I do thank Steven, though, for not trying to do a rap with sunglasses and tight britches like Ed Young. Steven made his message very clear and I'm sure he is very sincere.
But at the risk of being a "hater", let me make a few comments, ok Steve?
Do you not find the tone and emotion and the accusations in his video to be incredibly ironic? It is though really he is speaking of himself and his emergent protege's. Who is the real hater? Listen to this guy's words and accusations that he hurls with animated emotion. He hates his critics.
Furtick starts off saying they are "done" with people who criticize them for their methods. Well, I don't know about Furtick, but Perry Noble from the pulpit hurls insults at traditional churches and pastors and deacons, and even pastor's wives for their hair-dos. These guys like Furtick and Young and Noble can dish out the criticism from their pulpits and at their conferences, but they just can't take it. They have built mega-mega churches but apparently they can't take criticism.
Steven can't see that he is speaking of himself. Right after he criticizes "haters" for seeing things in only black and white, he then says "The only kind of words you speak bring death to the hearer". Wow. His words apparently bring life...but the words of the "haters", his critics, bring death. Nothing more black and white than this.
I can't imagine being a member of a church with a guy like this as pastor. Anybody in his church going to say a word against Steven, or criticize this or that? No way, he is training his church members to hate critics and to shun them. Can you picture Jerry Vines or Adrian Rogers making some sort of hateful video like this toward their critics? This video shows makes Furtick out to be a small, small man.

My favorite line toward his critics: "You look like a toddler". He must be looking in the mirror.
And what it all boils down to is this when Furtick says this at the end:
"We're not looking for approval from you, who give no respect and never neglect the chance to complain."
There you go, that says it all. They want respect, and they don't want you to complain. Just give them your tithe (that is one custom from the traditional church that they haven't let go), attend their conferences, and buy their books.
But don't complain or criticize. Just kiss Steven's diamond rings and bring your alms.
I understand why pastors might get fed up with whiners who whine about the color of the carpet or the music was too loud, too soft etc. But the mega pastors are lumping those with legitimate questions and concerns with the whiners. The church I attend there is always the veiled (sometime no so veiled)message that the pastor is always right. It never enters their mind that somebody may have a legitimate concern. They never offer a method of airing true concerns, you are just a whiner and you must leave!
Furtick has been a long time angry jerk. I am stunned anyone actually listens to him. Perry Noble, too.
They are the typical bad boy rock star "preachers" that have become so popular with the younger set. Who think discussing sex is important in a believers life.
You know the type...they get success real young and start believing they are invincible and how dare you not think they are brilliant and cool.
RUN away from these wolves
Anon 801--
You're dead right. As a pastor, I really don't know why you want to complain to me about the color of carpet that was voted on before I came as the pastor. You can vent about it, but it changes nothing--that's why we still have business meetings. Show up for one (about 75% of the church does) and make am motion for new carpet.
Now, if you've got a beef with me, please come tell me. Call me and tell me you want to talk. Good night, I haven't been perfect in years---all of them I've been walking. I do hear I was a perfect baby, though.
And don't tell people I was unapproachable because I went to the restroom right after church instead of talking to you---it had been a long night, as you sometimes have, and it took an extra cup of coffee this morning. I'm human, too.
People---treat your pastor as a human being. Respect the effort it takes to do what he does, but recognize that's he's fallible. Recognize, too, that he's about as fond of criticism at work as you are at your work, so do it well, do it helpfully.
And, no, 12:15 on Sunday is not the best time to do it. If he's a fluffy entertainer, he's tired.
If he's seriously trying to honor the Lord, he's exhausted, because with every word he's said to you, he's seen with his mind's eye all the ways he falls short himself. He's stood there and thought how much time he'll spend on his knees, repenting of the sins in the past week, hoping to get through one week that he feels like a good example rather than a wretched one.
And if your pastor can't take criticism (or won't) and there's no business meetings or any method to fix it, it's not a church. It's a cult. Get out. Now. If you can't find a church, start one.
You teach, lead, do whatever it takes, because if there's not one to go to, your community needs you.
I missed putting in a line break--
I am in agreement with anon--
I don't know why I catch the criticism about carpet or such, but I take it anyway.
I'd much rather have criticism that helps me pastor better.
The video seems really silly. "Bad boy rock star preachers." lol- I'm trying to imagine the preachers I've known up there dancing and looking so very cool-hilarious.
I assume the "haters" he's referring to are the traditional churches who criticize new methods or either fundamentalist churches who worry about doctrine?
He's making it a sin to criticize. That's a cult.
And labeling your criticizer a "hater" is just juvenile. I've been guilty of that also. As an agnostic, I might say, well, they're a fundy. It ends discussion. No thinking required after that.
Yeah, he's putting everyone on notice: don't come here and criticize me, cause that will mean you're a hater. I won't listen to criticism. I'll cover my ears and sing la-la-la very loudly. So silly.
Now when people are open to discussion with an attitude of caring-that's a whole different thing.
John H-good comments.
That is about as annoying a video as I've ever seen. He's really bashing a lot of things here, not just critics. He is obviously bashing the traditional church and anyone who would stand for propositional truth. His proclamation of a dawning of a "new day" is kind eerie. Wow, WD, where do you find this stuff?
You can play a really fun game with this video called, "Count the Cliches," or as a backup game, "How Many Rhymes Did He Fit in the Time?!"
It might take away some of the death-producing, seething hatred of us haters, and make us honorologize this work of art.
Try being a public school teacher watching the news in the past month or so. Now THAT'S criticism. I'm not complaining about the financial concessions that have to be made to stabilize state budgets, but the comments about only "working 5 hours a day for 9 months" really bother me. If I only work for 5-6 hours a day because that's the time I spend with kids, then I guess Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olbermann only work for 1 hour per day (actually 40 minutes) because that's the only time they are on the air.
All I can say about the church criticism thing is that if you are offering criticism and you are only being disrespected in return, you need to find another church. Not every church (or megachurch) is like that. If you stay at such a church despite your concerns, you are only hurting your own spiritual growth. If you are not able to participate in decision making with a church democratic process, then you can show your disapproval by voting with your feet.
Stopped following Furtick on twitter ages ago, and a host like him.
Braggerts, all of them, who are now totally entrenched in and enslaved to the rock star preacher genre they have created.
(Which was to get away from the traditionalist genre. Because they were genre haters. Comical when you think about it.)
