There is more discovery, probably a few more depositions, then motions for summary judgment I expect will be made, and then court-appointed mediation sometime in the fall. If the case makes it that far, then I expect a trial sometime in 2011.
I'll do my best to keep you posted as I can, although in the fall maybe some of the legal events that transpire in this case and also the case against the church will be in the local media and I'll try to keep my readers outside of Jacksonville updated.
For now, I am committed to continuing writing my views on this blog, regarding matters at FBC Jax and evangelical Christianity, unabated and not intimidated, and with the aid of my lawyer I will continue the fight in this lawsuit.
Yours Truly,
The Watchdog - "...the coward that he is"
This is like Davey taking on Goliath. Both the big mega with lots of resources and the GOVERNMENT have much to hide.
Iam sure Mac is glad he does not have to pay for his own lawyer. He has "tithers" to do that for him when he uses the civil authorities for his own purposes.
Makes one wonder if these mega followers will ever wake up.
My reading of google data of subpoenas issued by the government (local, state and federal) for the access of internet bloggers/commentators is that there are too many criminal subpoenas being issued. I suppose it is very easy for the issuers of these subpoenas to sidestep arguing their case in a court if contested for civil subpoenas. Also the government as in police routinely access people's cellphone GPS data and some wireless providers make it very easy for the police to tap into their data.
Internet privacy is being routinely abused. Please follow EFF deeplinks blog.
I would encourage Watchdog to at least think about writing a book that details this whole saga. Blogs eventually will be closed at some point and the data of the posts & comments might be gone. But a book written detailing the events will be permanent. At least google (if permitted) will host the contents of the book.
Hang in there, WD. We're with you all the way. They say "you can't fight city hall". Yes you can. An example of the little guy defending his rights against big gov't and influential big wigs. You might not win, but you gave it your best, speaking for all of us, WD. You're my hero. Stay strong.
"I would encourage Watchdog to at least think about writing a book that details this whole saga. Blogs eventually will be closed at some point and the data of the posts & comments might be gone. "
I agree. I think that day is coming
I find it incredible that so called "Christian" conservatives are more in league with Obama and China when it comes to the extent they will go to silence internet criticism or even questions they do not like.
What is even more interesting is that Ligoneir started this legal process of "Christian" leaders going after bloggers who were asking uncomfortable questions.
If a book is written I predict it will be a run away best seller as so many can identify how wounded the church can hurt an individual.
The saddest part of this is how Mac Brunson can stand in a pulpit & speak about the need for compassion and forgiveness.
A man of character would have never let this get so out of hand - he would have been man enough to end it himself.
Oh that's right, so word at FB is that Mac doesn't like to be known as the bad guy - he lets others speak on his behalf. People talk at FBCJ!
As a comparison of book sales, Hardball Religion has sold so far only in the hundreds according to Wade Burleson. From my perspective it is not so much as a best seller, but preserving the events that took place in a narrative that is truthful to the blogger (Watchdog).
Mean Ol' Mac hurt my feelings...waaa...I am going to start a blog...waaa...I am going to get him back..waaa...I am going to write a book about all these mean people....waaa....
Sure thing, anon, here it is:
Barf Bag
And this really has little to do with Mac Brunson. This is a lawsuit involving our local government officials and what they did.
I believe Jr Hill preached a sermon concerning stand and do all you can to stand. Seems as if Watchdog has taken his stand and I for one support his stand for freedom and the American Way.
Thanks for the update and letting us know how things are progressing. I loved your ending "unabated and not intimidated" and heartily applaud you. As for a future book, please do consider it - you already have a sale here.
And to Mac Bruson (we know you're reading) I have to ask you; do you have any shame for beginning this and then letting it go this far? As one anon poster put it "A man of character would have never let this get so out of hand". You are supposedly a 'man of God', and yet you treated a former member - not to mention his wife - in this undeserved manner - all for asking some valid questions. For asking questions, Mac. He wasn't molesting children, or stealing the offerings, or vandalizing the building. He was a member asking for answers to questions and concerns for his church. This is how you respond? You sound more the the Pharisees than a genuine man of God. The longer you let this go on, the more harm you do to the cause of Christ. Tom has been more of a 'man of character' than you have shown yourself to be.
Hang in there Watchdog; you have many people behind you and more than that, your character. Blog on!
Mean Ol' Mac hurt my feelings...waaa...I am going to start a blog...waaa...I am going to get him back..waaa...I am going to write a book about all these mean people....waaa....
