2 Samuel 16:9,11 - "Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over, I pray thee, and take off his head...let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hath bidden him."

Matthew 7:15 - “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Matthew 24:11 - “…and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.”

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Forgiveness" is the New F-Word in Church

Whether you like this or not, you have to give the guy credit for beating the emergent church guys to the punch with this. The folks at NewSpring (Perry Noble) and Elevation Church (Furtick) - and maybe even Fellowship Church - would have loved to have their preacher pull this one!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I can't believe what I just saw. I saw it with my own eyes and still can't believe I saw it!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Kyle, neither can I believe what I just saw!

NYTN said...

Paige Patterson with his "strip tease" act...

Ed Young with his "Seven Days of Sex"...

And now this...

There's just TOO MUCH FOOLISHNESS going on in these pulpits, where instead the Gospel and sound doctrine should be preached.

We're way past the point now where we can shake our heads at ministry leaders. Now, we have to really start dealing with why people are sitting in the pews and paying "tithes" to finance this mess.

I'm through...

The Butcher Priest said...

I love the African-American community. But this video is clear evidence of one of the biggest problems in the black community today. As a people, they can never demonstrate civility and composure in society. This video clearly shows the church as one of those places where they let themselves go. Do you really think forgiveness was preached and people's hearts were pricked at this point in the message? No, it was one big joke about F-You and everyone was dancing and laughing like a bunch of monkeys. The African-American community needs to continue to evolve as a people and move beyond this sort of behavior. Pull up your pants you bunch of monkeys and control yourselves!

Anonymous said...

"As a people, they can never demonstrate civility and composure in society."

Yep and they can't lower their voices either. Why do they have TO TALK SO LOUD!????

RT said...

Did you all set in the video what the wall behind the speaker is? It's the Masonic checkerboard pattern. Seems like lots going on other that the F-word here!

RT said...

Sorry, that should have read "see".

FBC Jax Watchdog said...

NYTN: Yes, we could make a video "Preachers Gone Wild"....pretty sad. But I have to admit my flesh says "very entertaining."

FormerFellow said...

Well Watchdog, as a former Fellowship Church member, Ed beat this guy to the F-punch about 3 years ago. If you go on his creative pastors.com website, you can "buy" that series, Forgiveness: The Real F-Word.

And, as a member, sitting in the chairs those weeks, I was stunned that Ed preached it, and disgusted that my teenagers were having their rockstar pastor/preacher intentionally cause them to think the F-word, over and over and over. It's bad enough to hear that drivel at school everyday, why not just preach Forgiveness, and actually be salt and light to the world, rather than mimic it so much...

Both Ed and this guy ought to be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Booker T Washington, in his book, Up From Slavery, said the preacher was the biggest barrier to African Americans becoming financially independent. They wanted them dependent on them.

Anonymous said...

"Booker T Washington, in his book, Up From Slavery, said the preacher was the biggest barrier to African Americans becoming financially independent. They wanted them dependent on them."

I read that book, too. I disagree somewhat because it's the government and liberals that want and make them dependent.

Spooky! My word verification is: vines

Karen said...

Furtick's too busy this week traveling out to the west coast for a week to film...are you ready? Three-D Easter!! Yep, that apparently is their hook for the holiday, a video in 3-D. No word yet on whether members will have to bring their own glasses or if they will distribute them.

He and some of his best buds flew into Las Vegas, journeyed from there to what looked like the Grand Canyon and then to destinations further west.

It's been a wonderful week on folks' tithing dollars.

You can check out his twitter feed for pics and video. He does like to ensure that EVERYONE knows where he is.

Katie said...

I thought we were supposed to 'in' the world, not 'of' it.

NYTN (is that you Kevin)? You summed it up perfectly. TOO MUCH FOOLISHNESS permeating the places where we are supposed to be worshipping a HOLY God.

I don't mind a little humor from the pulpit now and then, but it sure seems as if so many churches are scratching the gutter with the intent to appease/entertain the flock rather than teaching sound doctrine.

I love and appreciate my own Pastor more and more.

Ramesh said...

Off Topic: Wade Burleson > The Death of Christ Is Pleasing to the Father

Allegra said...

re The Butcher Priest

"I love the black community" but they are a bunch of monkeys that "can never demonstrate civility and composure in society."

Sure am feelin' the sweet, sweet love of Jesus and Christian brotherly love in those words. You reek of it. Oh brother, please, Please, PLEASE, take your love down to the monkeys and show them how it's done.

Former Slave said...

"the preacher was the biggest barrier to African Americans becoming financially independent. They wanted them dependent on them."

NOT TRUE! IT IS OUR LIBERAL DEMOCRATS, that want us to still be on the white plantation!!!!!!!!

The Butcher Priest said...


I suppose you are black, and you assume I am a priest. The latter is false, the former most likely.

A few words for you, BROTHA:

You should not allow yourself to take offense from my comments. Rather, you should take offense to the behavior of your own people.

I have always held the idea that those of the African-American community have had a much deeper appreciation and respect for the things of the Lord and His word. Not only that, I believe that black folk know how to worship the good Lord in a way that seems much more real and genuine than those of us who are white.

With that being said, it has dissapointed me to see in recent times the abominable disrespect demonstrated by our African-American preachers in this great nation.
See also Jeremiah Wright, 2008 Presidential Election, Barack H. Obama.

The pastor in this video has done a great deal of damage to the furtherance of the African-American cause. He should be ashamed of himself.

And you should be ashamed for him.

Anonymouse said...

Fat Christians are a lie!

Allegra said...