Does this guy think he's Carman? I'm laughing out loud!
No really, it's Jim Carey.
And if your pastor can't take criticism (or won't) and there's no business meetings or any method to fix it, it's not a church. It's a cult. Get out. Now. If you can't find a church, start one.
John H - this is sadly becoming more the rule than the exception. Your words ring true and are spot on.
"I don't know why I catch the criticism about carpet or such, but I take it anyway."
Interesting. If your people are complaining about the carpet, you have not done a great job communicating what is in the Word.
According to Mohler, that is YOUR responsbility because you are God appointed.
You perhaps have a lot of unsaved petty people. What ARE you teaching them? Tithe? What on earth have you been doing there? Downloading sermons off the internet again?
(Which was to get away from the traditionalist genre. Because they were genre haters. Comical when you think about it.)
March 5, 2011 10:04 AM
Exactly! They have created another genre that is another fad. And many think it is Christianity.
"If you can't find a church, start one."
NO NO NO...that will just create the same problems over again as people jockey for power and rule.
Don't "start" a church. BE ONE.
Think about it...if a small group of believers ARE a "church" (Body of Christ), the fakes, wolves, hirlings could not stand it and could never stay. They will go where they can have power.
John H
Thank you for your post yours is exactly the point we are trying to make.
Why do you catch flak over the color of the carpet?
Well, for one let’s face it; there are some people who were born to complain. It’s their spiritual gift. These curmudgeons are loyal members in their own way but they will always find something to complain about. In my church there is one man you can count on to vote “no” on everything. That’s ok the work goes on and we love him no matter what. Aren’t we told to do that somewhere?
For others, though, it really is not the carpet color; it’s something else and therein lies an opportunity to minister. Maybe they need a hug or just a kind word or others may need a more intensive intervention. Think of it as like coming home to your wife and she is in a less than gracious mood. So you ask her what’s wrong and her answer is the terse “nothing.” At that point you know it’s not nothing, it’s everything.
This church is in the same city I live in and has aroused some folks to question what is occurring.
Furtick and his "core group" are it! There is no business meeting or group to bring up grave concerns. Furtick famously has said over and over again that he is accountable to five people who set his salary. Three are pastors and two, evidently, are not. He says these five are not in awe of him (ha!) and know exactly what it's like to pastor a mega church.
That set-up for compensation is exactly the same flawed model that Corporate America has used. It can also be called "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".
I would bet that Furtick is on the "boards" of these five men's (I would bet there are no women making these decisions) compensation committees also and is rubberstamping their salaries.
He never discloses who the five are and absolutely will not entertain questions about his compensation.
Someday, someone is going to come forth and spill.
Wow! What a spirit filled video!!
This Brother is Right on!!
It's a new day Haters!
Why don't you start your own Church and leave ours alone.
Maybe...Bashing Baptist Church or Peanut Gallery Presbie?
Furtick rocks and you hate it!
He brings home that Gospel Bacon on the weekends and hits a home run for God every Saturday and Sunday!
Yea....he looks good and talks real good.....sorry.....maybe you wanted a crew cut, leisure suit, and dandruff.
Maybe YOU need to spend more time with God and YOU would know WHY HE IS BLESSING THIS BOY!!!
Criticize or create: create what, a control system that dose not allow creating.
Dose this person on the payrole of the southern baptist convention.
"For others, though, it really is not the carpet color; it’s something else and therein lies an opportunity to minister. "
If you notice pastors always say it is about carpet or music. They want everyone who dissents to look petty. After all, their salary is on the line. It is how they make their living.
They would not last in the real world long.
"He never discloses who the five are and absolutely will not entertain questions about his compensation."
That tells you the level of intelligence of his followers.
Maybe YOU need to spend more time with God and YOU would know WHY HE IS BLESSING THIS BOY!!!
March 5, 2011 12:41 PM
This is why the "church" is spiritually dead. This person has no clue that sanctification can look like death to the worldly.
The Joel Osteen Jesus.
WishIhadknown wrote:
Well, for one let’s face it; there are some people who were born to complain. It’s their spiritual gift. These curmudgeons are loyal members in their own way but they will always find something to complain about. In my church there is one man you can count on to vote “no” on everything.
Initials "DW" or "AE"?
It's getting old. Seriously. You've clearly illustrated absurdity with absurdity. We get it. You've made your point. At this point you're just making yourself (and your pastor) look foolish, so keep it up if you want, but that's all you're accomplishing. With friends like you, Mac needs no enemies.
I agree with your including Perry Noble in the list. Talk about hating! Rage at New Spring church http://www.pajamapages.com/holy-rage-at-the-spring-2/ chronicles a story of what his church cronies did to a seminary professor, sending a fake letter of resignation to his boss and likely derailing an adoption.
Steven Furtick and Perry Noble frequently speak at each others' church. Noble spoke at Elevation the middle of February 2011.
Both extol the virtues of the other; it's rather like a mutual admiration society without any critical thinking. Unfortunately, the masses at both churches adopt their pastor's blather.
How could anyone be compelled to go to his church after seeing this. Especially someone thinking about going for the first time.
Did you ever see the movie "Yes Man", with Jim Carrie? It might be an adventure to visit his church.
Do you love Steven?
Yes, yes, yes man, yes!
Watchdog: You are absolutely correct about the yes man. As a member of the corporate world for many many years I have seen them come and go. The new leader gathers a small group of yes men around him. Soon they fail and the board of directors fires him. The yes men also are let go and are replaced. Its funny how often this occurs over and over again. Sad to say its now happening in the churches.
WD: Why does the site indicate a comment is saved given a number and when you go back later it doesn't show up" under post a comment?
I don't know, another quirk with blogger. I have turned off comment moderation, but some posts are getting stuck in "spam" hold, and if I forget to check they can get stuck there. I had about 15 comments last week that didn't post for days because I forgot to check the spam folder.
I hope the Yes Men, will one day ... Impersonating big-time criminals (nah ...) mega-pastors or their handlers in order to publicly humiliate them. Our targets are leaders and big corporations (and mega-church pastors) who put profits ahead of everything else.
Off Topic: Wade Burleson has updated his website.
I've always noticed that a church builds itself around the pastor's personality.
Maybe the Methodists have a better system. I think their pastors have to rotate around to different churches every four years.
Come to think of it, you do not hear of many Methodist celebrity preachers. Except, perhaps, John Maxwell and he left the pastorate to be a leadership guru.
