Just as bloggers last summer were instrumental in finally getting Liberty University to investigate the deceptions of Ergun Caner, so now a blogger played an instrumental role in a church sex abuse scandal.
I'm sure the Watchdog readers have been reading about John Langworthy, the music minister in Clinton, MS that confessed to "sexual indiscretions with younger males" (most people call them "sex crimes") when he was a youth music minister some 20 years prior at the super mega church Prestonwood Baptist Church. If you haven't read about it yet, see Brett Shipp's report here, and read Bob Allen's story here. Bottom line: Langworthy for 22 years has served as a music minister and public school teacher while the parents of children at his church and in his community had absolutely no idea of his "indiscretions" (sex crimes) back at Prestonwood.

With the help of the New BBC Open Forum blog recently, former Prestonwood Baptist staffer Amy Smith was able to get the attention of folks in Langworthy's new church and community. Finally as word spread among the people at Langworthy's church, and they did Internet searches that landed them on the New BBC Open Forum post here, they realized they may have a pedophile in their midst. Their church leadership began an investigation, and then Brett Shipp became involved. Brett covered the story because of the connection of Langworthy to Prestonwood, and their apparent failure to report Langworthy's crimes to the police back in 1989 and instead let him slip away to another church.
Prestonwood Pastor Jack Graham and his church are in hot water - they need to answer questions like:
- why did Prestonwood not report Langworthy's "indiscretions" to the police so they could investigate? Why did they do their own investigation?
- why did Prestonwood not alert Langworthy's new church so they could act to protect the children of that church from a suspected pedophile?
- why did Jack Graham in 2008 tell the Southern Baptist Convention that in 40 years of his ministry “never have I had one moral problem with a staff member, until now.” Not true. He was pastor at Prestonwood when Langworthy was sent packing. Bob Allen does a great job covering this angle of the Langworthy/Prestonwood story.
- what will Prestonwood leadership do if it is found that Langworthy has more victims over the past 20 years? Will they accept any responsibility for this in not warning the folks of Clinton, Mississippi?
From Jack Graham's tweets the morning after Shipp's story aired on TV, it seems he doesn't get it. Like Ergun Caner last summer who instead of talking to reporters and answering the allegations and chose instead to make himself the victim of Lucifer and liars, Jack Graham appears to be taking the same tack. After Brett Shipp's story broke, early the next morning Graham posted the following Tweets:

So thanks to Amy Smith for doing the hard work, and thanks to the help of New BBC Open Forum, the truth didn't stay buried, and Langworthy couldn't operate undetected any longer.
Oh, one more thing: maybe Prestonwood is a victim of sorts on another matter. As I blogged last year, they were the victims of perhaps Ergun Caner's all-time biggest fibs back in 2001 right after 9/11 when he preached at Prestonwood that English was not his first language, that he wore a "turbin", and that he was "not proud of the fact that I am part of, was part of, Islamic Jihad".
Thank God for bloggers.
Well said "thank God for bloggers" in getting the truth out!
Ha...Thank God for this blog...I don't think so.
Do people ever consider that maybe it wasn't reported to the police and the details given out because the parents of the kids involved didn't want it reported or details given out? If so, then that should be respected. Once again, do you have all the facts? No. You simply make assumptions from what little you do know.
Anon 10:33,
Would the parents then be complicit if they were minors? You may not know the burden those abused carry into adulthood. I carried mine 40+ years and finally admitted to my wife a few months ago of what was done to me. No one knows but Me, my wife now and the perp.
if the parents do not want molestation reported, call cps. their pediatrician is required to reportit. a parent who does not have a doctor check out a kid who was molested is sick
If the parents and initial victims elected to not have police involvement, that's between those parents, those kids, and the future damage that's done by it.
It is still necessary to get the information forwarded to future potential employers, especially any position connected to children.
Current parents may not want the publicity but future potential victims need protection. If the pastor knows, he's got to act.
That bloggers have to do is a shame. We should be taking care of this properly without the outside pressure. But we don't, so we need the help.
