Imagine that. Emir Caner, president of a seminary (Truett-McConnell College) that exists for the furtherance of the gospel, referring to the efforts of a competing evangelical mission as being filthy sexual pornography.
Interesting how ugly these "men of God" can be when they are in competition with each other for dollars to fund missions. You see, the Acts 29 Network is funded by churches who might otherwise funnel their money to the SBC "Cooperative Program"...so to fund Acts 29 Network is to fund pornography to Emir and friends.
Another example of how the Caner brothers are a colossal disaster. They were vaulted to stardom after 9/11 based on Ergun Caner's phony-baloney story of being raised in Europe and trained in terrorism....when both Emir and Ergun actually were raised in Columbus, Ohio.
The more we hear of the Caner's the more we realize the joke that Vines and Patterson and Brunson pulled on the evangelical world after 9/11 by giving these guys credibility they never earned.
And I might add, some of Emir Caner's brother's worst sermons filled with his lies are much closer to being spiritual pornography than anything I can think of.
Ergun is going to Texas
So planting new churches and replanting dead and dying churches to spread the word of Jesus is equivalent to the stash of porn found at a terrorist leaders compound?
And these men (Emir and Ergun) are training up our future pastors, youth pastors, and other leaders in the church.
Even if they have an issue with how something is being done, they should never tear down the work someone else is trying to do to serve God.
This is sad and troublesome. I wish something could be done to get these two (and their cronies) out of the ministry so they can stop poising the minds of our future!
Dr. Caner speaks truth...
"Anonymous said...
Dr. Caner speaks truth...
May 18, 2011 8:14 AM"
I can handle the truth and here it is.... Ergun and Emir Caner are arrogant and selfish men that will one day be found out. One day they will learn that you should not mock God!
How come the followers of the Caner brothers do not stop and ask themselves how it is everyone else is lying except Emir & Ergun.
The courts are lying, the blogs are lying the videos are lying and any other evidence that exposes these men are lies.
Have you once ever asked yourself that maybe everyone else is telling the truth and these two men are telling lies to sell books and rake in speaking fees?
Maybe you cant handle the truth!
First to the lying...should there not be some grace issued to Ergun (havet seen anything implicating Emir)? Then on toy main issue which the running down of another Christian mission but it strikes me that running down Emir and Ergu
Is what this article hinges on. Just something to think about. Full disclosure I am a fan of both guys but not a lemming or a dumb sheep just want fair treatment.
Jonathan Jenkins:
So, are you saying that Emir Caner wasn't wrong to make his comments? Why do you have that position? Do you have the position that the Caners can do no wrong, and all the problems are with their accusers?
Jonathan Jenkins,
Respectfully, when Caner repents of his serial lying, then I will extend him some grace. But I'm not holding my breath.
When he repents of his filthy mouth as it pertains to women in the military service, I will extend him some grace.
The scriptures tell us to not even eat with a believer who will not repent.
Caner has been given every opportunity to put this whole fiasco right. His response is to keep on blaming other people for his own wrong behavior.
Now, Emir (who surely knows his brother is a liar) is showing his arrogance. To equate pornography with the Acts 29 network is sickening and vile.
Shameful, shameful, shameful.
I must be out of the loop. Are there accusations of pornography among Acts 29 members?
Not sure if you are being serious or not, but the answer is no. At least not to my knowledge. I'm guessing it's a reference to Mark Driscoll's sermon on the Song of Solomon which was strongly criticized by almost everyone. I personally think Mark went too far, way too far. Mark is learning and maturing and that's evident in his current preaching. Of course, add the fact, that Driscoll is a Calvinist and it's pretty easy to see where Emir is going with his crude insinuation.
Well there is, in a manner of speaking. Mark Driscoll's preaching has contained crass vulgar sexual content; vile unspeakable things that should never be uttered, and especially not by a pastor in a pulpit. It has rightfully been strongly criticized, including by other prominent Calvinists such as John MacArthur.
However, Emir Caner's tweet is a most regrettable response. There is a right way to object to Driscoll's language and behavior - and those who are in fellowship with Driscoll despite (or maybe even because of?) said language and behavior like Acts 29 - and a wrong way. Emir Caner chose the wrong way, and his doing so (and his regretful handling of the incident since doing so) says as much about him as it does about Driscoll and Acts 29. And yes, one must view this in the context of past statements and actions by the Caners.
I have no problem stating that Driscoll and Acts 29 are highly problematic that many good Christians are concerned about (or should be concerned about) but Emir Caner's tweet and subsequent behavior is less about Mark Driscoll and more about Emir Caner.
And before anyone suggests that my statements against Driscoll and Acts 29 are REALLY motivated by Calvinism, I should add that I am a 5 point Calvinist.
Brother Jonathan,
Thank you for standing up for frontline apologetics. When I debated out there in dangerous, hostile environments such as SBC churches and Christian college classrooms, I was constantly the target for criticism on the internet. Particularly from people who couldn't keep up with my biographical updates.