I find the video about as absurd as some of the comments I've read on here. Listen, if you haven't pastored, if you don't know what it's like to pastor, just shut up (and I'm being nice). Until you've walked in the shoes of a pastor save the comments for someone who actually cares. There is no spiritual gift for criticism.
A contrast if you will ... VTM Bottom Line [Paul Burleson] > My Journey In Plain English
Re: spiritual gift of criticism. There are a lot of former pastors who regret not having listened to those members who told them they were making error whether in scripture, financial, ministerial, or administration. Like someone said you can't always have it your way. Some individuals learn from those around them while others never do. Its not "criticism", but rather discernment and just good common sense that prevents chaos.
Until you've walked in the shoes of a pastor save the comments for someone who actually cares. There is no spiritual gift for criticism.
Just Truth! But you have taken your H1N1 shot not allowing you know the truth
Until you've walked in the shoes of a pastor save the comments for someone who actually cares. There is no spiritual gift for criticism.
Just Truth, But you have taken your N1H1 shou not allowing you to know the truth.
Anon 9:40
"Listen, if you haven't pastored, if you don't know what it's like to pastor, just shut up (and I'm being nice). Until you've walked in the shoes of a pastor save the comments for someone who actually cares."
I wouldn't call what Furtick is doing "pastoring." He is a rock star wannabe and I doubt he has any more true affection for his "likers" than he does his "haters." It's just that the haters aren't silent and he feels he must have the last word.
I've served on a church staff and been the victim of criticism. Don't know anyone who served with me who wasn't criticized, sometimes harshly and unfairly. We had no platform from which to attack our haters. And if we had responded publicly, we would have been escorted to our cars carrying our office belongings and been done. We had full accountability for our actions on and off the church campus. Furtick and his genre have set it up to where they have little.
So "shutting up" is the exact wrong thing to do in this situation, in my opinion.
People parish do to lack of knowledge/truth.
"Until you've walked in the shoes of a pastor save the comments for someone who actually cares. There is no spiritual gift for criticism."
Oh, you care. Or you would not have written the above. Seems we have hit a nerve.
I suggest pastors walk a mile in the average pew sitters shoes ina real job in the real world. Would they do what they do if they did not get paid? No.
But ironically REAL pastors do it for free because it is a spiritual gift in the Body and they do not expect payment for services rendered in the Spirit.
You just do not recognize anything outside the "institution".
True - if anybody should walk in someone's shoes, let's go with a mega church pastor walking in the shoes of a mid-level manager professional working 60 hours a week, for a demanding boss (as someone said earlier, make it a female boss, or lesbian boss for good measure for the SBC pastor), and then lay on them the expectation of working as a layperson in the church as a SS teacher, nursery worker, etc. for no pay, while having to listen to sermons asking for more money and more time to prove your devotion to God.
Thanks for the video. I'd been wondering what became of little Eddie Munster.
What an arrogant prick.
How guys like this call themselves a pastor is mind boggling.
Oh, I'm sure he tickles the ears like the Bible predicts in the last days to build a crowd.
What a phony.
LOL, Eddie Munster it is.
Or the love child of Rod Serling and Jim Carrey.
"Oh, I'm sure he tickles the ears like the Bible predicts in the last days to build a crowd."
That is exactly what is going on in most American churches.
I went online to listen to some of Pastor Steven's sermons...WOW!!!
That boy can bring it!!!!
Why do tens of thousands go to his church?
Because they like it, that's why!
And your problem with that is......?
This is America, if people want to have a Pastor with Diamonds and a cool haircut, it is their right.
I bet you that Peter had a good haircut because people followed him. People do not follow someone that looks tacky.
It may sound unspiritual but that is the way it is. Nothing has changed. King David wore relevant clothing and that is why he was such a great leader.
Actually, and just for the record, I have sat in the pew, I've taught Sunday School, R.A.'s, led the Brotherhood, served as a deacon, sang in the choir and played the piano for a Southern Baptist Church. I also worked in a management position. All of that was BEFORE I became a pastor. I know what it's like on both sides of the aisle and like I said, if you haven't been there and done that, just shut up.
Actually, and just for the record, I have sat in the pew, I've taught Sunday School, R.A.'s, led the Brotherhood, served as a deacon, sang in the choir and played the piano for a Southern Baptist Church. I also worked in a management position. All of that was BEFORE I became a pastor. I know what it's like on both sides of the aisle and like I said, if you haven't been there and done that, just shut up.
March 7, 2011 8:39 AM
We can see how doing all that has contributed to your arrogance and hard heart.
So, you are saying if we have not followed in your exact footsteps, we cannot speak out in disagreement or dissent.
So, does your logic apply to any questioning of the president, too? Congress? Senate? The music director? The children's minister?
Me thinks you do not have the basic reasoning skills to be any of the things you claim above. Which is one of the biggest problems we have in the church.
I know what it's like on both sides of the aisle and like I said, if you haven't been there and done that, just shut up.
Let us rule, or your on your way to the under world.
"Oh, I'm sure he tickles the ears like the Bible predicts in the last days to build a crowd."
That is exactly what is going on in most American churches.
No it isn't and unless you have darkened the doors of most American churches then that is a very irresponsible comment. The actions of a few should not define the rest. Sadly, that's what this blog likes to do.
One of the greatest things ever is the "Chicagoland Gospel Bowl"
What an incredible contest to see who is the greatest preacher!
Can you imagine...
Steven Furtick vs Perry Noble
Ed Young Jr. vs Bill Hybels
Robert Schuller vs T D Jakes
Ted Haggard vs Rob Bell
I'm telling you, it would be better than the Super Bowl!
Peter vs Paul
King David vs Jeremiah
Jezebel vs Bathsheba
This would blow the roof off of TBN!!!!
Watching that video just makes me want to spit in that arrogant, hypocritical, postmodern jerk's face.
I have a real problem with a pastor telling people to shut up anon whoever you are.
I assume the "haters" he's referring to are the traditional churches who criticize new methods or either fundamentalist churches who worry about doctrine?
I think we ought to criticize new methods, there is nothing wrong with the ones we have had for decades. I am also glad to agree with you that we should not worry about doctrine.
Thank you for the real encouragement.
His haters are the critiques of the new age, the followers of Jesus Christ, not the corporate tail wagers.
