Blaine has the maturity to handle intense criticism and not be bitter or resentful, and to choose to stay positive.
Blaine Gabbert is the 22-year old quarterback of the Jacksonville Jaguars who last year had probably the worst year of any rookie NFL quarterback who was a starter for their team.
In his first year in the NFL Gabbert had the cards stacked against him. He was 21 years old, had a shortened rookie season training camp due to the NFL lockout, and then went from being a third stringer who was supposed to spend the 2011 season behind two veterans learning how to be an NFL quarterback, to suddenly finding himself as the Jaguars starting quarterback in week 3 of the 2011 season. And he probably had the worse set of receivers ever to be assembled on an NFL roster. To make matters worse, Gabbert was playing for a dysfunctional coaching staff, whose head coach would be fired before the season was over.
All of this resulted in the worst of seasons for Gabbert. He played terribly. The fans (myself included!) and the media were merciless. He was ridiculed in every way imaginable. Jokes every Monday at work in Jacksonville were made about his throwing motion, his inability to stay in the pocket. His appearance was ridiculed. His apparent lack of leadership on the field was critiqued. He was called a coward, couldn't stand up to the rush, fans booed him. The Jags GM, Gene Smith, has been criticized for selecting Gabbert in the 2011 draft, and is still criticized by fans for being optimistic about Gabbert's abilities heading into the 2012 season.
I wrote last year about Tim Tebow's ability to handle the criticism he receives and what pastors might learn from Tim in this regard. I'm glad to see that Blaine Gabbert is showing the same maturity - who knows, maybe he has watched and learned from Tim Tebow.
Some quotes from Gabbert in the article:
"I didn't really listen to all the criticism. Some of it was necessary, some of it probably unnecessary. Everybody is going to have their opinions. Controversy sells. You watch the news. Every day there's some type of controversy going on in this country. People watch it for that. It's kind of sickening, but that's what people like to see and hear."
Gabbert says he didn't pay attention to all of the criticism. Oh, he heard it. And it had to hurt. He knows he deserved some of it and he understands the fans that pay his salary have a right to criticize and demand that he play better. But he did not complain. He did not blame others or the many factors outside of his control. He did not demand that people cut him slack just because he was the Jags first-round pick, or based on his accomplishments at the college level.
Then Gabbert shows that he understands in his position he will get the darts, that it goes with the territory:
Then Gabbert shows that he understands in his position he will get the darts, that it goes with the territory:
"There's guys that get criticized a lot worse than I do, but it's part of the game, part of the position I play. You're the most scrutinized person on the field. The NFL brand is No. 1 in the world. Being a starting quarterback on an NFL team, you're going to get scrutinized every move you make. That should be in the contract, 'You're going to get criticized on every play.' But that's what makes it fun, makes it competitive."
Gabbert has a right to be ticked off over all the factors outside of his control that led to his terrible season. He might even have a right to lash out at some of the local media personalities who have been most critical. He was a number one draft pick, after all, and he really didn't get a honeymoon.
But he knows it is part of his position, that every move he makes is up for criticism whether he likes it or not. It is part and parcel of the job description of an NFL quarterback - you will be criticized.
Gabbert instead chooses to look forward and knows that he can win people over by just being himself and working hard to improve at his job. He can't gain supporters by demanding that they love him or give him a fair chance - he will win them over through staying positive, working hard, and letting the critics be the critics.
I predict much success for Gabbert this season. He has gone through the fire, and by coming through it without being bitter or resentful and not demanding respect but instead working to earn it, I think he is poised to do great things in 2012.
But he knows it is part of his position, that every move he makes is up for criticism whether he likes it or not. It is part and parcel of the job description of an NFL quarterback - you will be criticized.
Gabbert instead chooses to look forward and knows that he can win people over by just being himself and working hard to improve at his job. He can't gain supporters by demanding that they love him or give him a fair chance - he will win them over through staying positive, working hard, and letting the critics be the critics.
I predict much success for Gabbert this season. He has gone through the fire, and by coming through it without being bitter or resentful and not demanding respect but instead working to earn it, I think he is poised to do great things in 2012.
People are not attacking his character, they are attacking his football skills.
YOU...on the other hand....slandered Mac and the character of our beloved FBC.
So sad that you would make this comparison...very cowardly.