"Amy Smith, who now lives in Houston, says church leaders fired Langworthy and told him to leave town but did not report him to the police as required by a Texas law enacted in 1971."
I am wondering if the fix for all these problems would be go back to the earliest church practice to eliminate the root of the issue:
We need to eliminate the connection of service in the body of Christ with a “profession.” Something is very wrong when being a pastor is a career choice. We need to pray desperately that the giftedness of the whole ekklesia will blossom in communities where the life of Christ is flowing like living waters.
"Future potential victims."
(Anon 12:29)
They are easy to ignore because no one knows who they are but they do exist.
Remember the IMB missionary who embezzled a great deal of money from the IMB and that Baptist agency fired him but did not report the crime for fear of bad publicity?
Later he devastated the lives of over a hundred families with corrupt bookeeping.
Actually watchdog as of this week I am officially tired of bloggers. They seem to have the same effect that protest singers do. They build sympathy on issues but do they really resolve the issue? What are the laity to do with the info? Leave is an idea, but creates isolation. Form a new church, is a good idea. I mean I feel a big stint of betrayal by these pulpiteers. You are NOT the bad guys here. Bashing you bloggers only reveals their true heart. A root of bitterness has erupted and has been revealed as well. The seminary doors need a new 95 thesis of sorts on their registar doors. They have ran off those and programs who acknowledge the reality of things like post traumatic stress disorder. Please post solutions as well watchdog. Thanks for all you have done.
Wade Burleson > Full Circle: Why the SBC Child Predator Database Is Needed Now, Not Later
Anon 10:33, it doesn't matter if the parents of the kids involved didn't want it reported. The law MANDATES that the abuse be reported. The church leadership broke the law by not contacting police and launching a cover-up of their music minister's sex crimes against children.
Because of the leadership's lies and corruption, Langworthy was allowed to move on without consequence. That put countless other kids at serious risk of sexual abuse. Based on the abundant research that's been done on child predators, we can assume Langworthy violated other kids after leaving Prestonwood.
Yes, thank God for bloggers such as the Watchdog.
Wade has opened comments on his blog post.
Re: Do people ever consider that maybe it wasn't reported to the police and the details given out because the parents of the kids involved didn't want it reported or details given out? If so, then that should be respected.
It doesn't matter who does or does not want this crime reported to the police. It is required, just as when I was teaching we were required to report any suspected child abuse, not just to the school but to the police.
To have knowledge of a crime and fail to report it is and illegal act.
There simply is no excuse. Children have to be protected.
Interesting timing, as the resignation of this youth pastor happened not long after Prestonwood's founding pastor, Billy Webber, resigned due to his sexual issues.
If the parents and initial victims elected to not have police involvement, that's between those parents, those kids, and the future damage that's done by it.
Actually it isn't. Anyone with knowledge of sexual abuse of a minor is obligated to report it. Period.
The new 4-letter word.
Actually, the law where I live leaves a big loophole for parents in the mandatory reporter law. Foster parents are mandatory reporters, church staff, teachers, doctors, any form of caregiver except biological parents.
So it really isn't a matter of law for them. It's wrong to not report it, but it's actually not illegal. If anyone besides the parents know and don't report, it is illegal.
The point I was after wasn't that or to excuse those parents that don't report. It was to point out that if a parent won't report for their own children's sakes, they ought to report for the sake of other children.
For all the the hand wringing on the slow demise of newspapers, news magazines and the like, I find it encouraging that certain blogs are finding a niche.
I don't think this story would have gained traction if it weren't for blogs.
Kudos to Amy Smith for persevering.
KarenM in NC
Obviously you don't know Jack Graham and how things are done at Prestonworld. But then, you are dredging up stuff that happened 20 years ago and most likely, you have no idea of the real facts in this issue--but then, that has never stopped you from blogging about something.
BTW, Graham flat out lied about never having a sexual issue at Prestonworld because the pastor he followed had been having numerous affairs when he took the job and he started off with one. He also shared with me personally that he has had to deal with lots of affairs in his church.