We all have a right to how we worship and the beliefs we have. I for one find it incredibly ironic that this video has stirred such contempt from people. I guess the simple truth is that he made the video for the likes of all those opposed...
If you really don't like the guy, don't listen...pretty simple.
Well, there goes your problem, me thinks, that's where the problem started, you started thinking. I'm amazed on two fronts. First, that you can make a character judgement over a post (arrogant and hard hearted). Second, I'm amazed at how you can bash pastors on here and say all manner of evil against them but you have a problem with a pastor saying shut up. It's tough when the shoe is on the other foot and you actually have a pastor who will tell you what they think (in Christian love, of course). Save your comments for someone who actually cares about your opinion (which are just like armpits, everyone has one, some just stink more than others). I'm out ......
WOW! These photos make this wild man look JUST LIKE THE DEVIL! I do mean BIG, WILD, SCARY, HATEFUL, and falt out MEAN!!! I never heard of him... never, ever, but I CANNOT believe he pastors a church that big. But I predict after this video and your blog he is on the way DOWN, all the way down, and his church, too. I pity him and feel bad for his staff and church. They hitched their wagon to a wild, sacary devil man and they are going down... FAST
Anonymous said...
Well, there goes your problem, me thinks,etc. etc. etc.
More of the arrogant, loveless, post modernist emergent types. Shut up, pay up or get out. It's all about appearance, more bread and circus for the clueless drones in the pews.
No dialogue about grace or unity or simple courtesy. 'Eddie Munster' and his hordes, the state of the North American church, now and later.
his nation needs a great revival and move away from this ridiculous charade called seeker church with their hipster preachers.
I choose not to use the term pastor, just preacher/leader/rock star. You get the picture.
If you really don't like the guy, don't listen...pretty simple.
most of us are watching tike the bible commands,moreover,your bible SCHOOL teacher forgot to teach you.
Learning to live as a community of faith is a lifelong vocation. As humans, we always seem to be about establishing a pecking order (hence the proliferation of varying sorts of church polities and reactions over/against those polities).
No perfect pastors. No perfect parishioners. No perfect polity. Plenty to criticize in/about "church"(and goodness knows, we've taken criticism in the church and turned it into a full contact sport!). Yet within communities that are intentional about remaining open to scrutiny and yes, criticism, the opportunities for healing, wholeness and reconciliation abound. It does require courage to face into the difficulties attendant to conflict within a congregation, but until we do, "reconciliation" and "forgiveness" will remain little more than a couple of "church words" for "church people"...without much traction in praxis.
And if we can't model clear communication of our differences with each other, disagree (and even fight) our way to better understanding or closer relationships, then it's little wonder so few folks want to spend any time with us -- regardless of our solid polity, correct doctrinal stances or rock star preachers -- all of which seems to miss the point: "By this shall all people know you are my disciples, that you love one another" (Jesus in the Gospel of John)
Decided to check out WD as I have not in a awhile. Interesting how your perspective can change over time. Personally, I have come to acquire quite a disdain for church leaders who think no one should ask questions, criticize(lovingly) or want to know what is going on with the finances.
This video is quite shocking to watch. It stinks of hypocricy, carnality and arrogance.
What is "praxis" and what is "polity?"
Steven looks like some one I know at church. must be the blood.
This is the problem with the church as a whole. Everyone wants to be a critic and always think they have the right answers. While I do not totally agree with the video Pastor Furtick made, in the context of his church and the series he was teaching it was appropriate. And he is not talking about those that attend his church, he is talking about people like you... looking from the outside in thinking you understand what is going on when you don't really have a clue. If you don't like the church don't go. He is a man of God, and NO man or woman of God should be criticized by a Christian for doing what God has called them to do.
A few years ago, Steven's right hand man (James Corbett) and his wife had a baby. Two hours later, Mr. Corbett was present in an Elevation staff meeting. Steven praised the dedication of this man to the church. Evidently there was some flak about this because Mrs. Corbett had to weigh in on the subject and say that she was fine with him leaving her bedside.
Okay, fast-forward to this week. Steven and his wife have a baby on Thursday. Three days later, he is unable to preach and has three of his underlings in the pulpit this morning.
Double-standard, anyone??
Furtick is internally saying give me help.
FBC Jax Watchdog said...
True - if anybody should walk in someone's shoes, let's go with a mega church pastor walking in the shoes of a mid-level manager professional working 60 hours a week, for a demanding boss (as someone said earlier, make it a female boss, or lesbian boss for good measure for the SBC pastor), and then lay on them the expectation of working as a layperson in the church as a SS teacher, nursery worker, etc. for no pay, while having to listen to sermons asking for more money and more time to prove your devotion to God.
March 6, 2011 5:22 PM
You see, this is why I started reading Jax WD - can anything be more true. The pastors of old from my childhood days would never act this way and the respect was earned not demanded/expected and extracted with much pain and suffering such as is done by Furtick and others both in the emergent and non-emergents.
Listen, I've seen what a few families running a small church can do to a pastor and I resented it then and still do and it angers me what I saw done to a godly man that pastored my church when I was a child and it was unspeakable what these folks did to that man and his family yet he showed the love of God and walked through it and was a far better man than any of the folks treated him so badly.
That said above does not give these young punk, hip, disrespecting pastor wannabes the right to trash anything/everything and any/everyone that disagrees or dares question "the vison". That's another thing - I really wish these guys would quit casting "visions" and then hiding behind that "vision" as though it came from God so as to control and manipulate their congregations and quell their critics and people who have legitmate questions and concerns. I've heard so many "visions" that I really wonder how many of them are really from God at all - most seem to be the vison of the pastor and what he personally wants to accomplish rather than anything God had in mind to begin with!
Anonymous said...
This is the problem with the church as a whole. Everyone wants to be a critic and always think they have the right answers. While I do not totally agree with the video Pastor Furtick made, in the context of his church and the series he was teaching it was appropriate. And he is not talking about those that attend his church, he is talking about people like you... looking from the outside in thinking you understand what is going on when you don't really have a clue. If you don't like the church don't go. He is a man of God, and NO man or woman of God should be criticized by a Christian for doing what God has called them to do.