August 21, 2010 4:11 PM
Isn't the depth of Mac defenders amazing? They always focus on contextual debate and have such scholarly insights. (wink)
Must come from all the deep teaching they hear at FBCJax.
To Anon 4:11 PM
How clueless you are to ihe issues here. You only see your hero, the MacPastor, as someone who is incapable of any error or is some how a higher being than the rest of us. Use your heart and mind to discern the greater issue here of integrity in the pulpit and christian leadership.
As a member of FBC Dallas, I am glad to see Mac gone. Sad to say it, but that's my heart. He used our church only as stepping stone to a bigger salary and a bigger fluffy home.
He suffers for the gospel's sake so much in his gated home and big fluffy salary. Yet, he is so emblematic of our nation, the culture and the SBC. (me, me, me, money, money, money and all the numbers about attendance, baptisms, tithing trends, etc. )
This is so revolting, now I need a barf bag. Come on Mac. You're reading this, man up and do the right thing.
Stop acting like some mullah that lops off heads at every chance. You can stop this tomorrow if you had any ounce of compassion and wish to end this embarrasment to the name of the Lord and his church.
Seriously, think about it. Take one for the gospel's sake, you can resolve this matter in just a moment of time. In that great day of giving an account for our lives, will you really and truly be able to say you did the best thing by your actions and now inactions?
Watchdog, you have my admiration sir. The very best to you and your family in this whole effort. I can't see a judge or jury not deciding in your favor. But, it's a wicked world and politics abound on every level.
"Mean Ol' Mac hurt my feelings...waaa...I am going to start a blog...waaa...I am going to get him back..waaa...I am going to write a book about all these mean people....waaa....
:-) That's funny. Isn't it amazing how some people can't see the first amendment issues here? Whether you like Tom or not is really irrelevent. What is not irrelevent is the unmasking by city and church officials, working together, of an anonymous blogger.
It is interesting how you posted your little baby rant anonymously. Is that because you value your privacy, or because you have nothing to add other than trying to intimidate Tom by what amounts to calling him a cry baby?
Anyhow, Tom, thanks for the summation. It's all very interesting, and I can only hope justice is done. Nothing less than your full vindication will suffice for me. City and church officials have absolutely no business working together to unmask an anonymous blogger - unless you were making threats on this blog. It is CLEAR you were not. Nothing else matters in this case. Free and anonymous speech will either win the day, or we will continue to watch our freedoms be eroded. I know what I wish for. Do you, anon?
Don't give the Devil a place to stand in your life, so Brunson quotes.
Mac preaches be angry and sin not . . .the world should not see us as angry Mac seems to be preaching his own theme song these days to make a point.
Put away grudges Mac preaches - as God's people we should never hold a grudge. Be angry and don't sin preaches this man of God.
Brunson & leadership should stop holding a grudge against Mrs. Rich - walk down to the court house and wipe out the ban they have placed on her to be on the property of God's house of worship.
They are harboring anger and grudges that is not Christian. They are walking around holding a grudge against an innocent women - forgive and move on with your lives like you preach.
Intervene & stop holding your grudges! Mac is like David, he's hotter than a firecracker! Stop and think about what you are doing. Start practicing what you preach - Ephesians, Chapter 4
Always enjoy reading your comments Johnny D - you sum up how must of us feel.
"It is interesting how you posted your little baby rant anonymously"
Extremely interesting!
Keep in mind what allowed the criticisms to hit their mark. The powers will try to take it away from us.
Support net neutrality.
They WILL try to take it away -- incrementally, at first -- but they WILL try to take it away.
They will.
It's the most important first amendment issue of modern times.
Johnny D, right on right on. What the left use to say about freedom of speech is no longer in vogue. It's all about the powers that be whether they be governmental, political, or religious. The America most of us know, love and in many cases have defended, is being eroded brick by brick. Individual freedoms are and have been under attack for years and the church has joined in this fray by no longer holding to the Bible fact that all saved people are members of the priesthood. Its all about the "pastor" having the authority over EVERYONE. All this accomplishes is to make that organization a cult!!!! I am with Tom on this issue!!!
Lin, for truth's sake, don't blame Obama or China for this over-reach of government. If you need to blame anyone, look no further than George W. Bush and the spirit of the "Patriot Act." This is not a liberal or conservative issue, this is an issue of governmental oppression of people, brought on by fear following 9/11 and exploited by those who would use it to their advantage. It's disgusting, it's unjust, but it is neither liberal nor conservative. It's simply, Un-American.