9:53am . . .stop trying to throw guilt on W/D - you sound like you are a part of the Soud family with using the word "coward". . .I am a former member of the church - it was my beloved church until Mac Brunson came, fired good people, bullied his congregation - believe me Tom Rich's character is far far above that of the senior pastor. Give it up - actually there were no winners as MANY of us were hurt in this case - your beloved pastor could have stepped in & stopped it on day one, but he didn't! Shame on FBC - their reputation has been tarnished in Jacksonville!
Anon 9:53 You are so sad because FBC got embarrassed. Problem is you just don;t believe it happened. Well it did so just move on and quit acting so babyish,
Anon 9:53 > You are so sad because FBC got embarassed and you just don't believe it happened. Remember Mac preached one time and said you can't always have it your way. Get over it and move on. Keep your chin up and grow up. By the way were you ever a quarterback or just a water boy?
Note: Mac Brunson's apology was of little value since it was forced. Had he done that in the beginning, the case would had been closed. Congratulations to the Rich family for standing up to a bully.
I too do not believe Mr. Brunson's apology was his idea.
It is the classic case of non-apology, apology.
Mac Brunson is a bitter man, he is using the bible to mask his lack of spiritual respect.
Come on everyone. Lets grow up and move on. The discussion is about Blaine Gabbert!
Tom, I concur with everything you said about Blaine. He is the franchise quarterback and everyone needs to give the guy some time and room to grow. Nuff said!
To all the Anons fighting with each other here...
You know... the post is about Blaine Gabbert.
Anyway, I don't really kept up on the Jags much, but I like to watch the games when they come on in the season. Every season that the Jags don't do well, I always think to myself, "Maybe next season..."
And with the new owner, new coach and staff changes, and obviously this new QB, maybe this is the year it might change. Who knows? Maybe the change is just what the team needs.
Personally, I'm very thankful for our town to have an NFL team, as you may know only 32 places in this entire country have a team, and there are many markets much larger than Jax, who'd love a team.
Go WD, and go Jags.
Gabbert shows no Christian moxie. If he did he would start a blog against those criticizing him for saying things about him and sue them for defamation. No free speech allowed against true BBB (blue-blooded-bloggers). To the courts, I say! To the end, if need be.
The dog can't handle criticism, the lawsuit proves it. He was called a name by the local bully and the only good Christian thing to do was, not turn the other cheek but call a lawyer.
Ever notice how the TROLL is almost always the first one to post a comment?
He must have Tom's blog as his home page and refresh it every few seconds so he can be the first one to defend his misbehaving pastor.
Get a life, loser.
"The dog can't handle criticism, the lawsuit proves it. He was called a name by the local bully and the only good Christian thing to do was, not turn the other cheek but call a lawyer."
Wow, TROLL you are even more ignorant that I first thought. And that took some doing my friend.
Your perfect pastor did something illegal and WD used the proper methods to force him to make ammends.
That is how our justice system (that Jesus supported in scripture)works. Stop me when this gets too complicated for you.
The opposite of that would be what Mac did. To improperly use the justice system to try to violate an individual's free speech rights.
In the simplest terms possible (which still make be too complicated for you), one did the right thing and the other did the wrong thing.
Got it?
"Your perfect pastor did something illegal and WD used the proper methods to force him to make ammends."
When the law of the land is in conflict with the word of God, follow the word. Yes, Tom did what a man made system allowed while ignoring the God given order of how it is to be. Our, or at least the Christians I know, first and foremost give their allegiance to God. If Tom was playing by the worlds rules, as you imply and I agree, then he won what he deserved, nothing eternal.
"That is how our justice system (that Jesus supported in scripture)works. Stop me when this gets too complicated for you."
I think Jesus set the example when they brought to Him the woman caught in adultery. She was guilty, her accusers were ecstatic, Jesus did not follow the governmental rule. He loved her, spoke to her, forgave her and told her to do it no more.
I'll chose the way of the Master, you can have the political realm where you find your security and marching orders, my friend.
"When the law of the land is in conflict with the word of God, follow the word."
Man, you are one slow TROLL. We've already dealt with this issue. I'm not sure how correcting you again will serve any purpose. It will just go in one of your pastor worshiping ears and right out the other pastor worshipping ear - with absolutely nothing in between to slow it down.
Repeating - what Mac did was wrong biblically and what Tom did was right biblically.
I can't dumb it down for you any more than that.
Yes, Tom did what a man made system allowed while ignoring the God given order of how it is to be.
Nope. Wrong again TROLL.
Wrongly calling a critic a sociopath is not only a crime but also unbiblical.
"Our, or at least the Christians I know, first and foremost give their allegiance to God."