March 11, 2011 11:14 AM
Anon - First of all there is some serious questions as to whether God has called some of these guys to begin with! Shock - question God's calling on a mans life, being critical of out of place actions attitudes and stupidity such as this video..... yes and I used to fear doing such. Is Furtick not doing the same to traditional churches and other non emergents - looking fromt he outside with a critical eye.... guess it's not the same. Listen, I'm a traditional church musician - an organist - and I've done nothing except feel and be made to feel that I had to apologize for having a traditional mindset and for being a traditional musician and for liking things as they were when they worked and you know what - I've come to the point that I don't have to apologize for being traditional and I refuse to anymore and especially to punk guys like this so yes, I wonder about and even question the calling and so do many others! I've had it and not putting up with this stuff anymore.
Listen, I'm not shaking my fist in God's face as you might be inclined to think - I look at my own life and wonder about my own calling and if there is an issue it's of my making and doing not God's - but for his grace, love and patience I probably wouldn't be alive much less in the church in any capacity. If the man is called by God - a man of God then act like a man of God insted of this nonsense becuase it does cause people to question things.
I just watched this video and read many comments and am confused. I guess I didn't get out of that video what most of you did. In fact, it gave me goosebumps and got me excited and encouraged. What I got from the video was love and compassion and acceptance. To me it sounded like he was saying that we need to unite as a church and not nit pick at each other and "hate" on one another. Because every church runs things different ways. What worked for one church could be disasterous to the next. But we all have the same goal- to reach people for Christ. And how are we going to do that when we as Christians cannot even get a long? I think what he was trying to say- albeit maybe a little harsh and over the top- was that we need to stop hating on one another and accept and love one another. Maybe I'm naive. But that's what I got out of it.
What an incredible parade of jealousy. This guy is trying to preach the Gospel and he seems to be saying that he's going to do it whether you like his methods or not. Can't you smell the irony? You are posting a video directed towards the "haters" and demonstrating you ARE the "haters." Pretty comical.
This post makes me sick, and it's the intense criticis
Of a church that most of you have never given a chance. I am a member of Elevation church and proud of it. The mission of the church is "That people far from God would be filled with life in Christ.". Frankly, if Pastor Steven, the staff, and the thousands of volunteers weren't doing something right, wouldn't God put an end to it? We saw over 200 spontaneous baptisms the weekend of Palm Sunday, over 19500 people in attendance over Easter weekend, and over 2200 salvations over Easter weekend, served over 50000 hours of community service in the city of Charlotte with 26 other local churches ,( some being small traditinal churches, by the way)and give 12% of every dollar back to the community. So the next time you feel judgemental, check your facts. The kingdom of heaven rejoices over salvations whether from a megachurch or not. All glory goes to God.
Anon: God will put an end to it, just like He does to every cult. I notice you like to quote numbers...how about the number your pastor makes? Don't know, huh? Didn't think so.
This post is hitting a nerve long after the original date. Good work, WD!
Anon on June 01: you are spouting all the things Furtick tells you. Yes, 12% of tithes go to outreach. It's the break down of the other 78% of tithes and donations that people should know.
Why don't you ask the finance director for the print-out of the salaries of the complete staff? Don't be put off if they brush you aside. Ask again. Tell them God laid it on your heart to ask.
Good luck. There's a reason the Furtick Kingdom does not wish anyone to know salary info.
My son and my daughter got saved over Easter at Elevation Church run by Pastor Steven Furtick. Praise the lord!
The message he delivers is fantastic and as the world changes the way in which we have to reach out to people changes also. Is "Haters" any different than traditional churches who speak ill of other denominations? or faiths?
Last night it was shown that over 27,000 pairs of shoes had been donated and given to African children as a result of oversee's missionary work going on at Elevation.
Until you actually go and see and feel the spirit of the lord moving in this church I would hold your judgement and Christian tongue.
Do you all really think the church would be experiencing the growth that is it if it was not touching lives for the lord?
What a shame that a bunch of "haters" feel the need to come on these type of boards anonymously I might add and spread words of hate.
Shame on you. By the way... last night's message at Pastor Furtick's church was "Is the boat better or worse without you on board".
I'm thanking the lord every day for the church that paster Furtick runs and the salvation of my 7 and 9 year old.
Good day to you
Hi Stewart!
Okay, so Steven preached from a boat on stage this past week-end. I'm glad you liked it and it spoke to your heart.
Why don't you try asking some hard questions of the "management team" at Elevation? Ask how much Steven is paid per year by the people who sit in the seats and put their hard-earned money on the line. Ask who underwrites his trips to the Grand Canyon and what the total was. Ask how much is spent on Elevation jewelry. What is their t-shirt budget?
This church believes that as long as they say 12% of all monies coming in are donated to outreach, that people won't even think past that. Most don't. Those that do are told to "find another church". That's when you find yourself being called a "hater" because you had the audacity to ask.
When you get the answers to the above questions, come back to tell us all about it.
"Think about it...if a small group of believers ARE a "church" (Body of Christ), the fakes, wolves, hirlings could not stand it and could never stay. They will go where they can have power."
Think about that statement that 'anonymous' made. If we were equipped with the armour of God, then we would be able to resist the devil and these men will flee from us. We'd be able to sus them out before they would have a chance.
We need to read the bible more then ever so we know the God who loves us and not these men who hate us.
Do you all really think the church would be experiencing the growth that is it if it was not touching lives for the lord? "
Yes. Happens all the time. Look at People's Temple. The only church around where all races could worship together without condemnation. Seemed great. They could really look down on other ministries because obviously, they were righteous while other churches of the time were white churches or black churches. So many spiritually abusive churches "grow" and see people saved and all the good stuff, along with the abuse, that it's a bogus argument. And it's predictable that defenders of abusive church leaders, unaccountable church leaders, authoritarian church leaders point to the growth or ministries and say, God must be blessing. You can count on the enablers to use these arguments.
Is it just me, or does this guy look like the guy from the GEICO commercial? So easy a caveman could do it........