To their "credit" at PBC, when they find out someone is gay they immediately ask them to leave the church.
What a wonderful testimony!
'BTW, Graham flat out lied about never having a sexual issue at Prestonworld because the pastor he followed had been having numerous affairs when he took the job and he started off with one. He also shared with me personally that he has had to deal with lots of affairs in his church. '
“never have I had one moral problem with a staff member, until now.”
Your statement is not the same as Grahams's. I have not interest in Graham's dealing here but to make such a statement which is so different than what he stated is plain wrong.
Also, What type of person are you to be so close to Graham and then use this media outlet to discredit him. You are either being ignorant in your use of words or you are outright being dishonest in Graham;'s statement to you meaning something other than what this blog has reported Graham saying. I am sure he has dealt with many adulterous situations among so many members but he spoke directly concerning staff.
"There are MANY victims in this story: the kids Langworthy victimized at Graham's church, the parents in Clinton, MS who were not warned about the risk Langworthy posed to their kids, and possibly more abuse victims there." W.D.
Blogs continue to grow the victim class. I think within the decade we will all achieve victim status; it's only right.
In the USA, there should be no suffering without some renumeration.
Seneca Griggs is an idiot.
Graham said, "never have I had one moral problem with a staff member until now" and that was in 2008.
Well, he came to Prestonwood in 1998, and had an immediate problem as well as numerous staff members over the years with sexual issues. Therfore, I am right in concluding that he lied.
BTW, I have told him to his face that what he said wasn't true so don't lecture me on how to deal with him. And in case you don't know him (which you obviously do not), you do not tell Jack he has done something wrong and come out smiling.
The anonymous person who claims to have called Jack Graham a liar to his face may have some real insight and personal experience. However, I must disagree with one point.
You wrote "Graham flat out lied .............the pastor he followed had been having numerous affairs when he took the job"
This was not on his watch and would not be a contradiction of his statement “never have I had one moral problem with a staff member, until now.” Webber was not on Jack Graham's staff.
Langworthy appears to be a different story.
Of course Jack says when you are attacked, don't respond, just let God defend you. I really wish you would rethink that stance Pastor.
This has been stated over and over, but it needs to be repeated until those that question it learn the law. Any church employee or church volunteer who is made aware of any type of physical or sexual abuse of any kind must report it to the authorities. This is Church Ministry 101.
A minor cannot consent to sexual acts with an adult, (unless there is some Romeo and Juliet law). Therefore you must report any and all sex acts/fondling of an adult with a minor.
In cases of a minor, generally the state presses charges on behalf of the minor. However many times there is not enough evidence to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. From my personal experience a church worker was convicted only on one account, because he screwed up and molested a ten year old girl. Most of his victims were little boys in his two year old Sunday School class. Two year olds do not make good witnesses.
As for the parents in this case, didn't they follow the pastor on this one? I am not sure if I remember all of the facts of the story.
'Graham said, "never have I had one moral problem with a staff member until now" and that was in 2008.
Well, he came to Prestonwood in 1998, and had an immediate problem as well as numerous staff members over the years with sexual issues. Therfore, I am right in concluding that he lied.'
Huge accusation with no proof. As far as I can see you are right only to yourself and anyone else who wants to tar and feather Graham without facts. I don't know you and really don't care if I ever do but I refuse to just take your word on this. As far as I know you may be one of those staff members with sexual issues (not an accusation) or a moral example to all. The issue is proof. Your word is not enough.
'BTW, I have told him to his face that what he said wasn't true so don't lecture me on how to deal with him. And in case you don't know him (which you obviously do not), you do not tell Jack he has done something wrong and come out smiling.'
I don't need to know Graham. Right is right and wrong is wrong and it is wrong to verbally hang a man because you think he ought to be hung or your word should be good enough. If you can't stand your ground with Graham, that's a personal problem you will have to deal with. He is just a man.
"He is just a man."
No, he is a "man of God."