Lin, for truth's sake, don't blame Obama or China for this over-reach of government. If you need to blame anyone, look no further than George W. Bush and the spirit of the "Patriot Act." This is not a liberal or conservative issue, this is an issue of governmental oppression of people, brought on by fear following 9/11 and exploited by those who would use it to their advantage. It's disgusting, it's unjust, but it is neither liberal nor conservative. It's simply, Un-American.
August 22, 2010 5:40 PM
Jim, If the Patriot Act was about Bush silencing his critics, it certainly did not work. :o)
It had more to do with situations such as Lackawanna.
"Iam sure Mac is glad he does not have to pay for his own lawyer. He has "tithers" to do that for him when he uses the civil authorities for his own purposes."
eewwwwwww ya darn right about that! Sick isn't it.
Thanks for the update, Dog. Could you also update us on the state court defamation lawsuit against Mac Brunson?
No update on the state court suit; this is still awaiting a hearing on the church's motion to dismiss filed last year.
Without the Patriot Act I would hate to see what WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!
"What the left use to say about freedom of speech is no longer in vogue. It's all about the powers that be whether they be governmental, political, or religious. The America most of us know, love and in many cases have defended, is being eroded brick by brick. Individual freedoms are and have been under attack for years"
It's the Left that defends freedoms unlike the Right. George Bush and the Republicans had illegal wiretapping, torture, Patriot Act, etc. Many in the far-right movement in this country care nothing for liberty, esp. religious liberty. I'm glad we elected Democratic leadership because the Republicans were on the path to destroying America. Sadly, President Obama keeps moving to the right and is not supporting progressive policies.
"It's the Left that defends freedoms unlike the Right. George Bush and the Republicans had illegal wiretapping, torture, Patriot Act, etc. Many in the far-right movement in this country care nothing for liberty, esp. religious liberty. I'm glad we elected Democratic leadership because the Republicans were on the path to destroying America."
Government controlled health care is about individual Liberty?
"It's the Left that defends freedoms unlike the Right."
Such as the freedom to choose your own health care or the freedom to have no economic growth or decent jobs because of the economy.
Have you ever asked yourself why the LEFT is so bent on defending Islam? Don't they care about the women who are oppressed by Islam?
"I'm glad we elected Democratic leadership because the Republicans were on the path to destroying America."
Right. Under Obama's policies America is doing great.
(Nevermind all the unemployment and businesses going out of business...it is all Bush's fault and we can keep blaming him for the next 2 years while Michelle Antoinette goes to an exclusive resort in Spain in her 600 buck Lanvin tennis shoes on a mommy daughter trip. The reason: The white house says it is because she is a good mother and gave her daughter what she asked for: A trip to Spain.
And here I thought the libs were more compassionate and would never act like Corporate republicans while in office)
Very simple to resolve this case without any lawsuits: (1)Criminally - If a blogger posts threats, notify Google and call the police. Problem solved. If no threats are found after the detective (especially if the detective is a member of the church discipline committee and a deacon and works on the pastor's security detail) then keep watching and reading and hoping the blogger will make some kind of criminal threat. If he never does, move on.
(2) Civilly - if slander is posted, notify Google and send a cease and desist letter detailing which post was slanderous. If the blogger does not remove the post, file a civil suit. Problem with this is, "truth" is a defense to slander accusations. If you can't find any lies, then keep reading and watching and wait until the blogger posts his first slanderous lie.
Well, over two years and hundreds of posts and so far, not one Google complaint, no civil slander suit, and according to Hinson's report "no criminal activity" was found on the blog.
So did the matter go away? No. A letter was hand delivered to the house. (What, the church couldn't afford 44 cents for a stamp or were they trying to intimidate Tom?) Trespass warnings were issued, including against the wife and mother in the family, and the natinally known pastor who has national internet and television coverage, called the man a "sociopath" in the newspaper.
Then, when the blogger found out the JSO was used and the SAO was used, he sought to find out what happened. Then city lawyers were used to go on a fishing expedition hoping to be able to backtrack and find something, anything, that would support (1) or (2) above. And after 20 plus depositions of everyone but the WD's mailman, they still have nothing to explain what they did when they did it.
But have they been successful in chilling free speech? Sure. Who wants to get sued and go through all Tom has gone through if there pastor won't answer some simple quesions about $307,000 land gifts from a family who later had a commercial played during the morning service?
The church, police, SAO and city have made their point: "We are all in this together to make you sorry you ever criticized the mega church pastor!" Message received.
Fortunately, Tom and his lawyer are making theirs, and so far, the Federal Judge has too, which is this: "Speech, especially controversial, critical free speech, is a fundamental right that is worth fighting for and worth protecting so that the good old boys can't trample on it when it suits them."