I've gone to a lot of different churches, my dad was a pastor in a very conservative church in St. Louis when I was born. I understand all these critiques, but I just moved to Charlotte a few months ago and have been attending Elevation. I have to say, I believe God is moving in Elevation. It's funny people suggest Steven walk in the shoes of a corporate manager for a week and then challenge what he gets paid. I think pastors should be paid better than average. I've thought that since I saw my dad have to leave the ministry to be able to afford raising my brother and me. I'm sure Pastor Steven has a great salary, and why not? He led a church from eight families five years ago to a church that has seen over 10,000 salvations. We baptized 1,400 people last weekend. I watched entire families cry together as they made a public declaration of their commitment to Christ. I would feel ashamed of my church if we had a pastor that works as hard and preaches the gospel as hard as pastor Steven did and he wasn't paid for that work. I believe that about every church. Pastor Steven definitely doesn't make as much as the CEO of an $11 million dollar a year company, which is what Elevation brought in last year. A good CEO for that sized company should make close to a million and just with deductive reasoning, seeing the annual report and much is spent on salaries cumulatively, the church couldn't support the staff size it does if it paid Pastor Steven that much. So what's the problem? And to the content of the video. Pastor Steven makes it clear he's pretty insecure about himself. Sure in God's purpose, but doubtful of himself. Which is fair, given biblical precedent. This video is a statement that we should focus on the spirit and live, rather than doctrinal minutiae, which is only as old as the church it came from, when love is "the greatest of these."
Kyle B - you're in left field, way out in left field.
First of all, I thought Christians didn't say that the pastor builds a church, that God does it. You said it yourself, "God is doing something"...so Steven should earn a million a year because God did something? Or can we just be honest and you believe the credit goes to Steven.
Secondly, you don't understand basic corporate financials. You threw out the number of $11 million for Furtick's church. That is REVENUE. You think that a CEO of a company that has $11 million in revenue would earn $1 million? If a company has $11 million in revenue, their profit might be $2 million. So the CEO takes half of the profits? Do you see that you don't even know what you're talking about?
The Gospel is being preached.
There's fruit; salvations and baptisms.
Lives are being changed.
Like/Dislike this guy's personality or mode of ministry, but do not confuse your personal bias on methods and what a pastor should look/act like with the fact that Jesus is being preached and people are accepting Jesus into their hearts as their personal Lord and Savior. The Disciple, Peter, had a personality and methods that I'm sure many of you would take issue with... yet there was legitimate fruit.
Listen to his messages, not spot here and there, listen to them. The Gospel is being preached! Jesus Christ is being glorified as the only way to salvation.
Mark 9:38-40
38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us.
...that's Jesus talking.
Hey FBC Jax ... what is your yearly salary? Just curious? And how much should a pastor's salary be? What is your pastor's salary? What is your standard for ministry salaries?
I don't know how much this Furtick dude makes but why is it such a big deal? He is not accountable to you but to his own elders (local church is where the accountability lies).
Just wanted to chime back in, briefly, because I don't think we'll ever agree in all likelihood. I misspoke. I meant an owner/CEO, not just CEO and that income figure is reasonable depending on the profit margin of the theoretical business I proposed. But in any case, I wasn't saying Pastor Steven deserves million a year, but more that he should be able to make a good living, because, although its God's work, Pastor Steven has been faithful to the vision God provided him. What Im saying is that I felt called and even directed by God into my current career path, should I not then be able to make a good living off fufilling a vision Gid gave me? Then why the microscope, to the point of the previous poster. I would encourage you to watch Pastor Steven's sermon from this morning, the conclusion to the follow series, during which we saw over 2,100 people baptized. Pastor Steven does a better than fair job of battling most of your points on the rock star preacher thing. It's the August 20-21 sermon. I'd very honestly like to hear your thoughts on it. Elevationchurch.org
Welcome to the discussion.
I'm going to assume you contribute monetarily to Elevation. Notice I didn't say tither, since the common assumption is a contribution of 10%. If this is indeed the case, why don't you ask them for financial information?
What Elevation Church puts out there for public consumption on their finances is thin. The reason is that there are not enough folks demanding to know. They've been intimidated.
See what happens when you ask. Do you get the same information they list in their so-called Annual Report? Ask for audited statements. They mention C. DEWITT FOARD AND CO., P.A. as their auditors. They have statements, so what's the problem in receiving them?
If you're successful (no one has been thus far), report back here.
KarenM in NC
Sorry to all of you who haven't been to Elevation Church. You really are missing out. Through Elevation I have the Lord again. I strayed and through Pastor Steven Furtick who I LOVE as a Pastor and who's sermons I understand, I found him again. Maybe just maybe you all should suck up all the hate and crap you are throwing and get on with your lives. My pastor is my pastor, your pastor is your pastor. I don't throw crap at your church don't throw crap at mine.
You go Pastor Steven. I have never attended your Church; however I am filled with the Holy Spirit and I do recognize the Anointing you have on your life. Jesus himself had to deal with the Haters as he walked the earth. Infact, they crucified him. Keep trusting the Lord and doing what your doing. The Gospel message has been packaged the wrong way for years know. It has been watered down to the point that there is no power. Many so called Christians are just caught up in RELIGION, they don't know Jesus personally. I am 47 years old and can relate to all of the messages that I have heard on your podcast. Everything I have heard has been awesome and powerfully anointed. Keep doing what your doing. Satan loves to use the haters to bring accusations. I am believing that God will continue to multiply your ministry. I pray that the blessings of God will continue to be poured out on you and your ministry. John R. Burroughs, Winston-Salem NC
It's not hate. It's discernment. I don't even need to look further into his ministry than to realize that he is there to protect...himself...from anyone who questions anything he preaches. He should welcome the critic. Instead, he builds walls and fences, just like all the other CEO Pastors with big salaries.
It is *he* who has the "us" versus "them" mentality.
I am glad to see the genesis of the the term "hater." What I find is that followers of preachers who are joined the "hater" bandwagon shut down anyone attempting to shine the light on bad theology and. I find that this approach, while great for the pastor, keeps followers as spiritual infants. They check their minds at the door and are clearly intoxicated with bumper sticker Christianity.
Good speakers make the best cult leaders.
He is the best speaker I have ever heard. A great man, has an amazing service and had over 22k in attendance for our Christmas service. I am the biggest skeptic that ever lived. When you are in the public eye you get bashed...there is always someone tearing you apart. Look at our Presidents. Find something more constructive to do with your time and stop being a HATER.