"He is just a man."
No, he is a "man of God." WD
As such were King David, Solomon et.al.
Men of God but still fallen men.
Yes -- thank God for bloggers. I pray protection over you because these deceptive church leaders are deadly.
They are capable of using people for their own gain in so many ways. They think nothing of attempting to drain every ounce of someone's spirituality, self-esteem or money.
I recently saw an envelope to a Christian organization that said, "Here's my $100 for a verbal blessing."
It costs $100 for a televangelist or other preacher to give someone a verbal blessing or an encouraging word? What is wrong with people?
These "leaders" do this to make money or simply as an ego trip to see how many people they can control.
We have to start standing up to this and yes -- It begins with getting the word out about what is going on.
The point I was after wasn't that or to excuse those parents that don't report. It was to point out that if a parent won't report for their own children's sakes, they ought to report for the sake of other children.
Okay, that's a fair statement. Although if they don't care enough about their own children to report, then what makes anyone think they'd care about other people's children?
Well, he came to Prestonwood in 1998, and had an immediate problem as well as numerous staff members over the years with sexual issues.
Jack Graham came to Prestonwood in 1989.
This story needs to be told. I thanked New BBC for posting it, and I am thanking you.
If crimes are committed, particularly against children, they should be reported to the police. It does not matter that the parents might not like them reported. Parents cannot stop the report of crimes to the authorities. The identities of the children would be protected anyway.
Jack is on the way OUT! No way he can survive this self-made disaster. Maybe they ought to just clean house and tell ALL STAFF to leave by Sept. 1. And then, maybe 'ole Mac will give him a job at FBC Jax? Could be quite the pair -- "The Dynamic Duo! Mac and Jac" -- 2 guys who will take you and your kids for all they are worth! Bring your wallets and your kids and give 'em all to us... you'll be glad you did (or NOT!)
Also, this is one of the many reasons why a database (which I am against for lots of reasons) would not do what its proponents claim.
No one at Prestonwood reported this when it happened. They don't want to talk about it now - 22 years later.
Churches that don't want to cooperate cannot be counted on to cooperate.
That last post was mine. Forgot to sign.
Oh, Dog, grammar correction.
I think it's "tack" not "tact".
If I am right, correct and remove this comment.
If I am wrong, leave all alone.
Anon said: "Actually watchdog as of this week I am officially tired of bloggers. They seem to have the same effect that protest singers do. They build sympathy on issues but do they really resolve the issue? What are the laity to do with the info? "
I understand. But as I have said before, exposing the nonsense, the hypocrisy, the abuse, and the false teachings IS doing something. As more people have their eyes opened, as they are challenged to think about what they see in their churches and what their preachers are saying, change will be accomplished slowly.
Louis, what if the SBC established a policy to "withdraw fellowship" from ANY church not reporting credibly accused minister or staff sex-abuse. Can't be a autonomy issue...that tactic is used on churches that call female pastors or refuse to condemn gays in their congregations. A data base would be to create and maintain.
A database of convicted, admitted and credibly accused ministers could have made a huge difference in this case. By keeping records on credibly accused ministers, Southern Baptists could assure that trained professionals -- people outside the accused minister's immediate circle of trust (and also outside the cover-uppers' circle of trust) -- will assess accusations to determine their credibility.
For example, look at what happened in this case. Amy Smith, the former Prestonwood staff member who is quoted in the WFAA report, had been trying for over a year to get someone to do something. Trying hard. That’s over a year in which still more kids were left at risk, and parents unwarned (that’s in addition to the 21 years’ worth of additional risk that Prestonwood had already allowed by its original inaction). If there had been a denominational office to which Amy could have provided her information – an office with trained professionals -- kids could have been better protected much sooner. That office could have responsibly assessed the allegations, reported on its assessment to Morrison Heights, and then kept a record if the allegations were found credible. (And if a church chose to keep a convicted, admitted or credibly accused minister in the pulpit, the SBC could conceivably choose to disfellowship.)