Thank you Jonathan Jenkins, for demonstrating your wisdom by sticking with me in light of the forged evidence against me! It takes more than edited videos to knock me down honey! Boom!
Pastor Jenkins, I am available to speak at your church this summer, by the way.
Elected because I selected,
There is a huge difference between satire and slander. "Satire is a literary manner which blends a critical attitude with humor and wit to the end that human institutions or humanity may be improved. The true satirist is conscious of the frailty of institutions of man’s devising and attempts through laughter not so much to tear them down as to inspire a remodeling."
Anon 10:46,
Oh, I want to "inspire a remodeling" honey! BOOM!
Slander would mean my accusations aren't true Anon. The only slander that has gone on is perhaps what Ergun Caner has done to the reputation of Christ and His church.
Try watching the videos, unless they have Youtube down there in the sand where your head is.
The Calvin/non Calvin fight is heating up in the SBC leader stratosphere. It is getting nasty. Just go read SBC Voices and SBC Today. They are all trying to act like the other side is worse.
I see another CR coming. See, once they secured their power by cooperating after the last CR, they are now trying to "purify" the SBC even more.
Now, as to Acts 29...there is a real problem. Many pew sitters are giving to what they think is the CP but some churches are funneling it into Acts 29.
The SBC is spiritually dead. Think about it. We actually take guys like Driscoll and the Caner's seriously.
Follow Christ. Not SBC leaders or those on the fringes like thesse guys.
People seriously just need to follow Jesus and tell the world and stop bashing each other. Caner's comments were way out of line for sure. He needs to find some Christian maturity. But I have seen equal immaturity on the Calvinist side too. We all need to focus on unity in Christ and being willing to disagree and still love one another.
The Georgia Baptist Convention and its associations have a history with PORNOGRAPHY. Remember the Ga Blogger's issue and resolution theafter by the GBC( which you posted about) exposing a Pastor whose son and Music Minister was caught viewing the stuff.
The Ga Baptist Convention would know PORN extremely well.
Once again, for the chorus of those responded by insinuating that I am a Candr lemming. I don't think that what either of them did was the right thing. However I also think that it is hypocritical at best for people on this website to revel in these to Christian men's shortcomings all the while reviling one of them for tearing down another Christian group on mission.
Now I don't think the watchdog was reveling but some of the comments I've seen have definitely crossed the line from respectful discussion to just badmouthing.
And for all the anonymous comments and the fake Ergun Caner, I would tell you I've never read anywhere in Scripture where Jesus or the apostles made a comment and didn't have the fortitude to own up to it. I guess it's easy to throw meanness around when you think no one knows who it is.
ANON said:
I see another CR coming. See, once they secured their power by cooperating after the last CR, they are now trying to "purify" the SBC even more.
Now, as to Acts 29...there is a real problem. Many pew sitters are giving to what they think is the CP but some churches are funneling it into Acts 29.
The SBC is spiritually dead. Think about it. We actually take guys like Driscoll and the Caner's seriously.
Could we all settle down a bit? Oh wait this is May 18th, I think we have.
Clark D
"However I also think that it is hypocritical at best for people on this website to revel in these to Christian men's shortcomings all the while reviling one of them for tearing down another Christian group on mission. "
Oh yes, it is a great sin to even mention the 9 years of lies of a celebrity Christian leader who profited off those lies.
I mean we are all Christian celebrity leader lying to the public for 9 years about being a trained terrorist, writing books about it and speaking on stages all over the US. How DARE us all!
It would have been more "Christian" to say nothing while this charlatan gains more followers or goes to a new place to corrupt more young people.
Amazing what passes for following Christ these days. Please tell me you are not a pastor or aspiring Christian celebrity.
I see all the Caner groupies are out in force. They learned deception from the master.
"But I have seen equal immaturity on the Calvinist side too. "
How on earth do Caner's lies have to do with Calvin?
I am not a Calvinist and I am appalled at Caner. I am even more appalled at all his apologist who claim to be followers of Christ and excuse his brazen lying for so long and even making money off lies.
Brother Jonathan Jenkins,
For the last 15 months I've watched men of authority and esteem like Jonathan Falwell, Jerry Falwell Jr, and Norman Geisler either cover up, or outright ignore, flagrant sin in front of their faces in order to protect reputations and enrollment numbers.
They have proved they will go to great lengths to protect their establishments. You should understand why people like me don't trust them with our names.
Emir apologized for the Tweet on his website yesterday.
What I find interesting is that he can apologize for something so much smaller than what Ergun did, and Ergun can't apologize.
Anyone noticed the logo on emircaner.com "Truth is Immortal". I find it funny that his logo is about being truthful, when he is either a part of or covering up the lies of his own brother!
The only army in the world that shoots its own soldiers is God's army.
Shame on the lot of you. For one another you should be praying and as for your long opinions, that time should be used in seeking and winning the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ, and/or in meditation upon His Blessed Holy Word.
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