I think we can dispense with the "coward" name calling now for two reasons: First, it was presumed by some (A.C. Soud and his buddies) that you sought to be anonymous because you were too afraid to stand behind what you were writing and that you wouldn't blog and write the things you were writing if people at the church knew who you were. They knew the harm they could bring on you, they knew you and your wife and family knew it too, and they figured, he is and should be scared of us. Well, by continuing to blog even after your identity was plastered on the front page of the newspaper, and after being called a coward and a sociopath, you continued to blog. Second, it takes courage and conviction to file lawsuits to try and get to the bottom of how the city, JSO, and SAO worked hand in hand with FBC Jax to out you and try to harm you and your family's reputation.
Whatever you are, Tom. You are no coward. Sure, some may have presumed you were early on. But now, there is no basis for anyone to call you a coward. And Mr. Soud owes you an apology. Unless he is "afraid" to do so? :)
If anyone thinks that the left in any way represents individual freedom, if they don't see our great FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY becoming more Socialist/Communist everyday, that our U.S. CONSTITUTION (guaranteeing our freedoms) is being TRASHED, then they are smoking what the LEFT wants to legalize!!!!!
The sad thing is preachers have abandoned their posts. They don't preach anything but bland, boring, little messages. They don't preach against sin, or apathy among those that are saved. Where are the witnesses for Jesus? Where are the preachers? Hiding behind their gated communities, I guess. Protecting their financial behinds. PREACH THE WORD gentlemen, PREACH THE WORD. And, the WORD is not the latest secular book you just read, it's THE BIBLE. Pitiful,.... to quote another blogger friend, "It's getting Worse and Worse"!!!!
Ask yourself this question: How long before Bibles are banned. How long before Churches are obsolete. The Cross is being treated as an offense now. What is it's prospect for the future? How long will we even have the freedom to worship. Don't try to sell that Leftist agenda here, sell it somewhere else!!!!!
wow the last couple of lines brings tears to my eyes. Thanks watchdog for standing up to these arrogant bullies. This certainly is a landmark case for this modern day and age. Keep it up! You can do it! You will not be silenced, and neither will I.
One question regarding Congress. The Democrats have been in charge for 4 years and what have they accomplished? 1. The loan debacle that set all the financial downturn in motion.2. Highest unemployment since great depression.3. America apologizing for being too great of a nation.4.No secured borders.5.Suits against states for protecting themselves.6.Public is 70% against current policies yet they keep bringing back George Bush. Get over it George is gone so quit blaming him and the former administration.
You are brave, courageous and strong. I admire you. Stand firm my friend.
Some people within the so called church (regular attendees) believe because they are there that they are "keeping the faith". What they do not realize is in many cases they are putting their faith in a man rather than the Lord. They do not recognize how the "church" has been changed right before their eyes. It is not the same church we knew and "trusted". Get out while you are able and practice Christianity at home, at the office, in the store, or on the street where it really is needed. Inside most of those walls is pure hypocrisy. Been there, have seen it first-hand, wish I had left 30 years ago rather than when I did finally leave. There IS life after church and boy is it better, knowing you are not just throwing money and time away on some of these institutions. Most people don't give a tinkers about each other in there in the first place and especially the pastors unless you are a BIG TITHER then you can recieve a little recognition. Who needs it????
The only Freedoms the Left cares about are the "Freedom" to kill unborn babies; the "Freedom" to engage is any type of sexual perversion their depraved hearts can imagine; the "Freedom" to spend YOUR money in whatever social programs they can create; and the "Freedom" to commit any and all acts of treason necessary to leave this country degenseless before its enemies.
I will take George W. Bush at his very worst over and above the left-wing ding-a-lings now running this country into the ground at their very best.
"There IS life after church and boy is it better, knowing you are not just throwing money and time away on some of these institutions"
I agree. I have met more real Christians since leaving the fake institution. There are quite a few of us out there. And it is glorious to meet informally and even spontaneously to study and pray together. We even eat together and remember the Body and the Blood together. No one wants anything from each other except love and truth. No buildings to pay for or pastors to pay. We all are exercising our spiritual gifts.
Anon 8:21 ABSOLUTELY. Additionally,
you are reading and absorbing the truth of the Word. The Bible never lies is not influnced or filtered through the personality of another man that may or may not be worthy to take up the position of a "pastor". Certainly, you can be sure that Gods blessing is upon the Word, as He wrote it!!!! Trust Him as He alone is worthy and is sufficient. "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus".