Furtick is amazing. I challenge anyone to go hear him speak. There is a reason the church is growing by leaps and bounds and keeps on growing. cult/kəlt/
A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. (Not us)
A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. (Not us)
Find something more productive to do. Or better yet, get out and start your own MEGA Church....HATER
Jesus was hated by the Pharisees too and was accused of having a devil. You cannot judge a man's heart or intentions. You are not God so the best thing you can do is attempt to make a difference in your world and sphere of influence like this man is doing. Stop being jealous of another man's success in God. Steven Furtick is having much fruit and success in ministry and it's only going to get better as he keeps his eyes on Jesus. You who are negative have a critical spirit not a discerning spirit. Critical spirits uncover people's flaws to hurt someones influence and are a work of the flesh. A true spirit of discernment is a gift of the Spirit of God and seeks to help people through prayer when God reveals something or He may even give you an opportunity to talk to a person to effect real change when he shows you something. This is what true discernment is. It is not fault-finding. Come on people, walk in love and keep your mouth shut since you are not God. Work on your own heart and relationship with the Lord...this will keep you soooo busy until Jesus comes back. Have a great day! Don't be a hater.
Wow, so mature of Furtick...Who does that... So sick of these mega church guys and their huge egos.
You are complaining about their t shirt budget? Seriously? 10000 people saying yes to Christ in 5 years and you have s problem with them giving our t shirts?
I completely understand people's hesitance to jump on the Elevation train due to affiliations with preachers such as TD Jakes, but I cannot deny what God is doing through Steven and Elevation church downloaded all the podcasts from Elevation church from back in 2006 and have listened to almost 3 years worth of them in the past few months at work and while I do homework and at times there are statements made that I disagree with but other times I agree whole heartedly. The truth is no pastor is 100% correct and biblical all time to make the claim that anyone might be is dangerous. I think we get nervous when we see young excited pastors and the churches they Shepard grow so quickly because we think automatically the church is offering a sugar coated Jesus but I assure Pastor Furtick is not doing that. He preaches hard and at time in a way that leaves you feeling convicted just as a preacher should. I think this fear also comes about because we lack faith at times that God can and does to BIG things. Just because church explosion like we see at Elevation isn't common doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. My God is a Big God and I am under no right to limit His power. God also gave us the Holy Spirit to discern truth from lie so ultimately that is what we should do. Eat the fish and spit out the bones, but remember, just because something takes us out of our comfort zone of "normal Christian life" doesn't right away make it a bone that needs to be spit out. Before I run the risk of rambling ill bring this to a close by saying that we as Christians need to remember to Love, not with the Rob Bell "Love Wins" kind of love but with the Christ died for our sins kind of love, extend grace to people and ultimately glorify God in all we say and do and post on blogs. Much Love!
In Christ-
I can see where he is coming from but emphasizing the hater rather than the hate is counter productive. I think the thing viewers fail to recognize in this video is his call to love at the end. I know not all critics are haters but I do know people in my own community who "hate" Steven Furtick. Now, I am in no way defending any of the childish remarks made by Furtick but simply bringing to light a different part of his message.
Furtick, if you're reading this, please construct your messages more prudently than this. You are addressing your congregation. Not a fan base.
Its all about numbers ..... more people more money...that is the bottom line....when you are in God's house, act like it. It's not a standup Hollywood act....its not about Steve...its about Him. Run, run run....
Andy Stanley does the same crap. He purposely misrepresents criticism and dismisses it as "hating". I'm so sick of these megachurch idiots. They almost ruined my faith.
To the Man/Woman in the MIRROR;
It’s so funny reading posts from “other pastors” condemning Pastor Furtick. Does this not make YOU a HATER as well? You condemn Pastor Furtick because he’s not doing it your way?
Here’s an awesome quote from Mark Driscoll (Elephant Room 1) “Here’s a guy who has lead thousands of people to Christ, and here’s a guy who didn’t and don’t like the way the other guy didn’t”!
It’s people like you, that don’t like Furtick that this video was made for! You are doing exactly what he’s talking about. It’s not your way so it MUST be wrong. And please don’t start with the “he doesn’t preach the Bible” stuff. I attend Elevation each week and HE DOES preach the BIBLE!
I have also noticed several people commenting on the 12% of what comes into Elevation goes to outreach and asking about the other 88%. A small amount of research is required to find this information however; I’m going to attempt to provide the very difficult and “hidden” path to find it. Ok, here it is:
Go to Elevation Church and pick up a free book that clearly breaks down the remaining 88%!
I do agree with one thing, it’s easier to simply complain and ride the wave of someone else’s opinion! Be original; check out Elevation Church and Pastor Steven Furtick for yourself. Have your own opinion…
To the Man/Woman in the MIRROR;
It’s so funny reading posts from “other pastors” condemning Pastor Furtick. Does this not make YOU a HATER as well? You condemn Pastor Furtick because he’s not doing it your way?
Here’s an awesome quote from Mark Driscoll (Elephant Room 1) “Here’s a guy who has lead thousands of people to Christ, and here’s a guy who didn’t and don’t like the way the other guy didn’t”!
It’s people like you, that don’t like Furtick that this video was made for! You are doing exactly what he’s talking about. It’s not your way so it MUST be wrong. And please don’t start with the “he doesn’t preach the Bible” stuff. I attend Elevation each week and HE DOES preach the BIBLE!
I have also noticed several people commenting on the 12% of what comes into Elevation goes to outreach and asking about the other 88%. A small amount of research is required to find this information however; I’m going to attempt to provide the very difficult and “hidden” path to find it. Ok, here it is:
Go to Elevation Church and pick up a free book that clearly breaks down the remaining 88%!
I do agree with one thing, it’s easier to simply complain and ride the wave of someone else’s opinion! Be original; check out Elevation Church and Pastor Steven Furtick for yourself. Have your own opinion…
I always thought Jesus made it very clear; men will lead men to destruction. This is my main reason for having issues with religion. Sooner or later, if I walk you down a trail in the wood, you will stumble. Don't look to a man for all the answers, follow your godly conscience. Then we have no need to blame anyone for mistakes. Brandon Boykin
Tony, You elevate these men like they are gods. Let me remind you that there is only one God and you are suppose to be worshiping him, not men.
The bible has all the answers. When we hear about these young pastors gaining thousands and thousands of people following them and their" preaching" is nothing but motivational speech I can't help but think of jesus saying in Matt 7:13 & 14 Enter ye in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate and narrow the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. I have heard a few 'sermons ' of Furtick and he takes most srcipture out of context.
When I stand outside of my church building, I hear a voice that says -"You are far worse than you can imagine, but Jesus Christ is far greater than you can image. Come to Him, believe and one day you will be with him in glory."
When I stand outside of Elevation Church I hear the voice of temptress that says - "You are far greater than you imagine. Come in, be entertained. We're not like all those 'other' churches. Oh, by the way, we want your money."