Such denominational review processes are common for clergy abuse allegations in other major faith groups. If Southern Baptists provided such a process (and if it were truly a safe and welcoming place staffed by trained professionals), there would likely be many more clergy abuse survivors who would bring forward reports of abuse. But as things now stand, there is nowhere within the faith community for them to turn, and most won't even attempt to go to the church of their perpetrator. Since most cases are too old for criminal prosecution, this leaves them with little recourse.
In effect, the creation of a denominational database would help to protect churches against the inaction of their sister churches because it would allow that reports could also be received from knowledgeable church staff members (i.e., people such as Amy Smith) and from abuse survivors. As things now stand, a single church that ordains a minister on minimal standards or that turns a blind eye to egregious conduct can effectively unleash a predator into the larger body of SBC churches. By implementing a denominational system of assessment and record-keeping, Southern Baptists could assure that churches have a chance to be better informed about their clergy. They could also provide a compassionate hearing within the faith community to those who have been horribly abused within the faith. And even if denominational assessments can’t put a predatory preacher in prison, they can at least assure that he will not be able to use the power and trust of his ministerial position as a weapon.
Christa Brown said...
Well at least you can dream, as this just ain't going to happen.
The Biggies in charge of the SBC are only interested in "new" unfamiliar converts who can be trained to be loyal followers of the growing Mega Church, Anointed Pastor movement.
Them's you don't question as they deal with all problems internally.
Every Christian man is a "man of God", and similarly for every Christian woman. We are all part of the body, and none is more important than any other. All are sinners redeemed by grace through faith, and all are to be in mutual submission to each other. None is more worthy than any other, and all are subject to the human tendency to sin.
Calling the pastor a "man of God" is misleading at best.
Arce - I agree completely. I hear the term "man of God" used over and over again by people to refer to the pastor.."he is a wonderful, faithful man of God", as though he is separate, unique, and above others.
Anon 10:32 said
"Jack is on the way OUT! No way he can survive this self-made disaster."
There is not nearly enough pressure on Jack Graham or Prestonwood to force them to do or say ANYTHING at this point. They have issued the official statement and Jack has posted his veiled tweets. That is all you will hear from them unless this gets more attention. The local news media seems to have stalled out on this. Brett Shipp has bigger fish to fry. Yesterday Mr. Shipp was the victim of a physical altercation with embattled Dallas County Commish John Wiley Price. That story will get the headlines.
Jack is totally safe and secure at Prestonwood. If you think some random article by the Dallas Morning News is going to worry him then you are sadly mistaken and I can assure you that he will never answer to a blog or bloggers.
Anon 9:58
The article was not "random". it includes serious questions that should be answered. I think this whole thing did rattle Jack a bit and the tweets are evidence of that.
Of course, him and Buster have a playbook for how to handle things like this and they will stick too it. I also suspect they have some influence with local media.
There are not enough people at Prestonwood who have any interest in all of this or would dare ask questions. Leadership knows that and they are expecting this to just go away. Maybe it will, or maybe the bloggers will prove you wrong.
This is nothing but a little wave on the horizon of a big ship called Prestonwood Baptist Church. Your bloggers won't cause a ripple in that church.
Thank God for this blog? How about we just acknowledge that Satan exists and God allows his existence and allows his manifestation ... case in point ... this blog.
How about we just acknowledge that Satan exists and God allows his existence in troubled Churches filled with pleasures of men, greedy for power, unable to lead sinners to grace.
How about we just acknowledge that Satan exists and is alive and present in the churches, leaving his mark of rule.
How about we just acknowledge that Satan exists and is alive and present in the churches, leaving his mark of rule.
I am an older Pastor who years ago attended Prestonwood while Jack Graham was there. To me the main point is being missed. This is a question of sufficiency of Scripture. The Bible has clearly told Prestonwood what to do. Their training in church growth, psychology, sociology gave them human wisdom to think they knew better. Now they refuse to admit this sin. They should have immediately followed Scripture and announced from the Prestonwood pulpit, “John Langworthy has admitted to sexually abusing children in this congregation. H e has been fired and we have contacted the police and CPS to thoroughly investigate this matter as to possible criminal charges.”