Anon 8:21 Well said. One thing we should all be observing and being are fruit inspectors. I seem to be observing more and more bad fruit here lately. Its all over the place.
"PREACH THE WORD gentlemen, PREACH THE WORD. And, the WORD is not the latest secular book you just read, it's THE BIBLE. Pitiful,.... to quote another blogger friend, "It's getting Worse and Worse"!!!!"
The Republican Party isn't going to save you. All of you people are going to have to answer to God for supporting unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't doubt your salvation, but your dirty little Republican paws are red with the blood of children killed as "collateral damage" when the U.S. drops bombs overseas. George Bush and Dick Cheney are baby killers as much as any abortion doctor.
"And it is he who gifted some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, and still others to be pastors and teachers, to perfect the saints, to do the work of ministry, and to build up the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12) ISV
Anon 12:47,
Really? Democrats kill more babies in a single year through abortion than all the years of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined.
Your dirty little Democrat paws are red with the blood of 40 million children. An atrocity that makes Hitler's holocaust pale in comparison. I'm sorry but the Democrats have absolutely no moral authority to lecture anyone about morality.
Please let's leave the Democrats VS Republicans out of this subject - my father died to give you the freedom of speech, to protect the USA and yes, it was unfortunate that bombs had to be dropped.
God bless our Military!
Is it just atheist democrats getting all those abortions? I don't think so. If Christians aren't respectful of God's laws why would a secular law against abortion make a difference?
"Your dirty little Democrat[sic] paws are red with the blood of 40 million children."
No, my little paws are clean because I'm a member of Democrats for Life, an organization that advocates for a pro-life plank in the Democratic platform.
Really? Democrats kill more babies in a single year through abortion than all the years of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars combined.
Your dirty little Democrat paws are red with the blood of 40 million children. An atrocity that makes Hitler's holocaust pale in comparison. I'm sorry but the Democrats have absolutely no moral authority to lecture anyone about morality."
Agreed Brother John,I second your statment!!!
"No, my little paws are clean because I'm a member of Democrats for Life, an organization that advocates for a pro-life plank in the Democratic platform."
August 24, 2010 3:01 PM
God-speed to you in attempting to change the political platform of a party that supports abortions on demand,homosexual marriage,radical enviromentalism,radical feminism,secularism,socialism,etc.etc.etc!!!
That's exactly right Brother Rod. Anon can't vote for pro abortion candidates and then say that he/she is not guilty. Anon painted all republicans as having their "dirty paws red with the blood of children", but because he/she is in a pro life faction of the democratic party anon isn't responsible.
Ridiculous, Anon, you put pro abortion candidates in office, that makes you just as guilty as them. Judge yourself by the same standard that you judged republicans in your earlier comment. Further, a number of Democrats voted to authorize President Bush to go to war.
I just recently came across your story checking out if FBC of Jax had a ministry for Sitters for the Elderly. I was appaled at what I read, but then again not very suprised, nothing suprises me now since the Patriot Act came into place. This is a prime example of the danger we all face when an oppressive regime imposes fear as a means to accomplish a goal (example: The Protective Custody Act of Nazi Germany in Feb 1933)
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the violation here, but this too is not the first time the JSO and the powers that be have done such things and it is the complacent sheep that allow this to continue.
The guy that is using imature rants is a prime example of the mentality of most of America, they can't see the forest for the trees.
I do not support any ministry that does not allow itself to be held accountable for it's finances, as they are usually abusing and not properly using hence thay have something to hide.
At least Goliath was brought down by a tiny stone :) The disturbing issue, which seems to not really sink into some of the mindless sheep that have posted on here is that Pastor Blount lied about the content of this blog to find out illeagally the identity of the blogger, which in turn resulted in the blogger and his wife to be trespassed from the church, hence silencing a person that is questioning said churchs leadership and possible abuses of finances, FBC seems to have something to hide as they have now resigned from The Evangelical Accoutability Organization.
Members of FBC of Jax are in for a very rude awakening and it seems the message of the church leaders is, keep your mouth shut, accept what we are doing or we will kick you out of the church as well as smear your name.
And I might add, in looking at the ministries of FBC, I saw nothing that helped the people in the immdediate community, all I saw were self contained, within the church members only, which can fuel an elitist attitude.
I can honsetly say, I will never darken the doors of FBC, I would not want to be a member of a church that has just gotten to big for it's britches and I sure don't want to get caught in the fall out when the walls come tumbling down, and they will folks, God doesn't turn a blind eye to abuse in any form, Jim, Tammy, Jimmy Swagger are examples of that.
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