Not if they are like you. A man-worshiper that thinks that his hero can do no wrong even when what he does is clearly condemned in scripture.
That is allegiance to man not God.
"If Tom was playing by the worlds rules, as you imply and I agree, then he won what he deserved, nothing eternal."
Another straw-man argument. Seriously, is that the best you can do. Cause it's pretty pathetic.
You are a sore loser. Your hero did wrong and was forced to do the right thing by the court system.
Move on.
Get over it.
"I think Jesus set the example when they brought to Him the woman caught in adultery. She was guilty, her accusers were ecstatic, Jesus did not follow the governmental rule. He loved her, spoke to her, forgave her and told her to do it no more."
Still haven't learned to interpret scripture in context have you TROLL? That helps to explain your inability to interpret verses about the OT tithe correctly.
That verse was a special circumstance (in a case where the mega-preachers of his day) were trying to force him to make a decision that would help them make Christ unpopular with the public.
It was delivered in a theocracy by God who was able to directly forgive sins. Other than those technicalities, your interpretation is correct.
That verse is generally used by non-christians to judge Christians for being judgmental.
Of course, if you took that to its logical conclusion, you would need to take every murderer and rapist and let them out of the city jails.
Really really horrible thinking.
But not unexpected since it is totally self-serving.
"I'll chose the way of the Master, you can have the political realm where you find your security and marching orders, my friend."
Actually, you have chosen the way of man. The preacher man. You support him in his sinful behaviour and thus defile the message of Christ.
Christ is no respector of persons. He never excuses sin. Even when it is the pastor of your church.
The court system (that Christ supports in the scriptures) has further verified that what your pastor did was sin.
He has admitted his mistake from the pulpit.
Now it is your turn to do the same.
It takes a big man to admit he is wrong.
I guess your pastor is a bigger man than you are.
Isn't it sad when the law has to be called to force a Baptist preacher to do the right thing?
I remember Jerry Falwell suing someone years ago for slander. He won a court decision but was awarded only one dollar. So both religious leaders do and can get sued..its called the law and the law won.
Guys yall need to get a life. He did not say one negative thing about the church or Mac in this post.
"I remember Jerry Falwell suing someone years ago for slander. He won a court decision but was awarded only one dollar. So both religious leaders do and can get sued..its called the law and the law won."
And this makes suing someone right, before God, how?
anon 1:58. You have no idea just how silly your inquiry reveals the lack of legality in the court system. You need to go down to the civil court and see what you are ignorant of. If it wern't right the judges wouldn't allow thousands of cases to be filed every day of the week. Gosh!!
"You have no idea just how silly your inquiry reveals the lack of legality in the court system. You need to go down to the civil court and see what you are ignorant of. If it wern't right the judges wouldn't allow thousands of cases to be filed every day of the week. Gosh!!"
Is there a reason you left God out of the response, since my comment asked about it being right before God? I hope you don't believe every lawsuit allowed is God honoring. If you do there is no need to discuss this anymore since it no longer a spiritual discussion from your end.
Anon 10:50 am. The powers that be are ordained of God. Hopefully, you can accept this truth.
Steve Gaines's Crosses show up on Drudgereport.com
as the Messiah goes to Texas
"The powers that be are ordained of God. Hopefully, you can accept this truth."
So, when the powers that be take a stand to murder children through the convenience of abortion, God is ordaining this? You are warped if you think so.
anon 7"06. I didn't say anything regarding agreement with or disagreement with any particular law, GOD IS THE FINAL JUDGE NOT YOU AND NOT ME OR ANYONE ELSE. YOU
And this debate will be subject into infinity, the debate must go on just as saving people must go on. Nothing changes espically false teaching.
I bet you just post a Title with no artcle people will comment and argue to kingdom come.
Being Christian does not absolve your responsibilities or extinguish your rights as a citizen in a civil society. Aside from the obvious render unto Caesar reference, Paul had no reluctance in resorting to the legal system of his time - he appealed to Caesar.
It would appear that some readers subscribe to some strange doctrine akin to Papal infallibility, where clergy are above criticism or question.
I have no knowledge of the original issue but surely if the minister was correct he could explain and substantiate his actions.
Lashing out would suggest he is not able to do so.
Just when I was getting a little respect back for the Jaquars I read in the newspaper that defensice taackle Terrance Knighton needed "eye surgery" which he sustained at the Pure Nightclub around 2 am Sunday morning.
As Tim Tebow said the NFL players are role models, like it or not being they are in the public eye - hats off to Tim for standing firm. Knighton has failed off the field.
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