I would encourage readers to listen to or read the following sermon which is case on point. Here are a few excerpts to whet your appetite-Excerpts from last half of Restoring Biblical Eldership, Part 2 by Pastor John MacArthur
I Timothy 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.
We need to be supportive of our Pastor and not entertain or even listen to gossip, slander, hearsay accusing him of any wrongdoing. The evident exception to this is when there is corroborating testimony from another witness or two. At that point the church and Christians are obligated Scripturally to investigate and see whether or not it is true. If untrue stand with him and defend him. If true, go to verse 20. (I would personally add-If the sin involves criminal activity such as sexual abuse of children the obligation is increased. We are to consider government as God’s ministry of justice. We are to obey all laws. The only exception is a law that forces you to disobey God’s Word. Are laws regarding abuse of defenseless children good laws? You should go immediately to the police and if they are negligent get the media involved to force them to do their duty. Further the church doing the defrocking has an obligation to follow the abuser and warn other churches and communities.)
I Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
Them here in verse 20 refers to an elder in verse 19. A Pastor or Associate who is found to be in sin loses protection. There are no steps listed as a process. Once it is ascertained that sin has occurred that Pastor is to be immediately fired and publicly rebuked (exposed, reproved, brought to conviction) before all-the whole church, nothing here confines this to a board of the church. The sin of one in that position is more serious and to be punished more severely because its implications are greater. If you're the model of spiritual life, if you're the model of godliness, if you're supposed to be the example and you do not live the example that pleases God,.. 99.9 chances out of a hundred the man would instantly repent, say, "I'll never do it again," if he thought that would let him stay where he is and nobody would ever find out publicly. But that serves no good at all. If the man has been found to be in a pattern of sin, then he is disqualified by 1 Timothy chapter 3, he's no longer blameless so he's out of the ministry anyway and he is to be publicly rebuked for his sin because there has to be some explanation about why he's out. … you put a man of dubious character in a continuing ministry because you're afraid to say the truth about the man because you're more concerned to protect the man than you are to protect the name of the Lord God whom he says he serves.
I know Mr. Langworthy personally. I must say when I found out about this I did not believe it. I understand families are hurt and people are concerned, but this occurred 20 something years ago!! Ever heard of forgiveness, not judging others, or giving others another chance? I am sorry for his victims but I believe the ultimate judgement will come from God. Mr. Langworthy is an amazing Man and is a BIG reason why alot of college students have been saved. When sitting in college choir with him it is hard to explain the passion in his voice and what he does… we ALL have made mistakes… there are thousands out there who have been accused of sexually motivated crimes BUT do they not deserve forgiveness? If your answer to that question is no… then all I can say is…. God will have the ultimate judgement. Also, I have grown up believing and being taught that all sin is equal. Mr. Langworthy is an amazing man… bottom line.
Mr. Langworthy is an amazing man… bottom line.
Try to tell that to the numerous children he has now been accused of molesting.
HA! So one poster gives PW credit for asking a gay person to leave? Well I had an abusive cheating spouse I begged for help with at PW- Jack Graham AND his pastors turned their backs on me. My ex is now attending PW with the other person involved and they both are treated like saints. So Graham is ok with abusers, cheaters and protecting child molesters but let's give him credit for asking gays to leave. Let me tell you something- PW is a business. Graham gives favors and endless plugs from the pulpit for his buddies like Ziglar and Kenneth Cooper. He even has security detail at PW for Ziglar to keep him coming. He knows the deep pockets. Graham lives in a mansion and his pastors make huge sums as well. His family is on the PW payroll. Come to watch the Sunday show, pay your tithe and go home please and don't bother us. Jack Graham name-drops and plugs his buds at the pulpit. And he brags about PW's children's ministry-oh God help us. And Jack Graham needs to be held to account for his disgraceful and hideous betrayal of children.
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