YOU SAID IT BEST!!! “Those YOUNG preachers”! Tell me; was Billy Graham young at some point in time? Also, JESUS was ONLY 33 when he went to the cross! Go ahead, quote the bible. That’s a good thing. However, it’s very dangerous to pick and choose what you read. It’s an awesome book. Read it all!
Reply to:
Anonymous said...
Tony, You elevate these men like they are gods. Let me remind you that there is only one God and you are suppose to be worshiping him, not men.
October 13, 2012 at 9:41 PM
Do you have a pastor? Do you love your pastor? If not, you might want to keep looking for a church... I don't want to sound nasty. Please understand that. Just an honest question...
Good bless all of you,
It is funny how this all plays out. I attend Elevation as well, and I see the amazing things that this church has done in this community. Pastor Steven in our Pastor, so if respecting him puts is in the category of being a cult, so be it! Jesus is the center of EVERY message Pastor Steven puts out there, and the number of people that have come to Christ through Elevation is spectacular. So, if anyone out there wants to hate, hate away.......I don't mind being hated for being a member of a Christ centered church that is aiming to reach people far from God. Although, it does baffle me that it is never the lost that criticize, it always seems to be church upon church! To each his own, right??? The bottom line is we are reaching people far from God, and we are proud that Pastor Steven is our Pastor :)
@ stewart who said, "Last night it was shown that over 27,000 pairs of shoes had been donated and given to African children as a result of oversee's missionary work going on at Elevation."
Why Africans? What is with most Christians and obsession over Africans?
I'm sure there are American families with tight budgets or living in poverty that could use financial help or new shoes too.
Galatians 6:10 says churches are to help Christians first, and other verses seems to indicate that means Christians in your local community. Let Christians in Africa get shoes to needy African kids.
American Christians need to repent of ignoring the hurting Christians in their own midst.
@Lynn..Maybe the Methodists have a better system. I think their pastors have to rotate around to different churches every four years.
@Anon...Come to think of it, you do not hear of many Methodist celebrity preachers. Except, perhaps, John Maxwell and he left the pastorate to be a leadership guru.
Not necessarily so. As long as you're growing the church and bringing in the money, the Methodists will let you stay as long as you like.
And John Maxwell was a Wesleyan, a different denomination, but he went to be a leadership guru after pastoring a megachurch for a few years.
How clearly and totally demonic and utterly opposed to the true gospel of Jesus Christ
*sigh* it's so sad that a video that is supposed to make haters see the wrong or the darkness in their ways, can generate soo much hate. I mean really guys??! All these senseless arguments are just really sad. Also the article twisted the video waaaaay out of context. He is not being a hater, he is preaching to haters. He's a pastor, that's what he does. It's not animated emotion it's real. I do go to elevation, he does preach sermons, they do not want your money, and he is an amazing pastor. All of you who are making these assumptions about the church really need to just try it out yourself.
I would never in a million years thought that I would end up loving and serving a contemporary church. I was raised in a very traditional church in the heart of the Bible Belt. My husband and children have never been so excited about attending church--EVER! They didn't even get to see Furtick that day...visiting pastor--and they still loved it. Elevation is a very welcoming church, it is not a Country Club Fashion Show, but it IS a very inviting group of people gathering to hear God's word which Furtick does wisely for someone his age. I get his sermons, I can apply his wisdom and use of God's word. I can identify with him. He is a good ole SC boy who is doing a phenomenal job of reaching and saving thousands. Y'all really want to complain about that in this day and time? I teach and see the demoralization of this world and drive one hour to find hope and inspiration in the teachings of Pastor Stephen. He has brought me back to church after a major medical midlife crisis/why me? situation. I always wondered what it felt like when people said they had been saved and Pastor Stephen and the members of Elevation church have helped me to actually experience that feeling. Leave him alone. He is not a Jim Baker. He's a husband, dad, son, writer, and Pastor. I have never seen such a diverse congregation in my life...love that young people are getting back into church, even the elderly are going and embracing this different type of worship. It is multicultural and REAL. They baptized close to 4,000 people recently & that gives me hope for the future. The church gave away $10 million dollars to organizations/charities last year. They are doing good things in their communities. Can you say the same?
Nancy Tharpe
Elevation Blakeney & soon to be LKN
I'm new to this blog and I felt the need to comment. I had until recently never heard of Steven Furtick, and I almost said, Jesus I know and Paul I've heard of, but who is Steven Furtick? This video of him is just silly and pathetic. If I attended his church I'd be embarrassed by it. I don't even know the guy and I felt embarrassed for him. He comes across as immature, childish, and well, a complete ass. The entire time I was thinking, "This is the stupidest, most asinine thing I've ever seen." I could feel sorry for him, but that's hard to do seeing how this kid is probably worth at least 7 figures. I've always felt if a church is reaching people for Jesus, but their methods differ from mine that's okay, but this video speaks volumes. This Furtick kid has some growing up to do. I watched a more recent video of him since your blog brought him to my attention, and I was thinking the kid might say something that would just shake the ground under my feet, spiritually speaking. Didn't happen. The same holds for Perry Noble, Ed Young Jr, Andy Stanley, and all these rich young hotshots. All these guys and others like them just make me cringe. I'll never understand what makes so many people follow them and throw their hard earned cash at them. Thanks for letting me vent. Peace. -Dan, a bi-vocational pastor in Virginia.
Understand, those of us who attend Elevation Church DO NOT FOLLOW Pastor Furtick! We follow Jesus! Pastor Furtick preaches directly from the bible. So, we are on fire for Christ through his preaching. Praise God for the thousands that come to Jesus at Elevation and stop complaining about the rock star, punk, young, rich pastor.
People call our church a cult? Ok... But out cult leader is Jesus! Pastor Furtick preaches the word of God and thousands respond. And all I read is negative remarks about our pastor.?. I would love to see, especially from other pastors, comments that at least say praise God for the thousands that come to Him at Elevation Church!
1. I did not call Steven Furtick a punk.
2. I did not call Elevation Church a cult.
3. This video is still silly and pathetic.
4. Pastor Steven ought to cease from calling anyone who disagrees with him or questions his methods "haters." I do not hate anyone, Steven included.
5. Praise God for all the thousands of people coming to Jesus through the ministries of Elevation Church.
-Dan, a bi-vocational pastor in Virginia
I understand why pastors might get fed up with whiners who whine about the color of the carpet or the music was too loud, too soft etc.
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