Your assumptions and suppositions are incorrect. But, collective guilt, collective shame? Lead by example.

heyman said...

Why does race have to be brought up in this discussion? When white people are shown doing crazy things, people talk about the decay of society or whatever system the outrageous incident takes place. However, when the same things are done by black people, we have to have a discussion about race.

This website is here to discuss/expose the bad practices of some BBC/megachurch/aspiring megachurch preachers. When it was Ed Young or Marc Brunson, it was about them. But when you post a video of a black preacher saying something crazy, we have to turn it into a race discussion? I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

But when you post a video of a black preacher saying something crazy, we have to turn it into a race discussion? I just don't get it.

Most black preachers do not belong to a powerful convent. Their association is often linked to their race.

Anonymous said...

The Real F Word is...


Black or White, that dude be Crazy!

I ain't down wit it....don't be usin that kinda word in our Lord's Crib.

The Butcher Priest said...

One thing is clear, this blog post is not about race. It's about expectation's of ministers and what they say and do in their collective ministries. This preacher has missed that mark by a mile.

He is not a fool because he's black. He is a fool for associating one of God's greatest attributes, Forgiveness, with one of the most twisted, filthy, vile words found in our Enlgish language.

How dare he associate such a word with our God, his God, and the God who brought the north and south together once and for all to give to give this man the right to even stand in a pulpit and preach!

Anonymous said...

He B Crazy!

Why He B talkin lit dat?

I'm goin to axe my momma what's up wit dis.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is utterly ridiculous. See, this is why people of other races see us as bufoons, and clowns, because of this kink of stupidity. Well, thank you Lord for now making me this way... That was utterly childish....

heyman said...

Again, if the comments of Ed Young, the FBC Dallas guy, Marc Brunson, etc. don't have anything to do with race, why is this post being made into a race issue.

As far as "most black preachers don't belong to a powerful convent" comment and their associations being made based on race....Can you say Church of God in Christ (which pretty much created the Assembly of God denomination) or AME? There's also the National Baptist Convention.

Most "black" organizations were created in times when blacks were not allowed to join organizations that already existed. Just because things were desegregated doesn't mean that those organizations should cease to exist.

Jeremiah Wright doesn't represent black preachers any more than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do. These are MEDIA-appointed black "spokesmen."

Josh from FL said...

Sorry, guys.
That one was pretty darn funny.
Just my opinion.

Tim Goodwill said...

Awesome. Love it.

Fact is nobody remembers the content of sermons. A sermon may be well crafted and well received, but studies show that hardly ANYBODY can remember anything about it a few days later. It is a struggle to deliver in such a way as make the message memorable, and this does just that. Keep in mind we only saw a snippet, but even if you are sure the preacher did no more with it, at least the theme was memorable - I will remember it.

God is not to be kept in his corner - why shouldn't forgiveness said be as loud and as often as the other 'f' word? How often do you say it?

If you think about only that much... chances are you are already doing more with this than you did with the word you heard last Sunday...

Anonymous said...

"If you think about only that much... chances are you are already doing more with this than you did with the word you heard last Sunday..."

Perhaps next Sunday he can preach in the nude to emphasize a point and make it more memorable.

I mean Jesus often tried gimmicks like this to help people remember his sermons right?

Anonymous said...

Jesus was shocking. The religious community hated nearly everything he said. Jesus had absolutely no respect for peoples middle-class sensibilities.
Consider that your "I'm shocked" response may say more about your religious/cultural comfort zone than about the wisdom of this homilitic style, spoken into a different religious/cultural context than your own.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus was shocking."

In what way.

How did any of Jesus' sermons use shock value to make a point?

Anonymous said...

"Jesus had absolutely no respect for peoples middle-class sensibilities."

How did you come to that conclusion considering that there was no such thing as a middle class in Jesus' day.

Anonymous said...

"Consider that your "I'm shocked" response may say more about your religious/cultural comfort zone than about the wisdom of this homilitic style, spoken into a different religious/cultural context than your own."

I just scanned through this thread and there is no reference to "I'm shocked" anywhere other than your reference to a non-existent reference.

Perhaps that says something about you.

Anonymous said...

Man I attended this guys church at least 4 time I knew something wasn't with this guy so I left. His doctrine doesn't line up with the Word Of God at all... Thank the Lord for Discernment.

Pastor Nate said...

I Came across this doing my own study on forgiveness and how it pertains to the believer. I know nothing of this particular man or his ministry but I do want to caution us to be very careful about what is or isn't appropriate when it comes to communicating the truth about an incomprehensible God - while I don't use much of the, I believe someone referred to it as 'gimmicks', that many teachers do I am not going to stand and judge without intimately knowing them and their intentions nor do I believe that anyone should. I believe it was an anonymous comment posted here on March 11th that stated - and I quote...

"Perhaps next Sunday he can preach in the nude to emphasize a point and make it more memorable."

Um - perhaps we would all be very offended by these verses - Isaiah 20:2-4. BUT, our offense does not negate the fact that GOD told Isaiah to communicate in just that fashion. Please understand - the use of course language is completely inappropriate I agree. But let's not go so far as to say that God can't communicate truth in ways that we as a society at times might be grossly offended by.

If it is about who can be the most shocking or draws the largest crowd then we are falling miserably short. If it is about our own ability to come up with something catchy or creative - again we have failed. But if we are passionate about communicating timeless truth then we must be open to the possibility that HE might ask us to do it in such a way the "they" don't like.

Pastor Nate said...

I apologize for the earlier mistake the anonymous post I mentioned was in actuality posted on March 30th.